(2012/02) Feb 2012

Jen: dont bother abt ur mil!!! Shes ignorant and stoopid. As long as ur hb understands, its enough...i think shes so mean now, but wait u see when ur bb is out, even tho its a ger, she will still come and see one la. Good, also, u dont haf to listen to her how to bring up ur own child, im sure she will meddle even more if ifs a boy

Hazel: how many wks are u?? I just cross 19wks, and i oni feel bb kick n move at 18wks 5 days... It juz happen, one nite and he juz decide to kick!! Previously, i also trying to feel and decipher all the small movements whether its gas or bb..i guess, when bb is ready, they will let u noe, dont worry...for sure at 20wks u will feel one...some bb juz later than others. 
Jen, google it or find it on amazon. They hv pages with different questions, starting from how parents met, when we found out, pages to stick the ultrasounds... Up to first steps, first tooth lost etc
Lynn, I m 16 wks. Felt light fluttering movements at abt 13wks. My gynae said wat I m feeling are movements loh.. He said 2nd preg will feel faster. Just that on sat, felt stronger Knocks on the sides of belt button.. So wondering y higher up this time round! Keke
Hi mummies, just to check are you taking bird's nest? How often and how much should we take each time? ha..I first time cooked 3 pieces last night.. seems like too much.. can drink 3-4 bowls..
I m only taking bird nests n cordecyps in 3rd tri where bb's absorption is the best. Now take will most go to mummies only. Too ex so will reserve for the little beanie instead
Dun be too stressed, like what the others said, the gender is determined by your hubby... actually the younger generation nowadays prefer gals to boys, cos gals are more affectionate and usually are the ones who look after the parents even when they are married... My husband is the only son too... but my MIL is not too concerned with the gender, so long as the bb is healthy, dats the most important...

I am currently doing a journal... keeping track of all the scans done and my feelings and thoughts during the whole pregnancy process. I didn't buy the ready journal books from bookshops cos they are too expensive... i bought a photo album and use photos and notes to decorate the whole album...
windy> for me i boil 2 pcs in one rice bowl once a week as advised by medical hall. but i find that even 2 pcs also abit too much for one bowl. i double-boil with a slow cooker and there's no loss of water but by the time the birds nest expand it becomes quite thick. more birds nest than soup.
so now i tend to choose a smaller 2nd pc. or sometimes break 2nd pc to half.

btw, what other ingredients do you add? so far i only tried red date and brown sugar, red date covers the raw birds nest taste quite nicely.

hazel> is it true? bb's absorption of our food not so good yet? hmm.. then should i take my bottled birdsnest now and save the expensive one raw one for later?
windy; u v generous. i start at 3rd tri too. only boil one piece every alternate week . every morning take 1 or 2 spoon. so 1 piece will last 5 days. another reason also is in 3rd tri, our body will be very warm. taking it in the morning cold helps to cool down the body a bit.

some say eat too much not good for bb.
Planet, when bb is bigger, they will absorb more. These fresh birdnests n cordecptys r v ex! So for me I will take when more will go to bb. Even medical hall will tell u in third tri take more often. Now, I take bottles.. Cheaper :p
Bird nests dun over eat hor! Coz the fine "feathers" inside can cause asthma next time in bb. The risk these days r lower as most bird nests are quite clean now.. Remember the days where our parents hv to spend alot of time picking out the feathers by hand?
Oh.. My aunt gave me the bird's nest..forgot to ask how much to make one time.. Wasted.. First time made myself so dunno how much... I only add rock sugar.. I quite like the raw bird nest smell... Ha.. Maybe will try adding red dates..Anyway, I took 1 bowl last night and keep the rest in the fridge. Can keep for how long?? Was intending to finish it tonight... Ha.. Think I take maybe twice a month... Should be enough to last till last tri..if I cook 1 pc each time.. Ha..
Try to take fresh birdnest if you can too...bottled birdnest is not so healthy as they are perserved.

Just add rock sugar with the birdnest will do...so other ingredient wont cover the birdnest smell...and try to buy from indonesia...they taste great!

Sometimes i also cook snow jelly with red dates and rock sugar.

