(2011/04) Apr 2011

Hippopolai/shyann/tweety/piggy: haha i like ur attitute anything just shoot back, aiya me so far have been a good daughter in law so far...becos last time adult issues i can one ear in one ear out...mayb now cos i very sayang my bb, so alot of things my threshold become much lower.

Yoti: i burp downwards, sometimes very very very long still no burp so i eat snake abit just let her slp =s

BB vaccine: is it necessary to get the package? when is the time to start taking the vaccines?


dont get scare of the epi because the other time when I asked for epi because I couldnt take the labour pain. I dont dare to move just keep telling myself that after this pain all will be ok liao.

Lucky the doctor that administered the epi is good and seeing me in pain he quickly insert some painkiller for me so I wont be in distress...

Piggy hugs hope you get well soon... Pink you too.... confinement to get sick is tiring and tough....

Tweety the PD daylight robbery wor.... wow 140ml I think add up to my 1 day supply then can get this much...

Yesterday I was a bit emo because Vianne already finished 1 tin of the Enfalac... then I find myself no use BM not enough for her so need to waste $ on FM for her


ya if tml still like tt will see another dr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

u too rest well..


tt norm after I gt BB I tends to complaint more to my hb abt his paren. Tt y if can dun leave ur BB there 24/7 v sian 1 ..


thanks indeed sick durin this period is tough[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hippopolai: his standard packAge is $1200+.. 8 vaccines + all included in + consultations..

Aries: for me I dun talk back to my elders too.. Sometimes elder ppl they tend to say more pointless things de.. Just listen and forget lor.. Dun let it affect u...

Vivi: I also dunno if the supply come out is okie ma... Will it be diluted?

Hi Aries,

Thanks for the sharing & encouragment, Aries.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I share the same sentiment. It is the bb's health that is more important then the birth method. I'm feeling more 'xinku' and having lots more anxiety now which I never feel so when I had my no.1. I tend to think more...as in how to take care of two kids, household chores,etc.

Glad to hear that you're coping better now...sooner or later, u will be a super mummy! :D

I understand how mil can agitate us at times but bopian leh...they're our mil afterall. We've to really bite our lips and tahan sometimes. i think your mil is really proud of your girl so that's why she made all those comments. True, you should feel even more proud as you gave birth to her. :D You just listen to those good comments..those comments that don't sound present to the ears, just 'erase' them. You need more 'energy' to take care of your gal now...can just bochap whatever she says.

I could imagine how your mil cleaned your girl after your description. For some of the mils, they just want to clean the bb chop chop...won't be like us so 'xi xin'. Your bb is going to be taken care by her after you go back to work?

Hi Hippopolai,

I asked him two times as in whether it is really okay to delivery bb at 37-38 weeks so that's why he shared with me the still birth thingy. :p Maybe he 'fed' up...

True...planned c-section is better for me also...so hubby can fetch #1 from CC too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Shernice, Gin, Hippopolai, Michelle S & Aries,

I also last minute decided to donate the cord blood to scbb. Just spoken to the nurse.:D Few hours before, I was still in a dilemma as in whether I should sign up for cordblood/stemcord or donate it. Hope I have made the right decision. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi PrayHard,

Aiyoyo...I also scare! *Hugs! Don't know can go through the whole process bravely or not. What time do you need to fast? I can't eat food after 7am. Err...can we drink water? I heard that we can't eat after operation isn't it? HIAZ...don't know when can we take food again.

I also engaged a CL from an agency. I believe she will be leaving on the 29th day morning.


I only use lvl 3 or 4 now... Pump no pain... Only when Jovie suckle.. The pain kills...


Same same... When we are single everything can ren... When come to baby everything cannot ren... Haa haa haa... I even 'threaten' my MIL when she accused me that I'm the 1 who hold back bb plan while we ttc very hard... Since then our relationship turn sour... She knew she step on my tail & try to patch up with me but it's too late... At time I very 小气 de.... Lols~ I hate being malign!


Thanks for the link!


Over me soon over me soon!!!!!! Soon ur freezer will full with ebm liao.... Haa haa haa....

