(2012/02) Feb 2012

Im curious any 3rd or 4th time mummy here around same age gap as my kids?
My child one is 2yr+ turning 3 in feb,
the other is 10+mth
and 3rd due on 2feb so im 13wk1day now

Al, I read it says not to take coz no scientific proven/done on preggers and bf mum... Since u took and yr #1 Sui Sui then good lor... I not taking la... So many pills to pop already... Scary...
Be it boy or girl my 4th child be.. It's the max for moi..
I've already discussed with hb n he will be gg for Vasectomy.
Linda> say say only la...don't take in yr heart ya.

Our member going to 50 babies liao. Not sure this is most higher birth population ?
yes.. the one at Katong..
cannot do pap smear? She also ask me to do leh..
Then i just guai guai listen.. she tell me no harm to bb..
wa lao! hate her man!

come to think about it..
i also see gynae at KKH and my current gynae.. all also never ask me to pap smear..
godsent> Wah! yr hb willing to do Vasectomy? seldom man willing to do, take longer time to struggle it. some of my freind's hb do becasue wife keep pursuit them.
I cannot imagine myself wif four kids... Pei Fu pei Fu....

Hubby only want 1 but I want 2... Hope after this bb pop, he will love kid more and have another....
godsent> me persuading husband to, he got angry at me and refuse to

AL> No la.. just kidding but really not so soon, i will die of exhaustion i alone must bring all kids out if i run errands u know, imagine that
joy> cool down 1st...hate not good for your health n bb...just forget it. After I see another doctor, he said 1st 2 month do should be fine. then my worries go away ready. but most of mummies told me non of their doctor ask to do pap smear during pregnancy. and don't ofend this Dr la since LSnTYL like her, maybe she not bad le.
ya lo.. i go to her cos near my workplace..
but she like not very encouraging..
1st scan then ask me wash.. lucky never listen to her lo..

not angry la..
in fact, i feel very lucky.. never stick to her and let her ruin my life!

dont feel offended lor..
maybe she has her plus points too.. just that i only see he negative points
godsent> Can i know yr hb age? I'm thinking ask my hb do also but man is man. they cannot take down their pride. he stil young if ask him do that not so good, I worry accident pop #3 i will die...
Al, yup. He has no choice. Lol.. :p Cos seriously going thru 4 child births ain't easy. Personally, I feel that man has to go thru some pain. :p I've a gf, her hb also went thru vasectomy after she gave birth to her 4th child. I'm not going for ligation for sure n not wanting to give birth to a 5th too.

I <3 kids. They bring me lotsa of joy and headaches cos afterall my 3 are boys but still I love them lots.. My oldest is quite big liao.. P6... Youngest coming 2 yrs old soon.
I always believe since God bless me with 4 kids, He Wil definitely provide for my family!
Al, he's 33 years old.
Guess he has no choice.. As long as both of us agreed on this.. No. of babies we have is ultimately under His control.

Linda, if ur hb doesn't want.. Dun force him. Just take precautions..
You are so young and gg to handle 3 kids.. I lagi peifu u.
Ur love for ur babies is indeed GREAT! ;)
Godsent> can share how u ask yr hb do? any method to pursuit ha? becasue this thing for man is very sensative (没了男人功能,没了自尊)some man have this thinking u know, that's why Linda's hb angry la
Al: what's the big deal.? Vasectomy still can ejaculate... No sperms swimming only what.

You ladies can really post.. I was working then came back so many posts see also blur...
soul> dif man dif thinking, women do ligation very common... suffering the birth also women then ligation also women...we suffer alot le. for man (especial old folk thinking) they want face没有生育能力...no face.
Al: that's why.. If wife can give birth to baby then why hubby cannot go do vasectomy. I wouldn't want to go under the knife but I would if say we have 3 kids already for example and we decide that that's the best then why not.

If the men not willing to do so will show alot IMO
Godsent> Thanks, peifu me for what, haha. You FOUR leh, i third baby nia, how to fight?lol

Really very hard to take precautions cause im breastfeeding.. so limited birth control option, only option without risk is IUD. but im not comfortable for a foreign object inside my body.

Another option is Ligation for me, but im not doing csec and i done so much e.g. giving birth x3 why shud i be the one doing it!! And im scare of needles thats why im aiming for drug free birth and #1 is drug free except for #2 which i took under pressure!

