(2011/08) Aug 2011

I just went for checkup can see baby hands n legs n heard the heartbeat.. Quite fast n loud. But thought I was in 8 weeks but gynae told me it's 11 weeks based on the size.

So Carole can help me update? She mentioned imy EDD is 1st august. Thx a lot!!!


hi pipi you can get flats from Pazzion or Mondo. Bought a few pairs from both for CNY.

i also feel cold a lot nowr .. i guess after first trimester will be better.

think crabs better don't eat.. its 'cold' in nature and eat dirt right.. high cholesterol too..

put on 4 kg since testing positive... most office skirts cannot fit in liao...

Hi Pauline, BbDreamyqueen, bunny mummy and SY

Alrite all 4 of us are in the same shoes - not much MS in first 2 mths.. If it's really so smooth, then great.. But I m approaching week 8 n my next a ppt is end of January! Super long wait. At least some of you - 20-21 Jan

And Pauline - how's ur visit to doc yesterday all good?

I will be flying beginning of feb after cny, a work trip I really hope not to miss. Praying hard no MS then m baby save to and fro trip. So in a way wondering why no MS, in another way, hopefully none at all.. At end of day, hope baby is fine and growing well!

Everyone, I m so glad we have this forum to just keep pouring our hearts out right? Thanks everyone for listening n advising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess this topic was discussed briefly in earlier posts on some of us "suffering" from increased boobs sizes with our pregnancy. I'm really suffering coz my boobs are stretched and the nipple area is extremely itchy!! I feel like a gorilla and it's starting to drive me nuts coz I can't get a relief! I tried moisturizers for super dry skin (cetaphil) as well as what some frens suggested, nipple cream (medela purelan) but it's not helping it's extremely bad after bath as well as before bed time and I m at my wit's end!! Any experienced mothers who previously had this symptom in earlier pregnancy able to advise on possible solutions?? *scratch scratch* Argh!!

Val, don't take too hot baths as it makes ur skin drier. Don't use soap, use moisturizing body shower.

My boobs r bigger now, n I feel itchy at times too ( at night) I put cream then sleep Liao, coz very sleepy....

Woah, so many of u feeling cold?! I tot it was just me having cold feet in freezing shanghai!! I wear socks every night for almost 2 mths Liao. Sometimes, I wake up in shivers, n even hide my head beneath the blankets!!

Btw, my heater is 30 deg wor...

any mummies here wan to preorder any babies stuffs or maternity stuffs , can approach me ah , i hv the fastest service 4 days reach sg , 6 days max reach u . Got branded bb clothes like GAP , ZARA , GYmboree , Carters , etc . can also preorder stroller ,。 ( Quinny , Maclaren ,Viki) etc .

sms me at 94738049 xor email me the pics of the items u looking for to [email protected]. Guranteed to be the most resourceful seller in town ah !! hahahaha .

And also previde laptop servic ing like , lcd replacements , keypad replacement , hdd / ram upgrade , etc , etc , with psp firmware upgrade , hacking ..... the list goes on , sms me at 94738049!~

hey Im also feeling cold.. but Ive been cold all my life..

These few days keep raining too.. weather is so brrr!!

yup my boobs are increasing too.. but Im secretly happy about it leh LOL

PiPi: I can understand how u feel.. back when I was expecting #1.. I was on MC so much I was afraid to go back work too cos I was hungry every 2 hrs and so sleepy I could not function.. almost fell into depression.. hang in there dear!

morning mummies.. been missing alot.. always feeling tired, not sure if its pregnancy or jet lag..

Carole, i am seeing Dr CH Koh/MtA


I tested positive last week but yet to go for checkup coz Gynae fully booked til next fri. That's a loooong wait! Wonder how is baby inside as I dun feel preggy at all. Just always feel hungry n swollen breast, no vomitng at all. This is my 2nd bb, during my 1st Bb, I also din vomit. Base on my LMP, my edd Shld b 20 aug

morning all...

been slping very early these few nites.. will knock out before 10 almost every nite.. yawnz..

seems like feeling cold is normal.. dun remember feelin this cold when i was with #1.. or perhaps the time of the year plays a part as well..

good morning mummies n welcome new mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: cold

me, too... feeling cold and can sleep without fan or aircon... very nice weather...

i used to wear stocking @ work -- now, the stocking cannot "accomodate" my growing tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] m feeling cold in office without stocking!

