(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

but then again, its good to have forward planning
Good thinking.
Sigh, dunno why today i feel so lethargic and sian...it's tues..and i can't seem to not think of school work.
Ideas on storytelling
Today, i read Jack and the beanstalk to my boys.In one section, there is this giant that jack saw after he climbed up the beanstalk..and that giant is sleeping..so i told the boys to sleep like the giant..and they started to roll about on the floor, pretending to sleep. then when it came to the part where the giant woke up and said, 'fi fee fo fum' (giant language) then i also said the same words but i started to chase after them. then they got so tickled that they woke up and ran all over the place...i also have been reading the gingerbread man..& they can point to the gingerbread man and then point to their stomach coz the gingerbread man was eaten up by the wolf...this is so fun..but hor, i peng san lor...v the exhausting, having to geng my voice and chase.piangz.

76: Just a few days ago one minister laid that fear to rest. We don't need so many people in the army. Anyway, my gap is going to be 3 years in terms of real age, but 4 years in terms of calendar age. Can plan but you never know lah.

Today I tried sorting colours. He was playing with pegs, and they happened to be of 3 different colours. I got him to separate into blue, white and orange. Originally he couldn't tell what I wanted, but I keep remembering must be super excited, so when he picked the right colour, I cheered. He's also happy enough to high five back.

But I'm so tired, I only spent just that 10 min with him before I continue reading my magazine to destress. Super tired!
Hi ladies, im back in the thread again
im pregnant with No.4,EDD 3 Sept n guess wat... BOY again ha ha
Eldest P4 Nicholas, K2 Nathanael, 16mths Naven next will be Noel;)
i trying to keep myself posted of all the thread that i missed!
jamie > hey hey!!! i got lost in work..hahaha. let's meet yah? we have been saying that for ages! congrats to the coming Noel! fantastic news again!!!! hahaha, ever since 1 week + ago, EVERDAY, i have been hearing pp having kids otw - from our forum, from my work, from my family etc etc...simply thrilling!!

glass > clever Elgin! yeah, keep positive and happy abt his little successes and he'd just be motivated to do more.

gal > the ergo can take up to 40kg..i am not kidding: 40 kg. muahahaha..i gulped myself when i saw it. so theoretically, i can be carried in the ergo myself. :p http://www.ergobabycarriers.com/babycarriers/item/BCP03405/

joyce > all the best for the checkup!

76 > when you fly kites and blow bubbles with them, i am pretty confident they will not be wayward. pat on the back for you..i dare venture to say, mummies who are younger than you may not have that sort of maturity nor energy nor inclination to do as well as you did.

career > i struggle with those qns too. more work, more money = less time. it's never a perfect balance. but no, i don't think i wanna go back to those crazy working hours even though the money was good. so sometimes, have to be contented....
Congrats!!! 4 boys!!! May i know what gave you the courage to have more kids? I wanted much the motivation from pple around me.
i like the anti climax towards the end about reading magazine..hahaha..after all the hype and excitment, then you said you v tired. so cute.
congrats Jamie:

Hippo: 四大金刚 .hahaha..

xoxo: i am more suprised at u fitting into the carrier than the carrier carrying that load per se :S
Hi Jaime>> Excuse my excitement for you...NO 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWWWWWW!!!!! Can you please share your coping strategies??? How did you do it? You're amazing!!
Ya my auntie, her side of the family, total 8 boys. No girls. She has 3, her sister has 4 then her bro has 1. Everytime they see Min, they salivate. Hehe...
76: That's why I admired SAHMs like you, got so much energy. Even when I was staying home for a year with him, I didn't engage him that much. I feel like a part time mummy, and now, 10-min mummy.

astro: I like the 四大金刚! Haha, but since they are so cute, can be si xiao tian wang!
i am not SAHM lor...studying full time now and classes at night some more...6-9pm...so maybe u can demote me to part time SAHM? hahaha...but i always remind mmyself the rationale why i wana take up studies...u think for the promotion meh? My boss dun promote based on masters lor....i take up studies to delay my time back to school to spendmore time with them..coz i took NPL liao..and i dunwan to eat grass..so i decidee to study..at least i get half pay....but my genune reason for taking up studies is my 'passion for learning..oh, i love leaerning' (wink, can feel the drama in me?)
Wow! Jamie, pardon my excitement! I have this habit of checking emails the moment I woke up and when I read ur posts, I really woke up man... Wow wow wow! 4 kids!! My idol!!! If I can I would like to have 4 kids too! But surely won't pass hb one! 4 boys!! Share share w us leh.. How u handle? R u sahm or ftwm?

