(2011/07) July 2011

cary: yeah, dat time the gals mentioned abt gathering on 18th... but i can only hv a fast dinner n ciao...

feimei: how do u paste the table on e forum usually?


nana-mum, where you got the pillows from? I also wanna get one.. my tummy is getting big and i like to lie on the tummy to sleep.. ><

ST, I haven't tried it on but material is very soft [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crayon, ah okok ... if you need to rush off then do another date, at least can eat and chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gal working in tanjong pagar..notice the sky is super dark now?? i cant wait to finish drawing screens n quickly leave! dun wanan be caught in a rain..hafta walk to south bridge road to collect bak kwa summore..arrggh

modisch, I'm at chinatown and the sky is super duper dark and the rain comes and stop ... been like that since lunch. and somemore when rain, it's those super heavy downpour kind ... for maybe 10 mins then stop... so weird.

crayon: my pantang friend told me tat we not supposed to knock anything in the wall even if I am not at home, cos the baby's "qi" lies within the walls.. So if tat theory holds, then reno outside is not my concern liao.. Somemore I work at One Raffles Quay, my left right front back all construction site... how to avoid? so must tell bb these are not ours.. ignore! lol

18th Feb? Thats the day of the 10mio toto angbao draw!

Will check out the Elancyl as well. Thkz Nana-mum.

Looks like most lurrrrrvvvvveeeeee Clarins.. Okie dokie.

Time to knock off ladies... Yipee!!

18th feb? me having my 20 week scan n bringing my son for allergy test - so cant join.. i shuld be dead tired by end of the day liao..haha

cary, i tink umbrella oso cant stand such heavy downpour. summore wearing pants..hate to walk in the rain

Hello mummies,

since my last introduction to this forum i havent contribute anything else! hehe

Just like to check with you all, is it normal to be sleeping throughout the night, as in i no longer wake up to pee in the middle of the night, been able to sleep thru til morning for quite a while already.. i'm in my 15 weeks now.

Liz: i use Clarins oil at night, and Elancyl in the morning. i scare the oil too oily will stain my working clothes.


har?? cannot knock even when we're not home ah?

today my MIL ask contractor to come tear down windows and replace it by sliding glass doors leh....

tom my son got school outing, with this kind of weather, i think all of us will get wet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jas: tats wat my friend told me la.. I also dunno how true but jus listen lor. He say even if I not in the house also cannot wor..

cary: no matter which date u all choose, i'll still hv to ciao after dinner cos actually i need to be home for my night jab.

Px & jas: my mum oso say cannot do anything to e hse even if we r not at home... even painting oso cannot...

gals, it's really raining v heavily outside... be v careful on your way home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei> u feel like tearing when your baby is waving at you right? so cute right?? tat time mine also like tat. so cute, can wave to me. like tat, maybe mine also cant see next week.

all mummies>

1) then can we still vacuum/mop our bedroom?

2) tear while clearing our letters?

3) dig our ears?


1) I dont do housework haha. DH say I just make it dirtier. But dont carry heavy pail of water though

2) I don't tear anything on the bed.. not even tissue paper. I go outside to living room to tear or ask DH to do it

3) I never heard of that.. If we can't then jialat.. Maybe can't hear pple talk liao hahaha

why cant we dig our ears?

My hairstylist tells me just try not to sew/cut/tear when u sit on the bed, otherwise its fine. Or else she everyday need to help pple cut hair then wats going to happen to her baby? makes sense hor...

err...y cannot do housework? Hahaha..i still do housework. even when having #1, i oso crawl on four to clean under the bed move my bed etc to clean.. as long as not pantang can lar.

last point of px22 i will pantang too.never sew, cut tear when sitting on ur own bed! this one better listen than be sorry. i oso dun laugh at animals etc during preggy.

contradicting lar..i sometimes pantang abt some things some not..haha

Px22> oh i alriz tear letters on my bed. my gosh.

modisch> serious? i always laugh at those tv wat funniest animals show. my gosh my gosh...die liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I got my maternity pillow at marina square mothercare. They didn't display it when I went there so I had to ask them for it.

My elancyl is 150ml one

modisch> y cannot luff at animals???

janice> ya...as long can see bb doing gd inside...everything can forget.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cool dwn, janice!!!! Still early to say for this, right??? Ur hse nt ready yet mah....dun bother these 1st lah...bb mre impt....Relax~~~~

Congrats, sunshinebb!

