(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Yeah, you are probably right in that. Although financially, we are quite comfortable but I can't help but fight with my dh about his spending. He spends on big ticket items without thinking. It's okay if we do not have a baby but now that he is a dad, shouldnt he be more thrifty and start learning to save for rainy days, son's educational funds etc?
Sometimes his actions make me think that men mature so much slower than women! Haha.
So, I am in a dilemma if I shld leave the workforce and go without salary and start depending on him for money.
Devilene, at least it is something tangible. Sometimes, pamper themselves abit lah.. In actual fact, some men never mature at all in their live time..
Talk to your hubby about it, if not, slowly withdraw your commitment.. but I still think you both need to discuss. God bless!
yes the WTO rules.. sg govt also. they dun allow the companies to giv babies below 6 mth any food/milk samples. i email so many company for sponsor for this weekend gathering an i got the same reply! gotta wait till the babies get older yea..
oh goodness... don't know what's happening to my milk factory... going bankrupt soon. now i can't even express out enuf for 1 feed. feeling so sad. my stock in the freezer is depleting.
yep too many cooks spoil broth. and you seem like you q confident with your ideas. sounds cool. if want to do biz, must set up joint venture company, state out rights and duties of shareholder, what percentage of capital and profit etc. do proper proper, not sahm standrard, professional sikit.

yup lets take this offline. but i got no msn leh, heh heh.
There are different scale of business that can be set by a group. However for a sole proprietor type of business, max is 2 partners, where the owner is liable for debt/decisions incurred. If more than 2 partners are involved, it is advised to get a lawyer draft a contract for the shareholders for raising the principal capital, otherwise if the business dissolved/sold very messy to handle, and also to register as a private limited (>2 partners), so that shareholders are protected from personal liability for debt incurred by the business.
Been having some sleep issues for the last few days, not sure she is experiencing early teething, where the gum is causing irritation, see her keep on rubbing her gums, and it's not like she can suck on the teethers, so she just keeps on tossing the teether around after putting it in her mouth, putting the paci in her mouth then taking it out, and chew on the edge of the paci, then cry. Then I gotta help her put the teether/paci in her mouth cos her aim not so accurate yet, less than 2 minutes, she got it out and can't put it back, really driving me nuts, until she falls asleep. Dreading the months to come of teething.
Sunsweet, if getting the wipes, have to get before 4/5pm each day I think, went today around 4.30pm, only a few packs left, by 5pm, all gone, have to wait till the next morning's restock.
My MIL haven't introduced cereals to my girl yet, she say to wait till her 4th month vacinnation is over first then see how.. coz she afraid Gen might not drink much after the vaccine, not a good time to introduce cereals right after...
She been drinking much more recently after MIL took care of her... She drank 150ml and could only last her for 2 hrs...
Regarding the Dec gathering, so sorry that I really unable to add in more mummies due to space constraint and was ordered by hubby to restrict the numbers...

Re: Personalised tee
I just browse thru the BP thread, and just order a personalised t-shirt for my girl... Printed a Minnie Mouse with the number "7" and her name to the t-shirt... it cost $28 per tee thou... here's their webby: http://digitalalbum.webs.com/personalizedtees.htm
and the BP thread: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3196533.html?1257349239

I also saw another BP thread selling personalised Polo-T... still considering whether to buy or not... it cost only $16 with name... haiz... super tempted!!! http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3196529.html?1257349818
i also saw ur post there... looks really nice hor... and cheap also!!! but too bad they only have red colour... alamak!!! can't control liao... must order now... !!!
faint! but i tot red is a nice colour. looks good in both gers and bois. anyway u said u bought the jellymom bumbo with small small world right? is it as good as bumbo? my only concern is selling it once owen outgrown it would b a prob bcos of the brand. zzz
I jus place my order for the red polo tee liao... yeah!!! Agree with u, red is a nice colour... did u order 1 for owen?

The original price of jellymom is $75 and is ex than the Bumbo I saw at Cheri Kids (selling at $69.90)... however, not sure if BP is selling Jellymom at a cheaper price now thou... I got it coz of PWP promotion with the Bumper playmat, only $50plus for jellymom with tray back then...
Lil Gen haven use it yet, me & hubby compare it with Bumbo... I felt there not much diff... however, the leg room seems bigger than Bumbo... No wonder my tiny Gen still left so much lobang (space) at the thigh area when i place her in... I guess jellymom might be more suitable for babies with thick thighs... if u wanna see, i can bring along my jellymom to Jerene's house on sat...

the BP is offering the jellymom at @59 again. tot since im buying the playmat, might as well... guess most likely im buying it.
nope i didnt order for owen. cos right now no pants lol.
when will the BP end? maybe u wanna see my jellymom first b4 u decide?

