(2011/03) Mar 2011

pixie: your X1 is older than kyler mah...kyler although he consider 4 this year, he is december baby..

so he is still quite "childish"

he siao siao one, sometimes good sometimes bad..

and the problem is mr kiefer the king, do not like to walk outside, he love to be carried..sigh


oh yah hor....kyler still young. Dun say 3yrs4mths lah, today my boy threw tantrum this AM just coz i didnt follow him to dustbin to throw rubbish. I must follow him everywhere. Sibeh boliao. New phase. Hope its over soon zzzzzz

2Ks / Pixel: Disappointed cos out of all the photos in the CD only a few are nice. Most of the photos are almost the same and the editing not very nice too leh. In my opinion la..

sinmey - got 4 grad to PG liao... then shld be waiting for new bb to come... teacher mention will be more boys then girls moving forward... my gal used to slp 3x in IFC - 8-9am, 12-3pm 6-6.30pm... but some time back the morning nap also gone liao, the teacher say big liao no need to nap in the morning...

2Ks - I will prepare hand santizer only... shld be place at door ask everyone to use before coming in or placed at the play area ask children to use can liao?

ST: I wanted to post on FB but no time to do it. Was busy uploading other pics...When I got time I'll do it.

Mummies, where can I get nice fridge magnets for baby to play with?

jojo: the package is $108 is it? not bad already can take back all, u go check out other brands, much more exp..

even i pay $150 for indoor shoots, my pics also so so..but i am satisfied with it.

2Ks: Yes, for the price it's not bad already. But dunno why still feel a bit disappointed leh. Maybe cos was very eager to see the outcome but when see the pics no excitement so feel disappointed lo.

Thanks limlim, will go take a look at the leapfrog. I guess it will be cheaper if buying via amazon.


I saw your pic in PA thread .. ok leh.

Maybe not many pattern & most pic is the same la .. i also can understand la .. for $100, he edit consider good liao lo.. Some just give u 5 pcs 4R printed (which cost $2 nia)


my girl terbalik leh. She likes to love Shay's hand. But ho, she very demanding de, hold his hand tight tight & force didi to follow her. So Shay dun like her to hold, he prefer me or papa, coz he can stop/walk as he likes. Sometimes he just love to walk by himself.


Now the leapfrog letter phonics magnet is on discount at 39.90. Work out to be ard the same. I noticed that some LF stuff are on offer at all dept stores n this is one of them. I have them to force my elder to blend words every morning while i rush thru my makeup. Then for bb to grab and slot and to 听惯 the phonics.

But if u get LF fridge phonics then must prepared to get the dvds when ur bb is older to follow thru the method


Shay's IFC close on 19 Mar.

Anyone off that day? don't want play date outside la .. hehe, see if can go someone's house & let the bb play with each other ?


I working. Unless i call in sick *cough*cough* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fridge Magnet -

My son loves to throw leh ....if I buy LF phonics magnet...and he use it to throw...I will surely v heartpain de...haahaha...can get it from dept store?

Jojo: boys also not much pattern or clothes.. Always those few things..

I find kyler pics nicer than kiefer lor.. He poses more

LF magnet: This seems interesting, still can teach how to pronounce the letters. I saw commemts about the LF phonics magnet.. It seems that it has the problem of saying the wrong letter. Mummies who have this got encounter such problem?

ST: J also likes to throw things around. If I buy the LF magnet, I think it will be destroyed very fast..heartpain hor..

2Ks: Ya..for boys really not much clothes..always the same. I drool everytime I look at the ger ger clothes when browsing through. So cute and so many different styles. Hope to get a ger for #2.


imho, its not hows the word is off. i think its the way of "correct pronunciation".

like letter L, in zoophonics, they say "URLLLL", but LF says "ORLLLL"

for my son, hes not confused when i exposed him to zoophonics and LF at the same time, so im still ok with LF's phonics.

pixie: kyler lately always say "got this got that"

i tried to correct him, but apparently everyone is saying GOT..

sigh! even in school the teachers also say...

how to change that...

he always "mama, got car"

wanna faint...


xandall likes to say "oredi" and "oso"

these are 2 banned words in the household....

if he say that i will ask him to think and rephrase his sentence lor...

pixie: u mean he add on to whatever sentence he is saying or what??

another mistake that i observed my parents always say to him the chinese chi4 and he4

i always tell them is chi1 and he1


he likes to say "i eat already", "i finish already"....or "i never do that also"...

just broken singlish he picks up from classmates and my mil...my mil english terribly broken. i try my v best to speak to him in proper english lor...even "yah" i also ask him to say "yes" etc...but how much can i block rite, so many outside influences..my hb english oso NG, so quite jialatz

also, his mandarin all got english slang de, like as though should be 3rd sound he said in 2nd sound. so now majority of the time i speak to him in mandarin. but my huayu oso sux lah, im struggling as well

pixie: talking about slang...got chance u talk to kyler..

his chinese really slangs..like ang moh speaking chinese..

for kiefer, we not speaking to him in english anymore, we speaking to him in chinese.

chinese is much harder to pick up then english..


xandall also got english slang, his teachers all laugh. but its encouraging coz chn teacher said, in his class, some even refuse to open mouth to try to speak in huayu. xandall although pronounce wrongly, will try his best to speak each word

nowadays we do counting to 100 in chn...as for meimei, i scold in english, speak is half half...


i agree mandarin harder to pickup

I think for my dingbat son, praise works! I force him to talk to taxi drivers in Chinese n they r usually quite stunned n praise him alot so now he will show off n speak to 'Chinese looking ppl' in Chinese. Lol. He told my mum who was trying to speak Chinese to him that she is not Chinese!!!!? N will laugh at my hub n maid pronunciation.

