(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:

Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.


If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.

Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!

Hi mummies,

Missed reading the forum as no time cos my Confinement Lady has left last saturday. Was like Queen when she's around and now feel like slave. I feel so stressed and wanted to cry taking care of my gal myself today.

I need to take care of her , cook my lunch and dinner (hope to eat confinement food til 40 days) , pump milk. Never felt so stress during my #1 time.

My gal always cry and she cant sleep for long. Need to carry her , she sleep , put her on cot and she's awake and cry again. HOW?

Anyone giving your baby pacifier?

DO your babies make alot of sound when they are asleep at night? Mine do and i cant sleep when i hear all these sound.

I also stressed hw to sleep w no.1 n 2 aft confinemt. Dun feel like entrustg bb to maid, but my bedroom reali small after a queen mattress bb playpen. No space for no.1 to put mattress n sleep, wa u mummies be doing har?

Today my ss also dropped, never rest enuff! Hw i wish confinemt is over soon n quickly send my mil back! She over spoilt my no.1 n I super unhappy. Teach my maid hw tocook, but unclear instructions n unhygienic ways she also dun correct!

Worse still, mil throw the coffee powder down my sink n dare to tell my put some oil to flush it down! Gosh! Kill me

sungrapes n aqua,

after reading yr posts quickly go find tui nah but none near my hme so chinese sinseh... did 物理治疗 n 针灸. and put herbal koyok feel so much better now. also gave some med to relieve. my chinese cannot make it dun understand some things he say but i guessed its a strain..


thks for sharing yr bb routine. how did u manage to remove e night feed? lets say i feed bb until full at 12am if he wakes up at 5am crying for milk dun feed?


I know pregnant can't use koyok. U BFg, can use?

Thanks Xiao Qing : )


I oso same problem with sleeping arrangement. I need a mansion...haha! Cos oso got a lot of toys.

Me stay with mil in 3 rm.

My ds1 die die wanna sleep with me. So my rm same, queen bed, and playpen. Still barely enough space for a single mattress on the floor for dh(poor dh sleep for). But at nite gotta move around a lot and really inconvenient, oso dun wanna disturb dh and ds1 sleep. The other rm is for maid and toys. Toys alrdy spill over into the hall. Hw?

So either convince ds1 to sleep with maid, (which I heart pain to do so) or put bb with maid with bb monitor. AT nite go over to attend to bb.

Or strike toto, can upgrade.

Sungrapes, I hav the bedroom for elder to sleep but she can't sleep alone n won't sleep w maid! Either I sleep w no. 1 n maid w bb. Coz cant expect hb to wake up every2-3 hr to feed bb.

Dunoo y, today my ss so dry, hardly got enuf milk. Juz gav bb 1 Fm.

Ham taro,

U sound stress!

U alone, no help at all?

Pls take care. Can feel overwhelmed once CL leaves. It's a matter of time, it takes awhile for u to get in sync with ur bb.

With CL around I oso stress, can't imagine when she leaves me. My bb oso make a lot of the eh eh sound. Oso dun know what he wants. I hold his arms and put my hands on his chest to gv him some security feeling, I learn this from watching Baby Story on tv. Then after awhile he doze off. Sm times he makes really angry eh eh sounds till his face turn red. I tot he gg to poo, but then actually he wants to sleep. It's his way of saying put me down and let me rest. when ur girl make sound just wait and observe, maybe she will settle by herself. Did u ask ur CL abt this?

I gv pacifier. Kena scold by mil. If she comfort sucking then just gv her.

If it helps, wear earplugs to sleep. I wear earplugs cos I'm light sleeper.

Ham taro,

Take a deep breath! U all alone? No help?

U sound very stressed! Pls take care.

Everyone of us here will need to face the day when CL leaves. I guess it takes awhile for us to get in sync with our new bbs. I oso dread the day when I hv to take care of bb alone and ds1. Sometimes really wonder y I have another bb to stress myself.

My bb oso makes a lot of eh eh sounds. Whenever I hear this sound I panic cos I dun know what he wants. I learnt from watching Baby Story this..u put ur hand on bb chest while holding down bb's arms, like pressing bb's arms on her chest like that. It's suppose to gv bb security and help calm her down. When she cry u can try pat pat her without carrying her? My bb sometimes will cry and make angry eh eh sounds till his face turn red. After awhile he will doze off by himself.

I dun know if all these helps. Just dun be so kan cheong ok? Bb can sense ur feelings too.

Need to vent just vent it here.

Yes me alone w bb only. My mum will only drop by once a while, not everyday. Not close w my mil so rather she dun come but anyway she's also helping me to look after #1 after his half day cc.