can order the polo-t for owen, let him go w/o pants like La Bi Xiao Xin... keke... :p
the BP just started.. its for the month nov i think. ya, maybe i just see ur jellymom 1st. lol like la bi xiao xin? and sing the elephant song? wahhaha
okok... can remind me again via sms on fri? also the dvd, $$ for romper too... me recently a bit senile, scared i forgot to bring the jellymom on sat...

oh... i love the elephant song... haha... if i got a bb boy, sure take a photo of him with that la bi xiao xin signature pose and sing that elephant song... haha... OMG!!! i'm a bit siao siao today...

gonna recharge my "battery" liao... cya on sat...
so far no more blood.
but then another prob again...haiz... i'm really burnt out by her.
last night i introduced FM to her. she drank it and slept. then in the middle of night, she vomitted 3 times, those merlion type. i got to change her 2 times. what's wrong?? 1st 2 times she vomitted n continued to sleep. 3rd time, i think she's really hungry after the vomit. cried n cried but my boobs like not much milk, she sucked all the way from 5am to 7am this morning. feel so bad for her.

wonder what's wrong wif my milk supply too. seems like overnight reduced a lot. any more hope to revive?

i remember yr bb has spit out problems after taking the similac FM (the new version), right? how was the spit out like? just dribble out or vomit? wondering if it's the FM problem or her body rejecting FM. shd i try another brand? any bb on similac n no prob?
My milk factory also on downswing. Suddenly plungeed a second round this week... maybe cos I got flu... My morning pump could only got 300ml after 6hours without puimping... Shucks... I guess have to be hardowrking and take more milk plus + pump 3hr over the weekend to drive up the supply... haha, too much milk = problem, too little milk = also problem...

Could amanda be puking cos too much new formula at one go? Maybe try introduce a little at a time? SOme mummies like kitty and kim may have better advice on this...

Glad you are ok liao =)

Wow, the wipe so fast stock out? Then I guess I don't bother to go JL liao. Can't get there so early...

since u just intro the fm, perhaps change to a HA type or non cow's milk coz it seems that your gal is not taking to cow's milk well.
didnt give her a lot leh. usual ebm is 140ml. last night first time giving FM, so i only gave 120ml. she only finished abt 100ml.

last night, i only managed to pump out 140ml. usually can get at least 240ml if i've an earlier session at 5pm. prob need to drown myself with the supplements. now taking oats to see if can hv faster effects.

HA type? like Nan HA? what other brands are there?
Why not try other brands of milk. Just a suggestion. If you're going to the upcoming gathering other mums can contribute a bit of their formula for your gal to try at each of her feed. This way it's better than to buy a small tin to try. Then cannot work then need to sell off again.
My Julian is taking the similac new formula well. No issues so far.
Mashy is right. I checked with my auntie who is a doctor and she recommends giving Nestle Nan HA to babies wih regurgitation issues. Give it a try.

Yes, im in the building construction trade. Back to work full-time in early October. U are in the same trade?
My boy was on enfalac also since birth wen he had serious jaundice then cont as a supplement but he develop reflux and always merlion or spit ups so i put him now on this jap brand milk Wokudo.. It taste 90% like BM!!! N my boy loves it.. no more spit up now oredi and can finish all his milk.. U may wanna try.. Can get frm isetan, taka or daimaru..
yeah, same thing, the reason why I switched to similac was coz of the reflux issue when I gave my boy enfalac. He seems to favour similac more than enfalac, not sure what the reason is.
dear mummies
thanks for your recommendations. i'll probably let her try out the similac one more time tonight and see if she reacts the same way. if so, will prob switch to nestle Nan HA to try out.

Wokudo... i saw it before. not a cheap source. so u always buy in bulk when u go there?

think i shd bring her to the PD for a visit to make sure everything is well after so many saga recently. haiz... every baby is really different. she's so different from my #1. not sure what surprises she's going to give me when she starts solids later on.
bbethan, i read before that if u wanna intro fm or solids for the 1st time, try to give it in the morning. at least that way if anything happens, it happens in the day and not during the night (then mummies suffer cos the bb's sleep is affected ma)! hope ur girl wont vomit again tonight.
ya nt a cheap souce but since he doesnt reject the milk then i continue with it.. it came recommended by a frend.. And it does taste much better compare to the enfalac n not so heavy.. Yes i buy in bulk.. get 3-6 tins n get free delivery..
My girl also don't respond very well to the new Similac 1 formula, which is vegetable oil-based, though containing lactose, dribbles out even after 30mins. It smells very similar to soy based formula, which I gave in the past for her constipation issue. Unfortunately I couldn't get hold of the old Similac stock, but letting her try Enfalac A+ (since old Similac gonna be obsolete anyways), which my PD had recommended. Enfalac has a few variety for the stage one FM, normal one, regurgitation, and soy one.
Went to the PD this morning for her 2nd dose of 5-in-1 and rota, so threw some questions on teething at the PD. She told me in the past docs allow solids to be introduced from 4 months, now the regulations push it to 6 months, so if the early teething symptoms arises, just let the child be (grrr, can't imagine having to spent a longer time putting her to sleep at night). Sigh, no choice to throw some teethers at her to ease her misery, though the PD says if the situation is bad, can use tooth gel (personally I rather not put something in her, though I might help her massage the gums)
the milk just dribble out lehs... but hor, now i think it's not the new Similac's prb... is my ger... coz she always doze off while drinking milk, and towards the end when she dozed off, her milk remains in her mouth, nv swallow down, so when burp her, the milk all come out...

