(2011/04) Apr 2011

Morning mummies!


Just come in, lazy to go back the archives, just browse from the top of this page, then see your message that you love me so much... Hahaha... Good that Mdm Rokiah helped you with your problems...

I dunno whether I will need her service soon or not. My milk comes in le, bb on full latch on, but since yesterday I feel my breast very hard, even after latching still very hard. And each time my bb can latch for about 30 mins and last him more than 3 hrs, sometimes even more than 4 hrs. He will just sleep n sleep. I know I should be glad that he sleeps so much not like my #1 who was always crying for milk when he was born, until I was so stressed out, but if #2 sleeps so much, then I will sure kenn a engorgement lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just now after latching, tried to pump, for 15 mins on each breast to relief the heaviness, only managed to get 10ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think I prefer latch, dun want to see the number, so demoralizing... At least latch, can see bb's satisfied expression [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Today I will be discharged, hopefully will be able to come in more often when at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do we need to avoid any food during BF? other than cafeinne & alcohol, any food ll cause ss drop? anyone believe if we eat chilli our milk ll turn spicy? my mum not allow me to eat chilli she said lata milk ll be spicy. -_-

Morning mummies!!

Jtho: hihi... How was ur celebrTion for ur birthday? Great that u have supply now..remember dun be stressed up like yr first time.. =)

Mrs chua: I suspect it's block ducts too.. Faster get ml to massage and clear it.. Dun leave it alone..


I remember piggy said she continued to take chilli during her 1st peg and no problem wor... During my 1st peg I also tried to avoid but still got take a little bit la. Should be fine, I think.


wow. so fast yr ss can satisfy yr bunny tats a good start

I also wondering if I need the breast msg. after pump till empty few min lata can feel the heaviness again and ll start leaking I have to use breast pad whole day. maybe I not really clear it empty


Morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Birthday in hospital is not my 1st time... Hahaha... Last time 21st bday with my ex bf, his granny hospitalized, I also celebrated my bday in hospital...

Yesterday, hubby so sweet, ordered a bouquet of flowers and sent to hospital for my bday. Then hospital gave me a bday cake. And since last night was the last dinner I discharge, we were given a candlelight celebration dinner... Though nothing luxurious n fanciful, I am contented. The only thing missing was my dear Olivier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Miss him so much!


It came as a surprise that my ss comes in so fast cos during my #1, I never know what is engorgement. And yesterday while I was latching bb on my left, my right side was leaking!

Hippo.. Thanks. Will give Her a call later. Ya, nipple poke poke feeling.. Duno y.. I'm like u, Duno how to feel  lumps de.. Now, the flow on my right breast seem Not flowing much.. getting lesser supply Liao.. But jus wondering how come now I'm having my post natal massage, Mdm Emma oso got massage my breast too, how come blocked ducts still in there.. 

Bbgoh & Tweety.. Will ask the massage lady help me check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully after she clear it den my supply will boost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jtho.. U must have a great bday celebration ytd with candle light dinnEr.. Though without Olivier but u can see him today when u r back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so take care of urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

G'morning ladies,


Hi!! Hope you had a fantabulous birthday..


I was feeding my girl every hour.. Like you 15 mins on each breast and then 30 mins later, she wants milk.. But I never thought I didn't have enough.. I just thought she wanted more!! So I keep giving and giving.. You mustn't equate frequent feeding to inadequate supply.. That's what I have been telling you ladies.. I really just fed and fed my girl whenever she wanted and I didn't give any fm at all to my girl .. Not every child is the same.. The 3-4 Hr rule was created for convenience sake.. A child doesn't have this routine in built in their body.. Their instinct is when they are hungry, they will feed.. And today modern society always like to tell mummies that feeding your baby too much will make them dependent on your breast.. Or you will be a human pacifier.. They will outgrow that stage and before long, they don't need you any more... =) if you truly want to tbf successfully, you must believe in yourself and that you alone is able to provide for your child like what you have been doing for the past 40 weeks.. Even if that means frequent feeding..