Hi hippopolai,

kindly check u feed yr daughter 3hourly in the day time? Wat abt night time? Heard u mentioned u lengthen to 4hrs at night time...how did u do that?cos if we set a routine for baby,seems like baby will tend to follow the routine....


I feed her 2.5-3hrly... To drag bb feeding is not encourage esp during the first month wor... Best after 6 mths...

my CL said only bb on fm are able to drag... But depends on bb also... Some bb are naturally big eater so want drag also cannot...

I was taught to feed bb water if they cry for milk in night... This is 1 of the way to wean bb off from night feed...

I never try so I dunno is it useful... Gonna try only when my girl is abt 2.5mth-3mths upon I going back to work force...


Hugs!!! I been thru this phase last time I understand... But am sure u still a great mother to Vianne!!!!! U'r not blessed with free flow of BM but at least u try right!? Is not ur problem at all... Dun blame urself...


If u decide to go to PD actually get the package can save a bit... If not go poly for those compulsory jabs so u can save alot...

Mrs Chua u there?

I asked e gnc sales assistant oreid, she says to increase ss is 2 capsules 3 times a day..to maintain it take 1 capsule 3 times a day will do..she says e dosage written on e bottle too little to haf effect wor..

Vivi, thanks for your kind words...I also keep telling myself that I am going to do a very Wei da thing so no need to be scared....

Jojo, I need to fast from 9am onwards....I also wonder when can I take food after the c-sect...told my hubby this morning to buy some good food for me tonight....and think can sip some water before the op...

Went to see gynae.. Hehe!! Called the nurses to tell me the earliest time I can see her.. Luckily I did that.. Cos she so happened to be free and just done with the c-sect..

I am 2-3cm dilated!! And since last night was my hb's last night call, she sun bian did a sweep too.. Hopefully can see some action soon.. My dateline for bunny girl would be this weekend!! Haha!!


Pain, like when water touch also will hurt like crazy?? Only when latching is it? I had nipple pains too.. At first was due to cracks but once healed, it was still painful and sensitive to touch.. Like cannot my nipple can be directly showered and when I wrap a towel around, the towel cannot tich my nipple.. For this kind of pain.. Normal for 1st month.. At least my friend and I concluded.. And when Lisa there was like this current flowing down my body when I had let down even when I did!'t have any obvious crack.. Don't know why it happens.. But by 2nd month, the pain just went away..


What do you mean by sticky?? Maybe still has some colostrum?? Bm is quite oily..


Don't be sad.. Hugs.. You know you are already trying your best.. Even partial bm is better than nothing.. Just keep pumping and latching.. Try to keep latching like what hippo said.. Baby is also undergoing learning process..


Agree with hippo.. The first month is better not to stretch the feeds.. They really need it.. The early months are when they really grow.. And they will have growth spurts every now and then when they will need more calories!! So try not to go without feed for long.. Small stomach means they need frequent feeding even if it is fm..

Mrs Chua , thanks for providing me the links .

hippolai , thanks for the advice and the encouragement !!! wah , so fast u wanna get the ear piercing done for your girl ??? My #1 now already 16 months and I have not done the piercing for her yet .

tweety : I delivered on the 9th . Ya , now i pump around 3 hours interval but still at 20 mins each times .

Gerry : I must agree that baby is the best pump ever . Ya I'm also trying to latch on my boy as many times as possible . For the soups , I learnt that from the internet . Not sure if that really helps , but once I tried the soups , I will give some update if soups help .

Gin, thanks for the info . But think will get the nursing cover that mrs chua has provided the link . I think pupsik is rather expensive .

Piggy , please do rest more and drink more water . Take care !

Michelle , hmmm this time round , the needle was poked by my gynae himself personally . I think he is very professional in this , though when he poke in that time is painful but I remembered very vividly during my stay in the hospital , no matter how I moved my hand with the needle inside , how I turn / shift and did big actions , it was not at all painful . The other times , I remembered the needle was poked by the nurses , I know even I move a fair bit , it will hurt like hell . Think it has to do with the skill of the person who poke the needle .

