(2011/07) July 2011

hi all.. tonight went for shabu shabu buffet.. very full now.. haha.. eat till they close store.. now baby fight space with the food i ate.. think I won't have space for my strawberry tonight..


nana> i eating the brand: Nature becos it dun come in big pack, easy to finish...u noe hor...brown rice cannot keep too long as compare to white rice as it will hv the bugs easily....i saw the ad on Heavenly, will try it out!!! Thanks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chujie> keep ur berries for tmr bahhh...somemre late liao, u shld bath n rest lol...

xinyue> read fr somewhere that if did not cfm gender between 18-20wks, realli hv to wait till delivery lol cos after 20wks, bb will be curling up as it grow bigger, the space getting smaller, tats y bb will curl up n this way is mre difficult to see the gender ler!!! Hope during detailed scan, we can know ler!!!

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

Hihi morning all mtbs

Thanks Feimei n Emily

Saw bb doing wu yin jiao...haha he was kicking very fast...Hubby say lucky i still can't feel if not shld be very painful...I also can see his hand n fingers Liao so heartwarming...now my feeling abit hmmm dun know how to described leh...althou is the gender I prefer but ho mean my shopping list will not hv Lace lace clothes...haha so greedy right

thanks Crayon hmm.. so i m not goin to b e latest to give birth hehe..

nana-mum v cute leh.. closest thing to oyster is abalone for u.. so ur CNY abalone all cleared up already ah.. :p

how do i join e FB acct? for Jul mummies?

Adding myself to the list! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

feimei: tks for e info on pasting table. Nxt time i try try... hehe!

sunshine: u muz be super happy seeing dat stick!

R boys supposed to be more active during scans? dat time mine kept doing headstand n refused to lie down. Hope mine is a ger... :p

janice, i dunno lar but my mom oso forbid me to go to the zoo.. last time in Malaysia they always reported that some of their kids born to be like snake or keep panting like dogs is cos durign pregnancy either they laugh or abuse the animal..dunno how true but better be safe.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

sunshine, congrats!!! Wish come true..abalone with instant noodle is yummy..add bak kwa even nicer..

audrey,u no good lar, tempt all of us with oysters but i must say The Line serves very fresh seafood so no harm eating compared to other buffet where oysters are left in the open first. Yummy rite? I missed it...another 16 mths before i can touch raw food! During bf cannot eat raw rite?

ladies,any tips on our leg position when we sleep?

yest i woke up to a terrible sudden cramp and cant walk properly now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jacqueline- yup spring maternity has this. $129. but some outlets dont display.u must ask them. it's called theraline pillow

very useful.can use once baby is out too

morning ladies,

duno why these few nites my dreams are very active-activities one.

Last nite dream I went mountain biking with hub, the nite b4 is like heroine running here and there to catch baddies....

sunshinebb, congrats!! glad to hear bb is also active and healthy too! thats the most important. boy or girl, doesnt matter! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, ladies, count me out for the meet up. i gotta bake a birthday cake for my nephew bday on 19th feb. will be busy then. sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i tend to experience more on leg cramp these days.. most of the time is i felt like the cramp is coming type but not there on my leg..

nana: i still continue to eat sashimi and oysters.. DH also allow. But only one or 2 though, not much.. and not too often. If i don't satisfy my cravings he scared I go crazy and attack him hahahah

morning mummies...

so sianZ...getting back to work....slowly shake into office..hahahaha...surprisingly...today train not crowded...soo many ppl start to on leave ler????

i will be collecting my bak kwa tmr lol...cos office got corporate order... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

these few days...i realised my belly button getting smaller n smaller...will it disappear??? Alamak~~~forgot to ask gynae ytd.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos too happy to c bb doing fine...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

asked abt my EDD...gynae still keep it as 9th jul cos bb in right size and fit into expected EDD but 9th Jul will be full 40wks ler...gynae said if ok...can pop on 38wks lol...Woww...then that will be end Jun lol....jus another 5mths to Gooo.... :eek:

janice > my gynae told me not to visit the zoo when preggy and to avoid all furry stuffs (soft toys and animals). Cats and cats' poo are toxic to the baby.

feimei > ok, thanks for the info. My next visit to the gynae, I will be in wk 20 and will be wk 21+ when I go for FA scan. By the way, if the gathering is at United SQuare, then pls count me out.

hehe.. abalone too ex, can replace it with pacific clams or limpets to eat with maggie mee..

argh.. cannot do knocking in the house even though me not around.. i am arranging for the opennet installation in 3 weeks time.. That one, no choice.. :'(

feimei, belly button will not disappear lar..i juz realise my belly button quite clean cos now going to portrude out liao. Can clean better..lolz

px22, ur DH is so nice! I oso did eat abit of smoked salmon when i went for sushi lunch but when i m alone..with others they will always say cannot eat this n eat that. Even when i m having yoghurt they oso say too cold..Zzz...cant be having warm yoghurt mah..haha

i took bus to work, crowded leh! Waited so long... i very kan cheong lately. Like as though time is running out. left 3 days before i fly back, i still hv 2 batch of pineapple tarts to bake, yet to clean the kitchen replenish the rice etc and tonight going for seafood feast. Even my son's diaper finish i dun hv time to buy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

modisch> i dun go to e zoo but i hv dogs at home. faced them everyday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nana> good tat you eat brown rice. i dun eat any rice at all, before and after pregnant. Watery porridge is good.

feimei> forgot to tell you tat your oscar test result is super good! My belly button also getting smaller compared to previously but my stomach is like not very big. How abt yours?

feimei > maybe because mostly foreigners or PRs in SG and they need to go back to their hometown earlier to avoid the steep prices in fares (coach, airfare).

