(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hi jul.. hw r u? u better nw le mah?
rest well ya. n dun worry.. will be fine de..

im juz so hungry nw.. hahaha...
k.. leaving offc le.. i need foooood!


Thanks for your concern
Very bored at home. See u gals all talking abt food & shoping for maternity clothes etc, I really wanna go. But I dun dare to leave the hse, in case I start bleeding again *sigh*

Haha ok go go! Go get ur food !
Hi pink

I kena house arrest for 1 week due to spotting. So far so good. But gog to the toilet is a nervous affair all the time *sigh*

oh, coz we're not going to abort anyway. Plus, we don't want to worry abt whether bb has DS or not. The tests have given so many parents-to-be unnecessary worries. Even when there's really no prob at all. I'm already quite old already, all the stats are stacked against me, so i'll likely get a bad result anyway so why put myself thru that. Handling MS is bad enough.

Some pp rationalise it that u can be better prepared if u know earlier. But i think u'll have plenty of time to be prepared and find out more later. Might was well have a happy & worry free preg.
sigh....my spotting very weird one, every week come for one day & come tiny little bit. I also don't know what is going on....ya, just relax and take it as it comes.
i also considering whether to do or no....tough decision. the problem I worry about is not about taking care of a DS child, I worry what happens when I no longer around, who is going to take care? Sigh, so many things to worry about, us, mtbs.

I have the same sentiments as u. Wun be aborting anyway, so know already also no point. Just pray & hope for healthy child, & if the unfortunate happens, just gotta take what life hands out.
i understand how you feel about going to toilet, I also have the same fear...but there is no point stressing over it, the more you stress, the worst it gets.

thks tinkabel

I say babylet is tai tai life. I cannot go out, work, walk ard, need to stay put in bed. Maybe u over-exerted urself that's why got spotting? Just try to rest as much as we can lor. Can't do anything else also.


So what's up with u these days? When's ur next appt?

The first nite I was so worried, even cried for a while. Then hubby kept encouraging me, saying that babylet can feel my negative emotions, so I'm trying to be as positive as I can now.
i have been on mc since the day I realize I was pregnant. Gynae just want me to play safe. I only going back to work after I safely past 1st trismeter.
yup, hospitalization leave. i think my boss not too happy, but nothing can be done what, hospitalization leave is part of our staff package.

not all ds kids can't take care of themselves. Some are perfectly well taking care of themselves but the parents must put in a lot of effort to teach.

Well, we can't worry too much anyway. Even for normal kids, we might leave very early before them. So what will happen then?
Jul: Next appt 18 Feb, taking the oscar test. Finally saw gynae 1st time today and detected beanie's racing heartbeat. No mutiples, I was thinkg quite nice if twins haha. but just a thought, I hardly think i can handle 3 children haha...

pinkmama: dun think so much la. hv to take hospitalisation leave also no choice. Sometimes bosses need to be more understanding. I hvnt told my boss yet that I am preggie. Think he wun be very happy, haha. Since I just had my #1 in Nov 2007. And he dare say at the performance evaluation meeting with other bosses, that he doesnt think I deserve a certain good grading (ie similar to my peers) cos I was away for 4 months on maternity leave and plus this time was off peak lor. I was mad when I heard abt this. 2007 was a peak year for my company lor. I worked my ass out for him even when I was pregnant, sometimes even US timing lor. All the way till just 2 weeks before my delivery when the project finally ended. And he dare say this. I mean, at the end, all the bosses still give me that good rating, but the harm is done. I no longer respect him that much. If he had told me he minded, I wouldnt be so mad. So that's y I dun think I owe it to the Company.
weishy: haha... No choice, I am a "horse" so with my moo moo bb, we zuo niu zuo ma... haha... My friends always say I am a workaholic, maybe that's why I am a horsie... haha...
Arrgghhh!!!! I am having bad complexion!

Got these rash like stuff popping out all over my face. Got bits of pus inside. Like bad case of acne, or I ate some pai du herbs that caused the skin to break out. How how?
pink, tinkabel

I also hope that I wun be on mc all the time. So bad for my perf rating leh. But what to do? Guess career gotta suffer for the sake of my babylet lor. Anyway I think my big boss doesn't like me. Dun think he gave me a gd rating for last yr. So I feel I also dun owe anything to the organisation liao. Babylet comes first.


