(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hello all...seems like there are afew new mummies here now.

Sungrapes: Need to ask you something saince you oso Csect. Do you feel your knee cap v weak. I tried to pick up a pen which has dropped on the floor the other day, when I squat down, I can't get up myself unlike prev. I had to use the study table to pull myself up! I couldn't believe it. My Cl thinks its the Csect which has cut up certain nerves but I am worried and wanted to find out if other Csect mummies have the same problem like me???


Shall we have another topic - Losing our pounds!

I just weigh myself again today, goodnes I am stuck at 55-56kg. Pretty upset to see weighing skills and my gorilla body...I mean I look so big these days tt I think I look like an ape/gorilla. Hahaha.

I am soo envious of mummies who lost 10-15 kg!!!

Can exp mummies tell me if we are able to wear normal clothes when we return to work force after 14 weeks? Cos my mum told me I still need to wear preggy clothes out!! I nearly fainted!!


My wt oso at 55kg. But I lost 2kg during the 2 wks I was BFg. Hope to lose another 5or6 kg.

I dun think is ur knee cap weak. It is our extra wt that makes it difficult for us to stand up. I feel the same and I avoid squatting down cos itz not gd for our womb after delivery. Our stomach muscles also very weak and loose so we are unable to use it like normal to help us stand up or sit up. Pls dun squat down anymore. rest ur stomach muscles as much as possible.

sungrapes, yes yesterday bb full mth. cl accompanied me to mkt buy chicken, roast pork, ang gu gui to bring hme to my mum.. so tiring.. didnt even do e full mth celebration, only cut hair, nails n bring to mum place alrdy worn me out. slept like a log whole aft n night!

tdy, my boy refused to sleep e whole day. only managed to get him to zzz just now. every 2-3 hrs ask for milk n take >1hr each time to latch. everytime poo big time. hes only 3.4kg aft a feed just now. gained abt 800g since birth. i wonder where all my milk go?!!!

think he can win smallest bb boy award...

i was 46kg prepregnancy. 57kg during his birth. came out of hsp weighed 54kg.. bb was 2.59kg.. now still at 54kg.,, Zzzz thought bf helps but not in my case.. 1 mth le. getting demoralised.

something funny to share

my sister friend bb cannot finish his milk so mother in law thinks its a waste so she used e milk to make coffee for whole family. father asks why tt day coffee taste different mother had no choice but to say e truth. u can self imagine what happened after tt!

hope this cheers u mummies up!

I used to be 45 kg wear xs.

After 1st pregnancy, wt stays at 48kg, wear s.

After this round, if can maintain 50kg, I will be happy.


Ur bb same time as mine.

Can ask u hw much she drinking?

My CL keep increasing the amt each day and I very paranoid bb will vomit. Today, after feeding, bb tummy was so rounded like gg to explode!

He is taking 100mls on average. But CL keep wanting to gv 120mls.

Anybody's bb is around my bb's age? Can share feeding amt? He is born 16aug. Abt 18 days old.

sungrapes my bb 1 mth old. hes only drinking 100-110ml..

think 120ml is ok but on high side according to tmc childcare guidebook 2-4weeks 90-120ml per feed. 5-6 feeds per day

Hi Tunis,

Congrats again for bb full mth and finally out of confinement!

I tot 800g wt gain in a mth is quite gd. Did PD say anythg?

I read somewhere say bf bb's put on 170g per wk.

Frm ur wt seem like u belong to the petite grp. Like me..so our bb born oso small size. Hmm.. Healthy can alrdy. We can never achieve our pre pregnancy wt I think. Before my 1st bb, I was 45 kg only.

Thanks for sharing the feed amt. Is there a guidebook frm TMC? I must go find.

there are 4 guidebooks sold in tmc. i bought e FBI card so they gave 3 free. guide to childbirth, childcare n breastfeeding respectively. all by wong boh boi. e last one is child illness or something like that.. u can buy e books from e shop near e counter at e waiting area for valet.

i am short at 1.57cm so my weight at 46 is just nice.. 42 was my lowest n 48 highest of my life. shudder to think how big i will be post pregnancy.... my hubby tall n considered a little skinny though now he eat protein shake n exercise to bulk up a little. i stand beside him now look short n fat.. argh

Re: breastfeeding

My baby is only less than a week and latch every hour at night. When I pump out it's less than 10ml.