This evening I was pumping half way n bb start crying. She only stop when I carry her so I hv to stop my pump. Then I cry w her.

My CL did warn me tt my gal mk alot of sound at night. She say it's her stretching sound. 

When my hubby returned home tonight , I started crying. So tonight he will sleep w bb while I sleep w #1.

Maybe u all are lucky to get good confinement nanny, thatz why dreading to see her leaves. Mine was terrible, was fired by me 15 days into the confinement. Find that shez not hygenic enough, and super lazy, took naps very often, relax and talk on the phone. ( in fact shez the lady in the pic someone posted under 'confinement lady nightmare' topic. ) I was very depressed to handle the baby after she left, as i

don't know why he cry, but now, almost towards the end of

my confinement, where my mom and aunt do the showering of bb, washing up and cooking for me, i'm practically alone

taking care of my boy for a wk n half already. Kinda get into

the routine, and the depression was gone. Its really not that

bad, try to learn as much as you all can with the CL, and be

a hands on mummy. Then when CL left, you know how to

handle. Though i'm not totally out of my blues, coz its a big

adjustment to make, from full time working, to now, a part

time, and full time mother, but, things do look better for me

already, so hang in the [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I started by dragging the the feeding time. Eg for 1 week, I will feed at 11.30pm instead of 12am. Then the following week, feed at 5.30am instead of 5 am... Something like that. Took me a month to adjust DD1

Some ppl did comment that I started very late Liao. I removed the night feed only at her 4th month...

Anyway, if your baby sleeps from 12-5am, lucky u! It is considered sleeping through liao


thks for sharing!

i hope he sleeps fr 12-5 but unfortunately no.

his last feed yest was 11.45pm by e time he zzz its 1am. just now woke up at 4.15 asking for milk...

Hi I just admitted my bb to hospital due to jaundice and 3 person is telling me because I do not have enough breast milk that why bb dehydrated. So sad and I gave in to formula milk.


Tell them don be silly lah. My bb breastfed also jaundice. My PD told me to feed formula to bring down the jaundice level. Do those 3 ppl know wat they are talking about?


U can still maintain ur milk ss by pumping while bb is in hospital. If u wan..

Gv fm to clear jaundice is quite standard practice. Cos bb need to poo it out. Once he poo and clear his system then will be fine, then u can cont BFg him.

Dun worry ok?

Yes, it's the adjustment we find it hard.

Even if our CL stay with us forever, doesn't mean we can pass over this responsibility. No matter what, we are now stuck with bb and gotta take care till they grow up.

Daunting..but no choice. The fact is that we can't rely on our parents, in laws, nanny forever. Even if some of us are lucky

enough to have a trusted caregiver, The mental pressure will

always be there. We will always feel guilty abt this, that.

Unable to be carefree anymore. I went back to work after my

#1. But did not enjoy it anymore. Going to work is like a

torture to me. I keep thinking im such a horrible mum to

abandon her child and go away. So what if I'm earning $, no

amt of money can banish this guilt away. In fact, I

intentionally stop myself from spending money, sort of like a self inflicted punishment.

Even when I buy toys for my boy, I will feel bad. What's the pt of buying for him? When I'm not around to play with him?

Taking care of bb is very time consuming and routine. We are not use to routine and it will take awhile for us to adjust. For those working mums, maybe u look forward to gg back to work? Al least u get to socialize abit. Whatever our predicament, we have to learn to look positive. Day by day, the bb will grow. Just have to accept all these.


i think its standard reply for tbf mothers. this also happened to me. take this chance to inc n stock up ur supply. pump 3-4hrly n drink lotsa water. after bb comes back fr hsp, u can feed him with this ready stock of ebm.. i didnt buy fm and was determined to feed him with my own supply. unless ur bb demands really more than latch him first or feed ebm first before topping up with fm. jiayou! 2 days will quickly pass n bb will be back in yr arms.

seriously cant the healthcare workers have nicer answers or comments 'yr supply probably not in yet.. takes a little longer to cme in ' ' bb demands more so need to top up...rather than YOU Dont have Enough Milk. this makes mothers so lousy! come to think of it, i dislike e pd. not going back anymore!

starz, ask them to cupfeed if u want to latch aft bb cone bavk fr hsp so bb wont ha e nipple confusion. some bb develop that.


u make me think more seriously on working part time aft nb turns 4mths... e only thing stopping me is tt i like what i am doing, hav a great boss n company culture is pro family. in fact early last yr, my boss asked me to quickly give birth wjen they introduce $3k to subsidize all empoyees for childbirth.

Well Tunis, if u have the option of working part time and able to find suitable caregiver and feel good abt the arrangement. Why not?

it's more to gv urself a break, the mthly salary is a bonus and benefits, annual leave etc.