re: reserved seat in train/bus

actually, i think 1st tri is more tiring as our body r adjusting with the growing baby... but our tummy r not showing so no one give up the seat for us -- most pp juz auto pretend to sleep when preggy board the train/bus!

once, i felt faint after standing in a crowded bus... i told a lady that i felt faint -- she promptly gave up the seat for me *phew* so do ask if you feel unwell!

re: MS

haiz, MS is getting worse... smaller portions does not help... had to rush to toilet to puke a few times yesterday... aiyoh, like that how to work??!!

re: baby with lotsa hair

i love green veg and ate loads during my #1 -- she was borned with lotsa hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think all babies r active at one stage -- so the saying of duo shuo duo jiao if u eat crab during preggy is not true... juz eat in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh, my mum asked me to eat frog leg -- then baby will have strong legs *haha* my #1 did have strong legs -- always running ard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thank you for your encouragement. My DH has asked me to log in from home and help the team a little so that I wont feel so bored at home. I just pray that I can work from home ...


Thank you for sharing where to buy flats. Maybe I can go take a look this Friday as I am seeing the doc this Friday for blood test (1st tri test). I have lost weight (1-2kg) and not sure if I have put them back. But every nite, I will puke stuff out or puke saliva bubbles.

Val Lee,

Same here, I also feel my boobs increasing in size. I am wondering if any mothers can share if we should start getting maternity bras and where to buy them? Also, when should we get the granny panties? I heard granny panties cover our navel, and can prevent cold air entering...also read that it's actually more comfy for pregnant ladies.

Welcome all MTBs.

Re: Feeling cold

B4 preggy, I m e type that m always cold, now worse, aircon set @ 27 deg, still piled with tons of blankets, in office always wearing a shawl or a jacket over me. For every preggy, 1st trim is extremely cold for me, slowly getting better, then 3rd time, u will wish for aircon to b on forever with power blast

Re: Pineapple Tarts

It's ok to take, had tons of it during my 1st and 2nd preggy, too gd to resist [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So long if yr ms is nt stopping u fr having it

Caramelle> if you having dizzy spell and feel like fainting, alight the train and take a seat outside 1st cos sometimes is due to not enuff ventilation also... No rush wait for nxt train to board [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: CNY shopping

not sure when is the best time to shop... i alrdy have bulging tummy but dunno issit due to accumulate fats or is bcos of preggie (only 8 weeks nia), haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My boobs size is also increasing and gotta apply cream beside my nip cos v itchy... glad to hear that is normal for everyone here too, relieve...

hi everyone.. I am new here... shld be 7-8wks pregnant now... my 1st pregancy... my last appt with Gynae in end dec and she told me that my edd shld be 22 aug..

my gynae is Dr Chen Chern Yi..

for me, this is unplanned... when I 1st know that I am pregnant, I am quite worried and cried... even had the thoughts of abortion... found that I am pregnant when I am back from my honeymoon in europe... initially I tot it was just jet-lag and gastric... only tested when my colleague say I look like I am pregnant..

hubby asked me to stay happy.. but I find it very tough especially with all the nausea feeling, bloatedness and more emotional now...

and yes, I feel cold and tired always... I still have the fear that I am not a good mummy... staying with my hubby, mil and sil at hubby's hse.. now I worried that there might have no space for bb and no one to take care.. and I dun want my mil to do confinement for me... even we enagage a confinement lady, there is no place for her to slp as well...

selfish part of me dun wan mil to take care of bb also.. prefers my own mum, but my mum has to work..

this bb come too early... am quite lost now..

Welcome huisi,

dun worry too much abt not being a good mummy, when ur baby is out, i m sure u will try to give yr very best for the little one, dat's yr mother's instinct.

my this pregnancy is also unplanned, hb was quite shocked as we had already had 2, find it quite hard to handle 3 kids, he did mentioned abt nt keeping it, but i m against it, as i think since we are being given this gift, why are we depriving this little one of what his/her brothers have. It's abit unfair for him/her, slowly my hb came to accept it, and now he's quite positive abt it.

do come in to share yr thoughts and feelings with us, m sure you will slowly enjoy the next few months having ur bb inside u, and the real fun will start when he/she is out.


Don't stress yourself. Are you working now? Stay focused at work and take one step at a time. I can't even go to work, and actually deep inside me, I am also afraid to go to work. My work place is very time intensive...everything is fast fast fast, now now now!!! This is my 1st pregnancy too and I am also very afraid like you.

