(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

nursing rooms: i like the one at forum lvl 1! comfy!

ashm... my girl can drink 200ml sometimes top up another 60ml.. 160ml is perfectly fine.

HI folks, some quick comments:
1) think I saw on a TV prog that we shld not put rice cereal into a bottle - because then the baby won't learn to take food from other sources e.g. using spoon, cup etc.
2) not that you can't mix BM & FM, but you might want to give BM first to ensure that it's not gone to waste if bb doesn't finish. But if training bb to drink FM, I think can mix. Used to do it when I was still bfg.

Amelie keeps waking up after she has gone to bed. Sometimes in less than 30 mins! We gave her a small top up feed of 2oz 2 times. She drank v quickly each time. Wonder if it's really time to wean her, though I thought of holding out till 6 months.

I'm using NAN also. My PD says less sweet compared to other FM. HA version even less sweet. I am using normal one, HA one makes my bb LS. But if you are complementing with BM, can use HA one.
Mrs Neo, have you considerd buying a little mask for your bb boy? Think I saw before, at mini toons? If you can't get sick people to cooperate, then you just have to prevent on your bb's end. I hope your bb stays strong and doesn't fall sick!

Astro - hope you and the family stay healthy!
ASHM>>my belle is Isabelle! hehehe.. i thot your nick ASHM = A Stay Home Mother.. Lol

vodkarib>> get the one with the soft spout, our babies cant drink from straw yet.. drinking from straw is another milestone.. actually for avent bottles, you can buy the accessories to convert your milk bottle into a drinking mug.. but i still prefer to buy a separate mug for my baby la..

my fren told me not to get nestle, coz nestle cereal contains sugar.. so im crossing that out from my list..
u know, pple will laff when i said wat my mil did everyday. but frankly it's no joke for me at all. cos imagine the headache her voice gives me. even if i am in a gd mood, all the energy will be suck out by her voice... i didnt complain here previously... u know my mil complain to my hubby why we always close the door?? so i thought.... ok.... if that's the case when i breastfeed i use a door stopper and leave just a very very small gap at the door lo... and when i did that, my FIL walked in leh!!! WAH KAOZ!!! i really damn upset u know? in the whole stupid house of theirs, everyone now seen me breastfeed before except the BIL only leh!! my mil and their maid were standing in the room last time and refuse to leave and discuss about my breastfeeding last time!!! i had to change tactic and ask them to go out pls, no use... then i just heck care and ignore my wailing baby last time... until they go out!!!!

and then now i just heck care whatever they say and hid in the room. but the mil will knock on door and keep asking if we want to eat fruits or etc.. until recently, she knock the door while i bf, so hubby ans, and he told her i am bf-ing. she say the Bro's GF's mum gave my bb an ang bao... and my hubby want to collect from her but she BARGE into the room and then she say sorry ah, and she told me the Bro's Gf's Mum went to her kopishop and insist to give her grandson the ang bao and they so nice etc and she wanted to personally hand the red packet to me while i am bf-ing my son? WTH??!? is it so impt to interupt my son's feeding?? i dunno if her brain is something wrong...
ting>> absolutely irritated by her ya.. her antics never end.. i can imagine when your new house comes, she will find every single excuse to go and see her precious grandson.. and she wun leave the moment she reaches.. be prepared for such crap in time to come..

why these old folks cannot understand that we as couples need our own privacy too.. my mum is like that too, she barges into my room, or she just opens the door without knocking.. even at night we are not allowed to lock the door.. so duhz..
Hi Mummies

I have 8 boxes of Organix Wholegrain Rice Cereal to let go at $4.50 per box. My son does not like them so would like to sell them soon. Anyone interested to try this??
Morning mummies!
Been wanting to chat here yesterday but my little bugger was so attention seeking and part moody, part-happy.

xoxo: WAH! You really tried many nursing room already! Haha should copy your comments and save in the phone too!

Anyway the nursing rooms at the T2 is located in between the 2 escalators going to the restaurants at L2 (Departure hall) It's under one of the escalators. While the one at T3 is next to the GENTS (YES!! First time heard of right?) at L1 Arrival Hall, nexxt to TCC. Both, btw, are poorly ventilated. My last outing to the T3 one, I saw a female security personnel, busy dolling herself up for the 'Ms Security Guard' Pageant. The whole nursing room was 'refreshed' by her Glade smelling perfume. Gave me a migraine after that.