Wondering if detailed scan is the same wiz FA scan? I'm planning to hv it at TMC on 23feb too as tmr going to gynae's clinic for a glucose test then book for the scan at the same time..

sunshine> sooo nice!!! Congrates!!! Hahahha...gd news come fr u instead of mi....maybe mine is princess!!! But the screen black black, gynae dun wan to conclude anything as not to giv me disappointment!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when i at kkh before...the machine is very clear!!!!

Dear all mummies, since gathering date that time as per agree is on 18th feb...fri after work, can show of hand, who able to make it???

If rem correctly, most mummies prefer fri after work cos wkend will be busy for those with #1 n #2...

I guess we can't accomodiate to everyone prefer date but those who cannot make it, can oways join us in next gathering bahhhh(it wun be onli one gathering)!!!!

I to be confirmed when the date is nearer :D

These few weeks i have a huge craving for carbohydrates!

Cant get enough of rice, noodles, bread and potatoes!

Anyone has same craving as me?

Just nw I watched a show on growing sweet potatoes and suddenly felt like eating sweet potatoes.. There are 3 sweet potatoes in my oven baking now :D can't wait to eat them !!! The smell is driving me crazy~~~


Hahaha u la!!

Yesterday audrey posted a pic of the oysters she ate at a buffet on facebook.. I see already super crave oysters and kept pestering my Hubby for oysters..

Then i saw my cans of abalones staring at me!! They r the closest alternative to oysters and r cooked some more.. Sp I opened a can and ate with abalone flavored instant noodles for supper :D

So sinful... But shiokedelic!! Hahaha

All because of Audrey!!!

Can I ask, if 14feb I go buy toto, but I wan 18feb draw, is it I buy 2 draws? I will b at Chong pang n the 7-11 toto shop v 旺there!

I wan to buy maternity leggings too cos some dresses v short if wear during preg but since can wear cos baby doll like dress, can wear 3/4 leggings or such... Any recmd? Wat about that tpy carrerra shop?

Why not we do it this way.. For those who are interested to attend the gathering, please copy n paste the following list, then append your name to the list.

Event : July 2011 MTBs gathering

Date : 18 feb 2011

Time : TBD

Venue : United square ??

Attending :

1.) Audrey

2.) Lynn

3.) Nana-mum ( TBD)

4.) Maelyn (TBD)

nana> carbon will cos blood sugar to rise as well leh...be careful on carbo intake...my doc hv been monitoring my readings n he noe tat whenever i ate rice for dinner, my blood sugar abit higher....cos during lunch, i seldom eat rice, i ate noodle or burger...

Nana - haha.. I told my hubby about it..

He told me better not do that... $$

Gib u ideas.. Try cook porridge with abalone next time.. Haha

Btw.. Where is united square?

Pardon me, I m a kampung chicken livin in Bukit Gombak..

audrey> a shopping ctr at novena...some mummies suggested novena becos tat shopping ctr gt alot of kids stuffs shop but if we gg to eat n then shop, no time to chat or if by the time we finished dinner n after chatting, we will be closing door for those shops lol!!! Soo if gg to hv dinner n chatting, then will not be united sq lol...


I eat white rice usually in the morning in sch.. Then at home I eat brown rice for dinner.. And noodles, potatoes in between.. Don't drink sweet drinks anymore..Thank u for the reminder.. Hehe.. Really very challenging .


porridge with abalone sounds good lei.. Hahaha..Especially the maggi instant abalone porridge! But all processed food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But.. Cannot la.. Really expensive..Haha..

I wanna go ah yay abalone eat their abalone set meal instead!!! :x

Feimei - Orh.. Okie.. Tot it's in tamp or what..

Have no school/work that day.. I am fine with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought it when they were having discount.. Was super cheap.. Can't rem exactly how much.. Think about $8 - $12 after discount..

It's leggings, below waist..i got it at the outlet at Nexx.

The salesperson told me that bigger outlets oso have

nana> gd gd....continue eat brown rice, brown rice will not cos high blood sugar, is a very gd source of rice choice...i used to be very discipline to cook brown rice porridge but now very lazy but will definately start eating back...but not all ppl can eat brown rice...i used to add half cup of brown rice in replace for white rice if i cook dinner for hubby cos he dun like eating totally brown rice so mus treat him like kids...make him eat abit of brown rice cos very gd for health!!!

Keep it up!!!


hehe thanks for the encouragement~!!

my colleague introduced me to this brand "Heavenly". The brown rice is softer when cooked and no need to mix with white rice. i used to dislike eating brown rice but this brand is quite easy to eat :D

maybe u can try that