Same like you, I get very emotional. Sometimes I will cry when I reached my lovenest (day time I am at my mum's pl) with my hubby. I told my DH that I am scared my tummy gets bigger n bigger everyday. DH always tells me to be happy, don't worry and its normal to have bigger n bigger tummy, shows that baby is growing well.

I started a blog for my little baby but recently I forgot the password so I cannot get in...so stupid of me right? Haha.

I know you are worried about confinement and stuff..me too! But my MIL is very old (70s) so she cannot help me anyway. My mum is oso working so she cannot help me too. I think I got to spend $$ to get a confinement lady in, and maybe a maid to help around the house. (I like more ppl cos more ppl talk to you, you will feel less lonely)

Don't worry so much k. I tried so hard to get pregnant and now that I am pregnant with #1, I am also starting to feel lost, confused and sometimes I wish I am not pregnant. Let's jia you together.

bbPotato: thanks for the welcome.. nvr expect myself to get pregnant so fast (3mths after customary).. I guess I still want to enjoy life (2 ren shi jie) ba.. keep telling everyone that will plan for bb when my flat is here.. now, I dunno what to do... accomodation and financial issues are the biggest problem I think.

when I see my colleague and relatives trying so hard for a bb but still no news, and yet I want to abort.. really fell into a mental torture.. seems that keep or not to keep also wrong...

I am still trying to accept the fact, hopefully I can be positive...

pipi: yes I am working. I wish I can be busy at work so that I wont think so much. But my workload has become lesser and I have more time to surf net ;P maybe that's y i think more now =X

I am worried that I will give myself away at work. I start wearing flats now and stop drinking tea. My colleagues asked me why and I give excuses like, I bought a new pair of flats and want to "season" it.. and my doc dun allow me to drink tea because of my gastric prob...

I get quite sad when I see my tummy bigger than before.. my hubby also told me the same thing that its normal...

you can start another blog as well =)


accomodation and financial issues can be worked out slowly, they are all short term issues, but once u aborted, u will need to live with the guilt and regrets, it's forever.

do think thoroughly b4 u make the decision

u shld consider yrself as being lucky cos u r blessed with the gift of a child, imagine those going thru countless test and ivfs, and yet unable to have one.

i m sure all will fall into place slowly, dun stress yrself too much

we also had our place only when #2 is out, previously we were putting up @ my grandma's place cos more convenient for me to go to work and they can help with the kids.

believe me, it's always better to stay with some1 esp if ur hb need to go on occasional travel, that's when the help u needed most is readily available.

like this week, my hb is away, luckily my grandma is able to come over to help out although she's already pretty old. at least i can catch a breather, else will go bonkers with 2 boys running wild @ home

huisi > actually i'm also living w my sil and mil.. i was also slightly worried that the way my mil bring up baby and the way my parents do are diff.. of cos we prefer the way our own parents did... but i try to remind myself that she managed to bring up her kids healthily.. so she should be capable of taking good care of my baby.. plus.. which grandma will do anything that isn't good for her grand baby?

i think ur space issue, i'm also facing it.. cos mil in master bedroom, 1 room for sil and 1 room for me and my hubby.. then no more free room le... we are intending to use a baby cradle (mayb not the right name.. suddenly forgot the right term) with wheels so we can wheel it to mil room or our room whenever required.. so we also take turns to take care...

dun worry too much.... try to stay positive k?

Hi Huisi > Welcome aboard! Although ur pregnancy comes unexpectedly but you can think in this way, now you are still young and has a baby already, when you are older your kid will be very big already. In a way, you can "retired" earlier lol. I know house and financial are the main problem but try to take one step at a time which my husband always tell me when I think too much. Is easy to say than to do it, but please think positively now as thinking passive is not good for you and baby. Try to think happy things like in the coming time, you will get to hear your bb heartbeat, then the movement inside and kicking by baby. I think is a very special feeling that not everyone can experience it.

Vonnes > I chose NUH cos it's near my place haha. And I have a frd who gave birth twice over there, so I think it shd be ok. I know alot of ppl are choosing TMC and I feel like choosing too but when I think of if one day im delivering soon and need to rush to hospital but along the way there is jam then i jialat already! Haha i know i think too much. But i saw you are with NUH also. May i know why you choose NUH too?

Pipi > Thanks for your suggestion on wearing long pants and socks. I will do that if i feel too cold next time. Why are you just drinking half bottle of chicken essence instead of 1 bottle? Any reasons behind it?