Feel like giving up and give in to formula milk.

Re: c section

How long will the wound heal ? It's so painful.

Re: Facebook

How to join the Facebook ?

hi stars,

dun give up. just latch n pump aft tt. yr supply will increase soon. i almost cried when my bb got hspitalized for jaundice day 5 as pd said i dun hav enough milk so bb dehydrated so jaundice lvl shoot up. while he was there i deligently pump for 30mins each side 3 hrly n within 1-2 days can see improvement. dd = supply. must believe tt mother nature has her ways.

re facebook, i am a total newbie. didnt even know how to pm. so advsports help me join e grp. bleah...


My baby was a premature, his EDD was supposed to be 8/9/2011, but waterbag burst at 2am 10/8/2011. We got to hospital for observation 4am. Doctor decided on an emergency c section at 7pm. 7.50pm baby's out. No contraction and much pain. The only pain was the 2nd night after the op coz i did not eat painkillers. Wound recovering fast too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun be like me, gv up so soon!

2nd wk is the toughest in my opinion.

Juz keep latching. Any doubts can go consult ur hospital LC and get any problems out of the way. At least u have peace of mind that u r latching properly.

Unless, u like me...no milk type. I suppose will have lah, but juz not those can pump extra and store in freezer type. Anyhow, try ur best!

Try until ur limit, if u decide to stop at least u know u tried. Then allow urself to mourn for a day or two. Then close that chapter and get on with ur life.

Like I read somewhere..motherhood is not all abt breastfeeding.

Ps. No offense to anyone, just share with stars my experience.

Csect wound...take ur painkillers. 1st wk is like that. After my 2nd wk appt with doc the pain subsided.

After delivery is like that, sure get some bb blues cos lifestyle change mah. Cant sleep, can't go out,everyday eat like pig drink water like water parade in the army, all for the hopes of BFg. Sure will cry..every body cry, just nobody admit. Dun feel bad abt crying to release ur frustration. It's NORMAL and most impt..IT WILL PASS!

FYI, I cried for 3 days like the world coming to an end like that. My mum tell me, u r born in Singapore, everywhere sell fm, somemre so many brands to choose, not say no milk for ur bb.

Anybody wants Sacred Tea? My gd frend gv me hers to try. But I dun need it anymore. It's brand new and expire may 2012.

But u need to self collect at Geylang serai or meet up at parkway. Can sneak out awhile.

Hi thanks everyone for the encouragement.

Hope tonight will b better.

Tmr bringing bb for jaundice check up. Hope the level will go down.

But my baby did not urine much and no shit.

Is it normal ?

Hi sungrapes,

After your advise, I proceed to circumcise my boy on day 2. He's recovering well. The ring has dropped half way. Waiting for it to completely drop out. I'm glad that I decided to do it but of course was met with lots of criticism cos its nor compulsory for my boy to be circumcise. Anyway just wanna thank you for your advise!

As with my decision to stop breastfeeding my no 1 (girl) on the 2nd month, lots of ppl also volunteer their criticism freely. But my girl grew up to be strong and healthy. She has only fallen sick once in the past year. Hence it's nit true that breastfed babies are healthier n formula fed babies are not. Lots of factors are involved.

What I want to say is, if you mummies have decided to give up breastfeeding, seriously it's no big deal. I was so relived and could enjoy motherhood after I have decided to give up breastfeeding.

Hi mummies! It's me! Peachmomo!

I popped on 16 Aug via c sec.

How's everyone doing?

I wanna ask.. Is everyone breastfeeding? Anyone giving formula to supplement? If yes, what brand ah?

I'm feeding bm but sometimes at night, my CL will feed form so I get to sleep.


hav anyone tried scared tea here?

ive already consume 3 pkts but no effective ler...but most ppl tried got improvement on the increment & got extra to store.

need some advise here.


Hw old is ur bb exactly?

I rem for the 1st wk, (exactly for 7 days), my bb poo frequently the meconium. After that the poo turn yellow from bm. If u seeing doc, pls chk with doc as every bb is different.


My struggle with BFg is very DRAMA..like Taiwanese tv drama. Haha!