Looks like Tampines One, apparently a newer mall, fare really badly huh? This was where I had to prepare my own 'lock' aka my foot to keep the door close. And the green bench has turned greyish green. The room is just TINY!

Forgot if I mentioned. The one at Suntec is the one where I had a brawl with a baby cockroach. Was trying to 'squash' it while nursing as it came to molest my leg.

Vivo actually have a well-designed nursing room at Lobby L. But unfortunately they have lazy cleaners. Nursing room = Cleaners resting area. And they rest with their trolley of bins and brooms. And one thing I dislike about Vivo is, they know they are one of the largest shopping malls in Singapore and yet they space their nursing rooms so apart. This means, if the one we want to go is occupied, we have to really doing a semi-marathon to go to another, with no guarantee that the other one is ok to use.

Speaking of Harbourfront's nursing room, I actually shared the room with a sleepig Beijing baby. I thought it was occupied and kept knocking and knocking. I also saw movements yet no response. So, I had to stand to nurse. Then lost patience and looked in. Guess what? An old China lady was with her sleeping grandchild!!!! Pengz. Lucky she was kind enough to leave the room. So, I was there with YX plus the sleeping baby.

The one at Parkway next to Caffe Bar was eerie to me and yx. She freaked out when she saw the not so cute looking cartoon on the war. And the lighting...gosh! They are trying to save electricity. Also there are bits and pieces of used tissues around. YUCKS!

So, my fave is the same -- Parkway Isetan (and the one at Scotts also cannot compare cos the bins are sooooo smelly)Only issue is, I dun visit there on weekends. Hahah...too crowded and the whole place will have screaming and shrieking kids and I mean NON-BABIES! Many parents treat the place like resting area for their kids. No idea why.

As you can see, I am not adventurous when it comes to nursing outside. Havent been to many places. Also, it din help that there are a few places that I die die wont nurse. Example, Tampines Mall. Dun understand why they must smack the room in the middle of gents and ladies. And they have one of the smelliest toilets around. And taka, now that mummies here have mentioned. Totally appalled! It's a Japanese Departmental store leh!

Anyone who knows anyone at Straits Times or Stomp here? Maybe can ask whoever there to come and read this thread. Someone got to do something about the nursing rooms here! I can't write to the papers, governed by rules and regulations by my boss! Depressed.
Vodkarib: Wah you really got the list ready. And thanks for finding out the prices! It helps a lot. I think I will probably let yx try all to find out her preference. Hb cannot say anything hahah..using my own $$

Mrs Neo and Ting: Hmmm staying with MIL is always tough. Have to rope in hubby to let them know. Mrs Neo, I will really tell her off if she still insist on carrying the baby even though she is sick. Just tell her that this is her grandchild leh, she want the baby to fall sick meh? Or just lock baby in the room with you or bring the baby to your mum's.

Ting: Funny leh your MIL. She stay with you all and yet behave like that. I visit my MIL once a week and I can understand if she behaves like that. She used to respect me closing the door when I feed, now she dun care, every min with the grandchild counts to her. She just walk in to talk and check if baby is still feeding or has finished so that she can whisk her off to play. That's why I dun like to go to my MIL's house, when I am there, I am more like a feeding machine. NO WAY I get to touch the baby. But luckily, now, baby started to recognise people. So she will start to be cranky esp when my FIL is around. That's when I get to carry her
<font color="0000ff">So many posts that I lost track of who to reply to....

<font color="ff0000">On Nan FM</font>
My boy is currently on Nan HA. So far has been on it since birth and i've no complains abt it. My first born oso on Nan until now. hhhmm... what i find is that coz Nan is less sweet compared to other brands of milk, he tends to not to like sweet stuff like cake and choco. He's 18mths now btw.

Not sure if i can attribute it to the milk powder but its something I observed. My MIL will always comment "he's so weird. All kids love sweet stuff.. but he doesn't"

<font color="ff0000">On Cereals</font>
I'll be sticking with Healthy Times this time round again. Have tried Nestle b4, but it's too sweet and my boy had sore throat immediately after taking it.

