(2011/04) Apr 2011


But gal really got alot of things to buy.. As my hubby was saying I dun need his companion for shopping as I have 2 gals. But I told him I need his credit card for shopping..

I tried to latch my baby on but she is highly impatient if she cannot get fed then she starts to bite when she gets my nipples. It is painful all the time, now a bit scare to put her on, still try to latch her but it is not successful at all. Pumping milk also low production.... don't know how?

mrs chua

u start yr msg alrdy? do u on wrap after msg? u got buy the binder?

my ML suggest me to start after 4wks as i request from 3wks she said can but cant wrap so i wonder if not wrap still can shrink the shaggy tummy or not.

any experience mummy please give some advice?


haha good one. seems fun to go shopping with the girls. when your girls are a bit older and a bit more hiao it'll be even more fun. i wanted a daughter but no luck :/


Yes if baby cannot finish ebm, can store the remaining in the fridge until next feed but don't mix it with additional feed until that bottle is finished.. Cos baby's mouth also have bacteria.. So don't want to contaminate the new batch of ebm. Let gervaise finish the previous ebm and then if he wants more, then give a new batch..

As for the milk residual around the body, you can try to swirl gently.. Don't shake violently as it can also destroy all good stuff..

Actually glass bottle quite dangerous.. Cos sometimes got crack which we cannot see ESP since we subject the bottles to the freezer and then warm water.. And then we wouldn't know whether there are glass bits inside..

Hope I answer all the question.. =)

Jojo, i'm not an exp mum but i jus like to share with u my shallow experience. Since the day i knew i was pregnant i had very strong stand on my birth plan that I want natural without epi. But as the weeks pass, doc says my girl is breech have to csec, i refuse to give up, i even thought of trying for a breech natural birth. Everytime go checkup i will be very dissapointed. I tried all sorts of positions, tilts etc hoping she will turn even thou im already having serious heartburn. Even up till the min i was wheeled into the OT i was still very sad that I need a csec. But when i finally carry her in my arms, i realise that i was so silly to be so stubborn. It really didnt matter the birth method. I think u being a second time mummy will know better than me the joy of having ur bb safely in ur arms. It indeed is a regret not being able to experience natural birth. But I think the most important is not give yourself stress. Since u have already booked ur csec for tmr, just have to relax now, forget about trying to figure out why ur gyn didnt supprt vbac, stay happy and be prepare to receive ur greatest joy tmr!!! Jiayou!! =)

Today seems to be a better day for me, ytd I was ranting that i couldn't handle my bb..hehe today less clumsy liao, i could carry her with more "seh" now..feed and burp..coax her and change diaper faster! ^^ yeah! So happy...am beginning to enjoy motherhood liaoz... (okay that is provided she doen't fuss too much)

But my morning happy mood is dampened by my MIL who just came over... sometimes i really cannot stand the words she say. Keep saying that my girl look exactly like daddy (aka her son la)... then keep emphasizing the the feng shui master who calculated her chi name says that my girl ba zi very good, very have very gd life, super smart in futre etc etc... Seriously lar, if my girl really end up very clever in the future shouldnt the credits be given to mummy and daddy for giving her gd foundations and learning environment? Why is it that if she's very clever its because her ba-zi says so? and MIL also say she showed my girls pic to all her relatives and everyone say look 100% like daddy, machiam like photocopy like that...seriously i listen liao very buay song lorz..come on, where do u think ur precious graddaughter came fm? I carried her for 10mths and underwent the knief and all the pain lor..then now i'm like not given any credits at all. *humph* >.<

then after that my girl poop, MIL offered to change her diaper, I really got no eyes to see lor, use the wet wipe, wipe once liao then the poo on it she use the same side to wipe and wipe again several times, smearing the poo all the way to the vulva area.. in the end i cannot tahan, just take over and wipe her myself. at that moment i really wan to say her, but i "ren" cos me and hb have a conscences that anything we want to tell our MIL, we will let each other know and leave it to the other party to say so that we do not strain r/s with in laws... =s

haiz...at this situation how u think i will fang-xin let my MIL take care of my girl when i gpo back work?


Thanks.. Trying to endure as best as I can.. Now my arms are covered in scabs.. Looks so gross! =(

Are you feeling better today??

Michelle s,

When you have epi, it's at the back.. But they will also put a needle on your arm.. For hydration (epi can cause blood pressure changes, can't remember high or low so they need to have access to your veins to pump solution in) and just in case, easy access to your veins if they need to give you other stuff.. Me also waiting long long..