All my frends and family members took turns to visit me and counsel me. When my avent pump broke down (yes, the motor just died on me one morning when I was pumping), my frend whom I haven seen in 3 yrs, rushed down to pass me hers. Then another frend lent me her ameda and gv me sacred tea. I have a lot of angels around me.

Then, with tears streaming down my eyes, I went to ntuc to buy fm on a wkend. So a lot of ppl saw this crazy woman pacing up and down the milk aisle sobbing away. Drama right?

Sungrapes, u were too stressed on bf! Before I delivered, I already buy 2x 900g of friso 1 to standby! Hehe, mus enjoy motherhood n confinemt! Tis my second time, so v relaxed and abandon all the traditional stuff! My mil see me on Aircon n shower daily, also dunwan nag liao

Avert manual gd for emptyin breast, but v tired to express!

Btw, I hurt my back when I tried to hang some laundry, hopefully I b fine soon. Any csection mummy doing massage?

Was wondering if those auntie can massage my bac too?

Hi wl,

Most welcome.

Glad everything worked out for u so well.

My mil oso commented y must circumcise. But I just do it lor!

Other ppl pass comments, I just tell him I'm Jewish with a straight face. Then they look at me blur blur, dun know I'm joking or real. My bb penis looks really gd and clean..like a mini acorn! The doc quite gd, I'm impressed!

Hw old is ur bb? Hw ur #1 getting along with bb? Dun mind can share abit of ur routine with two kids cos my #1 cmg home soon and I really dread the chaos.

Also thks for the support on no BFg..yes..relieve is the word. Like a big burden off my shoulders. With that out of the way, I can finally concentrate on my ds1 and enjoy the bb. Just nw while waiting for bottle to warm up and bb crying, I gv him my breast just to suckle so he will stop fussing, think milk dry up

liao. But my frend was suckling away like drinking, the weird thg is suddenly I feel so dizzy like the whole rm spinning.

Hi Jmom,

My bb same dob as urs by csect too! TMC?

Oh goody, another mummy can compare notes with!

Me no BFg. I'm using similac but will chg to NAN HA cos that's what the nursery is using and my frend using it too and feedback quite gd frm her.

Hw much ur bb intake per feed?


wow, yr angels! yr friends r so supportive! i wished i had opened up to more pple earlier. though i had my sister for support but she was travelling mon-wed n didnt bf so couldnt advise. males dun understand what we r going through!


malay message do yr whole body one.. if u hav any aches just tell them n they will focus on yr problem areas.

Aqua, dun hang laundry lah! So heavy and u straining ur stomach muscles and womb, not supposed to strain this area during confinement leh!! If ur womb become loose, will ken a prolapsed womb like my mum during old age.

My gynae gv me the green light to go ahead with massage and even can do the wrapping! Nw my body ache I think I ’need the Chinese tui na instead man!

2nd gg Wang yang try my luck at back massage. Hope I dun look pregnant. Gotta suck in my tummy.

My situation was like sungrapes, rememberi posted msgs asking abt amt of bm? Well, since baby refused to suckle, my flow wasn't alot. Even now, baby into 4th wk, every pump i get was abt 50mls per 3 hrs. Very disappointed and tiring, will prob give up breastfeeding soon, just holding on to prob a mth more, hopefully baby's immune system will be stronger before i give up totally. Btw, sungrapes, when u feed ur baby totally on fm, how much water u need to give?


yea i extending till 23rd. her rate is 2100 for 28 days... extension also same daily rate. initially till 7 then 14 then 23... keep extending haha.. its not cheap but helps keep my sanity longer.. hubby initiates e extension...

anyone backache due to latch n pump? i realised when my milk comes in i also backache.. cos e pain cme in together..

Tunis, ur Posture maybe wrong,get pillow to support ur back!

Sungrapes, yes. I think I push myself toomuch, nowreal cant do much cox bac hurts! U finish ur massage? My supposestart nextweek, but may wan check if she come earlier to rescue me.

Is wan yang gd? I know they hav one at tgkatong rd

Y everybody so late still haven sleep?

I woke up at 4+am, nw can't sleep. Been like that since bb came home..dun know y..I follow bb feeding schedule.??mmust be the latching last time, now brain traumatized. At least there is this thread for us to support and vent our frustrations. Let's hope this support grp will continue..