I gave Bellamy and Heinz too.. Can't really recall why i didn't continue with Bellamy.

Heinz my boy didnt really like it. I think prob HT cereals more 'xiang'.

Someone asked expiry of these cereals. They have to be consumed within a month of opening. so about 28-30 days. After tat, gotta throw away le...

<font color="ff0000">BP for HT Cereals</font>
As i've posted b4.. Healthy Times u can get direct from supplier n get 15% off if you have $250 orders or more. That's what I always do. so gather a few frens / mummies and purchase in bulk

I can help organise if anybody wants but for small admin fee lah.. PM me if anyone is interested. Pickup locations: Jurong West / Serangoon
I m so fed up with my dh. Each time i tell her off she will insist on a transfer. And e reason that she gave to all is coz i m too good to her. She feel guilt,does not want to stay to make me angry and aggravate my thyroid. This is ridiculous. My previous dh call me several times wanting to come back. All these DH are driving me to e wall.I left my bb with her for abt 10mins, he ended up with a bump. Have to admit it is my fault. I should not have entrust him to dh even for 1 sec.
Funzee.. Thanks.. Think I will go n get the mask.. Hope she gets my vy obvious hint..

Haizz.. Hubby also shook his head when he heard his mum still trying to get near the baby.. N he said tat her eq is low ba.. So, Bo bian.. I told him it's more of hygiene n common sense leh.. U dun need som1 wif high eq to know tat they shld stay away fr baby when they r sick.. Then he kept quiet.. He is very defensive toward his mum.. So if ever I want to complaint abt her to him, I need to do it tactically.. Otherwise, it's my fault.. Even his mum used to barge in when I was pumping milk.. He said it's ok cos we both r females.. Wth!!!
mrs neo>> then ask your hubby if its ok for his dad and him to pee together at the same time? both females doesnt equate to "i can and must let you see everything"

ww>> wad's DH? isnt DH short for darling hubby?
Miemie >
I think dh stands for domestic helper aka maid.

Mrs neo >
then u tell hubby since it's the same, then ask mil to take off her clothes n bra and show u her breasts lo. Same de ma. U showed her Liao it's only fair she show u. That what I did to their maid of 19 years. She refuse to leave the room when I ask her too and said what I have she also has. So I say ok. And I ask her to take off her clothes now to show me lo. I said Its ok ma. And then she leaves the room Liao.

I think an upset face really do the work. My fil today morning he took an opportunity to scoop my fussy bb up n said he is bored and then open the door and bring him see the plants who he did before. But I just turn round and I can't find them anymore!! Turn out he bring him downstairs to see cars without informing me!! I jus feel super piss at that moment!! Bcos he can't or dun even know how to carry a baby properly. That explains y everytime when he wan me to pass him my bb will always kanna body contact ( at my breasts and I super dun like) but I can't just "hey y u kanna my breasts?" right????) Anyway, when he came bk I just ask him where he go and give him a "I can't believe u bring my bb out face" and scoop the bb from him n ignore him. After a while he came to ask me if it's because I wanna feed my bb water n I said no! Just that He bring my bb dwnstairs wo telling me n I will be worried.

I dunno y he must follow whatever my mil does lo to keep carry d bb and walk the whole house etc. He just less the kikoo n running on the spot only. Just this morning when I bring my bb out to the living room, the bil who is jobless currently was trying to run on the spot but he tried twice n stopped!!! I was about to said can u dun b so lame like ur mummy but I think he figured out himself when he tried.

I told my hubby countless times I wanna move back to my parents place for good already but he is not willing to move w me. I think he finds it very hard to explain to his parents. So for me, move or dun move bk also very sad cases!!

Wish the flat can be built faster.
Ok. I am also a lil bad. I deliberately time the time I wipe my son in the evening followed by a feeding so when the pil come home my door will be closed. Sometimes my son will jus fall asleep n then what I do is open d door after that n said my son sleeping. U know wat? My mil will walk in n talk loudly to say oooh he slp so cute etc. N then she will just stand there to talk till my son wake up crying.