Sure can wear your usual size undies lah.. Now worries.. You so slim.. =)


Hehe!! Too tired.. But I find when I do sleep with my girl, my senses are heighten wor.. Like I know I wouldn't move when my girl is cozy next to me.. Hehe!! But ya I was super tired.. But that was how I survived 2-3 night wakings and still wake up to go to work.. =)

yes the interval starts from the start of feeding to the next start of feeding.. So if you feed at 9am, and latch at 12.. It is a 3 Hr interval.. Good wor.. My girl was feed at 9, stop at 9.30 and start again around 10!!!! Nightmare!!

My milk supply seem to have dropped! Cos yest drag too long intervals to pump.. 5+hrs. Nobody drink.. freezer almost full... no motivation to pump = supply drop. sianzz..

Yest went gynae for review he say my wound still abit swollen. This time like heal slower.

And I had my mos burger fries! kekeke!

Yest I purposely dig out my pre-preg clothes to wear... can fit in but tight. But think my hip bones expand permanently again!!! My shorts n jeans all cant fit in le... (din try yet.. but skirt is tight.. so those tight-fitting ones shd be all gone case le) Sob sob. So weight lost also no use... bones expand yet AGAIN. Sad.

Aries: u are using wet wipes to clean her? My girl has a golden buttock, when we use wet wipes her skin will turn red.. Now we have to use wet cotton wool balls to wipe

Think u better let ur MIL know earlier how u prefer for her to take care of ur daughter, if not there will be lots of conflicts next time n she will start wondering why u were ok with it last time. Hygiene is of utmost importance n the way she wipes sounds kinda jia lut... Try to tell her nicely...n emphasis that it is for the good of the baby.. Her precious grand daughter

As for her other "comments", I think u can just filter them out.. Now I'm quite gd at this too.. When pple say things or offer advice that I don't wanna take.. I just smile n nod n say yes yes ok.. Then after that bo chup. Dont let it affect u. Our child will know who the parents are

Elmo: wow ur freezer is full... Shiok. Im struggling to keep up with demand........................

Pls take care of ur wound!!

Gerry: any non drowsy antihistamine u can take for ur puppp? Clarinise? Hubby takes it for his sinus n it's non drowsy. Or zrytec?


chill! Everyone is just excited about the baby. Even till today, my inlaws says my kids look like everyone (except me lah!), can even look like the uncle's son's grandma's niece..something like that. Hahahah! I always say...LIKE ME. fullstop.


wah lau u have to remind me. i already have huge hips...cant imagine.....growing again......

Elmo: that's fast u can wear ur pre preg clothes liao.. I lost 7kg so far still got 5kg to lose from pre preg weight...

Haven't check if my bones expanded.. My prob areas are my thighs n buttock .. Need to go Mary chia slimming liao

U look so slim n tall n pretty lor!!


but my hip bones seem to have expanded. dunno if it'll become smaller after delivering. hehe ^5 we're still on the 'waiting list'.


ya i agree with pink. just tell your MIL in a nice tone how you want her to take care of your daughter. we can close one eye on some things but when it comes to things like your bb's health, cannot compromise de.

i also acknowledge what my aunts/san gu liu pos/in-laws say but if i dont think is right, i never follow. they kept saying pregnant cannot eat this cannot do that and i just smile and say ok but i wont give a hoot if things get really ridiculous.

dont let them dampen your mood and bring you down. look at your bb and smile! jiayou!


Maybe I'm too daring, try to break stone!!!???? Haa haa haa... Aiya, I lie down there wait him to stitch me I nothing to do then chit chat lor...

My #1 I also dare not talk to him... Maybe #2 liao... Then I was thinking dun chat maybe no chance to chat liao... Coz I never think of #3 at the point I wanted to chat with him!

I planned my c-sec date n inform him for approval b4 he suggest me anything... My girl was born @ 37week 3day... He din scare me with the still birth thing leh... He still 'joke' with me y 4/4? Is it becoz of the nice #???? think this is his max level of his humor liao... Haa haa haa...

I planned my c-sec coz no 1 look after my #1, so I plan everything so that hubby can go home fetch #1 from CC after settle me n #2 in hosp!

Looks like tmr will b happening too! Jerelbliss also tmr c-sec... Yeah!!! Our Apr are active again!!!!!

pink: ya my bb buttock silver nia, not golden..hehe so far ok with wet wipes. diapers brand also not much prob, huggies dryers goon, all works fine! =)

haiz..i think very difficult lar, i thought my troubles will end after we move out to stay on our own...seems like prob with in laws is a long term issue one has to deal with... i will try to tackle the issue in a nice way, cos i know my temper not v gd de, sometimes i worry i will say the wrong things in front of her and make a hoohar out of a small issue.

