(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hi mummies

anyone knows what's the diff between the milk powder for follow-up powderfor 6mths n abv n the milk powder that states from birth to 1 year old?

wonder whether it is necessary to purchase the follow-up powder for 6mths n abv...

any advice?

hmmm I also got a can of similac step 2 to exchange for friso...

I havent stop bfeeding. It seems harder for it to stop gradually.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
seems like so many mummies hv many cans of milk powder to exchange...

hi qi7, when do u intend to stop bfg? if yr kid doesnt mind drinking fm not too bad...
she doesnt like those I took down from the freezer, fresher ones from the down fridge she can finish the whole bottle.

And she's turning 6 months this 18 nov. I'm putting her to FM and cereal.

I worry I cannot stop BF in time... I WANT TO DRINK WINE DURING XMAS ONE OK??? ahem... :X
i didnt intend to try similac but my boy drinks that until he turns 3. so they auto give me free sample for my girl as well.
seem like nobody tking mamil...?? haha i just rec it today. the rest all haven and the stupid enfa called me up saying i can only req after bb 6mth & nt in adv.. funny... they say they only need 3 days to process so they dont send so early. jayden like to bloewbubble & frustrate me when he drk he blow out my precious EBM!!it's driving me crazy!!

amikomummy PM me to add to gathering.. any other mummies pls add on to the list so nobody has to scroll thru post to update list. same for milk exchange it's easier for everyone.

moo u can go forum want to sell, search bumbo to see pic of bumbo seat. anyway i not getting it already scare cant fit him. w brand milk state birth to 1 yr?? it is nec to change ilk cos their need differ.

qi7 ya lor i think hard to stop BF and also cant bear to stop, work so hard to build up supply but it mess up my life. constant lack of slp, cant go far place and hb still dont slp w me and hardly bedrm activity.. i still cant decide whether to stop at 6mth sigh..
hi mummies,

Wow, JP gathering is gonna be a GREAT one! I'm so happy to see so many pple attending! I have removed the buffet restaurant as we need to leave by 3pm... Its gonna be a big group, so quite vexing on the space for strollers... I don't really frequent Jp that much so ain't sure where is a good plc Those mommies who live nearby, care to voice out some good restaurants? Arigato :p

i) Lunch Gathering
Date: Monday, 16 November
Time: 11.30am
Venue: Jurong Point
Restaurant Web: http://www.jurongpoint.com.sg/index.php?option=com_fwz_stores&Itemid=25

1. Blurmom + Daylon - no pref
2. bbPotato + Arik - no pref
3. kikismom + kaley - no pref
4. Createjoy+ jayden - 1.2.3 all ok
5. serene22 + sofie
6. Nozomi + Charlotte
7. Jamie + bb
8. Amikomummy + bb (3 more space)
9. Innocentwar + Kaiqi - (TBC)
10. Cassey + Kyle - 2,3

Pls add if you know any good restaurant and vote for your preference.
1. BillyBomer
2. New York New York
3. Swensens

ii) December Gathering
6th mth cum xmas celebration

Venue: open for suggestion - 1 suggestion at clementi condo
date: 12 Dec 2009???
time: open for suggestion

1. ecmom + cayden
2.Createjoy+jayden +hb(mayb) bt batok
3.bbaugustine+Augustine +hubby (maybe)
4. jling + jack + hb sembawang
5. maryG + Trey + hubby(mayb)bt timah
6. serene22 + Sofie + Hb
7. dovey + kaelyn + hb (mayb)
8. moo + bb + Hb

iii) Milk sample exchange
Createjoy-Enfa exchange for friso with Jling , similac exchange with papaya , exchange Nan with Serene22
jling-similac exchange for Enfa with papaya 123
bbmarilyn- Friso exchange for similac with Jamie
ahnetsan, bbjun- looking for friso -- WANT TO CHECK W SHELISA?? (do update if you have deal already)
Sweethalo-getting Nan from Jling
Qi7 & lim siew leng Annie have similac wants friso