Actually wats the benefit of taking birdnest? Mil say bb complexion will be very good... If dun take leh? I plan not to take, no one cook for me and I dunno how to cook, dunno how to clean the raw birdnest.. If got feather no good right...
pinkz, actually some bb still looks very good without birdnest...its up to the genes bah...but some claimed that it will improve...so we eat lor...haha...

hazel, love EYS products!...but still dun like bottled birdnest...hehe
Hi ladies, I double boil 1 piece of bird nest every weds night with rock sugar. I dun know how to estimate the rock sugar so mine taste really blend heehee.. U r right pinky my mum say improve baby complexion

Jen, cheer up dun get affected. Our baby are our precious diamonds whether gal or boy we will love them a million times and give them the best! like I told myself now I earn and spend for my baby.

Jocelyn u r v lucky till today my mil dun ask abt me. Din even ask I got eat 'pu'. Thankfully my Mum buy fishes , herbs for me and I go Market to buy my black chicken every week... Now unless I have something on if not I will cook my own simple nutritious dinner with my hubby's help
My mil ask me take chix essence... I told her I scare of the smell.. N she told me must drink to ti Sheng... Own mum is still better than mil... My mum paid for all my bird nest.
Same as u jocelyn I hate the chicken essence soup my mum makes..sonemore it make me v sleepy I told her I dun want anymore. My mum also paid for my bird nest

Anytime I got craving juz a call to my mummy she will cook for me haha
I believe in birdnest
When preggy with first one, I eat at least once or twice a week. I will cook 3-4 pcs each time, rather than spend the same time cooking 1 pc. Then eat during the week. Can keep for a week in fridge. My boy cone out v fair and rosy.

This round v lazy to cook though, been eating loads of rubbish. Jialat, I wan gal leh. Better b hardworking and start cooking my birdnest again.
Jocelyn, I juz spoke to my mum... She say I dun have much to drink and eat now I should increase my intake for bird nest. My baby dun like dairy products. If I m greedy, haha u will c me so sick that I can't walk much or eat. I wish I can cook more and put in fridge but my little darling dun like cold drink .. Will give me problems.
Jen, my goodness!! Pardon me but ur mil sounds lIke those horror mil in Taiwanese show!! Reading ur post makes me feel so angry. My hubby also only son but my mil and hubby never say they wan boy dat time. I tell u if they did i sure give them a hard time ask them go fly kite. Key really is to be healthy la. And pls la, is your first bb only. First bb usually no gender preference one lor. And like mummies say, is determined bu men whether get boy or gal.
Butterwaffles, congrats!! Happy for u! I hope my boy will promote to gor gor too! 2 more weeks to go before my amnio.

Was the first few days after amnio ok? U go on full bed rest? Not supposed to walk right? I headache how to settle lunch. Maybe have to order food in.
fresh bird's nest is good for expecting mother and baby in many ways. i have been taking it regularly. but recently there has been newspaper reporting about fake and chemical treated birnest which can cause cancer. omg... this is terrible!

apart from improving complexion.
i found a website that feature lots of informatio about birdnest. have copy some of it for sharing. :D

It improves heart function and reduces blood pressure; enhances the growth of cells and tissue; boosts the body’s immune system; improves skin complexion and reduces fatigue. Bird’s Nest also regulates the body’s blood supply and provides rich antioxidants which help break down free radicals and help ward of cancer. These are great benefits for anyone, but the woman who decides to create a new life within her body will not only receive incredibly boosted health for herself, but her newborn child will also reap the rewards for getting the best start when it was being formed and through its growth stages in the mother’s womb.
Hi mummies, I need chk with you on our bb weight and length. At 16 weeks, my bb is 168g and 13cm.

But I chk online, bb should be 12cm and 140g...I know theres a slight diff on length but the weight........

So whats the weight and length for your bb at 16 weeks? Pls share...thanks mummies!!
Hi kwxy, I told my boss abt my baby size this afternoon and got a scolding. First she asked, is that website us site or local site? If local which race and how they derive the avg size. She told me the gynae will advise if yr baby is in the avg percentile. My last scan was done on 14 week and bb is only 8 cm. I guess I have to trust her bcos she has been thru childbirth
Thats true Catherine!!

I only scared of bb too big...and in the end i cannot go thru natural birth...well...lets wait and see.