i also ordered the red polO!! lol! but dunno will look very boy on nana or nt... hahaha~
Sam (asami), Carrefour in suntec city is selling the old similac stock. i saw serangoon central NTUC is selling too (which is near my house).
Similac: I have no idea about the similac got old and new version. I got it from JB, still manufactured by Ireland. $15 cheaper per can. So I brought back 3 mths supply.

Just back from ear piercing. Naomi now got little earring stud. so bling. she cried for 1 sec then after I tell her WOW Naomi so pretty!!! then she smile again. so vain. This place provides quite good service and they're expert in piercing baby ears. They packed me 2 bottle of solutions to apply twice a day for 2 mths. Somemore got 1 week check up and 1 mth follow up check up. heheh...
so tempted to buy other earring with different colored gem stone for her. but at home already waiting 2 hoop earring for her to wear next mth.
Do call Abbott.. they will help you check where you can buy the old version at the supermart nearest to you.

This is what happen to me too.. I stock up 13 tins of the old formula.
Gina, thanks for your offer, but been considering a formula change for some time, but like ETirto, I get my Similac from JB, so relatively not very affected by the new formula. Just happened that my parents fed her the new Similac while I was away, and I observe she doesn't like the new Similac much, drinks less than she used to. Yup, still a product of Ireland, but packaged in Malaysia, I think. SIL also say the docs she knows also recommending Enfa recently, so I'm trying out Enfa on her, see if she likes Enfa.
where? where? hehe.. actually still thinking wanna bring now or later after 1yo.. u went to PD ah? how come got checkup one?
Re: teething

i try not to use teething gel cos its has this numbing effect which i'm not sure if it good for the baby if we are applying like 2-3 times a day.

So i go for TCM remedy.. Bao Yin Dan from Eu Yan San ...

My elder kid likes it cos its cool to apply (i tried it on myself 1st b4 giving it to her) and we massage her gums a bit when we apply the powder on the sore area.

Now my elder kid growing her big molars & I'm using that for her as well.
Mummies who's milk is reducing...

Well i guess we pump as long as we can provide...

every drop of BM makes a difference to the kid.

I'll stop BM if my BM totally stops.. if i can give her 1 oz out milk even, I'll let her have it..

mummies drinking more liquid helps me to produce milk...

read b4 we should drink 10 or even 16 cups of water a day if we are bfing.
BBEthan, for K is on new version of Similac. After he started spitting up, I mixed it with the old versiom as recommended by
Winnie Mummy who called Similac. The situation din really improve much, he just spit up less frequently and less amount, but he began to spit up even breast milk! After all the trail an error, I now feed him in small quantity and more meal. He ever took 2oz of FM from the 4oz I prepared, and can still spit up, so I am very sure it is not caused by over feeding.
I now stick to 4oz, and give him in 2-2.5hrs, burp him longer in the day.
The spitting up seem to be ok in the night, after the 8pm feed, He KO, so I cant burp him as long, same goes for the 4am one, I can give him both the breast and topped up another 2oz (surely more than 5oz) and dont burp him at all and he is fine.

I suspect for K's case, it;s not just the new version, also bcos K is very active and can caused the milk to get pushed out.

Hope Amanda will be well soonest!
I tot I read in this thread, someone posted Abott is NOT discontinuing the old version anymore?! I have another tin in my kitchen. the 2nd last Calci is finishing, so I started to give K the Immunity cos half tin left. I see that with small amount, frequent feed, he is better. Like I say, he now even spit up BM, so I am sure it is more than Similac that cause the spit ups.

Oh, btw, his spit ups are usually flow out of his mouth and not the "merlion" type. It can happen immediately when I sit him up to burp him or after. Sometimes even close to his next feeding time, but by this time, it'll usually look like alot of water with some flaky bean curd skin! So I think another factor for his spit up may also be the increase of salivation.

when baby actually start teething? my nanny was saying Xuanyin is going to grow teeth soon coz she is alway drooling recently. her top is alway wet