createjoy - has mamil
jling-has mamil, wyeth
bbjun - has mamil gold for exchange (or rather give away if anyone wants it
shelisa- has Friso 900g , Mamil gold 400g Wish to exchange Wyeth step 2. Stay at serangoon but can meet up at newton, orchard mrt. kindly pm
qi7- thks... they got no website???
stop la... it hinder us LONG ENOUGH! How many hours you feed or pump once? me is 6hrs once I lucky I still can sleep at 1am, wake up 7am to pump and pump during lunch and rush back home to pump as well. I want her to explore new taste so I intend to stop now so supply can last till 6+ month. besides, i start pumping so I no need to wean her off my breasts when time comes but the washing, sterilizing, is driving me crazy but luckily time flies.

I cant have bedroom activity. It gets very dry and painful and I'm so turned off by my hubby not helping in taking care of my girl at all. Besides, I'm more tired, working and pumping, taking care then to care about bedroom activity.
sorry to intrude.. i'm from may 09 thread

BTW, anybody is using huggies ultra (purple packing) or huggies comfort (red packing)? wan to take over my M sizes? i bought and mr shers bought also.. and lil shers is outgrowing.. i dont mind exchanging for L size.. please PM me..

also any bbs here taking mamil gold stage 2? wanna exchange for enfapro.. 400g!
qi7 u are so right.. i been pumping since wk 2 of birth till now driving me crazy.. but see him chubby & health i feel so proud and contented.. and wanna put him infantcare next yr.. heard on BM will be slightly better immunity ...
Hi mummies,

I will like to join the lunch gathering on Monday. I have included in the list. As for the Xmas gathering, I will need to wait till the location and time is confirmed. Hubby is having exam on that day.

i) Lunch Gathering
Date: Monday, 16 November
Time: 11.30am
Venue: Jurong Point
Restaurant Web: http://www.jurongpoint.com.sg/index.php?option=com_fwz_stores&Itemid=25

1. Blurmom + Daylon - no pref
2. bbPotato + Arik - no pref
3. kikismom + kaley - no pref
4. Createjoy+ jayden - 1.2.3 all ok
5. serene22 + sofie
6. Nozomi + Charlotte
7. Jamie + bb
8. Amikomummy + bb (3 more space)
9. Innocentwar + Kaiqi - (TBC)
10. Cassey + Kyle - 2,3
11. Bluedream + Ashton (no pref)

Pls add if you know any good restaurant and vote for your preference.
1. BillyBomer
2. New York New York
3. Swensens

ii) December Gathering
6th mth cum xmas celebration

Venue: open for suggestion - 1 suggestion at clementi condo
date: 12 Dec 2009???
time: open for suggestion

1. ecmom + cayden
2.Createjoy+jayden +hb(mayb) bt batok
3.bbaugustine+Augustine +hubby (maybe)
4. jling + jack + hb sembawang
5. maryG + Trey + hubby(mayb)bt timah
6. serene22 + Sofie + Hb
7. dovey + kaelyn + hb (mayb)
8. moo + bb + Hb

iii) Milk sample exchange
Createjoy-Enfa exchange for friso with Jling , similac exchange with papaya , exchange Nan with Serene22
jling-similac exchange for Enfa with papaya 123
bbmarilyn- Friso exchange for similac with Jamie
ahnetsan, bbjun- looking for friso -- WANT TO CHECK W SHELISA?? (do update if you have deal already)
Sweethalo-getting Nan from Jling
Qi7 & lim siew leng Annie have similac wants friso

createjoy - has mamil
jling-has mamil, wyeth
bbjun - has mamil gold for exchange (or rather give away if anyone wants it
shelisa- has Friso 900g , Mamil gold 400g Wish to exchange Wyeth step 2. Stay at serangoon but can meet up at newton, orchard mrt. kindly pm
how old is jayden now? previously i called enfa and they also say the same thing to me, but i called again last friday and they say they will process it and deliver, my boy is 5m 1w.

blow bubbles means he is full already? my boy does that when he is full and don't want anymore. Or maybe you wait till he is very hungry then give him milk?