Jojo & Prayhard , hmmm , my c-section was scheduled to be at 7.30am in the morning , I need to fast at 1am . After the op , I wasn't given any food for one day until next day morning then can eat solid . As for the water , think around 2 hours later , they started to give me some water to sip . But most of the time , I'm drinking the red date tea that my mum had brought . Hope this information helps you both .

Lynn: dr Edmund koh..

Gerry: then if not oily means diluted?? I mean sticky if it drip on ur hand and u wipe off.. U will still find ur hand sticky de..

Evelyn: ooo.. I delivered on the 8th.. I pumped every 3hours and 15mins each time..

Bbgoh.. I started my massage at day 21 & my ML helped me bind. Jus find that binding v hard to bf my boy cos u can't sit properly.. Ytd I started the massage @ 11.30am den onli took off @6.30pm den today I feel like taking out now cos v hard to take my afternoon nap with the binder on.


Oh I thought like really super thick.. Yes it is normal for it to be sticky cos it contains lots of sugar too.. =)


It's good that you are latching as much as possible.. Ya let me know.. Although i think that drinking enough fluids like water or warm Milo is good enough.. Last time, after a drink of soya milk, when i pump, I will quite bit more too..


Haha!! Looks like you are going all out to gorge yourself with all the yummylicious forbidden food before you pop!! Enjoy...=) me itchy until cannot tahan.. Even dr asked whether I want to induce.. See me poor thing!

Thanks all ladies who responded to my complains abt my mil. ^^. Now feeling much better not so angry le. Guess tonight I will talk to hb and figure out how we can make sure our bb is taken care in the way we want and minimize conflicts at the same time!

I've been busy feeding my bb and filling up documents for cda and my work stuffs for whole afternoon.Now then have a bit of rest time. My mum is nagging at me Liao ask me go lie down.

But... It's time to pump again... Ah... So busy!


wow tats a good news for u


mrs chua

icic maybe my ML more kiasi, she said by 3wks scare the internal wound not healing yet so cant wrap. nvr mind lah also for my own good i ll start only after 4wks

Hi Prayhard,

Don't forget to eat heavy breakfast for tmlr too. I am going to order McDonald's BIG breakfast deluxe tmlr early morning...keke.

Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for the info. Wow! Must wait until the next morning! That's mean I may need to wait until the next day afternoon then can take the lunch. q(@_@)p We, mummies are very 'wei da' as we have to go through pain and hunger during this period of time. :p

Tweety.. Ur pd charges u so exp for Vaccintion? Mine charge me $1.5k for Duno how many vaccination. I think same as Urs.. I decided to go poly clinic for his vaccination cos monday I went poky clinic check, price onli few hundred. But more details I will only find out on his 1st mth jab.. 

Hippoplai.. Ya, tweety's pd charges even more exp.. So scary the prices range for pd..

Yoti.. Pm u the massage lady number. My ML recommend 3weeks after c sect, we can massage So that is y I started on day 21. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I burp boy downwards while my mummy burp upwards & both oso will get his burp leh.. So dun think there is a prob ba? 

Thanks hippopolai and Gerry for yr reply on the feeding...kindly check for burping, u girls Burp upward or dwnward?

Regarding baby vaccine,we need to call polyclinic to book appt?

Rach.. Thanks for the info.. Den in that case we can take more lo.. But won't over dosage hor? Lols.. 

Hippoplai.. U onli use L3 or 4 for pumping ah? Urs oso freestyle right? I think I use too high level Le.. Stimulate use L5 den express use L9.. So now my right nip seem sore.. Haizz 

Mummies using freestyle.. Wat level

U all use to stimuate & express milk huh? 

Jojo.. I oso had macDonald deluxe meal for breakfast in the mOrning b4 I go I induce hehe

Bbgoh.. My ML massage v gently for tummy area. Will feel abit pain cos u can feel someone touching it but the pain is bearable kind.. so no worries.. If u wan to start massage, I can recommend u to her.. Tried her massage, nt bad.. Even Vivi oso tried her mwsage :)

Mrs Chua,

Haha...really?! I've to take the breakfast before 7am so the breakfast can help me to fight the hunger longer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did you need to fast if induced?