I always hear pple say if 3 boys, the 4th will cfm Be a boy Cos just nice a table has 4 legs... So, r u trying for 5th? Is it bcos u wan a girl girl?
u v funi leh..your metaphor abt the table...my mum says whether ur next child is a girl or boy must see ur current child's nipples..got a certain shape..i also wana laugh till i peng. I find it hilarious so din bother to ask her what shape means what...maybe drooping nipples means boys and perky ones means girl?? oops..am i being RA here?wahahaha..
look at nipples to find out the gender of the next kid? ROFL!!!
76, you should go and check your twin boys.. maybe next you will have twin girls!
76: wahahahahah! That's So damn funny man! Really laugh till I peng! Aiya, personally when have 2 boys, if still wanna try for a gal is very brave Liao. Cos... What if 3 boys? I damn scare leh!!! My hb's family all boys one. Those w same surname all are boys. So though I really hope to have 2nd one soon. I also studying hard how to make a girl... Whahahah!! My hb's ex classmate. She always wanted a gal. Just gave birth To 3rd boy so she don't wanna try anymore.

Anyway about if next child is boy or girl, I also heard that To look at current child, if look like girl, then next child is a girl. If look like boy then next child is a boy. Also very bullshit!! But... Psychologically still feel better Ma. Hahahha cos I wan a girl and my boy now look like a girl! But for urs, how to see? Twins leh. Lol
Yah lah, v funni i know..so whenmy mum told me abt the nipple thingy, we spent a few days analysing their nipples....wahahahaha...then i gave up..but u guys are better....old folks say one lah..can u all please ask ur old follks and see got such a truth?
Ask me abt old wives tales! My MIL and mum are professors in this subject! And I totally prove them wrong!

1. Nipples: if inverted inwards, next one is a boy. Pointing outwards is a girl. My bb Kay has inverted ones and she got a meimei.

2. If ur older baby start grabbing left foot, it will be a boy. Oh well, bb Kay also got a meimei.

3. Look at the thighs. If there's any creases that split, it will be a boy for next one. Bb Kay got herself a meimei.

My mum recently told me abt the hairline. I refused to listen cos I think it's all BS! Hahahah... My MIL also! From before pregnancy to during pregnancy to post partum, she cab explain EVERYTHING with old wives tales.

Honestly, I think the more u want a certain gender, the less likely u will get it. Thats why I end up with 2 girls. But that doesn't mean I don't love them of course! Still adore them to bits! Ultimately as long a they are healthy and happy, I'm happy. Anyway I better not hv a boy. Cos I'm a terrible DIL to a pretty nice but obsessive MIL. So karma...
tien: how to have inverted nipples? if the babies are girls, then wouldn't they have problems breastfeeding in the future? Cannot be right? I doubt mine were when I was a kid, coz I got a younger brother.
Woohoo...so what my mum says is true lah..i mean true according to old wives tales..not true as in scientific true..i tot she spin her own tale. Hahaha..now is this conversation going to be nipple talk?
I bought kids table and chairs from Ikea yesterday...have chosen wooden ones - white square table and 2 blue wooden chairs. (wanted red, but no red. wanted 2 different coloured chairs but on 2nd tot, better nott, if not they will fight over chairs) looking forward to fixing them up today. Also bought the 'Mula' beads for them to thread round the loop, and a bath mat to be placed on the floor..want to start bathing them on the bathroom floor coz i am going to work soon, so dunwan mum to carry them and bathe in bathtub..v siong..so now, i better train them to stand.But how to wash hair while standing? Any tips? heard must put hand and cover at certain angles and the water will not get into the eyes.
Glass: I also dunno leh. Inverted nipples can still breastfeed. My fren did it. I supposed the will outgrow this nipple thinghy. Now u get me worried.

76: we just let her cry when we shower her. I tried covering but no use, cos she keeps fidgeting so the water sure gets into her eyes. It's a matter of gettin use.
The old wives' tales r hilarious! Lol! Had a gd time reading!

76: My babies have been bathing under running water since 1mo. When they cld sit up at 6m, they showered sitting up. Then fr abt 9m, they stand during shower time, holding on to e sides of my bathtub. Now the girl walks all ard the toilet during shower time. I just take e shower head & spray water all over her head after shampooing her hair. Doesn't bother her one bit. Can try telling your boys to bend heads down a little for a start. Soon they'll just get used to e water la, just like wat Tien said. No worries.
Re inverted nipples: can still BF! Err.. I've got 1 (yes, just 1) that's inverted. Takes a while n comes w a lil bit more 'teething' issues (pain) initially but it worked out juz fine in the end.
CC price hikes: I am feeling a little peeved abt this. Wanna unload can?? Received a circular fr LV re $100 increase in monthly fees wef 1st May. Current fees already $850 (b4 subsidy & gst). W the increase it'll be $950. even after e subsidy, I'll have to fork out close to $800 for my boy's fees cos of the enrichment classes tt LV offers which is NOT included in their fees. I feel tt it's ridiculous. That's almost as much as e amt I give my own mom to take care of my girl while I'm working! But my mom also cooks dinner for me leyy. LV is not even one of those premium CCs! Son's teachers r good but not THAT good, kwim? I can safely say I make a better teacher to my kiddos if only I can afford to be a SAHM. I mean, I taught him everything ley. Even taught him how to read without those gimmicks out there or any special reading classes. Gah!