I have been considering whether to stop pumping at 6 months too, also can't let go since i took about 3 months to build up supply in order to meet demand. Why don't you increase the pump interval and pump out lesser quantity to gradually stop the supply?
i told them 5mth, 1 wk mk a differ meh, dunno leh. i previous spoke to them they say will send. but i emailed them also they call back say in reply to my email is 6mth then they process.. ya.. been pumping long interval 6-8hr nwadays..

aiyoh he used to tk 6 feed x 180ml usually drk finish and only need a bib a day.. now every meal must change bib.. i change to bigger teats recently and also drop his dream feed cos he often cry wn i do that. so now 5 x 200ml but he start his pattern when 100ml. sometime i end up pour into his mouth he sometime like happy to drink like that. but wonder if i'm training him to be lazy to suck..
i've got something to ask...

for the bean husk pillow which i think most of us got for our babies, do you all wash the insides of it? i mean the whole thing after you take out the cover? cos jarius like to bite the corner of his pillow, and although i got wash the cover lah, but the inside cover is smelly leh... was told cannot wash cos inside it is the husks leh
<font color="0077aa">mummies, wah MIA quite long already. now bz with work cannot come in here so often, plus i rush home after work to pick Alya up and go home by 7.30pm.

nice to see the gatherings, regret i have to give it a miss as it's not a PH. but if you all can change to 18-20nov i'll be on leave! hehe
sorry to trouble you girls...is it confirm at jp? any consideration to make it central? hehe..

re bumbo: ah Alya loves it! she spends 30min staring at the fountain while she's in it and my mum catches lunch or prepare to cook. i got mine for $35 from another mummy and it was in pristine condition. will keep it maybe for number 2.

Alya's sprouted her first tooth! she's got 1 on each side of her lower jaw, near the molar area..but i think it's canine. any other babies with tooth?</font>
poko &amp; moo, i rented an Ultrasaucer from rent -a - toy. the lady in charge is quite friendly but beware of the picture shown will not turn up as "pretty &amp; new" as it looks.

hmm.. how come my maddox still drinking 500-600ml per day n i find him stop growing since 3 mths old.. still dunt flip &amp; no tooth yet

my girl Marilyn also drinks abt 630ml per day and this milk intake seems constant since she was 3 months old. didn't seem to increase her milk intake.

yes, i understand from the staff at kiddy palace that we couldn't wash the interior of the pillow.. what i did was to sun it.
Qi7: Aiyah, already pump so long just continue loh ;)
Createjoy: Think my immunity really can pass to baby leh. Our whole family was down w running nose and cough over the weekend. But both baby and I were not having that much symptom like my hubby. We were thinking cos I went for the flu jab 2 weeks before and therefore immunity is better. Today he seems ok liao
Createjoy, alamak! I'm amikomummy lah... Wahahaha...

Hey ladies, I'll help you girls to arrange the lunch while I'm not able to attend. Cos my hb and parents wanna bring Daylon and me to see snow in korea! Its a last min thingie, so sorry to fly aeroplane last minute
To make it up, I'll help u girls to book the restaurant Okie?
Tangs 15% storewide for VISA card member(except cosmetics...etc) till 20th Nov. Can find those munchkin/Pigeon... there, Tangs card (being a VISA itself) will still have rebate... good deal huh!
dont want la u dont understand my hubby never help an inch. Everyday come back sleep, i still got elder one to look after. weekends I thought he more free to help. who knows he sleep and sleep tilll4pm. and he dont even know how to carry kaelyn properly, even take a hankerchief from 10 step off table also need me to take. if my parents not around I would be DEAD. confinement my mom help me i pump, wash and feed myself. its so difficult he just come and sleep sleep sleep.

I want to divorce him but my mom say no. my whole family (sisters, bro in law and my dad) hates him for not helping me. money also no give me. if dolly never ask me to continue I would not get so worked up and tell everyone how sad I'm feeling. SO I NEED TO STOP DONT ASK ME TO CARRY ON BFEEDING!

i got to stop before BF i become mad man.
Qi7: Agree w you, if the other half is not helping, then it's really tough! In fact, once my baby is back in the evening we are like running around like mad chicken! My hubby got to carry baby and sooth him while I pump. Else I'll not have enough to give to nanny to feed him
wow,so many mummies have milk powder for exchange! i'm on dumex mailing list but they never send me any milk powder. my baby is taking mamil! i'm still giving BM but supply not enough and getting lesser. i intend to stop after 6mths.