Mrs chua: wahsay!! Ur nipples so strong can tahan such high level??? >,< Me only use 2 and 3. For me I tried experiment before 2 and 3 vs 4 and 5, volume and time taken no much difference. That's why I use the lower one. Anyway when latching, the sensation when my girl is sucking is also similar level three. Or maybe because my boobs are tiny so they dun need such strong stimulation??

Also for pumping can I check with u all, how do u keep ur boobs clean? I always use a tissue to wipe my breasts b4 I start pump, but as I pump I keep sweating, I think the funnel does manage to collect some of my sweat too??? =s how can I avoid contaminating my milk with sweat??

Vivi: that's gd it means Vianne is growing well! U are doing ur best for her! Less BM doesn't mean u are any less noble than the other mummies here... My tin of fm is not even 1/3 empty (I supplement her night feeds with fm if i run out of EBM) coz miss P has such a small appetite .. Other babies already drinking 90ml she's at 60ml only. So it's gd Vianne has a gd appetite

Aries.. Ur concern is with ur MIL while me is my mummy.. I oso got a concern of if I made the right choice to let her take care.. Is not she Duno how to take care but is my parent v pamper my boy (being the 1st grandson of the family but I'm their daughter's la not son). They carry him the moment he cry,even he no cry, lying on his play pen to rest, they will go Tok to him & den carry him, give him pacifier while hubby & me are against the idea. I seriously v scare my boy will b over pampered by them lo.. Den later become spoil by them.. Haizz den I say them, they say I v rude to them, everytime Tok to them like this etc.. Jus like ytd night, weather super hot den my boy crying becos he is sweating while drinking milk.. My daddy claim that ask us let my boy slp in those rocker (those like Yao LAN material kind, with holes holes kind, hope u know Wat I mean) den I dun wan, onli wan him Lie on his cot or playpen.. Is not I dun wan him lie on the rocker but my boy super know how to move abt, he cannot lie down properly lo, Will curl himself up to b a worm on the rocker if not with his legs outside the rocker.. Thus, hubby & me worried if he too long slp on those rocker, it will nt b gd for his back bone & it will b a bad habit to slp like this in future.. But my parent simply say we Duno this & that until hubby & me super pek cek.. Hubby pretend to b ok in front of my parent cos he dun wan to comment anything & den later strain the relationship.. But I can see his unhappiness lo.. Haizz 

Mrs chua: ya it's really very difficult sometimes to tok to the elder generation cos they have their own set of thinking. My mum also cannot understand why I dun want to give my girl drink water after bm. But to say having conflicts with own parents is also quite bad. Hopefully they can understand u and slowly adapt themselves to our new generation of parenting methods. Anyway 母女没有隔夜仇, hopefully things will get better for u too!

Jojo.. I dun need to fast, I oso think Mac can makes me last my hunger & since is my last meal b4 confinement start so must indulge myself lo.. Hehe

Aries.. I think I'm wrong. Putting the level so high to pump maKes my nipple sore onli.. Kept thinking if I put higher will pump more.. Haizz.. So Now I reduce to L4 for the pump.. Oh ya, I oso bring cheated by the sakes girl while sell the pump @ KKH. She say stimulate use L4 or 5 den express use L9 So  I thought is like this..Haizz.. Now I learn my mistake Le.. Hope is nt too late lo.. 

Ur mum still ask u go lie down.. My mummy dun bother lo, onli ask me go eat hot hot after she cook.. Den I can spend most of the time sitting in front of computer or tv to spend my time.. Haha

Mrs chua: ya it's really very difficult sometimes to tok to the elder generation cos they have their own set of thinking. My mum also cannot understand why I dun want to give my girl drink water after bm. But to say having conflicts with own parents is also quite bad. Hopefully they can understand u and slowly adapt themselves to our new generation of parenting methods. Anyway 母女没有隔夜仇, hopefully things will get better for u too!

jojo, ya, my edd is 28 apr, waiting for bb to come out naturally now, during my check up on tues, dr woody did said my bb is not small, natural maybe cannot come out, but he say shall see how it goes, so i cant wait for bb to come out, else inside getting bigger in size, haha

But i tell myself, nothing i can do now except wait n walk more, now i envy u that u can see ur little bb tmr le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ops I posted twice. Lol. Silly iPhone hang! =>

Mrs chua u don't lie down? Me walk here walk there always kena nag. But in the end it is not practical to lie down. My mum cooking dinner then bb cry, then need to latch, after that pump, then go toilet, eat medicine. All these require walking mah, so I also duno how to maximize my rest time. The only time I can come up here to read is when I pump or bb sleeping.