Did you also ask your gynae about the numbing sensation in your hands and legs? I do experience that at times.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

xinyue> oh i better avoid my dogs now. must control myself not to dote on my dogs.

Px22/modisch> Raw food like sashimi is really a big NO NO. it will really affect the baby's health. please dun eat them anymore.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

morning morning!!!

sunshinebb, congrats!!!

nana, abalone with instant noodles sounds really tempting ...

audrey, haha your oysters pics really did wonders!

modisch, I have friends who still eat raw sashimi during bf-ing ... apparently their gynae said ok. and me too, still doing housework - I treat it as a form of exercise haha

pinkyrose, try putting a pillow under your feet to raise it up when sleeping...

px, tonight! so exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you will know the gender and then can start shopping hehe

feimei, yes noticed the train emptier too ... think alot of pple starting to go on leave to prep for CNY ... and yes, your belly button will go smaller as your tummy gets bigger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some belly button will pop out too.

janice > to play save, better check with your gynae. My cousin also has a dog around her when she was pregnant. Her gynae told her is good for the baby..

My gynae says sashimi is ok. He said SG quite strict on quality control.. But my mom told me to cut down on it. Half boil egg, mom says no no.. can only eat hard boil..

janice: heng i dont eat eggs at all hahaha.. but dont worry abt the dogs my fren has dogs and she has no probs with her pregnancy too.. I read in baby center, only cats are dangerous cos they got a type of worms on them that may damage fetus brain.. even for baby also no good. that is a worry. My mum is taking care of my kid in future and she has 4 cats!

Bo sim work today.. cant wait for 6pm so i can go off and see baby...

janice, ya think dogs are ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

px, hee, chat here and time will pass faster

modisch> i oso realised my belly button get cleaner...hahaha...maybe it becum smaller n all the dirt get out when bathing...when area is smaller, cannot collect dirt anymore.... =P

Wowww....u have a tight schedule worr...but still happy that u flying back, right??? u still got wkend to run ur errands lol...where u staying??? there's 24hr ntuc...u can always pop by to get Zach's diapers!!!!

janice> my tummy is ballooning outwards... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so it's very obvisious tat i m preggie now...hahahhaaa....but my frenx say this is abt the size of 4mths....ytd...when cannot know bb gender...gynae saw my face abit sad...then he asked me...soo u tink boy or gal??? i said i got high betting that bb is a boy lol...then he said...becos ppl look at ur tummy is pointed??? soo..even the gynae notice my tummy is gg outward....hahahhaaa....

xinyue> good la...all go back early...then train not crowded but knock off period....still very crowded till sometimes i nearly cannot breath...Wowww kaoZ....buay tahan!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i really got forboer when taking train home...

Px22/Cary> oh ok, thanks thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Px22> wow, are you gonna ask your mum to keep e cats far away from your baby?

feimei> oh so big already. how many weeks are you in? mine is still quite small (judging from e moment I woke up w/o any food yet) and I will be 4 months next week. i m abit worried mine is not growing coz feeling sick every night.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

feimei > ya.. evening train is horrible.. got people give up their seats to u?

thanks all mummys

gyne given me obimin yesterday....wow this red pill super big leh abt 2cm...siao liao how ar

modisch...add bak kwa in porridge nv try b4 leh is it nice???

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

xinyue> depend lol...usually ppl will give up but there's one time...these two ITE students...very FAT...their stomach is 2X bigger then mine and they sitting together n share a earphone...then i went in n stand infront of them...they look at me n i look at them...but no action fr them...they continue enjoy their music n chit-chat....wah biang...guess their stomach is heavier than mine to give up sit to me...nvm la...let them sit lol...

janice: i dont know wat to do yet. for starters- baby will be there during the confinement month with me, then I will bring back and take care until I finish my ML. (i stay west mum stays east)

But the real headache is when bb is abt 5mths? Starting to crawl and roll and I need to be back at work, I wonder how she's going to crawl cos the whole floor and beds (yes they sleep with cats) and sofa all cat hair.. bb sure to sniff in or worse- LICK the floor and eat the cat hairs. Horrors... but tell my mum she sure go bonkers. She tell me no need be so kancheong one... Cos she is the type that goes jogging even when she is pregnant, does all housework, sew clothes.. so she told me, eat sashimi n oysters, dye ur hair paint ur nails, tear anything u want to.. jus do anything dont be pantang. I had to retort back- ahhh do everything ah? So smoke also can ha?? *Pains of having a new age mum*

ahhhhh i didnt realise i called my bb "she". skali its a boy boy he might get angry haha

I also got 3 dogs at home & they slept in the same room as me & my husband even after I am pregnant, my 2 smaller dogs even slept on my bed a few days back as it was raining heavily.

Can't stand those ppl who will give away/abandon their dogs after their baby is borned. Always believe there will be karma...

feimei- my belly button like protruding out n pointed.haahaa but easier to clean

sunshine- ya obimin is damn big, and i must always swallow wif lots of water.haha.u eat and monitor ur urine,is it very lemon yellow?coz once i started that,my urine is that colour.n congrats on ur baby boy!

mine will be on 1st feb.tuesday.pray that i can see gender too.then it'll be a very nice cny present for me.heee


Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

5) Wendycsk

6) crayon_mami

7) zachmommy (TBD - depending on time)

8) cary

9) XW

10) Jan-ice

11) jgwee

12) sunshinebb (TBD)