My gynae didnt mentioned anything abt weight...shall ask him the next visit
Kwxy, dun worry too much. If really too big your gynae will probably tell u to cut down intake etc. babies grow at different rate. There r probably lot of mummies who worry the other way, dat their bb too small. As long as within a healthy range dat gynae never trigger alarm should b fine. My first one was always in the 90th percentile range.

This one my gynae has also been pushing the edd forward.
Morning all, yesterday went for checkup. Gynea say Bb a bit shy. Cross leg, raised one leg high high and laying face down. She tried to shake my tummy a bit to make Bb move. Can see Bb turn around and stretch both legs very straight. So cute! Even my gynea say my bb very cute cos legs straight for quite some time. She say can't see very clearly, but shld be a boy. Mus wait till detail scan on 10 Oct to confirm. Hubby happy loh, cos he wan another boy.
I also worried bb too big. Cos I wan to go thru natural birth. If bb size bigger than my #1, I have to go thru c-sect again. Praying hard. Lucky my#1 set good record, he is 3.3kg. So now bb mus be less than that. Hoping for 3.1kg bb.
icecherry, I tot of going for my driving refresher course. Hubby finally allows me to drive his car cos he going overseas very often. Don know whether I can go now. Don think its save for us to drive. The seat belt alone is very uncomfortable.
Icecherry, I will drive till I feel uncomfy to drive, first time ma, so dunno how big tummy will be, see how it goes.

Jascmy, for seatbelt, I bought a used baby bump belt from mummy here, haven use yet, but will start using soon. Bump growing Liao.
I'm still driving but not too long distances. And I dun wear set belt... Oops...

Jas, congrats! How long hv u not been driving? Maybe dun need formal lesson from instructor. Just drive around estate at night then practice expressway during daytime w hubby or relative?
chewie, Thanks. I have not been driving since I got my driving license in year 2009. Hubby not confident wif lady driver esp me (took 4 test to pass). So he don allow me to drive his "2nd wife". He will only allow me to drive now if I go for refresher course loh. He very worried I his "2nd wife" will go out of shape. Hahaa.....
Btw, anyone know any good private driving instructor in sembawang area?
Having bigger bb is good! Not so fragil to handle when born. The only concern with bigger bb is gynae tends to want to rule out gestational diabetic (GD) even if regular visit urine test is fine. so, mummies can be asked to go for special GD test where they will be asked to drink a big bottle of sweet fluid, wait for 2hrs n do a blood test.

GD causes bb to be bigger. My gf's bb weighs 1.3kg at 27 wks. Considered big. She did the GD test n failed. Now, her diet is under strict control n timing n she has to exercise to bring blood sugar down. If not, she will be put on insulin jabs.
Dear All,

so envy you all drive don't need to suffer taking MRT or Bus. Nows day even have put "Reserved sitting" also nobbody give up the seat. all pretend sleep, read book and 9 of 10 are playing iphone. OMG! S'pore always promote courtesy礼让 but everyday 2 trip to work n back fm work also nobody give up the seat

this is real Singaporean.....
AL, totally agree with u...no 礼让 spirit...though my tummy not very obvious...hence i also dun expect ppl to give seat to me...

when i took the reserved seat, i feel damn guilty to take it and everyone like staring at me...haiz..
ya dunno whether is it safe to continue to drive or not... cos of all the brakings and stuff... but the seatbelt can be adjusted to loosen it. Can get those seatbelt fasteners...
re: bb gender
there's a good article in the ST about preference for boys.

re: bb weight
better to have a bigger healthy baby than a smaller baby. usually gynae will not highlight weight as weight gain for bb only happens during the 3rd tri.
Thanks Jocelyn, same feeling
Actually my tummy very big looks like 5-6 months compare to my pregnant friend they already 7 months but same tummy size with me.
Sometime i don't know we should humble ourself ask the person give us the seat as it is "Reserved sitting"? if not when 3rd Tri we will suffer more for prolong standing.

haha al
what i do is stand in front of the person sitting in the reserved seat and look pointedly at him/her. it works most of the time except when the person is sleeping. :p

but then having said that, most times i have been offered seats w/o having to prompt, ironically those who usually give up their seats are actually students in school uniforms and elderly pple, some who need the seats more than me.
