(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

mel, i went to og pte sale this afternoon too! agreed, it was madness. so many pple.. q to get in, q to pay $, q to exit..!! i bought learning home too.. and the zebra $99 (warehouse selling at $100).. and the muscial stacker + tortoise shape sorter bundle deal $35+ (sthng like that). Happy! : )

Hello mommies,

If you are cloth diapering or thinking of cloth diapering your babies, do head down to this weekend's Baby Care Festival at Singapore Expo.

Bumwear will be having a booth there and there will be lots of specials for cloth diapering mommies. See this page for more details :

Thank you and we hope to see you there :)
morn all
finally thurs...
so zzz...

myboyjovan, its normal tha the fbm smells of metalic smell, if its sourish then its spolit...

funne, aiya...some pple are like tha...think bfed bbs are very small...so kept asking u to feed FM...juz one ear in one ear out lor

ayukie,thas true...

nfvm, wow...more toys! yr son really very fortunate
gd morning mummies, today placed bb with my mom to prepare her for mummy-going-back-to-work next week

nvfm, wah u bought so many toys again

feel like going FP sale today. anyone going?

Btw does anyone know if using FS at L5 & above for 30mins will cause damage to our nipples in the long run? sometimes i pump at L9 when i'm so frustrated that milk flow's so slow.
morn ladies...

Yah now I can log in office liao ...they've removed my name from the ban list. But due to pumping in office, I cant spend much time in here...coz always rushing back to clear my work.
How many do you mummies pump at work?

I pump twice a day only...tot of pumping one more time but cos auditors are here to occupy the only meeting room without glass...so i cant squeeze in another pump....
ardenz, u still haven gone back to work ah? i thot u went back liao...i'm sure ur gal is in good hands...dun worry... max suction i use on FS is 7...but usually i use 6... u use 9 ah, not pain eh?

devlina, good tha u not banned liao...ehheh...come in more often wor
btw u got my trf to u? how many times u pump in office?
i went there to warehse over lunch on tue

i pump 3 X at work then 3 X at hm.

i've signed up for 21 Apr weaning class. Cya there!
Who else is going?
haitong, i pump twice @ work...am fortunate tha i have a nursing room @ work...can u pump at other rooms since tha room is occupied?! or pump at ur desk with a nursing cover?
Hallo, mummies! Good morning and TGIF!

Yesterday went back to the FS sale and bought more stuff:
- Learning Home @ $150
- Laugh & Learn Toolbench @ $15
- Little People Nursery Rhymes Ride-On Toy @ $20 (was $30 but I bargained it down as it was the last piece and dusty, haha)
- TMX Elmo @ $20
- Some small toys including doodle pro $5, handphone with music $5 and 2 teethers $2 each (was $3 when I bought on Sat)

Very satisfied with my buys, until I went home and tried Elmo and found that it wasn't working! Not only that, it was obviously a used piece as the battery compartments had the leaked battery juice (don't know the actual term for it :p) all over, which was probably why it didn't work in the first place. Now I have to bring it back for exchange, argh!

Later, I found the Learning Home on sale at OG @ $149, as some of the gals here pointed out.

Also went to the OG sale, and agree that it was a complete madhouse. When I went, the security guards didn't even bother to check for the membership card or entry coupon, so everyone was just swarming in, members or not.

Due to the crowd, it was difficult to look at stuff so didn't buy much there, only the Leapfrog word builder @ $36 and a personalised sippy cup with my boy's name. But it took me almost an hour queuing to pay at the cashier! There were still quite a few of the Bright Starts Bounce Bounce (early bird special) when I was there late afternoon.
SPorty, cannot...cos other room has glass panel on the door, so can see inside. My desk is open concept so canot pump there.

So lunch time, i will use the main meeting room, and in the late afternoon, i will ask the auditors to excuse me for half an hr so that i can use the other smaller room to pump. cannt use main meeting room to pump during office hrs cos may have last min meetings...so only lunch time can use.
i shd be luggin my hb along and yeah lil E will be there rue whahahaa (stupid answer whahaha nvm me .. im just sian of work ..) wjahaha but c ya there

ardenz - me gg to the fp sale tml ... mel also ..

devlinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - come in more oftennnnnnnnnn whahaaa ...

im sooo shaggedelic ..
morning all! just settled my gal at the IFC, it was chaotic this morning. think maybe they shld consider having more teachers in the morning, since most babies will be crying in the morning. i was there since 7-ish till 10am, just afraid they can't cope and neglect my little gal (since she is the youngest among the rest).

sigh... think my gal got 'shocked' at the IFC yesterday. last night she kept 'jumping' when she sleeps and woke up crying. this morning the same thing happen at the IFC!

ardenz, most probably I'm dropping by to FS sales later in the afternoon, ard 12 to 1pm. what time will you be there?
Ayukie - If you go on a weekday, less crowded, you can try. The staff are very friendly and the lady even helped me lug the Learning Home to my car, hehe.
starrz: u see me must call out to me, i can't recognise u

sporty/mm6j: i took pic le, upload to FB later... she looks wobbly in the seat, had to insert a support cushion in front of her chest.