Gin/michelle: thanks for the tips, i guess cos first time exp this, so I didn't handle the situation very well. next time if happen again i will be more firm in my stand (in terms of bb health issues). ^,^

hi jojo,

why not donate your bb's cord blood? to save lives?? and if any of your kids ever need it(choyx3!!!), you only need to pay minimal fee, even if u only donate for 1 kid. and they'll inform u if yours are needed.

i would encourage mummies to seriously consider abt donating their bb' cord blood and help your bb to save lives! dun throw away just like tat!

to read/know more:


pink, cos J drinking more fm now mah. plus i only have a drawer in the freezer for my bm.. the rest all filled up with food. Wait till confinement over then i can pass those food to my mum cos i seldom cook.. then i can have the WHOLE freezer for bm le. Provided my supply can last till then lah........


i never bank. i donated instead.


most importantly dun let ppl's comments get into you. Alot more comments coming ok! In time u just learn to ignore and live happier!!


i know i will regret for eating sooooooo much these few days. aiya eat first then regret after giving birth! hahaha!


Soon soon! 3 more day!!!! U plan to induce by weekend mah.. By hook or by crook left with 3 days!!!!!!

Gin/Mrs. Chua/SY & all mummies here:

Cool! Chill! We sure will organize 1 Gap/ON spree ourselves... Just wait ya...

All getting excited when come to shopping... Kakaka...

Pink & Piggy,

Better today?


I donated my bb cordblood!


Hee hee.. I like! Eat first regret later!


Where u pierced ur #1??? Dun mind I ask?


Is like that de... Old ppl tends to 'hao lian' about their grandchildren & son... My IL also keep compare my girl withmy BIL's girl... Said that her appetite is good.. Fed every 2hrly... How come my girl fed 3hrly blah blah blah... I'm the bo chap type, direct shoot him back on his face! Coz they know my character very very well n yet want to step on my tail!!!!

Dun learn like me hor.... I'm bad example to learn in handling IL relationship de... Coz my IL is those super duper old thinking de... Even my hubby n BIL cannot tahan their own parent, haa haa haa...

Gin, heng my hips was small prior to #1. But with each kid.. it expands more!! Aiyoooo....

pink, slim no use! I'm only 1 kg to pre-preg weight. But bottoms still cant fit cos bones expand! Sad.. gotta change wardrobe again. Where got time to go shopping with 2 kids now?!?

Mrs. Chua,

U want to invest those Avent plastic cup? Can use to store half solid even when Gervaise is on solid... Can last till after 1YO...

Those bbs with sensitive pi gus.. pls check ur wet wipes.. make sure tt it's alcohol-free. My #1's buttocks will turn v red with alcohol wet wipes!

Yes yes we will organize our own spree.. Haha!! Looking forward!! =)


My gynae said the newer non drowsy amti histamines not safe for pregnancy.. Only piriton.. Sigh..

Now at my pd.. Just wanna check her cough and phlegm.. And guess what my gynae has to do an emerge c-sect and ask me to come back at 5pm.. Arghzz!! What am I going to do in the meantime.. I want to go into labour!! Haha!! =)

I don't use wet wipes at home. I bring to toilet and wash. Its better!!


yah lah u so slim, not like me!! u two kids cannot go shopping ah. i three can hibernate at home ler! hahaha!!


The hips will shrink back slowly one.. Not to pre pregnancy.. But will be smaller than now.. Must be patient one.. You soo slim..

reg glass bottle

pls note mummies who using it. I freeze it with EBM and found out got 2 cracked I threw it away. nw I dun dare to store in freeze. only use milk bag for freeze & bottles for pump & fridge only.


u very cute leh! I don't want to go into labour yet!! But I'm having loose stools since morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I gotta go makeup ler. Pick up kids and go eat n eat n eat nonstop. ARGH!!

Go shopping in the meantime. Maybe will induce labour although my gynae think otherwise! Haha!


I signed up with Cordlife during the recent Baby Fair.

Tomorrow is my c-sect, my legs turn jelly when I think about it...me nervous leh....

All mummies,

Can I start to take Mother's Milktea right after the delivery? For CL, if she works for 28 days so meaning she will be leaving on the 28th day or on the 29th day morning huh? Sorry if I ask some stupid questions.


Dun let wat others say affect your mood,it is quite hard I do understand, cos if our mood will affect the quality of milk if u are breast feeding. So one ear in n another ear out. If taking care by mil when after maternity leave have to open one eye n close one eyes If not u will be miserable n stress. Now enjoy the time u have with ur baby dun let anyone affect ur mood.


I bring my gal to west mall there is ear piercing which pay for earring n piercing is foc but earring are around 60plus if not wrong shop call "bedazzle ".they also check their ears to make sure ear hole are ok.