Tell me. Is the oldies doing things for theirs or the bb own good man?? Geez!!
<font color="0000ff">Miemie
Yes yes... i always get it from Damon n Diorne

<font color="ff0000">On MIL barging in</font>
My MIL did tat to me too
Was pumping with my door closed and my MIL can happily come in to talk to mi. Not about important stuff lor. It was the LEAST important stuff of all - to tell me the coffeeshop we always go for dinner change chef already, so the food not nice. I was like "Wah Piangz"!!! and both my boobs were exposed. coz i was pumping 1 side and collecting leaking milk from the other. She didnt get the hint when i juz kept quiet not answering and not giving her eye contact.

She proceeded to look into my toilet can still can tell me "oohh.. the toilet here can put some more shelf". In my heart i was thinking, Can you please get OUT of here NOW!!!!

I'm not one who will shout at her. but i guess she took awhile to get the hint coz after commenting abt my toilet, she went out. I complained to hb abt it but he juz laughed it off... how inconsiderate rite...

complained to my mum and she told mi nvm lah.. juz REN!!! dun keep complaining abt my MIL to hb.... aarrrgghhh</font>
Heh let me rant a bit also....
Just back from il's place lah :p

hai, my ils are super paranoid bb dun recgonise them...
At his age, I'm not sure he is able to do that yet.
Each time we step in, my fil first thing asks bb if he remembers who he is! Geez!
And today bb fussed when my mil first tried playing with him
and right away she starts saying "see! you all come
once a week only... He dun recgonise us already!"
and starts counting the days from our last visit.
Sigh, I'm very comfortable with our current weekly visit to their place but she wants us to go at least 2x a week... Or else the grandson won't know them.... :s
Shugar... Well i do sense tat babies abt 4mths do recognise faces.
Well, I would think, we parents should be the one worry our child don't recognise us instead.
ting : some old folks got tell me that we shuldn't quiet quiet let bb sleep. bb should get used to surrounding sound. i dun reli agree. imagine we adult wanna zzz got loud noise will wake up or not. will right?

shugar : 4 mth..recognise face. E was with nanny. She carry he cry. Once she pass to me I carry pat pat he stop crying.
ting &amp; ilovemax: aiyo... i hate to be disturbed when bf-ing. is there a signboard that u can make and put outside ur door - "breastfeeding. do not disturb".

i agree that someone shld do something to improve the bf-ing "culture" in sg. educate the public and make them more aware + considerate to bf-ing mums. it's already tough enough to try and bf a baby in the public. i can't imagine having to cope with added pairs of curious eyes, terrible nursing facilities and restaurants that chase bf-ing mums out! i say we shld have a Breastfeeding Day in sg!

the old folks dun tink that bf is big deal wor.

haiz.. i have my own exp with bf too. the most recent one is "TAKING IDIOTIC PHOTOS is more important than Breastfeeding!" i was bfing YX when the old folks wanted to take family foto and keep asking why YX n me never join in the foto taking. they fail to realise that YX is only 4.5 mths old. k, i pulled YX out from my breast n went to the photo taking area. YX of cos cry! then the old folks asked "y YX cry?" i nearly shout out "WTF. u oldies dun allow the bb to drink milk n insist on taking foto now?? n now dare to ask y she cry?" end up i dun allow any of them to carry YX haha n of cos, the clever gal oso dun allow anyone else to carry her including my maid :p
Gal :
I also dun agree. I think surrounding noise like tv, fan, toilet flushing or whispering still ok. But not deliberate loud noises like deliberate talking and mahjong playing etc. Ya lo. Imagine if an adult sleep and then someone talk on the phone for like 15 to 30 mins beside. Surely wake up de lo. Disturbed sleep.

ya ya! Precisely!! I dun understand y oldies doesn't know how to think for the young vulnerable babies de lo! If hungry means hungry... Take picture... Omg

oh my god!! 2 x a week! Then where got times for self already? I think I would ans well a bb is a lil scare now bcos they start to realise environments. Give the baby a few more months! When he grow up he wun be like this already!! (it's bullshit la! But I dun care man!)

ironically, me myself trying to bring my bb back to my parents house to stay. And ya everytime when I bring him there he is a like not familiar in the beginning. But I Also only bring him back like once in 2 to 3 week only. That's y I hate my in laws cos they are deliberately doing things to make the bb recognise them and their home!! So now I also try to close my door most of the times.
About in laws later!!