Mrs Chua / Gerry

Yup, had a fabulous bday and it's the most unforgettable one since I was born [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua

Mdm Rokiah will be able to help u. She can do magic with her 2 bare hands and a hot stone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yday finali is a nite we manage to slp thruout hehe. Hb woke up at 615am preparing to go work n ask me last nite I woke up to feed bb anot I say no haha I tot he woke up in the end oso nv. Hopefully it continue.

Mrs chua

my supply not very gd. He choke cos tat day I no pump last pump is at 630am n I latch him at 3pm breast full of milk he gan cheong get choke.


I heard cannot eat curry oso bm will b spicy. Tryin to avoid spicy food.

Hippopolai/ mrs chua

yes super duper painful lo I got to pull out of his mouth. Alamak. Even by pressing down the chin oso cannot.


Regarding spicy food.. Some babies may be more sensitive.. So food should be trial and error.. Some babies get gassy if mummies eat cabbage and beans.. I ate spicy food while breastfeeding.. And Lisa was alright..

morning ladies...


aiyo den u shd take the opp to rest more mah... my boi if awake will ask for milk 2hrly n if he sleep only ask for milk 3hrly lo... if after 1mth he still like tt i will faintz.. his pattern same as his bro hope after CL left same also so make life easier for me...


yes i ate spicy food n i tried the milk no diff leh so i tink not true.. i even had tea also:p


wow ur HB so sweet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies can i check those tt r pumpin did u saw any solify milk streak???

Mrs. Chua & Jtho,

Mdm. Rokiah told me, must hardworking on massage our breast so no block duct... Even after massage clear liao if we dun massage our breast frequent enough then will still become block duct... She also show me the way to massage using hot towel...

Sandy, envy!!

Mine asking for milk every 2-3hrs and she will make noise or cry. These few days my #1 kena woke up by her at 5am!

Piggy, if continue like tis, let's faint together! Haha


once my bb start to sleep thru i will train him liao meanin even if he occassionally wake up cry for milk i dun gave in wor but of cos i make sure the milk he drink in the day time alr hit ard 900ml la...


u know hor i v hard workin to clear milk ducts 1 but dunno how come like tt u got notice ur EMB got those milk streaks anot?


hahah ya lo.. usu their feeding time will drag longer n longer but i increase the amt to 100ml he can still cry for milk 2hrly... argh... jus pray hard same as his bro lo cos my #1 durin 1mth also like tt ...

Wah 2 bare hands and a hot stone sounds Li hai to me. But pain or not because the other time mdm Emma uses oil for breast massage so not painful but I hate the aftermath because clean like mad


u can ask mdm emma dun use oil? cos tt time the ML from origins jamu also use a hot stone n bare hand no oil cos she say we need to BF...

Piggy hope you feeling better.

Don't know if mdm Emma can use without oil because she dont use hot stone. But I finish her massage session lo.


hot stone is jus a "tool" they use to soften the blk ducts same when we use hot towel the oil stone wun have same effect as oil mah so no diff as not usin any oil.. jus tell mdm Emma u prefer no oil if u need her to clear ur breast?

Jtho: wah.. So totful of ur hubby and that's nice of the hospital... U're back home already.. Dun need to miss oliver Le.. How does he react towards didi??

Mrs chua: yeah... Waiting to hear from u being a Cow Cow.. Heehee...