It's not easy to find a pro family company. My gf just started her new job and she say everybody stare at her when she

leaves on time at 5.30pm. These ppl got no life meh?

Whereas her last job, her boss will chase her home when it's time to knock off.

The 1st company is own by Singaporean, the 2nd one is ang moh.

Singapore no work life balance. Hopeless!

I'm oso not close to my mil. She Cantonese so I stereotype her to be those fierce mil who will bully me. So try not to cross her path. Aw, I just found out that she used to be nanny when she was in USA. And she supposedly quite in demand there. So now she offer to take care of my bb, I shd be thanking my lucky stars?! So must I pay her in usd? Lucky usd rate is low hor. Haha!

Ham taro,

I asked my CL abt ur bb keep crying when u put her in cot. She say bb is used to being carried..ermm..will be like that for 100days. Of course this is their CL old wives tale.

I suppose u gotta find ur own way to train ur bb to sleep in cot. U try when ur bb ALMOST dozing off that time, quickly put her in the cot..so she will be too tired to protest, but not yet deep sleep.

Sleep deprive is no joke. U end up cranky.

Leave ur #1 with mil and get some rest.

Sungrape, my mil also Cantonese. She looks fierce so I'm not comfy w her. Nowaday I will carry my gal to sleep then put her sleep face down in cot then she can sleep longer. But need to monitor her.

I don't want to leave #1 w mil at night as he may feel we neglected him after meimei is out.

Hamtaro, I also feel bad no.1 sleep w mil now after bb arrived. She says she miss me n wann sleep w mi. But no choice, ciz bedroom reali cramped n frequent bb cries at nite will disturb no.1. My elder stil coughing since 2 wks ago, I got no choice but separated them.

I wish wrk part time! Like mebe 3 days aweek? Tht is most ideal, earn some $ for Shoppg n spend more time w kids! But in sg , hard to find such gd welfare co.

Mil- haha, I haven't known of someone who v close to mil than own mummy! I suppose as Daughterinlaw, we will always try keep far fr them! Oops keke

sungrapes n hamtaro,

my mil also cantonese but she seems ok. hubby asked her to cme n help whenever she can aft my cl leaves. hope everything goes well cos shes going to help look aft bb aft i go back to work.


one mummy gave birth in april this yr n wanted to quit aft her mat. leave. our coy wanted to retain her n offered part time plus work fr hme some days for e time being. full details i not sure. hmm but she is a manager n i am only an analyst. wonder if my coy will offer me tt too.

i told my hb..my priority is my #1. i dun wan him to feel leftout. his feelings are very very impt to me.

alrdy now whenever he sayang the bb, ppl will always tell him to be careful, dun touch the head, dun be too rough, dun this, dun that...

wonder how he feels smtimes..

just went for shoulder massage at wan yang. the man ask me how long i never go liao, cos my shoulders were so stiff and when he press can hear my bone crack!


hope u will have a restful night.

tomorrow will be a better day.


how old is yr no 1? personally i believe e attn to bigger siblings r extremely impt. they r bigger n r more affected by e changes due to e addition in e family, esp if they were e only child. if i am in yr situation, will hold e same belief.


am sure ull find a way out to settle yr no 1. yea like what sungrapes says tmr will be better!

Helo mummies..

I wished I was here earlier!!! M also an Aug mummy. As I was reading... haaa ... I realise I am so not alone...

All the breastfeeding, looking at my baby poo, jaundice...

I am so glad it is going to be over soon!!! HAaa I really hate this confimenet period, I am so bored at home and I am SO upset with my weight!!!

I was also 45, now I am stuck at 58!!!! Sigh... I am so envious over anyone that is below 58! I really dunno how come my weight is so stuck and it is getting so depressive. Sigh....

Hi Felicia,

Not too late to join now!

U still in confinement?

Hw old is ur bb boy or girl?


My ds1 is coming to 5. He at the age where he can be so sensitive to how others see him.

Ham taro,

Hope today is a gd day for u!


Ur bb will vomit abit after feeding ? Mine does, just a small trickle, then he will have hiccups. Normal?

I very paranoid he has reflux. Cos my ds1 had it and it was a mite mare!!

hi felicia,

welcome to the group! as sungrapes said not too late!

here we ask complain vent. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah envy yr boy so big liao... u stopping at two or three! lol

my boy not enough out yet hubby say one enough! i scared he lonely leh...

my boy will also vomit a bit of milk out sometimes after drinking.. usually when we settle him on e bed. once he even do it before a feed. i think its normal. bb stomach muscles not strong yet. my boy used to hiccup up to 4 times a day while in my tummy. now on avg its 1-2x a day usually after milk. think some bb dont some does like ours n i asked before n was told its normal.

hamtaro, aqua, wl how r u ladies doing?