What annoys me even more is e fact that the hike in fees came just b4 announcement of new income ceiling for the childcare financial assistance scheme. More lower income families qualify for more subsidies. Ok, gd. The middle income families don't qualify but we have to pay MORE. Once again it's the sandwich class that's hit e hardest. Irritating.

I don see potential for work/life balance. I went back to work part-time so tt I can earn some $ n yet spend time w kids. But w SG's trend of increasing CC fees along w increased subsidies, I dun see how it'll encourage Singaporeans to have more kids. Most of my money goes to payment of cc arrangements now. But i guess i'm still one of the lucky ones who can still afford it even though i grumble a lot. Imagine those who earn even lesser but STILL don't qualify for financial assistance...?Don't talk to me abt cheaper CCs. They're almost always all at FuLL capacity. Waiting lists everywhere! Grr
Thanks tien and famela for tips. Ok, will try.
Agree lor re: fee hikes. In fact, i dun know that Chiltern is increasing fees till i saw the papers.In fact, yesterday, i was discussing with hubby whether we shld pay so much for Chiltern or if we shld visit a few more schools at Mountbatten square or mountbatten area. Anyone any suggestions?
Hi Jamie, congratulation to your No 4!!!! So excited for you and your family.....

Hi Mummies,
As Nathan went for his check up yesterday,
Dr Ho said she will classified him as slow development problem.
But she think that Nathan need some form of help to help him to speed up the development to meet the milestones faster.
So she suggested me to put him under the early intervention program for infant and children (EIPIC).

She is also refer Nathan to the neurogist to check of his brain development to make sure he is ok.
Probably may need to do a CT scan.

Overall, she think that Nathan is a normal child as he is able to have eye contact with her and has the social smile....
And most important he enjoys the peek-a-boo games which most of the autistic child will not enjoy it.
I will get you all updated on his development...

Last but not least a big thank you for all the kind mummies here... Thank you!!!
hi mummies, been a long while since I last posted. Just started my 6 months' of leave. Good to take a break off work to spend more time with my #1, and rest well before I pop my #2 in mid-April ;)

Similarly to some mummies here, I am also checking out schs for L. Currently he is in Cherrie Hearts infant care, so either he continues from there or we may switch him to other schs. Have also checked out Eton and Montessori...still considering though...

Joyce: good to hear! Stay positive!!!
Woah, so much to read.
Joyce: Great news! Feel relieved for you too.

Jaime: you are the kind of person that MCYS should feature! 4 kids!

Glass: I dropped you a PM on the 3 CC I've seen. Did you see it? I have not found one suitable for A yet - or rather, one that I like. Wow, Elgin can sort colours, great job. I have been trying to get Amelie to do the same, but all fail. All my attempts at trying to get her interested in art and craft also fail.

xoxo: I think I need to check dictionary to read your post. Hehehehe. You are right lah, have to slowly ease them into reality. Re career: I think for me it is quite clear. Perhaps cos I have a bit of baggage from my childhood.

76: Re showering. A's bathing has no pattern. Some days she wants to sit in the tub, some days she wants to sit on a stool/stand. Or a combi. She did the lower her head down thing herself. I find it hard to shower her when she is moving about leh! It depends on whether your boys are the obedient type and will sit down on the stools or stand still I suppose.

funzee: Thanks! I just saw your email and replied to it.

I had been reading a few books on colours to Elgin constantly. THere's one story about a chameleon that keeps changing colours and it is upset. It wants a colour that doesn't change, so it stayed on a leaf. Then autumn came and the green leaf turned yellow. He started crying again, and his brother told him that he would accompany him all the time, so they will change colours together and he would not be lonely.

So I keep pointing out colours to him. There are also flash cards with colours, which I just point out. I never use them to flash.

However, I'm not sure whether he understands the colours in what language. I was instructing him in Mandarin, and my husband was instructing him in English, both at the same time, just to get him to select the right colours.

famela: that's a huge hike! Really tough when prices just keep increasing. Yup, middle class get squeezed a lot. We can pay, but that means no or little savings.

My parents had zero savings when I was growing up. All went to food, babysitting, and enrichment courses, and I was a sickly child.
76: Yeap, like what Mie said it's learning vision.

Mie: Thanks! You must be sick of hearing my complaints agn after hearing them on Twitter so much. Hehehe. Sowie!

Joyce: That's great news! Must be a huge relief for you esp.

Jaime: Congrats on boy #4!