Anyway i spoke to him, although angry/reluctant, he agree to see a dr regarding vasectomy to learn more about it before deciding.. Hope he will do it. But everytime i talk about it he gets angry sigh..

AL,Soul> i dont understand whats the big deal also, he very da nan ren zhu yi like say oh if shave the pubic hair for man is very sissy, ppl will laugh etc cause he last time last to get puberty kanna suan etc..

And say alot of no logic things...And he afraid to go for surgery &amp; scare cannot stand. And say sure got side effects.

Then i shut him up by saying, i am risking my life X3 to give birth especially when i have medical issues(Minor thelassemia/Anemia)..

But he still give alot of reasons one lah!

AL> really fed up with his selfishness lorh
Morning and hi ladies, this is the mummy here.. The daddy gave me his login.. Anyway, I wanted to tell Linda it's his huge man's ego and pride which women wun understand..maybe he kena suan during his teenage days, caused him much phobia too? From what I read I dun think it's gonna be easy for u..but he has agreed to see the doc regarding vasectomy..jia you dun qi nei
Shave pubic hair is clean
Vasectomy is a form of contraception.

Remind him of your sacrifices. For all his fears myths and concerns, let the doctor debunk all that.

Good morning darling! 
planet>I take folic acid + obimin cos that's what my gynae prescribed for my 1st bb. Will stop the folic acid after 1st trimester when I finish the pills cos that's what I did for #1

Godsent>hello. peifu u.

joy>no, my #1 is with Dr Benjamin Tham. But I lazy to track all the way to TMC leh. I saw Dr Geraldine Tan when I was 7 weeks preggers. no probs ar... for the 6 week's scan was it a vagina scan or normal ultrascan? maybe at 6 weeks normal ultrasound not so precise? how come u oso have to do pap smear? so strange. she din ask me to do wor.

no worries, I'm not offended. All gynaes have their pros n cons. Maybe I'm lucky so far. Haven't encountered any probs at all. She was recommended by my friend who has been seeing her for many years.

Al>eh, she din ask me to do pap smear wor. but why cannot do pap smear during pregnancy?

erm, I've seen her twice so far and she's quite nice leh. Didn't push any supplements or anything on me. Also no rush unlike the KK gynaes and Dr Tham eventhough I know there's a long q outside.

vasectomy>my husband volunteered to go for that after #2 pops. actually I said I'll ligate but he said better not cos another op for me. since he volunteer, than I ok oso. don't tink can tahan 3 or more kids.

linda>maybe slowly talk to your hubby bah. give him more time to get used to the idea. If not, then use condom lor.
eh, so how will we know which is soul mommy or daddy? :p

joy/Al>I got curious and went to google about the pap smear. Seems it is normal and not harmful to the fetus. "A Pap smear is a routine part of your pre-natal care and poses no risk to the fetus. " from http://www.americanpregnancy.org/womenshealth/papsmear.html

tink she just wanted to make sure tat all is ok in the early part of the pregnancy? nonetheless, she shouldn't have asked you to do the test if you were not comfortable
Soul> I hope so lah. He keep on say good things dun find him bad things find him. For nothing go surgery zzzz

Actually I a bit not keen in him going vasectomy but birth control options only iud as I'm allergic to latex. And I want mor kids next time but he say he dun wan and financial is a problem also.

But I thinking next time if want kids rich Liao can either reverse or adoption lor! Since got $$ scare no kids meh. And I'm very pro adoption so both of us don't mind..

Lsntyl> believe it or not I talked to him since I'm preg with #2!!!and I'm allergic to latex so can't use condom
Hi soul108, me waiting for a man to speak up on vasectomy.. N u did..

Al, actually me and hb discussed on this option when I was preggie with my 3rd. He had already went to see the doc and had the date fixed for the op too.. But we decided to delay this op when we felt that we might want a no. 4.. But this time for sure this will be my last child birth.
Like what soul108 mentioned, it will be better for the man to seek doc's advise. Doc will be a better person to explain the surgery process.. They still can ejaculate.. Not castration.. :p Maybe my hb is open to such option cos afterall we have a gf's hb who did it at a age of 34 yrs old.
Linda, u young mummy already 3 leh.. I now in my 30s then 4 leh..
But I like to see ur ris, so pretty and adorable..
I love girls!! I dun mind having 4 girls!!