My husband took half day leave today to relief me. I fund that my gal is grouchy around evening time. Leave her awhile on cot n the blue netting bouncer n she will cry.

I find that my gal get startled easily. There's alot of helicopter around my estate n they r very noisy. I wonder does that constitutes my gal grouchiness.

My gal also spit out milk n my mum told me it's bcos we did not burp her properly. Do u all ensure bb burp after every feed. Sometimes I pat her for quite some time n still no burp.


my estate doing lift upgrading so very noisy ard here. my cl stil swaddles my boy cos e noise startles him even though he is now more than a mth old.

sungrapes, oh i remember someone telling me bottle must burp well aft every feed. if bb drink too fast need to stop him halfway to burp too.

Formula milk babies get very constipated? Baby did not poop almost the entire dsy, can see he is trying very hard, and often irritated by it. Have been giving him water, 50 ml today, but haven't poop, how?

Just Rec news that maid arriving this sat but will stay with agent til Monday for test then Tuesday thumbprint then she will b brought to me.

But agent can bring her before 4 pm n I can't take leVe coz on course. Anyway if maid cones Tuesday night hv to brief her on things in one sit down? Then Wednesday let her alone at home start do chores?

Anyone hv set of rules or schedule to share?

Hello! Yup! here to complain n chit chat huh hahha..

Sourgraphes:What is Ds1? Darling son? Yes am still in the dreadful confimenet period. My daughter is 25 days old

Tunis: how cme you are still have a CL after a mth? Yup she vomits after bf. It trickles down, even after I burp her..

Any idea where can I get good cheap nursing bras?

Where do you all shop for clothes for yourself and baby? -- sigh... I feel so darn fat... dunno how... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my goodness ur daughter is so big liao! can rope her in to help take care of her little bro le!

i extended my cl for another 3 weeks till 23rd.... bleah. hubby was e one who suggested it. think he wants have hme cooked food n go out too!

nursing bra, can buy from gmarket. later i pm u e link. cheap n good quality i bought n bought n bought. have 9 sets cos i dun mind wearing it as normal bra even.


my cl says not enough water. give more water. monitor for another day n feed 30-60 ml water 1 hr aft every fm.

if still cannot poo go chinese med hall buy ling2 yong2 boil with water n feed bb. tell them for bb they can advise.

hope this helps.

Hi Tunis, I am a July mummy but happen to drop in to see some posts here.

Pls be v careful not to let ur CL feed ur baby w too much water. See below links. Notice the term "water Intoxication" in every link"?




The Amt that ur CL suggest after every feed is too much. I hv ask my PD b4. He said even FM dun need to supplement water coz when u make FM, what do u use? Water right? So our babies are still taking water. My elder son who is now 2.5 yrs old was TBF and I didn't supplement water for the 1st 4 mths. My 2nd boy who is currently 6wks also didn't drink any water yet.

I feel that we need to selective listen to CL's advice. My CL suggested to use guiness stout to bath my both sons coz of their jaundice. I rejected. Babies' skin is so sensitive. I dun want to run the risk of them getting rashes.

My MIL also wanted me to use a kind of medicated talc powder for my 2nd boy's diaper rash which I rejected too. Coz it is dangerous for babies to breathe in talc. Thou she was abit unhappy when I turned her down. But I am the mother, I hv right to decide what I want to do for my son.

thks bb power. noted. i trust my cl a lot. will take note to listen selwctively. i am on tbf n no need to suppl with water. only fm need to supplement with water.

think if my bb is on fm, might try to give sips of water 1hr aft every feed. if still cannot then change fm. :p

Haa Tunis!

My daughter is 25 days old.. not a mth yet... hehee .. thanks for the link... I am new here, am going to figure out how to do the PM thingy...

Oh anyone knows where to get nursing tops? Cheap ones .... haah It is so funny to look at the tops online and they are so ugly yet so expensive! hahahaha

FM oso dun need to supplement w water.


Sorry if i had offended u in any way regarding CL. Juz that personally, I feel that no matter how experienced they are, their methods may be juz old wives' tales or already outdated. CLs are not medically trained afterall.


hi bbpower,

no worries! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this is great for discussion. wish there is clinical paper on this so we can read up for better decision making.

i remember mrs wong said tt can supple with water.

but she didnt say how much..

anyway yes i agree with u tt they r not medically trained. un fact i disagreed with bottle feeding at night when she suggested tt before 1 mth as i had difficulty latching. only aft 1 mth then i allowed 1 feed bottle per day.

i compared fm vs tbf. tbf or ebm usually drink more per feed compared to fm. in a way bb drink less liquid...

