(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I order the 3kgs of 2 tier cake can't fit into the fridge. Have a thought to collect the cake in the morning coz once the birthday party start at 2pm onwards will be busy entertain with guest and run out of time to self collect. If arrange for delivery provides by PG may worry that cake not arrive on time.

What is your arrangement for mummy who order cake from PG?
That's is a good idea. I can put the cake in my bed room and on the air-con, thanks for your advise.
But can the fresh cream cake hold for few hours in the air-con room like 4 hrs?
ya I heard M1 having iPhone soon. Anyway, my contract with starhub only ending NEXT Dec ... so hopefully by then they have it. I need it to be Starhub cos then I can get the Hub Club disc cos I also subscribe to cable tv and broadband internet with them .
Know you are expertise of making cake, I will adopt your suggestion when necessary.
i also hope starhub will come out iphone too by the time my contract ends next June... haha

lil rabbit,
me not expert laa, i'm very new in baking & juz know a bit here & there only....
btw iphone got alot of baby application so ya kids will love it.. and my gal have been snatching my sis iphone keep playing n playing.. -____- and she ask me to buy one for her.. faints i say siao ah! but she told me to buy ipod touch also can sms or play game.. dou cant call out.. quite a good idea hor hahahaha at least mp3 player is more safe than HP.LOL i think im siao lar.. haha

ya rabbit put in aircon room is ok... thats what my sis cake do also.. hers super big so put in aircon room.. but of cus the room must be cold then put in the room.. not when its hot then u on the aircon hehe
<font color="ff0000">DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE</font>

The Venue and cakes are Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200

Venue: $20.20 X 25 = $505
Cake: $100
Customised Cupcake: $65 ( $2.60each)
Drinks: $23
Total cost : $693.00
Cost per pax: $27.72
Deposit paid : $8.00
Balance: $19.72 per pax

<font color="0000ff">Prince</font> and <font color="ff0000">Princess</font>

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me )- <font color="0000ff">BRYAN</font> - Payment Received
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- <font color="ff0000">ASHLYNNE</font> - Payment Received
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - <font color="0000ff"> RANDALL</font> -Payment Received
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font> - Payment Received
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">EVAN</font>
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff"> BRENNON</font>
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - <font color="ff0000">CLARYCE</font> - Payment Received
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ETHAN</font> - Payment Received
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - <font color="ff0000">RACHEL</font> - Payment Received
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - <font color="ff0000">CLARICE</font> - Payment Received
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-<font color="0000ff">JONAS</font> - Payment Received
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-<font color="0000ff">JOSHUA</font>
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ZACHARY</font>
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">SEAN</font>
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - <font color="0000ff">HAYDEN</font>
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="ff0000">CIDNEY</font>
17) Santorini ( BB+Me) - \red {EMMA}
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - <font color="ff0000">SHANNON</font> - Payment Received
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)- JAYZON &amp; <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -<font color="ff0000">SUMMER</font>
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-DARRELL &amp; <font color="0000ff">DANIELL</font> - Payment Received
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-<font color="0000ff">JAKE</font>
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-<font color="ff0000">JERMAINE</font>

Can mummies above, kindly transfered $19.72 to my POSB Savings 137-52764-2? THANKS!!

No COD please.

Please state your nickname when you transfered, if not i do not know who is who.

If u transferred by ATM, post n let me know, cos ATM cannot be seen who transfered to me.

IF LAST MIN, anyone cannot go, you can still find the replacement but sorry, the cupcake are done with your baby name. The replacement person have no cupcake already.

<font color="ff0000"> IMPORTANT

For all the health of our babies, if any parents or babies who are sick on that day and not suitable to attend. Please kindly excuse yourself
No offence, ok?

Of course, really sorry, no refund of the paid items too.. But You can find a replacement </font>
super heart pain till now~

brought ocean to shopping last nite, he was sitting in Peg Perego. We seldom put on his seat belt one, but daddy did it last nite. While daddy juz left us for a while, little ocean try to climb and struggle. Noticed he feel very uncomfy i release the buckle. And before i can remove the straps from his shoulder he did a 180 degree turn and he started to struggle as the straps has hurt his neck and his face is all red and he is screaming, he just wanted to get out from the stroller, using even more strength to hurt himself.. no one helping me, they thought why my bb crying like that. and i can't find daddy, left my hp in office..

i admit i'm too panick and finally i managed to remove something and release him, he never cry in this manner, screaming! now his neck left, right and the back is left with wound, little blood and mark, which i think will become blue black later on..

That's so so so scary, till now i still very scared to see him struggle and screaming and I can't help him.. sob.. sob..
I am oso waiting for M1 to launch then see whose plan is btr... :p In the press release, M1 say end of this year... So, I will wait.Hopefully there will be good deals in terms of phone plans lar.

Hacking will void warranty... No?

little rabbit,
U can ask PG oso abt how long it can last in a/c room. My cake will be single layer I think so won't be a problem... :p
Info for those using Fondant Cake for the 1st time
1. DO NOT put fondant cake in the fridge as the condensation will melt the fondant (turning it sticky and saggy).
2. When you get it back keep the box open and place it in air con room if possible.
3. Fondant cake can usually last well in aircon places.
4. Keep a jug of warm water near cake cutting area for you to clear your knife after each cut, otherwise all the other pieces of cake will be very unsightly.

