(2011/03) Mar 2011


u r good explorer .. haaa

actually Shanghai has very good studio photoshoot .. very cheap and good quality, not sure the price is still as good as few yrs back.


Yes. Book yesterday liao. Later going for photoshoot. SGd 200 incl small album , quality like those wedding album lor. 18 pics inside. One crystal photo frame, 2 wallet pic, 18 soft copies back.

If u want those huge PU leather album it's about 400+. I think at least 30 pics inside . Then a lot of other things in the package. Lolzz


I paid abt $120 5 yrs back .. 1 big(A4 size) and 1 4R size album .. Plus a big poster (like 100x50xm) .. haha. Remember to post the picture leh .. haha

2Ks, u lucky leh...now then come menses....ur milk ss stil enuff? Me dono what happen this week...suddenly each pump less than 100ml...panic man...now surviving on partial febm liao..sigh..whats wrong w me liao?? once ss drop, cannot work back liao right???

nining, hey i also staying at Yew Tee...we neighbours?? hahaha..then easier to meet up for our kids to play together...

babybride: yes...still enough. on normal days i am still able to pump 300+ml each time, on bad days around 300ml, good days sometimes can 400ml.

for u, u always have problems with yr ss rite? so i think maybe your case different, i unable to tell why.

dont push yourself too hard la..u have tried yr best


2nd one coming & thinking to buy bb plus ?

I really think many Dragon bb around leh .. i seems to see the preggy ladies every where .. my office already have 5 ..

sinmey: my SIL just gave birth day hor at TMC, she said the nurse all complaining tired, and she waited very long for a room, then when she got room, she has no more confinement meals, no more soups, then she got to take porridge and cold one, cos left over one.

the nurse said every month got more than 1000 babies born at tmc...


Huh ? that bad .. i cannot imagine after delivery & they told me no more food for me .. can die man .. while waiting already no food, after delivery no food i'll cry .. so those preg mummy should pack some food in their hospital bags .. haha

1000bb at tmc alone .. wow. No chance to choose room i guess..l they will just give waterer is avail. If you deliver during check out hour, u r luckier to have more room avail i guess .. those nite time admit ... maybe all full liao ...

sinmey: some gynaes if induce hor, they ask to admit in the morning, some admit in the night

dr ang practice admit in the night...

u know i am thinking how dr ang take his patients for this dragon year...

5 mins each room deliver ah...he sure alot of patients one lor


TMC only have 11 delivery suite i think. Last time i waited in the waiting room, only when bb almost come out then push me in the back up delivery suite (the 11th) .. walao, Dr Ang came in, 5 mins deliver & 10 mins stitch and clean. And he can tell me, i'm the 6th patient for the last 1 hour... walao ... But most of his patients admit on monday & thrus nite .. so the hospital might keep some rooms for his patients

sinmey: i lagi jialat lor..

my labour tooo fast hor, dr ang almost cannot make it, the midwife told me, if dr ang cannot make it, she will deliver for me first..

think he havent wake up la...middle of the night..

think back labour hor...scary experience, but sometimes looking at newborns...the mother instinct come back again..

but thinking of the sleepless night...sian x1000 lor

This year really a lot of dragon babies...see pregnant mummies everywhere. A few months agao, my gynae is already fully booked for this year and she is not taking in anymore new patients.


me too... look at the newborns n preggy mummies... thinkin how it feel to hv bb inside kicking... miss it... make me want to hv another... to "purposely" get accidents to happen... but tot of the sleepless nights.. to worry abt the development of the fetus, n chasin after a bunch of kids... hmmm.... kill the tots liao..

pixel: The quality of the book shown on the deal seems not bad leh. I still have a photobook which I've not use yet. Dun dare to buy another one..

smiggleprincess: of cos, but this thread is not very hot already, quite quiet nowadays

mimimo: never leh! only 8 teeth, so not yet

but i had made a appt to bring kyler instead to the dentist to have a check.

my gf daughter who is same age with kyler had 5 decayed teeth ok! scary

2ks, which dentist u gg to? I wanna take my monster too!!! But so lazy. Lol

I hope dentist scares him into swallowing his food fast n not being a hamster!!!!

I'm Soo evil!

morning ladies,


is it not hot?

im also in the 2008 thread.. 4 yrs liao and stil hot!


mine has 8 teeth too..

its abit early to bring them cos they wont let the dentist check..

i go to national dental centre.. its only $10 but must make appt like 3mths before..

min age is 2yrs..

pinkypink: kyler also a hamster lor..sickening.

oh, i actually made an appt from smile focus at paragon one..pediatric dentist, but then its $150 and above for 1st visit ok!

then my gf recommend me this govt one at outram, school dental care which specialise in pediatric also, their decoration all child friendly one, its cost less than $50 lor..so i made appt there, but have to wait la, kyler appt is in may.

but i heard there is another pediatric dentist in camdem medical, smile something one. perhaps u can take a look..