I am panicking!!!
My YX was just 'singing' and chewing her nappy that I place under her head as pillow but she got fed up as she couldnt go to sleep. So, I picked her up and patted her. Then when I put her back to her cot, I saw BLOOD on the nappy where she chewed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dun tell me her gum bleeding from all the chewing???? HOW???
Shugar, same as you, we only visit them once a week due to distance. So, they very kanchiong if baby will recognise them or play with them. Problem is they like to make sudden appearance or quickly carry the baby even before we step into the house. So, OF COURSE, baby will freak out and cry right? So, my MIL will comment, 'why? baby dun remember us?' I know babies at 4 months onwards will start recognising places and people so, all the more they should be more patient and let her warm up first. So, they finally learnt their lesson and do not rush her. But well, after a few minutes, their over-zealousness will come back. They will play with her like popping in front of her suddenly, clap loud loud kind. The thing is my mum and I don't play like this with her. So, she will be shocked, obviously. Then of course the feeding part lah. Sigh..MIL will jsut come in to check if baby is done, if not done, she will just sit with me and talk. Once baby is done, off baby goes into her arms.

Then nvm, when we have dinner and baby is sleeping, she will just ask her continue and she will just grab a chair, saying that she will take care of the baby and sit in front of the baby to stare.

The best is the soppy parting scene that replays EVERY WEEK! AND THIS, I CANNOT STAND! When we go home, the whole entourage of MIL, PIL and SIL (if she is home) will escort us down to the car, trying to help us carry stuffs (when it is actually manageable -- c'mon lah we carried everything up) Not only that, my FIL will keep insisting to let my MIL carry until these days, I try to feed her to sleep till they have no choice but to let me carry. At the car, there will be this sad parting scene, all the waving, rolling down of windows to say goodbye when actually YX will usually be so happy in her car seat as though she can't wait to leave hahah.

I am really REN-ing. Actually my ILs are really nice, they dun dare to insist. But I really find their behaviours strange. When I spoke to my mum that my MIL like to smel YX butt and feet, she also finds it strange. But as usual lah, my mum say REN. And I guess she is right, afterall they only see their grandchild once a week. My parents also very funny. They actually feel bad that they get to see their grandchild everyday, cos we are now staying with them. But then again, we already asked my MIL to move over to help take care of the baby right at the beginning but she rejected. So, I guess, we already tried our best to make the situation as fair as possible.

Oh did I mention that my IL side has so many ppl and even Malaysian relatives on fb??!! My gosh..they keep adding me lor...I mean I am not even close to them and yet cannot dun add scared they complain to my MIL. All of them want to see baby's update and pictures!!??? My MIL best...always gets updates from my SIL. Then she will keep talking how cute how cute the photos on fb is etc etc...that's why nowadays I post lesser pictures. Used to upload a lot at one go. I always jokingly tell my hubby that BB YX has a Malaysian fan club!
Tien: wah a lot of stuffs the same as you leh!! Yes I know the 'parting ritual' too. When gng back the family (fil, mil n sil) will be holding on to S hands n foot, telling him gdnight/byebye etc... Aiyoh. Sometimes I only get him back when I'm right at the doorstep! Lucky they all dun troop downstairs but will keep waving from upstairs.

An hehe they also hv relatives in hk n Msia which i hv nv met adding me on fb!! And my mil likes to tell me which 'aunty call her n so excited abt S pics / vids!

For me actually I know they mean well lor.
My mom says they prob over excited when grandson visits so like that.
Mil will clap n kikoo for good 5-10mins too! And they keep speaking to bb in Cantonese n insists he knows wat they saying...And they'll inspect any lil scratch on bb they will frown and Come to me asking what happen, etc....sigh...That's the parts I can't stand!

Is the blood alot? Is yx nails trimmed? Cos I think maybe her nails dig into her gums? If only lil bit of blood stain only I think ok ba. But if alot, if I were u, I will check her mouth first and then if still not right then bring her to see pd.

