(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

well done firefly!!! CONGRATS!!!

i received ak sms also.. feel so happy for her.. hehhee... its like finally can see her after result!!

oh ya.. when i was in my gynae's clinic, i saw 1 of the may mum.. she popped 1 week ago.. she isnt that active type.. so i think i better dont reveal her nick in case she doesnt want.. anyway her bb is 2.3kg when born via c-sect due to health problem. XXXXXX, if u see my post, CONGRATS once again. nice seeing u and short chat.

oh.. i have been hungry ever since i start my ML.. and i lost my slp!!!
U bet cha! But will be milking again in another hour. My supply still can't satisfy my boy. Haha I must jiayou jiayou! U counting down to Thursday eh.
oki, nowadays bb drinks alot ar?? dont keep saying yr supply cannot satisfy la.. let's say yr boy is a big drinker? JIAYOU!!! at least better than nothing right?? did u supplement with FM?

after many yrs of uninterrupted slp, got to start slpless nites, abit sian hor?
Yaya he big drinker mann! Supplement twice last nite cos milk haven't come in. But today still little ard 50ml on both side per pump.

U bet, I am a newbie all over again
Hi all,

The other pain killer is pethidine. It was very effective for me!!!

Re: Coconut water
I have finally started to drink coconut water as i am coming to week 36!! Yippie. Coconut water helped in my labour for #1 as she came out cleaner...and so called "Slided" out. Will be drinking it regularly again.

Congrats to all mummies who have given birth!!
halo morning,. poohwei.. u r so early as well.. me nw 35 wks 3 d, haven started drinking yet, but thnking to drink on thur after gynae checkup. btw, drink which type of coconut ah? the super smal one or the big grn one?
u're vry hardworking. i suppose u wake up to pump quite a few times in the night yea..

tmr u will be seeing shermay right? feels excited for you!! btw u sample sweetest moments cakes alrdy?

1st time wake up so early after i start my leave.. order mac b'fast ltr.!
morning xue.. u r so early as well.. :)
haha.. me having prawn mee nw.. hungry and woke up early. mac.. i like.... hehe

shers seeing shermay tmrw.. wow congrats to shers 1st....
morning glenlyn,
wake up to pee n cant slp. i love mac's harsh brown.! gonna eat wadever i can now.. scarly i go for my checkup tmr gynae says can deliver alrdy then i'll miss my harshbrown. really do hope i'll hv gd news tmr.. hahaa..
haha.. quite true hor... i wana go eat the melbene crab meat noodle b4 i give birth also.. hahaha
al the best to u. hope to hear gd news from u soon... :)
good mornign ladies

lily, u must be happy that ur mum is here
my feets r also swollen for 2nd time...

firefly, thanks for sharing ur birth story
sure hope mine will be short like urs and without epi!

xue, audrey n muffintop, jia you! hope to hear good news at ur next checkup!

glenlyn, eat while u can!

re: baby's weight
i hv a fren's wifey(petite) who had to go for c-sect coz her birth canal is too narrow to deliver baby naturally... my hubby calculated that bb's head circumference of 34cm will fit juz nice to 10cm dilation -- hopefully no need episotomy
Adv_sports > ya hubby how to do the calculation de ah? Got formula for that eh?

Jamie > Im staying at Blk 627...few blocks away from you only.

Porky > Last night my gal was kicking me so hard after my pee then I went insomia state liew. Ayoh.

So many mummies will be delivery on 10th May? How nice if that could happen cos it's Mother's Day leh!!
hi mummies..

Congrats to all thoses mummies that had pop.
I'm still waiting for my show time. These few days my stomach not reli everyday diarrhoe at least twice.

Re: Coconut
How much shld we be drinking? 1 per day?
Hi morning early birds ;)

I am going to see my gynae later at 11am, nurse called up said he wants to see me to check cervix (another ve hiks hiks!!) dun tell me he wont let me go home after that hahaha!

Shers, i think we wont have same day baby liao, i dun want 30th apr bb, coz fil goes back by tomorrow early mornign flight and my mum is taking night flight here!!!!! dun tel me i will be so lucky to deliver in between that.. faint!!

Got crampy contractions since few nites ago.. and lots of whitish mucus, much much much more than the usual (the one i said a lot), this one i must say LOTS!!! (WITH CAPS!!)
sk, formula for circumference is pi(3.14) times diameter... for head circumference of 34cm, diameter = 34/3.14=10.8cm

moon, i drink coconut juice abt once a week since week 35...
rc_cola, wish u luck @ gynae check up later
if u deliver today, then friday discharge.. no prob right? coz ur mum oledi here...

me hv lotsa of brownish discharge... will check with gynae later, too... hope my cervix has further dilate
Thanks. I only start drinking coconut this week ley. My edd is 8 may. Do u tink i can drink it everyday now?
Gd morning ladies!

I really think that you should not start pumping now as your milk is not established yet. Try to feed bb by demand, dun watch the clock. This will secure longer journey to BFG. Also, if you supplement bb wif FM now, your body may signal that bb will not need milk at that time, so, supply will be lesser. Plus, at this early stage, ur bb may have nipple confusion and become lazy when comes to direct bfg.

Coconut drink:
Can take upto 3 per wk, but I only take one per wk.