Hi Mummies!

Been a busy weekend! The bday party kept me so busy and tired plus her photoshoot... but I'm glad all the kids had fun at the indoor playgrd... I sooo love my gal's bday cake, something I wished I had for my own bday lol...

Agreed this thread very quiet le... everyone busy with own life hardly come in... myself also seldom post here =)

2Ks - Can start the sambucol liao?

fel: ya lor, 8 teeth already...he can eat very well now...can eat rice also..

kyler last time was much slower

smiggleprincess: national dental centre for pediatric where got $10, no more, its $100 and above for 1st visit..

Wow 8 teeth... and eat very well...

Eden a bit siao siao... sometimes love his porridge a lot... Sometimes all he want to eat is our food...

Sometimes can swallow rice... sometimes spit everything out and mess the whole place....

Wow 8 already? Mine has 2 at the bottom, 2 coming right up on the top. Thks for the info on pediatric dentists! I have started brushing ah boy's teeth last month and he loves it; it probably ease his teething itch.

I started childlife echinacea and cod fish oil after he reached 1. 


How come your friend's daughter's teeth is in such bad state? Too many sweets?


Where did you hold the party?

2ks, when you recommend to bring our bb for their first visit to dentist? Presently, Jav has only 2 bottom teeth.

pinkypink, how much is one visit to thekidsdentist?

fel: mine lately wanted to eat adult food...he will come and grab when he see us eating...

but he not so interested in those mushy food nowadays

mimimo: ya lor! her parents give her all kindof sweets and chocolates! i was stunned too when she told me got 5 decayed teeth. she got to make 2 trips there cos the little girl refused to have the teeth treated, keep crying

annie: keep him away from sweet stuff, as long as possible, like sweets and chocolates. try to let him have a sip of water after milk, but of cos if he drink and sleep abit tough la..

depending on the condition and food of what he eat leh...to be frank, i find the toddler need to be able to listen abit to instructions before u bring, otherwise pls say bye bye to your money..

30 months would be good for a normal check i feel so la..

kyler do not eat alot of sweets, so i think its not so bad, he brushes his teeth every morning and gargle too..

in school, they practice gargling after food, so i think not too bad?

i am going to intro night brushing soon, but its abit tough cos sometimes he fell asleep after milk. otherwise i give him some water to drink after he drink his milk.

noted, 2Ks! Thanks for the advice! So after 2.5 yrs old then I bring Jav for his first visit. Meantime, I will keep him away from sweets, chocolates and make him drink more water and must remember to rinse his mouth with water after latch/milk. Now if he doesn't wanna drink water, very hard to force him loh. He will drink when he likes it.

Annie: after I go I update u k!

Most dentists will recommend going by age 1 or max 2.. I'm darn lazy plus I make sunay brush twice n rinse after eating.

But this time when I take sunay I'll just take suniska also la. Easier! Lol


oh no, i dont go to the pediatric

just the normal ones..

thats why only suitable for 2yrs and above...

I brough my #1 there twice.

Its there same one your frd mentioned at outram.


annie: too young they cannot sit still and just generally see only, i see no point in that, unless really got problem in their teeth.

add some flavour in the water? sometimes i just some vit c or gripe water in the water...dunno help or not la, since young kiefer do not have problem in drinking water.

smiggleprincess: no...NDC and school health centre are different..

but both are at outram

yes, kyler was born dec 2008, he is 4 this dec but cos he is dec baby, so he is still very baby-ish..

2Ks - I see.. I'm gg to get sambucol started this weekend... once a week right? I finally let C eat the sch porridge haha...

mimimo24 - I had the bday party at The Grassroot Club @ Yio CHu Kang - Children Playroom... got indoor slide, ball pool, kiddy ride (chargeable)... can accommodate 80 pax, comes with 70 chairs, a few tables, a few baby chairs, 1 baby cot and 2 sofa...

2Ks, dunno is it Jav gets sick of using the same water bottle. When I change new bottle, he will drink water. wahaha... he is okay with drinking water, is just that he won't drink anytime I want him to, unless is he himself wants to. Or I just simply have to trick him into drinking water (like I action drinking his water then he also want). lol... Then I notice he like ah pek leh, only drink warm water. If cold water he only drink abit then don't want le. If it's warm water he will drink more. My mum says he like ah pek!

I must remember to bring him go visit dentist when he turns 2-2.5yrs old. Yes, agree with u 2K that too young bring them there sure waste money coz they won't obey to the dentist for sure. That's why I asked for your opinion since you have experience ma! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkypink, thanks and keep me updated about the pricing!


I had my party there too! It was a good place, no regrets! The kids had a great time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