LSNtyl, sometimes I wonder where I gt my courage from.. 3 boys I already pengz.. One more aka datang.. Though unsure boy or girl.. Ur hb so sweet, still volunteer to go for vasectomy. Fantastic hb u gt there!
Hi Godsent, I am so happy to have u here because I'm also expecting my 4th. I hv a gal (7 yrs old) and two boys (6 &amp; 3.5yrs).
Now, hv a companion because among my friends, only one has 4 kids.

U said the same thing as my hubby. This baby is God's blessing and He will provide.
Suet, *wave*!
U have a ger as ur eldest!! Envy u! My middle boy same age as 2nd child. Is he gg to his jie jie's sch? Indeed, God will provide or else y will he blessed us with a 4th child
With Him, nothing is impossible!
Hello mummies!

Just came back from scan...baby waving at us!!! wow!! so happy siahz! ahhahahahah...
my eddd is brought forward by a week....dunno whether will give birth during CNY !!! OMG!!
Btw...I heard from my friend that today the lucky hour for Hungry Ghost festival is 11pm....not sure if you believe...just for info.
Papsmear done during pregnancy is not accurate at all. A gd gynae will not ask u to waste money.

Is really heart warming to see the bb at each scan. I saw my little beanie yesterday, moving actively at 10w 5d. It makes all the discomfort I m going thru worth it!
Sweetcorn: wow...Bb waving
Ur edd brought forward by a week... Is it's to say that Bb is growing very well so forward the edd? Curious... Keke..
Hi Tay,

My gynae didn't say much. he's a man of few words. should be growing well, that's why fwd the edd? now at borderline dunno wil be rabbit or dragon....heehee...both ok also actually.

I havent fixed my gynae yet. still checking out other gynae. thinking of doing prenatal scans at hospital better. at least their analysis more detail and can bring home the report.
Lsntyl: soul mummy posted once at 9.51am. Lol. She shy don't really like to post in forum.

Linda : 话不能这么说, 十月怀胎也不算是牺牲吗? Still give birth not just one wor.

Godsend: well I just say what I feel. 
Tay : MS is very subjective to individual. Some mummies dot even have much symptoms. Generally 2nd trimester will not have already. 3rd trimester will come again
Godsent>thanks i love girls too!! old or young doesnt matter. As long as we step up and be a responsible mother thats all that matters :)

K3> from beansprout pillow to all kinds of baby stuff.
Heres my site

vone> sorry dear missed ur message!! Heh not as close as my child age gap leh. 1st and 2nd ppl say very close already now 3rd lagi closer and im gonna be handling all 3 alone again. Shuddering at the thought of a newborn. If all 3 toddlers ok la.newborn headache

guava> u sure ur gynae tell u bring forward? Cause usually first scan edd is the most accurate one. And baby may be bigger during the numerous scan.
Re vasectomy>i didnt really want him to do but he say that three kids are way too many and only 4k earning pay and above he will want 4th. Then i allergic to latex and not comfortable to have iud inside me, so left vasectomy. But iwas wondering if after vasectomy and next time when have $$$ want tk have kids already got $$$ so we can even reverse or adopt a child. Since money not a issue.

So wondering if this is for the best anot. Because i love kids and i want more but he doesnt. But thankgod the both of us are open to adoption of babies.
Tay : my nausea is serious this week. previous weeks not so, i can still swallow food....this week i only manage to finish half my dinner....:-( and need sour lemon sweet to keep nauseous feeling down... my MIL said her ms was quite long...i hope mine will be gone next week...

Linda : yea i asked 2nd time to confirm leh...cos last 2 scans appeared twice same edd on the ultrasound pic...i thought fix already at 12 Feb. but today went to scan ...becomes 6 Feb...maybe because i was seeing a few gynaes at the same time.
Tay: my sister suck pao sheng ... She say that helps.. Not expensive.. About 30 bucks can get a small plastic container worth .. The shop will slice for u also FOC

linda: depends right? Female they tie up the Fallopian tubes for male do they tie up also? Then can untie again ba.. Must ask the doctor if can reverse the procedure.