About ur in laws, also quite funny. Lol. My side is the maid she love to go smell my boy's butt. And she talks damn loudly de!! Like shouting like that. So I extremely dun like cos I do not wan my boy to grow up shouting and thinks it's ok. Or. Deaf u know? Sigh this maid has been w my in laws for 19 years Liao so super alot if patterns one. I really think my in laws something wrong de cos shouldn't they be bother by other things? But instead my mil n her maid will keep snoop ard my room and pack and repack again and again my things!! And it's my husband that is super messy anyhow stuff things, not me. So shouldn't they be packing his things instead?

About the farewell scene, haha I also have similar but is of my father n sister. Bcos once a mth, I will bring my bb back to my parents house to stay over for one week, and then I will lug alot of stuffs over and when we go home one week later, can tell my parents n sister can't bear us to leave. And I will feel so sad too.

I think we will never understand how the oldies or in laws think until we become old or in laws. Just that I dun think I will be like them at all cos I dun Really like kids but just love my own son alot only.
Ting: I'm really not keen on 2x a week lor.
But mil called my hb n think she sounded upset so hard for him to turn down. Haiz, so I said the 2nd visit will not be a fixed weekly thing. If we hv other plans or something on then we'll not go coz it's a Saturday evening leh!
Wow shugar! Ur mil kikoo too! High five! Lolx.

About relatives adding on fb, I will add and then after a while I will just delete them away. Waahahahagag. U see if they dun see u updating, they just tot oh no update lo. Since there is no notifications to tell them I deleted them!! I had to do this bcos I do bitch abit on my fb sometimes and the last thing I want is to have a whole clan asking my y my weight drop or y bb stil doesn't flip etc.
Shugar, frankly once a week is already very often Liao leh. I feel upset for u too! I can't imagine if I move out Liao they still wan me to come back twice a week!! I think u ask ur hubby to go home himself and said bb slping so din bring him over. At least they get to see their own son twice a week la! Haha.
Haiz.. tat's in laws for u! But when i tried to comment abt his parents to my hubby.. he will say, "ur mum also blah blah blah".. Very defensive.. Simply give up!

Tien>> Last time my mil will also just sit down there and stare at my boy while he is sleeping.. Guarding him like some bodyguard.. but now, she dun do it anymore..

Maybe our inlaws are OVERLY OBSESSED with their grandchildren due to the fact that they are grandparents for the 1st few times ba.. Sometimes, i wonder... will i be like them when I am a granny next time? Haa.. So, i think i better dun complain so much abt their silly acts now.. LOL... Who knows, next time my dil also think i am silly doing silly acts... :p
Ting>> I think they wanna see their grandchild, not son lor.. Actually, its funny 1 hor.. b4 having grandchild, they want to see their son often.. now that they have grandchild, they rather see their grandchild.. is tat called diversion of attention?
wah.. talking abt exposing our breasts to other females in the household, my hb can always leave my room door open after he comes in / leaves the room! i got so fed up each time that i ended up screaming at him.. his explanation? "nvm lah.. whole house all female, not like what you have they dont have." wth?? so insensitive of my hb lor.. *fumes*

i am ok with feeding / expressing milk with my mum and/or my sis in the same room, but NOT to the extend of showing my breasts to my maid &amp; MIL
Actually I dun understand their obsession with grandchildren also.. Is it so impt for them to bond with them? I wonder... I guess we won't understand them bah
Mrs neo: yup agree. Now with grandson, the son not popular Liao ! Hahahha... There was once hb went back w/o bb n they were so disappointed. I find it hard to discuss abt ils to hb coz I hate hving conflicts Just bcos of them.

Ting: so this method of hb gng back alone won't work!
I'm just wondering what if even with gng back 2x n bb still fuss then how? Will they say still not enough n want 3x or 4??!
Ting: my mil not exactly says kikoo but she goes "HALLOoooo!!!" about 10 times loudly non stop in front of bb. Then will ask bb to smile at her. If she gets a smile, super thrilled n start saying bb recgonise her. No smile, gets a bit upset and ask bb is it dun remember her. Tough being a bb sometimes! Heh!
Shugar: wow! I guess as much. My mil ki koo bcos there is a clock that ki Koo every hour at home. But once she start she will be non stop rapping!! So we shall call this the ki koo symptom then! I can totally imagine the hallllooooooo x ten times man! Btw, u know? When my bb finally smile / laugh, I will think is because he is laughing cos "oh so lame!"