U buying breast pump? I suggest medela pis. I used that in parent craft. Strong but doesn't hurt nipples. My avent UNO broke down 2nd wk of pumping.


Wow! Expensive leh! But if money no problem, I support this idea! My CL wanna extend till Jan! Then my mil told me this morning she wanna help me till dec. Yay! So now I can relax lah! My bb can outsource to others! My ds1 CL stayed for 1 yr man! This time approach her she dun wanna help me liao.

I can do day shift, but find it IMPOSSIBLE to wake up for nite feedings. That's y latching was so tough for me..shudder! I wld be dozing off and poor bb hanging onto my boobs..

U pump and latch sure get backache cos gotta lean forward and subconsciously cannot relax ur shoulders when supporting the bb. U hv the BFg pillow? It helps and lots of firm pillow behind ur back when nursing. Ask ur CL to small massage for u lah!


Wan yang gd! I go to the branch at parkway and Thomson. My problem is my shoulders. But their shoulder massage only 20 mins. Quite short. Smites I go to Chinese tui na. Malay massage haven book yet. No mood to do leh..


U can sustain 4 wks is very admirable. I understand what u gg thru..totally!!

So obsess with BFg, keep comparing, keep questioning.

Y they have, I dun have?

Every time u determine to pump, u see the pathetic amt and u go WHAT THE ****?!!

then u go google all the website and u read all the success stories and u feel so miserable..

Oh well, just gv what u have. Dun be affected by all the pressure. Maybe FM was invented by a mummy like us, low milk ss. She pump till fed up, so invented FM.

Water after FM..for my ds1, his CL gv as much as he wants to drinks cos she say FM is very heaty. My new bb cos he is so young, the CL gv small sips just to wash his tongue and get him used to the taste of water after his feeds.

U have to monitor his poo and pee output. My ds1 change a few FM before finding one that suits him. He was a reflux bb.

aqua n sungrapes

i am using a breastfeeding pillow. n i have 3 diff pillows of diff material/ thickness to support my back using 1 or 2 each time. i tried diff combination, turn up n dwn, tried sitting straighter, lean slighly back, everything i can think of but still pain... below e big bone on my left side. cant think of anything else except to lie n relax whenever i can. hubby say maybe muscle strain?


we consider ourselves avg family income earner living in a resale 30 yr old 4 rm hdb flat bought right aft e 2006 GE before e Gst inc at a sane price. hubby says money can earn back more impt for me to hav help now... so ok loh. i think he likes home cooked food too! lol.


Your jewish reply really crack me. Made my day man! Thanks!

I remembered last year, while trying to bf no1 n she couldn't latch on, I was crying in the middle of the night WITH her. That was when I decided motherhood is not supposed to be like that. I should be enjoying my baby and not fear whenever she cries.

My dd 1 just turned 13month n ds2 is only 14 days old (born 23 aug). Very close... Faintz! Still trying to find my sanity.

I have a helper for dd1 n currently still enjoying the benefits of having a nice CL (so can't give up bf yet cos she's very encouraging n told me to pump if can't latch n she will feed from bottle. Ask me to rest as much as I can n DO NOT cry during confinement.). But this will only last for another 2 weeks. Then I will take care of ds2 myself until I go back to work in Dec... Dd1 will be placed in a full time CC so helper will switch n take care of ds2.

Below Routine has been set for dd1 but not yet for ds2...

7.30am wake up

8am milk

8.30am bathe

10am morning nap

12noon lunch (solid)

2pm afternoon nap

5pm dinner (solid)

7.30pm wash up/ milk

8.30pm always have to keep my fingers crossed that she will be al sleep by this time. Ha!

cannot imagine how others can afford having to buy 400-600 hdb n almost a mil condo. we def wont be able to afford e dwn payment... so we always consider ourselves lucky to hav married early.


when did u set up e routine for your girl?


when is a good time to set routine?

my boy feeds for an hr each time now at one mth old. is it possible for a routine too? cant really do anything cos by e time change n burp him n most times if he is awake wants to be carried so cant really do anything.


Ur this pain must go Chinese tui na. Let them press the pain away, cos sm times, the pain area is link to another part of the body. Ur big bone u referring is it the shoulder blade part? This part is link to ur neck.

