(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Ni: ya lor.. no maternal and housekeeping instinct lah. the daddy assign me so many task to do.. slog me lor..
he say he need to wear t-shirt tmr to work liao. so LL later have to iron his shirts.

my house look like dog house now.. so messy. hai...

suika kevan birthday is when actually? i alr ordered cake, but still haven't settle buffet

jan: Kevan's BD on 7th...it's on wkdays mah so hv to earlier lor, but i'll cook mee sua on his actual

mi buffet oso no order yet...when's the date u planning?
suika: cos next day is mon the kids all need to go school
and sun my uncles aunties all go church. so if do day time, clash w church. do evening, cannot play late, next day got class. originally we wanted to do chalet, bbq. so cannot sun at all. then we work on 9th. end up no book chalet. haha
Suika : Tingkat i ordering from Kims kitchen. Am with them for 2 months. I find them ok, 3 dishes 1 soup costs me about 190 dollars as i ordered for microwavable boxes. The thing is, delivery time is late, maybe around 7-7.30 at times. There was once they forgot to send my food to me, talking about that, i haven call in to complain. heehee.

Overall : Food is tasty, portion big ( i ordered for 2 pax but actually its shared by 3 people), delivery not that good.
suika: that time i ordered my tingkat from le xin...the food is yummy and delivery was very zun zun..only once late cos raining...i ordered 2 mths during my confinement
merc: after taking food from le xin, do you feel thirsty ?

I might want to change my caterer as the delivery time is too late. Also, how is the portion ?
ashley: i ordered buffet from kims kitchen before, i find the food yucky..not nice leh.

not thirsty after eating le xin...
i order portion for 1 person only...its really just enough for 1 person...mine is lunch, very cheap catering, only $135, and sometimes they give microwave box...no extra charge, or else will be in tingkat container
suika: try meihao99 catering...tat time i wanted to order their tingkat one, too bad they dont have lunch one...only dinner.
Hello. Jh having fever since mon. This morn 39.6, went kkh. Was given medicine as fever reached 40. Now home but think still having fever.
hi mummies...

anyone still got the addy for the Carter's sales? i went last yr, remembered it was behind Tampines SAFRA but forgot which unit.

thank u
oh dear.. have u tried continuous sponging? u can try to wet a cold towel & let little JH hold. Babies love to play w wet towels. as palm is warm, it can help to bring down temp. it works for my little Breana when she was down w fever, hope it works for u. When babies are sick, our heart pains... take care..
dazed : if it's viral fever, will take 3-4 days for fever to come down completely. keep sponging him, but rem never never use ice water... juz room temparature will do. Take care.
dazed: hope JH recovers soon! u take care too!

piyo: shall i bring along ur banner on sat??? since i will be seeing u on sat right?

cheekygal: i will bring along ur balloons too ok?
hi ladies,

sorry to intrude.
have a good lobang here. need to confirm fast. please pm/sms 90011 110 me if interested.

rainbow hydrocleaner E2 (latest model)
usual price $3424 now $2800
only 3 sets available
8 yrs warranty and full accessories with receipt
there will be 1 person to give 1 hr demo - teach u & yr maid.
$30 per lesson if u forgot in future

it is very good vacuum cleaner. can effectively clean the bed/bolster/floors/cars. able to vacuum the mites n dust very effectively. good investment if you have kids at home and worry abt their health.

please see this link for ppl's comments.

suika > u can try hse of catering or oliver catering,me using
oliver catering now. kinda good.initially hse of catering is good,den slowly quite normal.

junemom > nope,polli/bibi is for playing only.
jh still having fever... n fact temp went up to 40.something when in A&E. seems like the normal panadol not working, KKH gave 2 med, the other more powerful one is ibuprofen. i asked mom to give the normal one another time, if still cannot will take the ibuprofen liao... but dr says that is actually for above 1 yr old one...
dazed, how is JH now?

Delia also once like this. For the whole day, the temp was always on the high side n panadol or ibuprofen also dun work on her. I brought her to the KKH. They done urine test on her but nothing found. Juz told was viral infection n fever will last for 2-3days. But make sure u sponge JH regularly n I also put the cooling pad on the forehead
sus: happy birthday to u!

tomorrow isetan private sale...anyone going???

ni: i remember last yr i supposed to go isetan private sale with u...end up i think i went give birth or something??
happie birthday sus!
Many happy returns~

mercs: yes, one year just passed like dat man! i really missed the baby times. gonna be tods in a few days/weeks times! my god!

dink: haven signed up yet, no time to go for trial again to get the free waiver. dec is a busy busy month for me
dazed: hope jh recovers soon, think gotta do continuous sponging

ni: piyo is overseas, wont be around on sat.. u pass to me bah.. easier for her to collect from me than from u? hehe... btw.. if you are online later, pls msg me...
hope jh get well veri soon...

gim tim's food not bad
mine is buffet style at their VIP room. Wanna book playroom, but it's not available.
good morning pretty mamas...

rainy day tdy. hai... how nice if can sleep in
but i busy mama.. got lotsa things to do. too bad
gwen & lemont: nice meeting you gals
jadon had fun at GUG.. you girls signing up?

babystarlet: tx !

dink: you also still looking to sign up? i may also want bb to do JWT, but if sign up GUG, he;ss be poor thing, so many activities
im in a dilemma now..

Mommies: so far how's party done ,and coming along?? any caterer to recommend? I am thinking of Bibik Nyonya , tried at a friend;s bb 1st party also.. quite tasty..
Good morning mummies !
What a cool morning ! 2009 ending and 2010 coming soon...Last year this time, we are all visiting hospital weekly... with our big big tummies...
Good Morning!!!

dazed: hope JH recovers soon...my GP refused to give me ibuprofen when that time Juvius having fever at 39 degree then the clinic assistant still blame me didn't give to my son before that, i told her I only have panadol at home, at the end, when collecting medicine, i said her ' see doctor still give me panadol, then she kept her mouth shut'...
ni: have u received any call from abbott??? until now shyan alr 11months and 7 days old, still no news leh.. i want to get free step 3 :D
janjan: i received from abbott already..they send me 2 tins of step 3

any other milk company will give huh? enfrapro only gave 2 packets...mamex yet to receive
I have received 2 tins from abbott and let Juvius tried but he LSing, is it not suitable or what...I have checked with GP, she said is ok to change milk powder...

wa, how come everybody have.. i dun have. hai... will wait one more week. if they still dun call me then i will call them liao.

willting, juvius not on mamil meh?
