(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hello mummies,

Need some help on breastfeeding

If I'm feeling pain due to the blocked ducts before pumping, but after expressing all e milk out, the breast is already soft but e same pain is still there..

How? Even after massage , there are no lumps, but the pain remains.



Now i really agree with u that latching is so much better than pumping. When I latch, I dun have to worry how much he drinks, as long as he's contented, then ok liao. But since was asked to pump out the excess after latching to give to him for top-up whenever necessary during the phototherapy, I find it demoralizing to look at the amount I had pumped. Everytime it's less than 10ml!

How ah? How to increase pump volume? And after pumping, my breasts still feel full leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I got that in my bottles before too but didn't think much about cos when I swirl it, the streaks would disapper..


Yes monitoring.. but really don't want it to be a false alarm.. so just sitting around and waiting.. Hehe!! *fingers cross*


Don't be demoralize.. you are pumping after a latch.. that's why the vol is like that.. I guess in your in your case is to pump everytime after a latch and slowly accumulate.. eventually your body will think you need more.. try to massage your breast while pumping too.. it helps to squeeze all the milk you got out.. =)

You are still in NUH right? Ask the LC to see you and see whether you are doing everything correctly?

Hi Hi~~


so far no see any milk streaks...


Wow Wow~~~ Maybe today is the day!


Can help me check at TMC pharmacy, I want to get Lashinoh nipple cream, purple colour pakaging de... It's about S$9 per tube... More ex also nvm, just buy 1 tube for me can? I will arrange my hubby to pick up from you one of these day... Thank you so much~!!!!!!!!!!!! MuacksSSSSSS!!!!!


Thanks for offering help! Tweety's place is more convenient for my hubby to pick up, xie xie ni!!!!! MuackSSSSSS!!!!!


we same same cannot see figure de... I pump will check, if less I start to worry... Haa Haa... U only a few days post partum... BM takes time to stimulate also... Just latch whenever you can & pump out the balance can leh... Dun worry... U sure can do it de!

Mrs. Chua & Piggy,

Mdm. Rokiah is the only 1 who do breast massage in her co. So her schedule is tight... Very fast tomorrow liao... Bear with the pain a bit??? I understand it is super duper pain... Now my breast still abit pain... Now i dunno why my boobies pain liao... Haa Haa Haa...

Jtho: yeah.. You're pumping after a latch on.. Of course the amount is little... Like what Gerry said.. Since u'rs still in the hospital.. Ask the LC to help.. Heeheee Jia you!!

Hippopolai: okie.. Will help u get... =)

wanna check

how long does u all latch bb on? i saw some mummies here they latch 15mins n bb ok le but mine like can take forever if i nv stop him.

n do u all unlatch them or they auto remove their mouth frm our breast?


i jux call n book mdm rokiah wor n they gif me a mornin slot but nv gif me a time.

the lady pick up my phone say mdm rokiaH in malaysia today so tmr once she is out will come over to my pl.




Let bb latch... As long as he is suckling... It's ok... Maybe the milk flow slow or he is a slow eater... So take longer... 15mins is a guideline only... I can latch 20-25mins some times per boob also... I think it's fine... When they tummy fill, they will release ur boob de...

Gerry, correct bor?

Gd noon mommies!

I popped! Finally! Bb decided to sort out his thinking... :)

Had contraction at 430am this morning then went to hosp then delivered at 1201pm. But I opted for epi at e start when I reached hosp n was alr 4cm dilated. Will update detailed birth story when I'm feeling more awake. Berry sleepy now..

Jus finish my breast massage with Mdm Rakiah. She helped me clear my blocked ducts. She say mine super hard & thick layer of ducts Le. So all my milk trap inside.. Wasted alot of milk but bo Bian becos need to clear the ducts.. Would say I learn alot from her.. Halfway during massage is my boy's feeding time so she ask to bring the boy in to latch him.. Imagine now my boy happily latching on.. So happy.. Hope after this all my lumps gone den my supply increase so I can tbf my boy Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had a mcgrill sandwich.. In case I go into labour.. Haha!! =)

Sandy, hippo,

Yup look at baby not at the clock.. So long as they are happily sucking and swallowing.. They are really drinking milk.. Sandy your boy could be a gourmet eater.. Like to take his time to eat.. Like as if your breast is a fancy French restaurant!! Haha!!