As for singlish, he keeps saying aiya!!! Drives my hubby crazy!

one thing weird is, my son didnt pickup all the lors, lahs....maybe when he grow older bah

nowadays he keep saying "oh my gosh!" dunno where he get that from?! classmate bah

pinkypink: your son can speak chinese is VERY VERY GOOD already ok!

we chinese but dont speaks chinese then is well u know...LOL

pixie: kyler will say "oh my goodness" or "oh man"

its quite funny to hear that la..but still u know..

i always try to tell him his "birdie" is penis, but he always tell me "kuku"

Opps....I also dun speak proper English and Chinese. Hard to control how the child learn the language. Too many influence from the surroundings. Sometimes even teachers also don't speak correctly.

waaah you all really can post n post, difficult to catch up hahaha...

I am currently at Rayong, abt 2-3 hrs drive from BKK, for work.. nice hotel n beach, but no time to enjoy.. this is my 1st time can login for personal stuffss..

Lingo: not easy, outside influence is much stronger cos they wanna feel to be part of a group.. My son used to speak english very well, even knows when to use his tenses like past tense , current tense etc.. Now he still uses correct grammar but with words like "this one is my one" etc, instead of "this is mine" Cos that's the way his classmates talk.. so I just correct him but let it go.. it will pass I think.. just a phase..

my boy is learning mandarin and nobody at home speaks mandarin LOL so he can pretend to speak mandarin and nobody will know if its even a word or just gibberish he's saying hahaha..

here is pics of my girl's 1st bday party last saturday.. she really loooooves party it seems.. she didnt even fuss!! When I put her down on the carpet to play with other kids she just started to play with them, not even scared LOL.. I guess she's getting more independent.. 2-3 months ago she will cry if someone else even try to talk to her! nevermind try to carry her..


Dear mummies, I got sell some baby stuffs (socks,headband scarf and bibs) @ Facebook: Little Shan Closet & lilshancloset.blogspot.com...Pls feel free to add me in FB or dropby my blog. Hope to see u soon..

What a Beautiful girl you have, Nining! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Languages: My ah lau is more concerned about his mother tongue - Cantonese. Thus, he speaks mainly cantonese to the baby. Maid, of course, speaks malay to bb. Mum, chinese with numerous errors due to hokkien influence. As for me, i will repeat my instructions to boy in few languages, depending which he wants to pick up. hahaha!!

airmez: how i wish my mum can speak to my sons in cantonese....i find kids speaking cantonese is sooo cute!

but nowadays i think most kids doesnt speak dialects anymore..

like my sister, she grew in a family that speak cantonese, i speak canto with my mum and aunties, but sadly, my sis dont speaks at all...

wow, your gal eyes are beauitful, nining!

Language, oh dear! I dunno how to teach? My mum (caregiver) engrish is bad.. but Cantonese is good so I'm hoping CHloe will pick up Cantonese from her.

My colleague mention to me that I should send Chloe to language school so that they can pick up proper english and CHinese. That;s how his daughter learn english & chinese. His entire family (including his wife & him) only speaks Hokkien. Dunno how true it will be but I saw his daughter, her language skill is amazing at 4 years old.

Greetings from Shanghai! Here the baby things exp wor. I saw the Merries diapers here is like Sgd 50 one packet for L size! Faints ! And the happy bellies cereal is like $ 18 a tin in departmental store.

Manage to get some nice brand less shoes, swim suit and clothes at a kids mall. The girls stuff really nice but too bad no daughter. Lolzz.

airmez & Tres,

thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I think all babies' eyes are very nice, cos very innocent and so curious!

Isn't there Kumon that teaches english and mandarin as well as Math? I am thinking of enrolling my kid to Kumon but feel bad cos mon-fri he oredi goes fullday care/school..


Shanghai everything is ex, I wonder how locals can afford..


thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and its a mix of marshmallow with some cake decoration (the kids dun like the deco, its hard to chew lol, so they will spit out) and steamed cake called blossom with nutella filling .. These stuffs are small, 1 bite for adult and maybe 2 bites for kids.. I order from facebook, lady called Ryta Indulgence, she's in Yew Tee so easy for me to self collect hehehe..

Imported things are very expensive in china. I haven't been to the hypermarket yet, there should be local brands that's cheaper.

But children's clothing in departmental stores are exp about S$70-100 and some weird china brand. That's why I only shop at wholesale market. Lolzz.

2ks: Not really. Cos this is Shanghai, big city. Still got a nice lady see me standing helplessly at the stairs come and help me with the stroller. I pass by a in door play gym for kids , looks like Singkids, cost only RMB 18 for unlimited play. I haven't tried the MRT with him yet cos HB around sure won't let me take public transport de.


Agreed, import stuff is super expensive .. but those local brand selling in departmental store is ex to me too ..

Go to the 'cai hong(rainbow) er tong guang chang', can't remember at which street liao. The whole plaza selling kids clothes .. and it's CHEAP to me .. Carters PJ/set is ~$5-6, leather booties $15, bib/sock $1-2 .. i love one of the brand from france (can't remember liao), it's slightly more expensive (each pcs still <$10), and the color is vibrant & snug fitting ..

MRT is ok i think, only no lift to transport the stroller to underground lo ..

Love Shanghai, hope to get chance for biz trip in coming mths.. haha ..