I also feel the contraction thingy, but not regular. It comes every few hrs.

So envy, can work at home..
Pain relief:

1. Laughing Gas: Heard this will cause bb to be drowsy when born.

2. Patitine (sp): This is not very helpful

3. Epidural: This is better, but, may have side effect for some pple. can also use this in case u nid C-section.
haha.. i dunno ler, hope he tells me sth.. but kinda miss my girl if i am not at home, she is very angelic these few days, kept saying HAPPY MUMMY IS AT HOME so melted rite? ;p

somemore i asked my mum to bring me cheese swiss roll hahaha.. hopefully can stil eat if I deliver already.

yup if deliver today okay, but tomorrow definitely cannot hahaha!
Brown discharge could means u may be delivering soon. For my no. 1, I got brown discharge in the morning den i deliver on tat day around 8pm.
Re: Coconut

I normally increase the number of intake by 1 from week 36 onwards. i.e: 36 weeks: Once a week, 37 weeks: Twice a week, 38 weeks: Thrice a week...

Type of coconut: I heard the younger coconuts are better but i just take any types of coconuts that i can find.

Hi glenlyn,
I am up so early cos i am a teacher!! need to report to work early.
rc_cola, wah, ur #1 very sweet
well, then hope u deliver 2day! *haha*

moon, maybe too liang to drink coconut juice everyday... maybe drink every 2-3 days? oh, this is the 2nd time i hv brownish discharge -- 1st was 3 weeks ago but doc stopped my contraction as baby is pre-term...

did ur waterbag burst or hv regular contraction after the brown discharge?
My waterbag din burst. haha... tat time i very daring I still take my own sweet time to the gyne. Actually the brown discharge i got is around 7+am. But i only go to my gyne at around 1+pm. I start hvg regular contraction at abt 1pm.
I think these few days my stomach pain and diarrhoe could be due to drinking coconut everyday for the past 2 days. For my no. 1 I only drink coconut on that day i deliver.
moon, u very steady
we panicked when i had my 1st brown discharge -- got admitted but false alarm...

this 2nd time, i had it since sat but remain calm n wait for regular contraction... so far nothing... will check with gyane later

aiyoh, maybe too liang... try to cut down and see whether ur diaherra gets better...
Haha.. sometimes she is a little terror,but these few days she has been good..

Re: coconut
that day i bought coconut, then i told the uncle "uncle give me the young ones hor.." in the end, the coconut is very young, inside no meat! hahahaha
haha... now i tink back also very scary coz that time i heard many ppl say if got abit spotting can slowly go hospital if not go hospital also lie down there.
im having contractions smtimes painful smtimes not every half hr. very uncomfortable. can feel my butt sng sng too. hope this time really hv gd news!!!
Congrats AK and Firefly!

I'm on leave today, tomorrow having very early appoint with gynae. As mentioned earlier, she may burst my waterbag in the morning if there's dilation of 2 cm and let me give birth by afternoon. Arranging my girl to go my mum's place and will pick her up on the day I discharge. So excited!
hi mummies,
good morning! me still waiting for the little one to come...

rc cola - your #1 is so sweet. my gal oso has been rather angelic these few days. she will hug me and kiss me when she comes home and pat me to sleep at nite. keep telling me she 'lux' (love) me. dun know whether is it becoz she sense competition coming?
rc_cola, i like to eat the meat in the young coconut leh *slurp* hmm, hope i can find one in KKH later -- drink before i c gynae

moon, well, u took ur time and made it there
actually, from my antenatal class, having the show dun hv to admit -- can wait for further signs like waterbag burst or regular contractions... but being 1st time mummy, sure gan cheong :p

xue, await for ur good news!

jasc, so excited
may see u @ KKH -- hv u opt for A1 or B1? we also hv the same plan 2day...
Good morning mummies !

Yuki's little boy is out at 2.21am weighing 3.2kg she will share her birth story when she is back. congrats to Yuki !!!

Firefly, congrats to you ! wow another mummy go natural w/o epi and short labour ! salute to u ! btw, yuki also at TMC, mayb u all met each other already ?

glenlyn, u eating prawn mee early in the morning ? i love prawn mee too...will have that for lunch today..hehe

sk, usually my boy dont kick when i wake up for pee...he sleeps like nobody business...

shers, must be real excited to see little shermay tomorrow, ur c-sec is wat time huh ?
Xue, that's good news! How come butt sng sng is a sign meh? My inner tigh sng sng for days liaoz but no sign...
Btw, hw to help the cervic to soften/ open? Really hope for natural, dun wanna stress bb with induction
Your app is 29 or 30 Apr? My app is 30Apr, opted for B1 since is just a night. I won't request baby to be at my side all the time because his cry may disturb other patients. I remember my #1 girl cried very loudly! Really hope to give birth soon. Tummy too big to move around, even my HB also commented better give birth early, very tough on me to move around.
jasc, my appt is 2day 29 apr -- opt for A1 coz it's our #1 and hubby wanna stay with me

yah, so tiring to move ard -- plus not sleeping well...

will PM u my number -- let me know when u pop 2molo!
congrats again. such a quick labour!

petite dun mean cervix narrow. my colleague had to c-sect cos her cervix machiam heart shape. so, no way she can push her bb out.
