(2012/02) Feb 2012

Catherine, gg_lee is right, if Bb sleep on our bed, it will be very difficult to train him to sleep alone on his own bed next time. So even my #1 sleep in my room, I let him sleep in his playpen. Haiz, don knw how to train him to sleep in his own child bed and in his room leh. Cos I wan to use his playpen for #2.

my bb has been sleeping with us in an aircon room since he was born. no probs for him at all. in fact, if no aircon in room at nite, he can't sleep well cos he'll keep sweating. When he was NB, he slept in a cot but moved to sleeping in a bed with us since he was about 4-5 months old. He's slept there with us since. I think #2 will sleep with us in the bed from beginning. Hubby will prob b relegated to the floor. :p
Catherine> re: play on mattress or playpen. I went thru a similar thought process, but my friends shared that if u let bb play on mattress, you have to keep your eyes on the bb at ALL times, perhaps u can do it but if it's someone else like your mum or your hubby u must trust that they 100% do the same.. i know i cant really trust my hubby! if the fone rings he might just get distracted! lol. alternatively if u have a playpen, it's deep/soft enuff to know u can at least run to the toilet, or turn off the kettle. and they are not expensive. starting from $49 to $200+..
ging3r, don think it of much use. Cos when they knows how to crawl, they will crawl away from the pillow and sleep else where. My #1's sleeping pattern is scary loh, he can sleep from the left to the right, top to bottom, tummy down, face up, his sides or 360 turn in the playpen. Every hr I wake up and see, he is in different position. This started since he knows how to roll and got worst when he knows how to crawl. Seems like all bb the same. If sleep on mattress or in his own child bed which I intent to shift him to, I worried he will roll off the bed. Even the bed railings don help too. There was once he fell down from his bed at my MIL's hse from the corner where no railings (railings in the centre of the bed). Don knw how he do it. And he continued to sleep after the fall so I don know when he fall.

So I always think better to sleep in cot or playpen:
1) 100% won't fall from bed (peace of mind)
2) we hav couple time
3) easy training to sleep on his own in his own room and bed next time
4) more place for us to sleep on our bed cos its really cramp when he sleep with us on our bed.
5) we won't kick and box him half way thru our sleep
6) Bb hav more space to roll and flip during sleep and play

The above is jus my views.
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to have bug in, please take a look at my album, all clothings sold are in good condition. Selling price are from S$20 to S$5 excluding postage. Collection can be done in Punggol, Bishan and Town area. Please PM me or email me at [email protected].


Here are just some of the dresses.
Thx munmies for yr advises. My frens were telling me if we spoil our sons to sleep in aircon room, they can't sleep when they r in army camp. Will discuss with my mum and hubby tomorrow.

Hi whitefreakles, we r due almost the same time., I m due on 29 feb!!!
catherine>my boy sleeps in aircon room during nite but ok to sleep without it during day with a fan. think its ok.
Hi Catherine, no worries la, u still got lots of time to think wat u wan to do. Motherhood is a journey, u will discover new things as u go along and all bbies are different and everyone has different parenting method
Yup gg totally agree with u. But end of the day we want the best for our kid right... I only fear bb will climb over our head cos I can b softhearted... I guess my hubby will give in too cos he will feel bad not spending time with little fellow.

Juz 2 weeks back he bought a new tv so that bb can watch his nursery rhyme DVD. He say he has 1 tv bb 1 tv. I have lots to do b4 bb is born.... Like empty my spare wardrobe ensure no sharp angle in my furniture blah blah

Oh yes a fren intro me to a lady cleaning dust mites on yr bed not sure if any mummies have tried that....pls share yr exp
Hmmmm to think about it how is it possible to have couple time after bb is born? Bb will b our '3rd party' ... We go office bb follow, go home bb also follow, weekends bb also around... Can't go movies, holiday ... How huh? I dun intend to rely on my parents unnecessary.... I can anticipate what my hubby say... Haha
Hi Catherine =) I was supposed to be Mar, but gynae pushed forward the date after the scan... =p Do u know the gender yet? =)
Btw, my #1 sleeps with fan during the day and aircon at night, totally no preference. If the weather is cold, it'd be just fan at night too. I think don't worry too much abt spoiling them for now, all babies are different, wait till urs here then decide again.. =)
My gynae knew the gender on 31 aug but I told her dun say cos I was there alone. I want my husband to b part of the process. I did tell my gynae I know it's a gal she only Ask me y I feel that and I told her the reason. She din admit nor deny juz gave me a smile. Will know it next sat
Hello mummies, just back from HK last week but too exhausted to do anything. HK is soooo not baby friendly...

My #1 sleeps with fan in the day and aircon at night. Up to individual bah, mine sweat profusely in his sleep, even with fan. So far no problem, we set the temp to 26, and he sleeps better.

Catherine: try to squeeze in some routines for couple time when possible lor. Dun feel bad to ask for help with babysitting once in a while. It's for the sake of our mental health also lah.