Sweetpaine > Me too will be flying on the first wk of Feb during CNY. Hope everything goes well and safe for my bb.

JoyJoy_1408 > Think you can start your shopping now. Better finished buying everything as early as possible cos when it is nearing CNY, i'm sure the shopping malls will be too crowded with ppl and you will feel faint.

bbPotato: I dun wan to live with guilt and regrets too.. thats y convince myself to keep.. hubby can will support my decision, but I can see that he also wan me to keep...

any ways to "fight" the nausea feeling? I tried to eat many meals but still the same... always have the feeling of vomitting but only vomit air out...

cac: my fren told me the same thing.. if mil can bring up my hubby and sil, she shld be able to do the same to help as well.. yeah.. trying to convince myself... hopefully I can do it...

we dun have free room as well.. mil and sil stay in masterbed room, me and hubby in another room... hubby is thinking to forfeit our study desk to put the baby cot.. but i dun wan to have my laptop in the living room.. haha...

Huisi> stay positive & dun stress yourself... i have friends who also have kids do not own their own space yet and staying with their in laws, financial will be tight at the initial stage but things will definitely get better later.

Having kids around is realli a blessing, as mentioned your relatives and friends are also trying v hard to conceive but no news.

Frankly speaking, i use to have this thinking when i was young (sure very easy to have baby lah so no rush into having baby after getting married) have tried for four long years and finally i am pregnant... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Listen to us, dun worry too much and stay happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi huisi,

When I first got married, had the same thinking..enjoy couplehood tog for 1-2 years before starting a family. 1-2 years past, in fact 5 good years passed me by and I was still not pregnant. Went thru countless tests, fertility treatments, alot of emotional trying times dealing with failure as the fertility treatments failed until I finally conceived this previous little one in me right now thru ivf.

Each and every child is blessed to us as a precious gift so cherish the little one despite the challenges. The past is history (as in your thoughts prior to the news of your Pregnancy), the present is a gift (cherish the journey of motherhood) and the future is an unknown (things will iron Out eventually, it's about consensus and compromises).

Stay positive! Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

huisi, I am not active in forum but have always following the thread. Congrats...

Perhaps the gift came when you are least unexpected. But good thing you didn't abort it. I came to know that abortion might permanently damage the ability to give birth in future. You are lucky to be able conceive within 3 mths of customary. If you look around in motherhood, or even TTC thread, you will feel lucky to be one of those who are presented with the "gift" without having gone thru the long tedious process of conceiving. I do not belong to one of those. I got conceive one mth following my customary. It was planned as I hope to have 2 as early as possible, fearing complication as I grew older.

Do cheer up. Remain positive and cheerful as it will affect your bb if you aren't. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am sure lotsa of mtbs will give you encouragement. I was like you. Hope I can get my mum to do confinement & take care of my kid but she's working. So, luckily MIL offers to help me out during confinement & also taking care of the kid. Every mother have their own way of guiding children. I am not sure if I will be a particular one. Hope I will give and take. I tend to "plan" very far ahead. My hb always tell me, don't think so far ahead, things will smoothen itself when the time is here.

Try to talk to more people. In a way, you can kill those negative thoughts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheers....

i've got seat given up to me yesterday! cos i was wearing dress and was with hubby who was holding my hand in the 'careful' manner. whenever i alone, like no one will give up seat to me!! hubby is a gd tool haha

i'm almost 11 wks.. boobs increase by a cup size.. no MS so far jus nausea at night and definitely must wake up once to pee... mood swings once in awhile... fatigue also.. dun really like to go out...

those early Aug DD, first trimester is almost over, everyone jiayou!!

my advice to those experiencing MS.. i think eating sweets (without artificial sweetener) and drinking sweet drinks help

CP240 > Me too! At nite sure will wake up once to pee. Feeling easily tired and sleepy whole day, and too lazy to do anything at hm. Congrats to you that your first trimester is going to be over! I wish mine can finish fast fast too so that I don't need to hide my tummy anymore.

SY - I used to take 1 bottle of chix essence but I have headache the next day so changed to half bottle. (ie: today half, tomr half, then stop for 1-2 days then start again)

CP240 - I am taking sweets cos my mouth feels tasteless. Sweets does help and can feel that i am craving for sweets (don't crave for choc). Are you getting maternity bras?I am not sure where to get them. Can you share whr to get?