Yes and do not de latch your boy.. Unless he is hurting you.. If he is full And satisfied, he will let go one..


Congrats!!! Finally.. Now I am waiting for my turn.. =)


Good that you clear all your block ducts!! Just keep latching on for the time being.. Babies clear block milk ducts very well too...

My girl is getting super sticky.. Last time she is ok with my mom taking care of her.. But now all she wants is me.


congrats!!!! finali!!!

mrs chua

wow shiok wor hehe. so how long is the massage?


huh but he can latch 1hr for 1 breast wor in between i pull out n rest wor.like jux now gave him 90ml ebm le he still can latch on for 1hr. tat day i went out wif him n i got stuck in JP nursing rm. haha lucky no ppl if not ppl mux b wonderin wat im doin inside


I was told mdm ROKIAH appt full today n tml they also told me first slot at 11.30 wor weird like tellin diff story to every 1 now I abit fedup with them Liao sigh~


oh like tis i mux master how to latch him when i go shoppin liao haha if not i forever stay in nursing rm no need come out le hohoho.


does the nipple oil works better for you?

piggytoh, sandy,

thanks! I was recommended to apply the nipple cream before feeding and after, and before pumping. was wondering if its safe for bb as well?


let bb latch, means i should let bb latch till he wanna let go? but my bb sometimes latch one side enough liao and goes to zzzzz, do i wake him up to latch the other or let him sleep?


huh so funny de lo. i oso wonderin cos the lady told me mdm rokiah in malaysia now but my mind was thinkin i tot mrs chua book appt wif her liao how can b in malaysia de.

they ask me to sms my add to her but nv gif me time wor. i ask time she say mornin cannot gif a time yet got to arrange by mdm rokiah.

now worry liao tmr i doing full mth hope wont crush

Lynn, yah I prefer the oil.. The other ointments are all very sticky... I don't like

Mrs Chua/piggy: Wah the massage sounds effective but I can't get her on the line leh..

Gerry.. yeah! I will continue with my latch.. she ask me not to pump every 3 hrs, instead do it 4hrsly..

Sandy... massage 1 hr.. actually she gonna massage more de but is my boy wanted milk le so she stop massage and let my boy latch..

Piggy. did u tell the admin person who ans ur call that u having high fever etc? cos jus now she say her admin asst did tell her got a case where need urgent massage from her becos of high fever and staying in Jurong.. so my thought is u..

pink.. she will call back de.. but her appt very hard to book lo.. I can see my milk flowing out after she compress.. and jus like what hippo said, she had milk facial.. I got to feel it today too! hehe.. she even commented that my nipple eyes very big so flow shld be very gd de, jus that I have to be very careful with my boy drinking too fast den will get choke..

though jus now see the flow of my milk flowing out, so much.. so wasted.. but no choice for the sake of the future supply, sacrifice now beta den later no milk..

Mummies.. anyone interested in getting Silk Bedding for your little ones? My hubby got a lobang from his friend at a very gd price. Do let me know if u are interested...Below are some information on the Silk Bedding for your information.

About Silk

Ancient Chinese have begun their silk-industry-related activities since 5000 years ago. Silk products have been considered the symbols of wealth, power and social class because of their luxury, rareness and wearability. Until Tang Dynasty (A.D. 617-975), Chinese emperors have made strict death penalty to anyone who divulged the secrets of raising silkworms, filature and silk weaving techniques to foreign countries. Below you will find more scientific and surprising facts about silk that you might have never heard of.