Re dustmite cleaning: we bought the dustmite cleaner. Can also be used for couches. Dunno how effective lah cuz cant see anyway but hubby just wanted peace of mind haha...
Hello all, I'm new in this thread... EDD is 16 feb and expecting a xiao long nu (dragon girl)... Have a boy who's 20 months old now.

Very excited to have a girl after running after my hyper boy all these while, but dunno y, the MS seems to be back again 
i have a wedding in nov this year, do you moms think its advisable to go?
My MIL will prefer me not to go, but its my very good friend's wedding!
Hi Rocco, my mum also dun allow me to go to my fren wedding. Juz listen dun want something to happen. Juz give a big Angpow and say sorry....
Hi I have a Capella Stroller for Sale Model S707.

Very clean and new looking. Fully reclinable with full canopy, suitable for newborn till 18kg.

Selling at $80 (neg).

Want to sell it quickly as we are moving.
Deal at Tiong Bahru.

Hi Mummies-to-be,

Need advice from you ladies. I called up a confinement lady from MY. She mentioned that before taking my assignment, she will already be in SG for 2 months thus I will need to help her to apply for a work permit in order for her to be able to come out of MY.

Is this true? I thought CLs are supposed to be on social visit pass. Is there a need for work permit?
Lemon, ur CL follow law by law will need permit. A lot of CL however come in via social pass. But if come v often sometimes custom suspicious.

Catherine, yes, couple time v impt. Is tough but try not to let bb become 3rd party and neglect each other. For us we weekend parent only so weekdays we still can go gai gai, dinner, movie etc. Weekends we spend threesome time, bring my boy go out, class etc. But with no 2 will b increasingly challenging as I intend to bring no 1 back stay with us. Dun underestimate the impact of a child on couple relationship. I see couples turn sour because one party fully focus on child only, or they have different parenting methods and argue often becos of dat or due to 3rd parties like in laws taking care of the child.
Hi GG Lee,
Thanks. I am not aware that CLs do require work permit. Will be troublesome to apply and there are also levies involved..
Hi gg thx for the advice.. These 2 days my hubby keep asking me how we can complement each other in our parenting method. He warn me we cannot have differences. I will talk to my hubby again on couple time.

Hi nc, how much is the machine?
Catherine, ur hubby v proactive. Dats good! For us, we try but at times our parenting method differs. I not so strict, prefers to allow our tod to explore. Whereas my hubby more disciplinarian. So he always ends up the' bad guy'.
No gg he is never proactive... It's these 2 days where we dun agree on how kids behave on street that's y he warn me.

Roco> I was told I can't go for bb shower or visit ppl In hospital
I got 2 weddings leh and 1 tea ceremony in the morning.. One of them is my best friend de.. U mean we cant attend weddings?? I didnt know that leh..
I still attend weddings n bb shower/ kids bday wo... Only funeral no go la..

U will c alot of preggy attending wedding dinner.. Just dont over-tired urself bah.
Hi girls, i think 3rd trime not advisable to go. Not sure. My hubby has a friend's wedding to attend on nov 5th, and the groom's mom specifically instructed that i cant go. My good friend's one on nov 20th, n i promised to go way back when she first announced. Was supposed to be her JM too, but of cos now cant lah!

btw, is it true that we cant drink too much milk? too much calcium?
Hi rocco, my parents ask me to drink milk but my little fellow dun like so i am spared. haha... let me ask my gynae this week when i see her.

Hi NC i also bought the dustmite machine. i was shocked with how much dust is collected on my bed!!! scary! my hubby bought becos i had sinus and bad skin irritation. We know we have to cure my sinus if not bb gets it.

ai yo i have been buying a lot of things recently. air purifier, irobot, new tv, dust mite machine. This weekend gg to buy new kitchenware. My little fellow is my hubby diamond. haha... my hubby even say we will change car in 2 years and my bb will choose the car. see how i have been cast aside probably my little fellow will "reward" us well in future.
catherine, for us, we've not had real couple time for a long long time...We both work, now our 19mth old boy at childcare. The only time we are away from our boy is sunday afternoon, where we deposit him at our MIL's as she only gets to see him once a week. So sunday afternoons are very precious. I either catch up on sleep if my husband has to work which is pretty often or go for a nice leisurely lunch. By 7pm, we will by back to fetch our boy home. It is such a luxury to be able to eat on our own! It is so very tiring...we can't even have dinner on our own on weekdays thou we've moved in to my parents' as they are reluctant to help out. Everyday is rush rush rush. Very very routined de. Fri night or Sat morning, we will return to our own home with our boy. The only time when i was truly away from my boy was when i was hospitalised. Now with #2 coming, the situation will get 'worse'
it is very tough without help. Help in the form of reliable, willing and happy people (no matter who). Watch all the movies you want. Sleep all you want. Do nothing at all if possible. Just rot. Have some time for yourself with a good novel and a cup of hot tea. I was so busy with my wedding i didn't have time to relax and slow down. I was 7 months pregnant on my wedding day! Some parents are luckier in the sense that they have parents or parents-in-law who are free & willing to help. That really makes things so much easier...but if no help, will just have to tahan until our kids are independent
So slow down and smell the roses for now...enjoy your couple time!

whitefreckles, ah so nice to see a fellow March '10 mummy here! How are you and your little one doing? My EDD is 12 Feb...im guessing yours is end Feb?? How you feeling?? I'm still vomitting but alot better now. Just really hope this puking will stop soon. So encouraging to read your kind words at the other thread. I think, we are considered lucky by most, to be able to conceive and have healthy pregnancies. I count my blessings every single day. My #1 brings me alot of joy, he gives me strength

gg_lee, congrats! 1 boy 1 girl
I had bad MS as well when i had my boy but this time girl, is indeed worse...but i've seen plenty of cases where there is no MS for girls so i just guess its our bodies. I've gotten the full test report from the amnio test, everything is fine. My husband is now thinking of a name for our princess
Detailed scan coming up next! We are halfway there already....

