(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

willting: i still have a few tins of the small mamex step 2...think i let him finish 1st...

janjan: i got abbott call beginning of the mth leh..they deliver in 2 weeks
i heard mamil very difficult to dissolve ah.. anyone can comment?

i dunno to change milk powder or not. cos gg to step 3 i will foresee another problem from my mum. she will end up confuse with my niece's MP cos she also on gain IQ step 3. then end up she will dunno which tin is whose then mix up then i end up buying MP for both to drink liao. hai... but only gotta ren another 2 months then my niece will be 3 years old can graduate and drink step 4 le. hehe
jan: i received call from abbott le! cos i changed hp number mah.. so they cannot contact me, they send a mail to me ask me to call them instead wor
Ashley: I think PG is still available and popular, need to provide own figurines as decor. I ordered mine from Bengawan Solo cos of the mickey mouse. Prima Deli is nice but no MM, got barney and strawberry shortcake.
talk about 1st bithday, here got 50% off for 1st birthday month only http://www.kidzloft.com/

Mummies with doggies, do you all plan to use safety gate when baby starts walking or learning to walk ? to separate doggie and baby when you're not supervising ?
ann: i already use baby gate in the kitchen and in kyler room..
when i am at home, i didnt lock the dogs up la, usually kyler wont disturb them, they also wont disturb kyler
ann: i dun leh. i let kyan interact with mario. but he end up keep bullying him, pulling his fur, grabbing him, make mario so irritated. haha
i wana get gates to fence my wangwang up oso but my doorway seems bigger....those gates can fit bigger doorway?

ni: i let them disturb each other....heehee but it's always the poor 4legged fellow kana scolded in the end....heehee
there's once the 2 fellow both head-on to each other n of coz my Kevan lost n he cried....heehee
dazed : how's JH fever? hope he recover soon...

janjan : abbott oso din call me for free milk powder.

Sperzz/janjan : u gals going carter's sale tomorrow?
ann: Like Nim, i don't separate LeAnn and the dogs. LeAnn will just walk around. Most of the time she ignores them but sometimes when she's cheeky, she will pull their fur/tail, disturbs my older dog or put her hand inside my younger dog's mouth and let her lick.

For catering, i've tried neo garden, meihao99 and lexin. So far, i feel that neo garden is still the best although i got sick of it. Don't like lexin and meihao leh. My hb hates meihao.. sometimes they can just fry crabstick/hotdog.. then my hb will complain. This month on lexin, going to change again. Sigh..any recommendations?
how about elsie kitchen leh?

kelly: meihao not good ah? i remember i tried quite ok leh, but that was like 2 yrs back..maybe standard drop
elsie kitchen has tingkat too?

My sil also heard that meihao was quite good. that was why we ordered from meihao.. Lexin's special days are good. other than that.. it's quite similar to meihao.
kelly: oh..elsie dont have tingkat le...tingkat only available for non halal caterer usually...

i tot u talking about buffet..
kelly, ni, mercs: dun know y either my doggie follow leon and keep smelling his backside as he crawls or leon like to touch my doggie's nose (I think cos it feels wet)... so they have this chasing and following around game between the two of them and it repeats for the whole day...
if it continues to be mild play, then I think I no need the gate. But if it does gets rough, I will need the gate. So it seems like sooner or later I will need the gate !
ann: i think as long as yr dog dont bite should be ok ba? just make sure u clean his hands after playing?
that day i watch news, got mentioned that studies proved that the immune system for babies in family with dogs are stronger than those without...
mercs: Yes ! that is my main line of defense from pregnant till now to tell well-meaning relatives and friends that dogs and babies can live together ! It works, everyone 'diam diam' after I say this... kekeke...

Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me

Location: Jalan Kayu
ni: mm....nice! I have not even printed any hardcopies of Aedan pics from birth till now. 1 year already & too lazy to get to it. Jus hope my cptr dun crash else I will cry until no tears.

Any one already went to the Carters sale? Feedback?
ann01jan: totally agree with you!!! Till this day, people keep asking abt how's my dogs & my boy, and my mum/MIL keep on hinting to me to get rid of my dogs. Old saying is that asthma in babies is due to dog's fur.
ashley:i am also looking at ecreative cakes.. cos i tink will order buffet from them as well. i ordered for full month.. not bad.. the curry is quite nice.u tinking to get which design of the cake? =)

dazed:hope JH is much better.. fever subsidised?
hi mummies...

Dogs & Babies
Really envy u gals able to keep ur best friend together w ur babies... i was forced to give mine away as my corgi shed lotsa furs.. i was nagged numerous time by my parents & i spent my confinement daysclearing the house of fur
. lucky shes in safe hands of a good friend of mine so i still visit & pay for her "maintenance"... & yes i've read that babies have better immune system w/ dogs at home. my the older folks differ such thinking
i must salute u... u r a SAHWM (Stay At Home Wonder Mum!).. w baby & dog.. & can get so much things done
.. ur artcow is very nice, thanks for sharing.

hihi... nice meeting u & gwen too!! had a great time at GUG. Jadon lovest to smiles yah... n & Tristan is so chubby
.. i m still deciding bcos need to plan my schedule for next yr. will be returning to workforce in jan
... i might bring Bre for trial at BabyGym at Bt Batok, HometeamNS country club. see which she likes. btw, wats JWT? i seldom update myself but thanks to JanMTB'09 mummies, always sharing & updating! Should have come into this thread earlier but hopefully its not too late

Breana's 1ST Birthday Party
Just to share... My friend who is w Keppel pulled in 5 applications for Keppel's vacation bunglow balloting. The result was out on wednesday & we are so lucky to got it! i think its my gal's luck, HB striked 1st prize, my ward, when she was born
. the bunglow is at elias road, big w pool & quite cheap. think $200+ for 3days, Fri-Mon. my bday direct reaching next week. cake, may confirm PG 2morrow. Buffet, may use CJS catering. so happy

CARTER's sales
i went yday... last yr i spent $125.. but this yr i sepnt only $60. lesser designs & not much clothes for 12Ms & above.
sperzz: came back from Carter's sale liao. not so much choice for boys. But still, my sis manage to grab quite a lot of dresses for my niece & me, a lot of Oshkosh tops for Aedan.
lemonT: When preggie, I already made a pact with my hb that no one can make me give my 2 babies away. so now, the 2 babies are always botak to reduce the fur flying ard.

LemonT: thanks for the compliments.. its possible only with the help of my wonderful mom.. she help me jaga shyan, feed her and let her nap while i 'work' at home

I'll gg out of my SAHM status soon. only 2 weeks to go. time passes so fast..!