I'm contemplating about getting a playmat, any opinions from mummies here?

blurmom: enjoy your holidays!

qi7: i would have gone mad or kana depression if my hubby is like that
<font color="cc0099"> blurmom, thanks!
I was also reading and thinking... huh? Amiko and Blurmom different meh? Keke...
Sad to know you can't join. Thanks for all the trouble.
And for me, any option is ok, including Billy Bombers. </font>
createjoy- if only they give us some benefits keekkekeke i don mind vouchers then can get something for my new hse. my boy still drinking 180ml 5 feeding.

Dolly- sure envy u as my baby still having running nose.

Qi7- las time i used to quarrel wif hubby for not helping as he go out early &amp; come back late &amp; somemore my family keep saying negative things bout him &amp; made me hate him but i decided to give him a chance &amp; now my parents are not in speaking terms wif me as i side him, tis thurs he be still working in prudiental but no more in sales line &amp; will assist his manager in paperwork so no more flexible &amp; long hours outside, he be station in office frm 9am-6pm 5 days week so he can come back early &amp; help out. it rather tough not having any family support but we manage fine. send nesher to nanny hse together at 6.30am &amp; i go pick him up then bath him &amp; make him sleep. after tat go take shower then cook for hubby &amp; i &amp; wash &amp; hung up the laundry while hubby check on him. feed nesher his las feeding mostly at 9.30pm then we went to bed at 10pm &amp; wake up at 5am for nesher 1st feeding.
Hi mummies,

BlurMom, I did not notice the err in the list. :p
I have removed you from the list.

Daylon will be going to the trip with you?

i) Lunch Gathering
Date: Monday, 16 November
Time: 11.30am
Venue: Jurong Point
Restaurant Web: http://www.jurongpoint.com.sg/index.php?option=com_fwz_stores&amp;Itemid=25

1. bbPotato + Arik - no pref
2. kikismom + kaley - no pref
3. Createjoy+ jayden - 1.2.3 all ok
4. serene22 + sofie
5. Nozomi + Charlotte
6. Jamie + bb
7. Innocentwar + Kaiqi - (TBC)
8. Cassey + Kyle - 2,3
9. Bluedream + Ashton (no pref)

Pls add if you know any good restaurant and vote for your preference.
1. BillyBomer
2. New York New York
3. Swensens

ii) December Gathering
6th mth cum xmas celebration

Venue: open for suggestion - 1 suggestion at clementi condo
date: 12 Dec 2009???
time: open for suggestion

1. ecmom + cayden
2.Createjoy+jayden +hb(mayb) bt batok
3.bbaugustine+Augustine +hubby (maybe)
4. jling + jack + hb sembawang
5. maryG + Trey + hubby(mayb)bt timah
6. serene22 + Sofie + Hb
7. dovey + kaelyn + hb (mayb)
8. moo + bb + Hb

iii) Milk sample exchange
Createjoy-Enfa exchange for friso with Jling , similac exchange with papaya , exchange Nan with Serene22
jling-similac exchange for Enfa with papaya 123
bbmarilyn- Friso exchange for similac with Jamie
ahnetsan, bbjun- looking for friso -- WANT TO CHECK W SHELISA?? (do update if you have deal already)
Sweethalo-getting Nan from Jling
Qi7 &amp; lim siew leng Annie have similac wants friso

createjoy - has mamil
jling-has mamil, wyeth
bbjun - has mamil gold for exchange (or rather give away if anyone wants it
shelisa- has Friso 900g , Mamil gold 400g Wish to exchange Wyeth step 2. Stay at serangoon but can meet up at newton, orchard mrt. kindly pm
Do you want to do an FM exchange? I have mamil.

maybe mine will be the same situation as urs, after 6 months then process. We shall see how, still got some time hehe

Hmm my boy also sometimes like that, what i do is to stop feeding him, then try again half an hour later, sometimes he finish the rest, sometimes he refuse to drink then no choice to pour away.