It all depends on how pantang you gals are
If you are scared or worry, just don't go. If you are fine, don't believe in such stuff, by all means attend. I attended all weddings, funerals, first month, first birthdays when i was pregnant with my boy. I personally feel it's alright. Important thing is how the 'host' feels about it. Some of them prefer not to have preggy ladies around during tea ceremonies. Best to ask them...
Butterwaffles, congrats on your amnio result!! V happy for u. I am really hoping mine will b ok too! So tempted to buy Gorky clothes! My hubby also thinking of names already!
Wow butter waffles, I guess my life will b like yrs soon... If not worse... My mil does not stay in sg even if she does I will not entrust her with my bb. She is not hygienic at all.. My parents r maids to my siblings. My only couple time is when bb is sleeping, I have already 'outsource' housework. But I still do my ironing and washing. Cooking.. I plan to convince my hubby to make do with tingkat... I m thinking positive. I should b able to handle with the full support of my hubby..I have a fren who has twins and she also dun have support from her families cos they stay in different countries. She is the sole breadwinner and Her hubby is doing v minimal to help. She always has lack of sleep, migraine, cold... Really sympthise her. She always tell me to enjoy while I can... I was thinking if she is a survival I also can?! Haha
Hi Mummies

I have a brand new tube of Elancyl Stretchmark cream (150ml), willing to let go at S$30. Self collect around Dover / Buona Vista area. If keen, pls PM me. Thanks much!

GG> I'm also starting to think of names for my little girl already! However, for Chinese name, thinking of leaving it to a FengShui master, but mom said, Fengshui master usually gives complicated names with many strokes leh.
Catherine: wah u so fast bought the dustmite cleaner liao ah? Ya quite scary to se the amt of dust collected on our beds.

Jinglebell: think I will also wait for feng shui master to name this bb. #1 initially din consult, but then when he's abt 11 months old hubby suddenly felt uneasy then went to see fs master, and found out his name clashed. Had to make a trip to ICA to change his name and make new birth cert.
Hi mommies,
I'd like to join u gals on this thread... I am also a Feb 2012 mum to be.. This is my 3rd preg.

Hi planet,
Can u pls help to include me in the list:
Age: 31, EDD: 8 Feb 12, Child #: 3, Gender: TBC upon detailed scan, Status: FTWM, Gynae: Dr AL Lim, Delivery: TMC, Stay Area: Jurong West
Thanks very much!!
gg_lee, i totally get you...i look at girls' shoes my legs just go weak. So nice and cute :p I've been good so far, haven't bought a single thing! Haha. Sourcing for a good booster seat for my boy thou. But not sure how he'll take to it as he's hyper kind, cannot sit still for 10 secs.

catherine, my MIL used to be the main caregiver of my boy when i returned to work. But caught her shaking my boy (my boy had serious colic, so cried like 20 hours a day kind). It was hard on her. Hard on us too. There were other issues as well, so he went infantcare. If your husband has regular working hours and need not travel for work, then you should be fine. Else everything will be on you....
Hi butter waffles, my hubby work on shift. There would b 2weeks every 2-3 mths where he end late. And I have to work late when it's mid yr, quarter end, sometimes occasionally. I juz hope it does not clash. I dun mind sacrificing my lunchtime or come early to finish. Need to talk to my new boss to make such arrangement. Should b fine if my team work together. So far I get headaches when I m asked.. Do daily or urgent work first?

Hi nc, I leave it to my hubby to buy electronics items. He say ok means ok I dun bother much. So far our arrangement has been working well.
NC: But different fs masters, pricing also very different. I got friends going to some costing S$100+, some S$300+ ... does it really make a diff? How much is the one that u r going?
Hi jinglebell10, I was told by a fren that her fs master charge $88 will give u English and Chinese name. I m waiting to c my fs master in nov to consult her whether to choose date and name. My fs master is v modern she dun force u but her charges not cheap too I know she charge $288 to c ba zi. I will pay her to c my kid ba zi .. No point not doing it cos my hubby and I have seen our ba zi it makes sense for whole family to have.

Yup, when I bought my current place, I went around looking for fs master. Some were cheap. Some Bo chap some v $ minded. I was At a loss until a colleague recommend me my fs master. She is v accommodating and u can call her when u need her advise. I paid $1500 for her to do my house fengshui n thru her advice I m pregnant. V thankful to her