Hi huisi, I'm in a rather same position as you, I just got married last Nov and pregnant after wedding night. My hubby is still shocked and trying slowly to accept it. Coz to him, he has not even started to learn to be good hubby and

now going to learn to be hubby and daddy. I'm

living with my mil, and she is trying to be cordial with me though she dun quite like me. My new place will only be ready in aug 2012, and though I'm going to live 5 min away from my mil and my parents, the best choice for my to be child is to be taken care by nanny. As both in laws don't like each other. So stay positive, I'm trying to, and try to source for all types of help.

And to add on, my mil is very territorial, she occupies 2 rooms, including master bedroom and it's going to be tough to ask her to clear her things in the smaller room for confinement lady and bb. That kind of task has to be done by hubby. My mil is a divorcee with only son, not easy for us. She already has 'advice' like CL gotta be Cantonese, must do household chores, cannot be from KL coz very atas, and need to interview. We are thinking of TMC's cl, u may want to consider. it's 2k plus.

Hi Huisi and Pipi,

I tot Iam the only bad mommy here.. I also told my Hubby that I regret to this BB coz its far miserable than having #1

Iam miserable from vomitting, nauseous, giddy spell, bloatedness and felt tired everyday.

Last night I went to a normal clinic to ask if they have an urine test for dehydrate ? but too bad they dont.. only hospital do have such test.

My tears roll down when comes to dinner last night.. My stomach is empty and grumbling but mouth just dont want to open..I really dunno how to survive ?????

Pipi > I see. I thought pregnant woman cannot take too much of chicken essence hehe.

Btw all mummies, did you all stop taking any supplements that you all take before your pregnancy? Doc asked me to stop first and only taking acid folic. I wish I can pass my first trimester quickly then I can eat back my supplements. I miss my supplements lol!

Dear mummies, i haven been active in tis thread but did read all your comments n views n stories. Glad tat the august mummies can come together n share. Enjoy reading tis thread coz i also picked up new things along the way.

May we all hav a smooth pregnancy journey!

On the bras, u can try getting larger sizes at la senza.. Having sales right now where the bras are one for one.. Good deal in my opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but all the bras there come with underwire.

For non wire cotton bras which are good for night/ home use, u can try marks and spencer.. Look out for those in boxes. They have those which are like 2 in a box for $49. Also comfortable

Hi all,

I've been MIA for 1 mth?? dun feel well to come in to chat, have been feeling nausous, giddy loses appetite..... i'm already underweight b4 preggie, now i think i lost another 2kg.

i'm in my 8wk now, edd is 16 aug.

mama_guai, u want to try chwee kueh? i'm been taking chwee kueh for the past few days since i realise i dun puke after taking tt. i also puke at many food, i can't smell pork, mushroom. i hate it when mil cook "nuo mi fan" hate the smell, & she cooked big big pot every week... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wow.. this thread is running fast...

thanks to all mummies/mtbs for the encouragement.. now I know I am not alone... yes I know being pregnant is a blessing, be it through the natural course or other long ways... I will keep in mind now and will stay positive..

congrats to all mtbs as well..

sobee: noted.. can we use TMC's CL even I choose to deliver in Mt A?

mama: I feel frustrated at times too.. feel hungry and yet no appetite to eat.. I only crave to drink soup...

I wish we can all past the 1st trimester soon.. tired of hiding and telling lies =X

Hellooo Mummies to be,

Super tired today think I am going asleep on my desk with a loud thud…. Wish it is the weekends so I can just nau on my bed all day long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Caramelle,

I have an unhappy experience on the train just last week, the train was super packed and not to mention super jerky as well. Then this pregnant woman who come along and stand right in front of me. I was sitting in the reserved seat along with this young lady who for some reasons upon seeing the pregnant lady has her eyes transfix on the iphone.

Guess what happens? This elderly man who come up to me and tap me and ask me very loudly and rudely to give up my seat to the pregnant woman…. Then I scream back at him why should I when I am also pregnant!!! Gosh I never told I would have the courage to scream at a stranger in public.

Hi Carole,

Please add in my particulars my gynae is sim lee ngor/TMC


hahaha I think it was a rush of adrenaline and in a spur of the moment, we can do things we least expect. I think I would've shouted at the man too. Some people just assume... too much.

To all mummies who're still puking, I hope the misery will come to pass soon. I was having very bad MS previously from week 5 and it is slowly easing up for me now that I am in my week 10. I dunno if it's a natural process or if it's because I've been taking Vitamin B6 (anti-vomitting pills) prescribed by the doc.