Me horse but not hardworking leh haha
my #1 always says 'didi, meimei' when i ask her which one she wants - so i take it that #2 will be 'didi' and #3 will be 'meimei' for her!

i hardly have any appetite too - most of the time, i eat a few mouth then i dun want to eat anymore. y'day was one of the rare occasions that i could just finish everything at one go! had reunion dinner with my family last night as we will be flying off on sunday for a short trip. noti me still eat the yusheng! hehe... but only ate 1 piece of sashimi!

pris, will pray for you! think positive! *hugs*

speaking of pple with ds, there's a boy who stays near me with ds but he is really independent. he's probably a teenager (i estimate his age) and he can buy his own food from the food court, feed himself and travel around on his own.

i think most of your antenatal packages are very reasonable leh - mine is $1,200 and $1,200 for natural delivery. :|

jul, i have plenty of outbreak too! every other day, a few new ones pop by! i can only 'ren' and try my hardest not to touch my face to avoid making it worse! went for a facial 2 days back coz i couldn't stand it anymore.
wah ur package is on the high side.. but most impt it within ur affordable range n u r comfortable with the gynae den gd enough lor..
mrng all..

tinkabel & jul.. i oso horse..but ya..i like jul said..im not a workaholic, in fact..im a lazy pcs of fats!

fat bobo, jul04, weishy: Haha... Honestly, looking around at some of my SAHM friends, I keep asking myself why I can't be like that. But I know it's just not me. Not that I don't want to spend more time with my baby or doing things I like, but I kinda like the stuff I am doing and have quite a bit of flexibility at work despite the long hours. And another thing, I am not willing to give up on my financial independence (no offence to any SAHM, but this is what I think). Sigh, so I always hv this guilt that I am not spending enough time with my baby. He's 14 months now and a load of joy. He hurries to welcome us home every night when he hears the door open and always look so happy when we are home. Cheers me up all the time, esp after certain bad days at work. Here's my bb Matthias...

i'm also a lazy horse.. a sickly horse oso.. almost every-year oso clear mc.. last yr coz of the 2wks mc the gynae gave me, even needs to take unpaid leave ..
i have the same thoughts as you. I don't think I will give up my job cos I enjoy what I am doing & the financial independence that comes along with it.

haha, i was like that before i got married and have a kid. Used to think i'll be a career woman who'll balance work and family. But, alas, not meant to be. Now i'm happy staying at home with my boy. ALtho sometimes can feel alittle frustrated but always look forward to fetching him from school.
absolut_vodka, i am also from RH Dr. Thong, i cannot rmb the fee she charged me when i had my #1 ....not sure my #2 will be how much.
tinkabel:heeeee so funny matt

not for hayley though ,wheni got back she wants me to carry her......long time...cant even change my clothes and hv a proper shower
mashy: Ya I remember my ex boss always tells me my mentality will change once I have kids (I was married then, but din stop me!) But after hvg #1 and trying to balance work/life for this 14 months, I think I did managed to struck some balance but I have to agree it's tough. But then, for some reason, I still feel I can do it. But now with #2 on the way, i really don't know if I can handle 2 kids and balance a job. But sigh, I am just so reluctant to bow down and say I can't handle. My hubby thinks the nice way to say it is that I am perserving, but the bad way is that I am stubborn... So he just leaves the decision up to me...

Looks like there are a lot of horses here. Haha... My 2 other very very good friends since young are also having moo moo babies. I can imagine our gatherings in a year with these moo moos crawling around. haha...

Michele: Ya my prev gynae also charge me $1,200. I called again this time, he raised his cost to $1,600. But no choice, since I won't be following him throughout the pregnancy (since I am not in Singapore) though I will get him to deliver for me. So it's more pricey cos he prob have to cover his risk.
ur boy soo cheerful type as well. i like to see young kids dressed for the cold weather... like sooo comfortable like that..
Good morning all,
I just went for my 2nd apptm last night. And this time round, the nurse did take my weight and doc took my blood pressure. Next visit would have the blood tested. I only put on 0.7kg since i last weigh, which is during week 6 ( GP had weigh me ). I had been eating so much but yet put on less than a kg. Amazing. My mum was saying my baby has taken it all from me, and advise me to eat more now.

I could see baby growing. Last visit at Week 6, its oni 0.71cm. Yday it had grown to 4.71cm!!! And we can see it turning, plus the limbs can be seen clearly. So happy and find all the uneasy n MS worthwhile.

Dr also let us know abt the DS tests and all. We decide either not to do any test or just to take the blood test, which would be 70% accurate and cost abt $90+. My next visit would be 16Feb, by then I would be 15weeks. Now I cant wait for the next visit to see my baby again :D