My CL told me Horlick cannot coz got malt... Think will slow down milk supply... Use to introduce when her client want to stop bf


nt true leh my friend CL also told her no Milo cos gt malt so she only drink chocolate but I drink Milo s/s still up wor.. So tt time we conclude the malt sayin nt true wor or maybe the content v little so harmless?


ehhh is it? but my #1 oct 08 mummies last time they all drink horlick to incrs supply ler

reg ; massage breast

i find hot towel very hard to msg bcoz after we dry it up it turn cold very fast. i using piggy's method put hot water in small bottle (glass bottle) then press it on those lump & msg, the hot can last longer


wow tats fast. my #1 also sleep thru after 1mth hope this bunny also can be like that.


happy belated bday

seem like u really had a unforgettable bday celeb in hospital. u stay 1bedded room?


how r u feeling?


thanks for askin seems like no more fever (cross my fingers)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but 1 breast painful becos of the milk ducts[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Envy your baby can sleep thru the night.. Haha!! Praying very hard that this #2 will not be like her sister.. =)

Piggy, bbgoh,

Oh putting hot water in a bottle to massage the lumps is a really good idea. =) will keep that in mind..

On breast lumps:

I suddenly realized that when I was on ML, and was on total latch on, i didn't have problems with lumps on my breast.. It is only when I started pumping, that i got to massage the lumps. Even when I latch my girl at night. Hmmzz...


ya hope he is different frm jie jie if not I will faint hahA

bbgoh/ piggytoh/ Vonn

tmr Jayden will b 1 mth le so hopefully it will continue [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus called Mdm Rokiah... seem that she got an assistant to help her pick up the call.. tried to ask for a session this afternoon but duno if she got available slot for me.. hopefully there is..

Piggy & vivi.. I did ask Mdm Emma if she can use other oil. She say can use baby oil (1st 2 session when my boy admitted to KKH for jaundice, she uses baby oil but during the 1st 2 session of post natal massage, she uses the their duno what oil.. ) later she come over, will ask her if she can dun use oil or not ..

Hi mummies, I have a brand new set of Ameda Dual Pump & Avent Single Electric to let go. They are still sealed in original packaging. PM me or call me at 83680846 if interested.

Mrs Chua,

u were fast i also call her this morning n her gal also told me full but i ask her to slot me she say check til now no reply[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hippo.. I gg tmc on Monday.. But I stay queenstown.. Guess not west enough for ya?

Piggy, the only time I see solidify milk streaks is when my baby drinks down ebm and then vomit out.. Other than that, all liquid..

Btw, baby finally latch and drink to his fill.. And he's smiling in his sleep... So happy.. Previous times he will latch for quite some time then don't wan to latch le.. End up had to feed him ebm to make him full.. I finally feel satisfied as a mummy.. (after 11 days) Haha..

piggy.. wat time did u call her? I onli call her ard 9.45am leh.. den she onli call me back @ 10.30am to confirm there is a slot @11.45am so I quickly chop her..but got to cancel Mdm Emma's massage for today...

Mrs Chua,

i call her once at 8.45 once at 9.20 den she call me ard back ard 10.20 i tink... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


icic.. thanks..


Cannot go home cos ludovic got slight jaundice. PD said we can opt whether to stay 1 more day for phototherapy, we KS so opt to stay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm staying so as to bf him

But later hubby will go back n bring CL n Olivier to hospital to see me...

Hmmz.. I am feeling an intense lower abdominal pressure every 30 minutes..Am wondering whether it's the real deal or not.. Hmmzz..


No problem to keep the ebm after a perm or dye.. in the salon, very little of the solution gets into contact with the scalp.. and even lesser if any gets absorbed into the skin.. so no worries.. I did that and kept my milk too the last time.. =)


stay in the hospital for 1 more night means can get more rest.. Never mind Olivier is coming over!! =)


hee maybe ur BB finally decide to come out rather than being force [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the milk streaks I saw is in the bott after expressing..

Shice: i'm going tmc on Monday too.. What time is ur appt??

Hippopolai: bukit panjang consider near ma?

Jtho: oooo.. U still in hospital arh?? Nvm later ur boy is coming to see u Le.. Heehee

Gerry: Better monitor.. Who knows today is the day.. Heehee



Thanks for your encouragement. I'll take it positively then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And hope ur day is really coming sooooooon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