You not training him to be lazy, maybe your boy realise that there are other ways to drink milk especially if you eat or drink in front of him..hehe
qi7: did you try discussing what is going on with your hubby? maybe some discussion will help?

caramelle: wow!! so fast sprout first tooth! so envy. so any fever or uncomfort when she sprout the first tooth? i heard usually they will have fever. i'm thinking of getting a 2nd hand bumbo seat for my son too. last week let him try on my cousin's bumbo seat. his thighs abit big la... so difficult to put him in n take him out. he keep trying to reach for his toe (wanna put in his mouth) then got angry and cried after few failed attempts. hahahaha! so now i duno should i still buy one for him.

ecmom: how is cayden now? discharged le ma? did you ask doctor how come will get UTI?

anetsan: only the outside cover of the husk pillow can be washed. the inside with the husk sewn in it cannot be washed. just bring it out to sun it often.

how come there are so many milk powder exchange?
btw mummies, i went for introducing to semi-solids workshop last month and i have the hand-outs. if any of you want the hand-outs, pm me. i can scan and email to you. must share share ma.
i also want to meet at jp but cannot cos need to work unless i take the day off. hahahaha!
i saw my son flip last night! i was playing with him then i told him to watch me while i roll hoping that he will imitate me and he did! he flipped twice and still wants more! kekekee! but his hand will get stuck. = )
beemom u very lucky leh many of us have dumex.. so far i think they most efficient, i rec also yday.u call them up again 1800 265 318. w u stay? we can do exchange. u help me cal friso for sample 6419 8484. Jling wants enfa 1800-3455213, u can exchange with her too. u can also PM bbjun.

wow qi7 i tot my hb very bad liao u more jialut.. he doesnt do hsework &amp; cant rem w bb things put, but he will bother to tk care of him on wkend, bathe him, brg him out. i can see jayden is his pride &amp; joy. mayb becos now urs is 2nd bb already so he also sian to help.
sigh.. it's like that lor, wn marry never think about hse wk now sometimes will think if hardhearted enough run away married another man, life might be more breeze..sometime thinking how the other man is doing with his wife.. shd be better than me then abit regret.. sigh well, that's life.. think of his good point lor dont think of bad thing. wn u see a dirty spot on shirt and keep staring at it u will wanna throw away the shirt! but see the other part clean &amp; design nice might wanna keep.

jling, i cant help it! i smack his lip! haha n sometime i just lie him dwn he see btl cry already.. faintz.. last time he dont blow.. was it a new skill or was it becos i change bigger teat he dont like so he learn by blowing he dont have to drk.. but morn 1st feed he's usually ok leh so i felt it's not the teat, it's his mood..

annie so hw long interval u feed?
createjoy- 4 hours per feeding
finished up the fastest is 7mins if latest is 15mins
&amp; nanny was praising him he don leave left over

at nite is he sleep through frm 7+pm till almost 5am, but i still make him drink his last 9+pm feeding so he can sleep longer as ther one time we let him sleep as we will too lazy to feed his las feeding &amp; he cried for milk at 1+am &amp; slept till 7+am for his next feeding...
his good point is he take care of him mom la. nothing else man. I been paying for everything, try talking to him, go councilling all not working.

this problem exist for the longest time. I keep giving in and doing everything because they are my kids. I told him off yesterday guess what he say?

he: you are the one want to give birth when I suggest aborting. you yourself bring suffering.


This kind of heartless man, why keep?
qi7- if i got tis kind of husband i will leave him as children under 12 will auto be given to mummy as they need us more. once they above 12yrs old the judge will give each parent a child. poor kaelyn

but if tat time i don support my hubby, my child will not have a complete family.
wondering any mummy waiting for the flat in punggol cos las week my hubby said he saw our BTO flat left the window &amp; door to install.. hope i can get the flat fast

&amp; then i need information of the infant &amp; childcare ther. caramella wher u put yr gal now?
thanks creatjoy.