Get ur Hubby to eat more vegetable when trying out for bb.hips will be bigger after give birth try to use binder.

Gerry go have tea at paragon then go shopping then have ice cream.. Tadah 5pm liao

Hippo: yah maybe the previous CL too chor lor rubbed too hard...

Hippo: u want to pierce holes for Jovie so early?? I heart pain leh....... Hee will wait until she's much older.. I don't want her to be too vain hehe

no ar gerry, tt was the day when i tried re-latch her, y/day not soo good anymore, she'd stop at one breast, fall aslp then wake up 1 hr later for another feed, it's like i dun hv to slp at all! haiz...


I neve bank cord blood. Im donating instead.


Goin to give birth Liao still so hiao ah? I wish I can be like you, still doll up pretty pretty but I see my big belly n ugly swollen nose n fat body, I also don't feel like dolling up already.


Mummies need to eat or not? Cuz I don't take vege at all. My hb also not vege lover. Will try the eat vege method if Im trying for no 2 but meanwhile need to get over the pregnancy trauma first.

gin, u got ppl to help u look after mah. This #2 i gotta all depend on myself le leh.

Gerry, hopefully still will shrink back abit loh. Will keep my clothes for 1 yr in hope of this.. after 1 yr still can fit in can throw liao. :p

Prayhard: don't worry abt the c sect. Everything will go well. Coz everything is controlled n there will be no surprises. Mummy n baby will be very safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite a few of us went thru it n are doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink parsley,

Actually I scared of operation leh cos a few years back when my hubby went for operation, he went awake half way through the op cos the drip leaked....can you believe it? He was in Mt E that time...and all the doctors didn't realize it only after my hubby felt damn painful and started to make movement to alert them...so after this incident, I very scare...keep praying that the epi can be administrated properly tomorrow....


gonna be soon to ur Edd right? Jia you jiayou!

how long do u mummies latch bb on each side? My boy always fall asleep after a few seconds! Afraid he not drinking enough or drinking too much at each latch.


hmm still same leh after takin panadol fever go down den after 4-5hr go up again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


if u need ur IL help to take care of bb mus learn to close 1 eyes 1.. i told my IL how i wan them to take care n i fix a routine be4 i go back to work to make things easy but still while workin they follow anot i dunno-_-


hee i also took some of pre-preg bottom to wear mostly ok for natural birth hip sure abit expand due to pushin but i was quite lucky my hip got shrink back leh...


check with u tt time u havin mastitis the dr nv gave u anti biotics? jus panadol?

Back from PD and just had my lunch... Jerrell is okie now.. Pd recommended the package for vaccine.. $1838 for 12vaccines and 2 oral vaccines.. So ex!! Think I'll go polyclinic or gp instead ba..

Mrs chua/piggy: delayed my pump by 1 hour just now cause was at the pd... Managed to get 140ml...

Aries: hugz hugz... Dun bother abt what ur mil says... The bb is urs.. Nxt time bb will be close to u and not to ur mil.. Cheer up!!!

Gerry: I got a question... Should bm be oily?? I see mine like not leh.: only feel a bit sticky if drip..

Elmo: Take good care of ur wound.... Wah.. Mos burger leh.. I took my weight this morning.. 2 more kgs to go... Today go pd.. Feel so weird wearing my clothes.. Cause no more tummy there... Haahaa...

Hippopolai: my mum also bring me to pierce when I m young.. Dunno is bb or toddler time... If u want just bring her go..

Hi mrs chua,

u have started on yr message? Thought we c-sect need 1 month after then can massage? Can you send yr massage lady contact number to me? Thank you for yr reply on the burping..u burp upwards or downwards? I post before for burping is to burp upwards or downwards..seem like diff pple haf diff way to burp their child....


I prefer to do it before Jovie on solid... Haa haa... Not like me, I pierce my 1st pair of ear hole only when I'm in my secondary school!!!!!!!


Guess viral fever is like that 1... Gotta bear with it... Drink more fluids to help bring down a bit ur temperature~

Gerry Gerry~~~

My left nips super pain now... Even I not latch my girl... The pain still there!!!!! But I din see any crack leh... Y huh??? When my girl latch just now I feel like pull her out off my boob coz pain till my tears wanna come out Liao... 1st time like that... Pain till I trembling...



Ur PD worst that Mrs. Chua!!!!!!!

I saw at Dr. Keoy's clinic abt the vaccination, S$916 for all standard vaccination w/ pnuemococcal before consultation w/o Hep A de... Tempted lor... But think of the nurse turn me off... Haiz...

With Hep A is S$1200++