I found chee cheong fun very easy to eat and keep down. Maybe you ladies can give it a go.

I have gained about less than 1kg so far though I look like I am 4mths pregnant. My tummy is very big and obvious. =(

I do feel cold in the evenings as well and I also hate the feeling of showering in the morning. I wish my bathroom was heated!!

huisi: Your situation is exactly like mine when I have my #1. You got to stay positive and happy cos during my #1, it comes as a shock as it was unplanned for. I have my career and I just got married thus I keep telling my baby I don't want her. Trust me, baby understood what I am talking abt and my spotting went into serious bleeding, like having menses, not once but thrice.

I only realised that I wanna keep the baby during the 3rd time. I put my hand on my tummy and tell my baby that I want her and she got to stay alright during my way to hospital. After that incident, no more spotting/bleeding. I never regret having her as she is the love of my life now and she was born when I was still living with my ILs, SIL and BIL. Stay positive and happy alright?


You wanna consider getting the jab? Nowadays my vomiting has reduced after the jab and oral medication, only feel like puking after 8pm.

Hi Huisi, there's an agency called GPLS, local CL trained by KK, it's 2k plus also, I'm still thinking to deliver at TMC or Mt A, if i deliver at Mt A, this will be my alternative. And I too, felt very confused and helpless when I'm just pregnant and can be moody for no reason, and I am still. I read a book that says bb from as young as a few weeks understands mummy's feelings and when they dun feel love, they would somehow choose not to be born into this world. So all mummies have to stay positive. Happy mummy equals happy baby!

hi ladies i bought bras from triumph cos they were having a sale, buy 3 get 1 free or something.. they have quite a wide range of non underwire bras.. the nicer ones only got up to cup C.. for bigger cup sizes, will be the more grandmother looking ones.. :p

yes Val i think marks and spencer will have nicer looking bras for bigger cups

maybe its gd to get maternity nursing bras? but i dunno i not ready to get such a bra yet..so havent go look at it... want normal bra for now haha... maybe in 3rd trimester can invest in a few so that can wear when baby is born and nursing...

ooh chee cheong fun sounds good... the sesame smell is nice.. haha

hi cheerypie.. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my tummy is too huge to be hidden... most ppl can tell i'm pregnant cos they say i look different and wear flats..

i have an aversion to steamed fish now.. makes me feel very gross.. the look of it.. the look of any fish in fact.. (except those swimming ones)


vonnes, thanks. think i'll tell my boss next week after my visit with gynae this saturday. just to be sure everything is okay.

babydreamy, so funny carry the ultrasound scan with you! i keep thinking if pregnant women should be given a band to wear around the wrist, like last time those rubber wristbands very popular. i think some commuters not sure if we're pregnant or not, scared give up seat then offend others. but if i need the seat, i think i will ask rather than risk feeling faint and hurting myself.

Fleur, yah i think i should switch to flats too. but pretty ones so people will think it's not because of anything yet..haha!

PiPi, i didnt know about those seafood that eat dirt! i love prawns and crabs! btw i bought my maternity bras from mothercare, they can measure for you as well. and got some maternity underpants as well.

huisi, baby is a blessing. things will sort itself out closer to delivery time, but good to talk to your hubby about your plans when the baby comes. i heard there are some CL that dont stay overnight, but think they charge more cos either they are singaporeans or they have to find alternative accomodation. actually y u dont want your MIL to do confinement for you? for me, i find not necessarily my mum's way of bringing up the kid is better. in the first month, my mum came to help me take care of my daughter, and she kept putting my daughter to sleep on her tummy, i was horrified! scared baby suffocate, but i cant jaga all the time. re space, i live with my mum now in her house and it's quite big but me, hubby and daughter coop up in our room all the time. we got tv and all the baby needs incl toilet so i think you can make do with just a room at least for the first year.

these days i feel like im dragging myself to work but don't let myself take MC cos scared if i get used to it, even harder to come to work.

i've also not been happy for quite some time. keep arguing with hubby over small things and i find the things he does very annoying. he's actually a very nice daddy, my daughter is very close to him and he's very helpful like after im pregnant, he will wake up if my daughter wake up for milk/pacifier at night. but i find he's just slacking as a hubby. in fact, i was the one who initiated BD to conceive #2, otherwise it wont even happen at all. i've been miserable for a few months because im not his priority, he will make others happy then finally i will make noise. sigh. i must cheer up more, babies are such a blessing. i love my darling daughter so much!