qi7, if its so bad, ask yourself whether you still have feeling for him or consider moving back to your family side to stay and give each other more time? I can't say much but if you think you have made the right decision, go ahead, no point putting your kids and youself to suffer.

my boy also blow bubbles, sometimes i talk to him he just blow bubbles at my face and give the cheeky look then blow again and drool all over his clothes. headache

Or you have other brand of milk bottle to try out?
cheer up, i can understand how u feel.
ur hb so bad one, hw can he say to abort kaelyn in the first plc? den again, dat doesnt give him the privilege of not helping out at all leh!

i also tot of having a divorce... my plan is to wrk for money, so dat in case i file divorce, at least i can have the right to fight for custody of jarius...

haiz, jiayou qi7!!
annie, i'm also waiting for my punggol flat. which cluster u staying? mine is vista...

qi7, cheer up... must stay strong for your kids.

why must exchange milk powder? can just call all companies and they will give, right?
ahnetsan- tats wat my malay colleague told me as she had custody of her 3 kids when she divorced while the father had none &amp; he got to pay her monthly fees.

Dovey- mine is punggol lodge
<font color="0077aa">qi7, poor you. but it's a personal decision whether you choose to continue BFing or not. being a mom is not an easy job and there are no rewards/benefits like working in office. im sure that you, like me, chose to BF because it's the only lifetime gift you can give to your girl. fyi, i dont sterilise anymore now (since she was 4mths old) and alya is none the worst for it. if you sterilise pump items and they all need to dry before you can fix it, to me like no point cos either you wipe or air dry, there will be contact with the pump items and possible contamination.

if you have issues with your hubby, you can do 2 things. 1) talk to him and trash it out or 2)live with it. the faster you come to terms with that, the faster you can move on - being depressed (while i acknowledge it) is nothing but a waste of your energy. being sad/angry/frustrated does nothing for you. im sure you already have a routine for taking care of your kids, if it works for you then stick to it. if you need support to continue BFing we're here for you, we're all mummies. no doubt some may have help thru hubbies, mums, MILs, maids etc - it doesn't change the fact that being a mom is not easy. and hey, you don't have to BF 100% if you dont want to, can BF at night/weekends etc - the choice is yours, no one can make you do it.

re bedroom activity: not necessary it'll stop if you BF, and no guarantee it'll pick up once you stop BF. life still normal for me and hubby. and btw, are you sure you still want to have bedroom activity with that kind of person??

it may seem like we're the sole caregiver. my mum takes care of Alya in the day, and sharp at 5.30pm i must leave office to catch train and reach mum's by 6.30pm. hubby will say he can fetch us but we never know what time he'll be home so i'll put her in carrier and walk home. takes me about 15min and i'm very tired from the whole day but when she's close to me and hugs me, i realise there's no one else more important to her than me, i'm her favorite person and she mine. on days when i have back-to-back meetings, i have to stay back during lunch to pump or after 5.30pm to clear mails cos i took time out to pump, i can't and won't complain cos im doing it for her. i hope you can work something out so you don't have to stop BFing completely, if you need a listening ear, we're here for you.

Annie, poor thing for the kids to grow up without a father. good or bad, still their father right?</font>
<font color="0077aa">Annie, baby now at my mum's place. infant care in punggol very expensive! and always full, i hope they open new one at your block there..hehe. my area hopeless lah. we ask for shop they give us a vending machine for gardenia bread! *faints*.

else infantcare at rivervale lor..

punggol lodge is last time treetops is it??</font>
caramella-true it still their father but if hubby don support &amp; help out &amp; we got no feeling for them, it either the negative thinking... tat time i was so depress i told hubby i dont have tears anymore &amp; if things don work out for us then the word divorce will come in &amp; i even remove my wedding ring which he got so frighten as i was without the ring for a week he really woke up. now things are improving &amp; mostly nesher rely on me so he jus help out sweeping the room floor &amp; play wif nesher while i hung the clothing.

no punggol lodge behind is punggol sec

now both of us know taking kids isnt easy &amp; i really salute those mommy having two or more kids while i don think i wan to go through all tat again. in fact we don do bedroom activity anymore jus put effort in guiding &amp; taking good care of nesher.