Environmental Protection: Silkworms are well-known for their hyper-sensitivity to chemical components. They cannot survive with even the tiniest amount of pesticide on their food - the mulberry leaves. Thus it is strictly chemical free from the raw material to the whole production.

Handiness: Due to the lightness of silk fiber, silk duvet provides higher warmth with less weight.

Hygiene: Because silk is superior in keeping the moisture balance, electrostatic effect is largely reduced, which eventually reduces the attached dust mites and pathogens. Silk is the best natural anti-bacteria fiber for preventing mites and molding. It is highly recommended for people with asthma and dust hypersensitivity.

Moisture Absorbency: With 1.5 times more than that of cotton fiber, silk can absorb and ventilate moisture away in a timely manner. The best choice for people with rheumatic diseases.

Safety: The burning point of silk fiber is between 300 ~ 460?C. Among all the other fibers, silk is one of the most difficult fibers to burn.

Skin Hospitality: 97% of the silk filament is protein. Silk also contains 18 types of aminophenol on which human beings depend for their normal daily life.

Tenacity: A steel filament is NOT stronger than a silk filament with the same diameter. Silk's tenacity is higher than any other artificial and natural fibers.

Warmth: Silk filament has 33%-38% of space in structure which forms an air layer preventing cold air invading and locking the warm air inside.

How to Care and Store

It is not necessary to wash the silk filling by hand or washing machine. As per About Silk , silk fiber is an anti-bacteria natural fiber with inherent ability to prevent molding and acarids. However, as a protein fiber, the silk filling and its special features may be affected by hot water and the heat from dryer.

What you need to do:

• Use duvet covers and pillow cases to restore the healthy features of your silk filled beddings and pillows.

• Wash duvet covers, pillow cases and sheets regularly.

• Air under moderate sunshine without covers for 1-2 hours several times per year.

• Gentle patting is helpful in rejuvenating the product's original loft for pillows, if you want, you can also place them into the dryer on tumble dry with no heat for a few minutes.

• Professional dry clean by an experienced laundry is also recommended.

What you need NOT to do:

• Wet Wash Silkybay silk filled bedding products by hand or machine, and air with dryer in heat.

• Leave the bedding products under strong sunshine for more than 1 hour.

• Pack before it is completely dry and cool.

• Pack with camphor balls.

• Too much weight on top of the product.

• Vacuum pack for too long.

• Leave your storage area hot and wet

Sandy.. must definitely try lo.. cos she really helps me to remove the ducts using her stone.. when she is doing, the milk simply let down.. at 1st I see le, feel so wasted lo.. but really no choice if we wan to give the best to our bb right?

Mrs chua,

I only told her gal last few day I gt fever suspect becos of blk duct n it gettin bad but still she refuse to slot me n till now they did nt reply my SMS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh u see I call earlier they can slot u but cannot slot me nvm den din bother to inform me till I call back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


sigh tml I also need to go buy cake etc for full mth cos my boi 1 this sun so I ask them gt earlier than 11.30 slot? N totally no reply ..

mrs chua

but pro is i donno i got block duct anot i don feel lump in my breast jux got tat burnin feelin.

i don haf gd supply oso cos i don eat. haix reali wish tmr onwards i can eat liao since tmr i officially release frm "jail" hehe

Hi mummies,

My bb bunny princess decide to hop to e world on 15 April weight at 3.21kg natural w/o epi

My birth story:

14 April contraction but decide to bear coz not that often

15 April

8.45am went gynae clinic VE check 3cm dilated gynae wan to admit me coz of my short labour went home settle my #1

10.30am reach parkway east hospital

Laze ard in e labour ward coz contraction still bearable

12.15pm gynae check VE 4cm decide to break water bag

12.30pm got e urge to push midwife check 8cm dilated getting ready to push

Bunny princess hop to e world with 1 push ......