What logic is dun smile = dun recognise and smile = recog man!! Baby also have mood and get sick of same old trick if keep repeating it. I mean if it's me, I will probably just throw up lo. My pill also one kind. They refuse to listen or believe when I say bb is sleepy and insist that he is not and wanna make him laff. And when he doesn't my fil will shake him!! Not once or twice but he keep doing that! So once I tell him hey dun do that cos no good for bb brain and he actually mummur under his breathe "ur mommy thinks we dunno how to take care of u!"

And I also dun understand the loud clapping of hands too. Last time whenever I bring my bb out to living room, mil will keep clapping her hands loudly to gain his attention but it kinda make him jump and he always end up hiccuping. AND then they will keeping asking y he hiccup. I mean duh! Y when I handle him myself he dun hiccup but he does when others handle him??

Seriously I think if sooner or later they will tell u bb stay over at their place!

I Bo chup now. Not happy w something they do? just scoop the bb from their arms like they did everytime and pretend oh I need to feed him and go back to my room close the door. I think sooner or later they should realise what not to do. ( hurhur ma chiam training dogs)
ting>> U steady lah! I wish i have ur courage.. to sccop bb from their arms.. cos everytime i wanna claim back my son.. i need to think of an excuse...

They always like to say.. "if we dunno how to take care of babies.. then, how ur hubby grow up? also we take care 1 lor"
Mrs neo! Is because I can't stand it Liao!! They think I dun dare so they keep doing things push my limits! How it first happened is once my mil carrying my 2 mth+ bb to watch tv. And I tell her pls dun keep let him watch tv dun make it a habit and then she just suddenly snap and said if I nv let the bb watch in the day then it's ok she can let the bb watch at night!! I was very angry then and waited till 9pm to carry my bb in to zz but she refuse to let me carry!!!! Then my limit was up from then on I dun care Liao. If they dunno how to respect his parents then I got no choice. If they do something I dun Like I jus carry him away lo.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Teething</font>
My boy has 1 tooth already. this precious one came out when he was about 2 mths nia. PD said something like its hereditary. coz my first born had 2 teeth when he was born. It was later plucked away by the PD coz they were shaky. So he's boh geh now. and will remain like this all the way till he has adult teeth. Poor boy.

At least didi is much better. His current bottom tooth is stable there. Think the other one coming out oso.. coz he's been drooling alot.. n fussing in his sleep lately</font>
when bb fussing in their sleep means they are teething ah? any reason why?
my girl have been behaving this way for the past one week. every night, she will have a few mini episode of fussing while sleeping. i will have to carry her, pat pat her a few times and she will fall asleep again. she used to sleep through the nights...

any babies behaving the same way too?
<font color="0000ff">Cat02
eerrrmm.... i think coz their gums are painful.. the teeth are cutting thru hence the fussiness while sleeping and unability to sleep thru lor. Some babies will get fever too</font>
Ting: yah, kikoo symptom sounds very apt! hehehe
here's the definition:

ki•koo | an exclamation
used to describe loud repeated sounds to a baby.


actually they did mention last time to drop bb at their place at nights and pick up in the mornings. but i told mil nicely if i can't even take care of my own bb, then I might as well not have had one and will not think of having another one in future.
after that she did not mention abt this again.

hey babes!
wah is it bash the ILs thread now? hehe... i think i've said enough on this. dont wanna go on like a broken record. but they all sound very much similar to me. hehehe...

on a side note, those of you who have me on their FB would've seen me forward a link to


and i thank you all for becoming fans of the page. its my brother's web application which he's developing. basically they aim to be the 1-stop provider of all deals and promos which will help you save some $. right now its largely retail and some F&amp;B. if you guys have found the page useful, pls PASS IT ON TO YOUR FRIENDS. i would personally be eternally grateful.

thanks a lot babes!

would really love to chat but am extremely tired physically and mentally from a very very challenging day at work.
hope all's well with all the mums &amp; babies. night all!