I will nv be able to afford condo. Where to find 40% cash downpayment? And condo now at least 1mil. I certainly dun have half a mil!!

Ur hb really cares abt u!


My bb can latch, can suck, but mummy no milk..that's y I feel double bad, cos like it's my fault like that. Cannot blame bb can't latch or nipple too flat.

Thanks for sharing ur dd's routine.

Ur helper can take care of bb alone?

She sleep with bb,do nite feeds?

Routine for bb.. My mil say abt 2nd mth can start. She trying to make bb sleep thru frm 11pm to 5am. Thats her target.


The routine was set since she was 6 months. But I kept the wash up time the same since birth. Meaning wash up is always btw 7-7.30pm ( was earlier when younger) the feeding routine is not possible to set esp when they still feed on demand.

I tried to remove the midnight feed when she was 4months (when I return to work)

Gilera, here goes...

23rd august 2011 Tuesday

1am, dd1 refused to sleep since she woke up from her dream. Not sure if she was frightened by the lion dance she witnessed in the evening or she can really sensed that her didi is coming out. Felt contractions twice in a row. Started timing them.

1-3am contractions were 5 mins apart. Started pacing around the house. Wanted to wait until day break.

3.30am can't tahan anymore. Called mt A to make sure that they can administer epidural at that time, otherwise I don't wanna check in so early.

4am reached hospital. Husband was surprised that I said I don wanna eat breakfast. Man! Clueless about contractions! Arrghhh...

4.15am nurses saw that I'm having contraction every 3-4 mins told husband to go do check in paperwork. By now already 5cm dilated

4.35am epidural administered... Relived..

5am nurses left us to rest and sleep... Can only feel a little tension on the buttock when there's contractions.

5.45am inserted urine tube. 7cm dilated. nurses told me hopefully in time to have breakfast! Yeah!

7.15am epidural finished. Decided not to refill since it's almost time. Then can feel a bit also, not totally numb... Husband went out to buy his breakfast.

7.30am Dr Adrian ( my gynae) arrived. Ask where s my husband, cos I can delivered NOW. Becket een need to check the dilation....

Doc calked my hubpsband to come back imm... Poor husband gotta dumped his prawn mee n rushed back.

7.40am all set up. Doc stared at me, I stared at him... Then I asked what are we waiting for? He said "for your husband"

I said no need to wait lah... Hence I began to push.

Husband came in at the 4th push... Baby was out at the 6th push (I think)

7.47am baby out... Nurses injected something, into me (supposed to shrink the womb) but felt goggy immediately...

8.30am in the ward sleeping!

Sungrapes, don't be sad lah. Just go with the flow... If no milk then forget it Lor... Measure you will have more time to interact with your baby then with the breast pump... Haha

My helper can take care of my DD 1 alone, but she cant multitask... If shes alone, she cant do any housework.

I don't allow them to sleep together. DD1 used to sleep alone in her own room with baby monitor, so helper will wake up at night to attend to her (but not to feed cos I already remove the night feed). But now, DD1 sleeps in my room cos DS2 now takes over her room...

I tell you logistic is a big headache!

Hi Mummies/MTB,

Sorry to disturb. I have the following to let go ...

**99% Brand New Avent Electronic Breast Pump. Warranty till Jun 2013. Used once only. -$170

**Avent BRAND NEW Breast Shells - $25

**Avent BRAND NEW Nipple Protector- $10

**2 boxes of BRAND NEW NUK Breast Pads (24pcs/box) and loose piece Pigeon Breast Pad (44pcs). -$12

**9 BRAND NEW milk bottle caps together with glass milk bottles from hospital. - $8

**2 boxes of BRAND NEW Pureen nappy liners, 1 box of BRAND NEW Lucky Baby nappy liners - $10

Pls PM me if interested or mail me at [email protected]



Yah hor! I definitely wanna spend mre time with my kids then the breast pump.

Ur birth story is so smooth!! Wonderful every went so well. U r so blessed!

Frankly, I can't rem my birth story. Was so nervous and surreal. I can't even rem homecoming frm the hospital.

Yes, still haven figure out who sleep where.

Most prob, ds1 sleep with me. Bb sleep with maid. But worry abt whether maid can take care of bb well. We can never totally trust them..