nvfm: ooh, u went ah? really crazy, lucky i went and left the madness early... u got the zebra ah? i didn't buy cos my hb say too early to get!
Rachelle Ling
u still got excess BF or not? i need it ler... my boy taking 5oz now, and dunno why my nanny keep asking should start give FB like scare not enough liddat... sigh...

where u stay?

by the way, how many oz and bottles ur baby drink, how can be having so much milk flow
my fbf is going to finish ler....
d8raem8n - i hope i can meet a nice staff tml ..

i wanna get the learning home also
maybe the rainforest jumperoo
and i wan to get the rainforest playgym
and misc etc toys i can lay my hands on whahaha
oh mel - i also put a bean pillow in front of my boy tummy to support him else he will lean forward likdat wahhaha ..
doraemon, ur loots sounds good
wah, still can bargain one ah!!

haitong, then bo bian lor unless u can use some store rooms or have to pump in toilet lor...

ayukie, buy more tom at the sale hor :p

peipei, what is the teacher to bb ratio at the IFC?

mel, dun worry la...she will enjoy more when she sits more steadily!

lemontree, my bb drinking abt 100 to 120ml every 3 hrs... ur bb drinks alot?
sporty - if there is stuffs left for me whaha i see like all sold out likdat

and erm must see if my wallet allows as well .. cause i see see hor my boy like not m,uch toys and stuffs like v poor thing lah haiz ..
sporty, the teacher to bb ratio is almost 1:1 now. 4 teachers to 5 babies. but then in the morning between 7 and 9, there are only 2 teachers. The other 2 will come in after 9 till 7pm. that explains why it's quite chaotic in the morning, esp when the babies just wake up and need attention. they will either cry for milk or cry for parents.

lemontree, if my gal confirms not wanting to drink my fbm, maybe i can pass to you my fbm too. better not waste mah.
I find that if I go to these sales and see those toys so cheap or really good buys, I will buy even thou I might not really need them...Really very bad habit of me...
sporty, i dun feel anything at L9 also. I think hor, my body is very weird u know. i cant seem to feel anything....like robot like that....i remember during labour also after they pumped in all the induce medicine and the ctg show my contractions quite intense, nurse keep asking need pain relief and i said "i don't feel anything!"

ayukie...oh u going tomm...nvm i help u survey today and let u know what they have hehe

pei pei, ya i intend to go sometime in the afternoon too about 1 or 2. later during lunch at 12pm gonna see how my bb is doing @ my mom's first, then will go FP sale.
ya lo, the nanny gives him 5oz every 3 hrs ler... think i got to extract more and improve my milk flow...

anyway to help improve milk flow?

and, seeing u all having Happy Bellies Spree, so fast start solid liao la? i read from some articles baby may start solid after 6 mths...
I lost one side of rubber translucent suction to my ameda pump!! How!! I scared the entire office and cannot find it. Anyone know where i get replacement. Sob sob sob!
ayukie, dun worry la...i'm sure got stocks one...what u afraid is no money to buy ! got money sure can buy one :p

peipei, the ratio sounds good la...think in the morning its more chaotic as the bbs haven settle down yet mah

haitong, what u said is true lor...thas why i rather dun go to the sales :p

ardenz, hahha...ur body really very "strong" lor...dun feel any pain sensation lor...heheh :p

lemontree, drink milo/eat oatmeal/ take fenugreek and pump/latch often...this will help in increasing ss...

velo, u can order it from moms in mum or mums fairy website...tell them its urgent lor
pei pei
thanks ler... let me know then.. u got FB? i seldom come here so may miss out your msg... maybe u add me in FB... my nick is lemoncat...
re: solid .. when my mil put some solid near his mouth .. he open his mouth like wnana eat so i think my boy is gg be ready to eat solid food le .. he is also v v excited and happy when he sees food (even if he isnt eating and others eating .. before he gt sian and start eats his hands again ..)
sporty - im afraid of both .. no money and nothing left for me whahhaa

velo - erm since u need urgently the diaphram - u may wanna get from mumsfairy or from infantree lor ..
okie okie...later i add u to FB so u can 'recognise' me..hehe

my bb keep waking up in the middle of the night again.. duno isit too hungry.
Eh a few times i feed my bb.. when she drinking, i can hear her stomach growling.. so hungry until like that ah.?
Ayukie, u are so funny!!!!

I will be gg to the fp sales on sat only..cant wait after reading so many good buys you mummies hv bought so far...scared that by then no more stocks left.

Do you know when will the fp sales end?
i have the same problem, my boi also keeps on waking up in the middle of night... sigh... not enough sleep how to work...
i have the same problem, my boi also keeps on waking up in the middle of night... only recently.. sigh... not enough sleep how to work...
ya lor wake n wake then now so sleepy liao..
sometimes finally can fall zz then alarm clock rang liao..haha aiyo!
haitong, as AGAIN, the details of the fp sales are in the archives.

now i know why we have so many archives!'

ardenz and sporty> i on L4/ L5 , last time on L3. but i feelhor the higher levels only more noise nia.. or maybe it's just me..
Yeah! I received my wean machine! Was so excited that I did a trial yesterday with steamed apples - and I ate it of course
it's so fun!!!