Piggy ,

Can help me update

15 April 2011 Princess Kamie hop to e world

Weight 3.21kg

Natural w/o epi


Congratz !!! another brave mummy did it w/o epi. woohoo

rest well

mrs Chua

wow. seem like this ML really got magic hand


I'm back from poly. So happy! Bb's jaundice level drop from 200+ to 157 in only 3 days! I think the red date water really works! Can really see his appetite getting better and zz less more alert. Phew! Now i can start letting him clear my bm in the fridge le!

Doc say go back test blood 1 more time during his injection next next Wed. I'm thinking dunno whether can siam tt blood test anot. If not Joel gotta kena poke 2x tt day again.

Mummies.. Mdm Rokiah provides baby massage too. She oso say can do demo if we hv a grp of abt 6-7 mummies.. So maybe next time if we interested, we can arrange one? 

SY congrats! wah.. u only take 1 push to push ur bb out ah.. gd job! My bb smaller than urs i push till i wanna faint! :p

Michelle, congrats! U finally can see ur bb le. No more bored times!

Kymi, congrats to u too!

Michelle,Kymi, Serene, SY, congrats!


okay. since i don't like medela one. shall give the oil a try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


okay. I Have so much to learn as a first time mummy. :|



Rest well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tt great!! Dunno my boi will drop tt much nex tues anot..

Tweety, my gynae appt at tmc is ard 9.30am..

Hope this time can remove the plaster completely..

Congrats SY, Serene, Kymi and Michelle!!

Hi piggy,

hope u are feeling better...kindly check hw do u know u need to increase feed for yr son? Yr son drinking a lot..my daughter same as c-small drinker...also how do u train yr boy not to drink so often at nite cos i did ask some mummies abt night feed..they suggested not to wean off as now most impt for their growth.

Mrs chua, thank you for the contact...


1 hour!!!!! Think I fall asleep whehn I latch if my Jovie do this to me...

she now can only latch for about 40mins longest... Then she fall asleep liao... Wahahahaha... Then 30mins later need to top up or feed again... Now training her to latch longer so no need to bottle feed, YEAH~!

SY,Kymi & Michelle,


Hi mummies,

Steriliser:today my friends came visit me and saw me steriliser my bottle after every feed..they laughed at me that I do not need to go to the extend...they taught me to steriliser the bottle every morning 1 time and can use the bottles for the whole day even after each feed...is this how steriliser work? Just need to steriliser 1 time for the bottles and can use despite each feed after wash? They laughed i am too free but indeed I am veri tired as mum helping to do confinement....


how many btl u have? if u got extra then just sterilise after all used up. i have 4btl so usually after sterilise i ll assmebly it & kp all at tight container.

Hi mrs chua,

sorry, can u send the massage lady contact to me again? Check my mail didn't receive.great thanks!!!!


ya usu once downward wun raise la jus hope it remains tt way.. was hopin he can drop alot la even better..


thanks no more fever...

hmm usu if the bb start to cry for milk more n more freq u can try to increase the quantity... but since ur gal is a small drinker i wun advice u to wean on now la.. can so it slowly.. cos both my bb big drinker n u gotta see sumtime they cry for milk they r hungry or there r other reasons... tt time i start to drag cos i scare overfeed him cos he alr drinkin 120ml FM n still cryin for milk 2hrly so i use pacifier cos for my boi the moment he awake he wan milk slowly after a while he no longer cry so often for milk.. for nite feed u can also try feedin him water... but u mus first see if the total volume u feed per day is how much.. usu by 3mth most shd start to sleep thru alr...


yes he can latch for an hr n I sit till butt pain lo so no choice I always pull my nip out.

Can u imagin if I go shoppin n I stay in nursin rm for an hr I think ppl waitin will sure kill me when I'm out.

So I donno m I a pacifier or a moo moo to him. Already intro pacifier Liao so used to play cheat pull out le gif tu tu but tis few days he grew smarter he know th difference Liao will cry until I stuff him mouth wif my nip

SY, congrats and well done. It sounds so easy. 1 push only come out. I pushed so hard, so difficult to use the stomach musle to push...from 2 nurses to 4 to 6 to help me push the baby out.