Glass: True re the savings bit. Same case with my parents. Which is why I hope to do better in terms of saving $. But pretty hard to do with such high CC costs. Gotta depend on the hubby to work more and save more, I guess. But I'd still prefer my own $.. Howell. Life in SG is such. High costs of living.

Have a good day everyone. TGIF!
A cold, wet morning over here in the north...

SINGAPORE: The government is taking steps to review policies related to issues of marriage and parenthood.

A group of woman MPs is conducting feedback sessions to find out what more can be done to make it more conducive for couples to get married, have children and for married couples to have more children.

If you were to give feedback to the govt to help improve fertility rate, what would you suggest?
Here are some of my suggestions.
1. lower childcare fees
2. can use baby bonus for enrichment classes
3. give special rebate/ levy reduction to families who need maid
4. improve training of maids
5. train more women who want to be nannies or babysitters, and set up a registry for easy matching
6. easier to take time off to send child to clinic
7. fathers to get 1/2 or 1 paid day off each month to look after baby up til 24 months
8. improve English standard of nursery/childcare teachers
9. more tax reductions on those with family members taking care of child
10. more baby friendly nursing rooms and family rest rooms
11. discounts from ntuc for milk powder and diapers
12. and .... free 10 slimming sessions in a year for mothers who have given birth
i think your ideas are fantastic, esp #12. But may I add "10slimming sessions or till you lost 120% of what you gained, whichever is applicable"/
But seriously, i think the environment adn the whole culture is v impt in creating pro-family policies. No point having policies but the pple in it bears grudges that you are taking time off, or got to cover my work. If give my hubby 1 day paid off, he wun take coz he workaholic! So, it must be mandated!! cannot leave it up to employers.As for cc, maybe a reasonable suggestion would also be to tier the subsidies. E.g if you earn $5k-10k, ur subsidies is 30%, if you earn $2-4k ur subsidies is 40%, and if you earn less than 2k, subsaidies is 60%..or soemthing like that..

According to the above news, "He said the credits would be distributed in batches because the number of children involved was large."

So qn is: do we have alot of children or not?

Add on to your list

1. lower childcare fees
>> I feel that it should be a % instead of a rate like $600 or whatsoever. They can give a 50% subsidy, capped at $800 for example. Do it for across the board for all ages of CC (not 600 for IC and 300 for PG etc) So if a parent sends the child to a CC at $2000/mth, have to pay $1200 a mth, whereas a parent send to a school of $1200 just pays $600. imagine, if govt can help you with 50%, it's easier to have more kids.

Real life example calculation:
1st child in playgroup at $1050/mth before subsi & GST. Parent pays about $780.
If they were to have 2nd child, it will cost $1600/mth before subsi & GST. HOW TO AFFORD??

2. can use baby bonus for enrichment classes
3. give special rebate/ levy reduction to families who need maid
>> i thought already have? Didnt you apply for it??

4. improve training of maids
5. train more women who want to be nannies or babysitters, and set up a registry for easy matching
>> i think there is something similar in place too

6. easier to take time off to send child to clinic
>> Sigh! i think it depends on the company and the bosses. No matter what Govt says, end of day the company & bosses also give sarcasm what...

7. fathers to get 1/2 or 1 paid day off each month to look after baby up til 24 months
>> Currently Working Mom gets 6 days of Childcare leave and Working Dad get 6 days of Childcare leave too... so add together will have 12 days.. but if have more kids, might need more.

8. improve English standard of nursery/childcare teachers
>> i think they are doing so already. this morning i had a chat with the teachers at IC. they said that subsi increased, school fees increased, but teachers pay never increased. so i asked her, i thought govt also injecting funds to raise the salary? she said, in future, childcare teachers need to be degree holders too.. frankly, i find that is a lil ridiculous... IMO, being able to study does not necessary means can take care of baby well.

9. more tax reductions on those with family members taking care of child
>> is already in place what, hahaha... still not enough reductions for you?? income must be real high!!

10. more baby friendly nursing rooms and family rest rooms
>> YES!!!! and more parking lots for family cars with children & prams

11. discounts from ntuc for milk powder and diapers

12. and .... free 10 slimming sessions in a year for mothers who have given birth
>> Wahahhaahhahaaha i love this! maybe they can throw in the Jamu massage for every women after child birth. or at least subsi us 50% lah

i feel that, if accordingly to the tiered % of subsi for CC, it will be like encouraging poorer people to have more children and deter middle income or rich people not to have children... which being realistic, if a family earn only 2K, and have 2 to 4 kids.... how to survive?? and if a family has income of 5 to 10 K, most likely they will only have 1 to 2 kids cos each kid will cost at least 2k a month (incl diapers milk powders etc)

one more thing:

Govt should set up a board to minister the CCC? the price hikes just before the increased in subsi... so is encouraging parents to have more kids or centres to flourish & earn more?