Aries.. Oh ya, I heard b4 that as long as we wipe it once in the morn will do but I will still use a cloth to wipe it over b4 pump so we sweat so much, how can dun wipe b4 pump leh.. 

Ya, agree that they hv their set of thinking. Which I would say us stubborn lo, always think they r right so is v hard for them to change their thinking.. U no give ur bb water? My parent give lo.. Haizz.. Becos of this oso Kanna scolding from them.. 

Vivi.. My boy oso finish 1 tin of fm ytd.. Same like u, feeling sad but look @ the bright side, as long as they grow up healthy no matter they take in fm or bm, does ht matter.. But we as mummies as long as dun give up in giving them the best, we are stil the wei da mummy ;) as for now, I will yell myself can give how much bm u give, not enough I top with fm as long as he dun go on hunger will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so Jia you! Dun b despair ok? 

Gerry congrats.


thanx for ur reply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope u get well soon.

Yday went work n when I take train I was lookin at the reserve seat haha den realise I no need it Liao n suddenly saw alot of preggy ladies so told hb I miss my tummy.

Today so lazy to step out of the rm to make milk/ warm milk so latch my boy finali I master the lyin down position n latch till me n bb fall aslp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but jux now I think no more milk Liao cos he suckle till very pek chek n gave in to FM


same s u I feel useless not able to gif my boi BM I even cried lo hb say at least gif 1 feed better than nothin i still feel bad. My dream of BF till 3 yrs old gone case le.

Just woke up from my nap.

Thanks, Evelyn, for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, I am still thinking what to have for breakfast tomorrow leh...heard that one of the side effect of epi is vomit so worry if eat too full will vomit boh...

And tomorrow morning I will make some red dates and longan drink to bring to hospital...

Mrs Chua : when I had my #1 , I also have alot of issue with how my MIL take care of my girl . Same thing , being the 1st grandchild that was born to the family and my MIL yearns for a grandchild so much , it's only nature that she dotes on her so much.

During the first month , when my girl cry or wimp , she will immediately carry her up and coax her . For nothing , she will also carry her . I also don't like it cause it's like pampering my girl too much . I talked to my hubby about it and my hubby went to talk to my MIL about it but still nothing change . She still carrys my girl a lot .

Well , in the end , I hack care . Cause ultimately no matter how much I say / complaint , things will not change . I give up . And frankly speaking end of the day , she is the one who will be taking care of my girl the whole day from monday to friday . So if my girl becomes too pampered , throw temper at her , then it's her problem . I mean not to be crude but I already told her the consequences .. At the same time , I think the more I say , the more strained the relationship will be .

Anyway , my girl now is a pampered girl but still she listens to us cause my hubby and myself will scold her loudly if she does something wrong . She will still be scared of us . Just need to educate your kid when they gets slightly older .

Aries.. I dun lie down much except night time.. Day night like u lo, bb cry I wake up feed, pump, toilet & wash etc.. So is hard to rest la.. But now afternoon bb nap, i will nap too hehe.. 

Mrs chua

u bought the nursin shawl frm rach.

Frm the pic is like full coverage wor any chances of u knowin will it cover everything?

Can't find any meetin rm in office to pump so no choice mux get 1 tat can cover everything at least I'm able to pump

Just woke up from my nap.. Super good weather to sleep... Me hubby and bb Jerrell slept throughout.. Haahaa

Mrs chua: yeah.. Ex hor.. Think I'll go other place for vaccine lor.. I'm using level 5 to pump... Maybe u can let ur mummy know abt ur concern?? First grandchild they sure excited ma... Hugz hugz..

Pray hard: congrats!! Tom u can hug bb Le..

Gerry: okie.. Thanks alot.. U're like our breast milk adviser.. Haahaa soon u can carry bb in ur arms Le..