Baby U:
Yay!! My photos &amp; standing photo frame of Baby U can be collected today!!! Sooooo happy!!

Huggies contest:
Mommies if you have spare/loose Huggies Proof of Purchase (those on the packaging) stamps and you do not wish to accumulate, can send to me? I will pay for the postage? Plse PM me..thanks!!

Oh no!! Poor Ocean...must be very heart pain to see our little babies suffer from bruises....

But try to take it easy ok...now most important is to take care of Ocean til he recovers..
Be strong!
Yes.. Forgot to mention tat if u break ur phone during warranty period, it'll be void.
However, apple stuff seldom will hv defects. I bot so many stuff all ok leh
of course is btr b safe than sorry. For me I rather able to download all things free!!!

lol :p true la my classic iPod video still surviving leh .. it's super old aldy. And my iMac the one with the dome shaped base and the swivel screen ... still alive - i bought it in 2001 and dragged it to the states and back and still alive .. the screen still has NO dead pixels leh. but I don use it anymore cos it's old and slow now. lol.

hmmmm I didn't realize that hacking the iPhone will allow to download ALL apps free - that's quite a good deal leh. hehehe !! But yes, I am aware that these kinds of "modifications" will void the warranty.

I am using the Omnia ... what are u using now? If you're really used to the Nokia interface ... er, u might not like the touchscreen type phone. takes some getting used to. I can't sms while driving with my Omnia.
im so sleepy in office. gotta read my notes for my assignment &amp; d minute i flip my text, my eyes r closing. lolx.

im also waiting for M1 to launch iphone. hehe. hope its reali as good as d reviews. lolx.
Omnia is oso fully touch screen?? Cos my hb was told Omnia is btr than iphone ( if not wrong Omnia runs on windows apps)...

Is Omnia good?

Mayb my mother suay... Her first iphone 3Gs was screw up lor... it could not reconnect to 3G network and hence have to restart the phone all the time. Went back to ST to get it exchanged for a new one. Heh... Most of the iphone users i noe are waiting for warranty to be over then hack. Since there are still free apps to download in the meantime!

I had my mum's iphone for 1 nite and it's damn portable for surfing the net on the go lor, e.g. you can access u tube, facebook, msn, sg information - like where to park, wat shops there are in the mall (with tel no so u can call for reservations), 4D , toto results, etc... There is even an application that can help woman chart your mensuration (and see when is ur fertile days) - can password protect. U can even key in when u xxx i think... :p

Then it also doubles as a "mp3" player and can play video, etc... But you'll bcome glue to it like how blackberry users are like (checking emails all the time). *hAHA*

Initally i oso quite gian to get my hands on one. my enthusiasm seemed to have died cos I kinda hate the touch screen sms...
erm. those functions u say, i can do tt wif my E71 as well. haha. i usually surf net when im bored since got wireless sg here. lolx. if reali veri veri bored den i go you tube watch videos. =p
maureen. hahaa.. yes.. i have fun with my HB's iphone too.. especially in the toilet, doing business.. LOL...

Kath, download tappy tune.. its fun for Zachary to play..

I have the previous one. Omnia - bit mine is the slightly later one .. red in colour.


ya fully touch screen. Sms using touch screen takes some getting used to lar.

er I haven't tried iPhone so really can't compare. but I think iPhone definitely has more apps.

Yes, Omnia runs on Windows mobile.
aiyo, my menses has due for more than a week liao dunno y still hasn't come... although i'm quite sure tat i'm not pregnant hor but still so worry &amp; this morning i went &amp; buy pregnancy test kit &amp; heng ah... NEGATIVE! guess i hav not been talking with my hb for few days liao &amp; make my body hormones changes? LOL!!

i get hooked so much with my iphone now, initially tot after buying netbook i can carry it around but after getting my iphone &amp; tat's it, my netbook has never go out with me anymore... kekeke!

jo, where to download tappy tune? free one ar?
i think the trial are free.. for one time, suddenly can download whole version for free.. we got it.. its fun... the kid can tap on the screen according to the music..
really? e71 is the one tat looks like blackberry?Actually i am looking for an alternative phone cos iphone damn expensive somemore... And like wat kristalangel say must get use to touch screen. For iphone, i tend to press the alphabet next to the one i wan. So it's quite irritating when I have to do it more than 1 time! -__-" You can ask xuelyn, tat time i chat with her using iphone, she saw lots of typo! :p

Ya lor. imagine can surf net in the toilet lor! HAHAH... cos can't bring laptop/netbook to play inside wat... So convinient... haha. And I can play u tube elmo songs to my ger in e restaurant! but she keep touching the screen so it will pause!

For Omnia, are there some web apps built for the phone? Or you surf it from the web application? cos i know for HTC they have a program for u to login to MSN directly... And the screen fits the phone nicely... Facebook in iphone, the application looks different oso...

cos if u surf webpages from the iphone safari, it can be quite small... :p but of cos can enlarge the page lar...

paiseh leh, I v out of touch with phones lar. Cos my last phone i bot 2 yrs ago... in 2007...
U v stress uh??? Tat's why aunty dun wan to visit u... :p

Hehe. Pregnancy test kit is not v accurate one... esp since u oni miss menses one wk... Keke... U got 2 bois liao of cos u noe btr...

Do u know if daniell is in the top 3? cos I saw daniell in the top 10 running for Dec Young Parents cover wor!!! :p And yes, I also saw ah bur in Mother &amp; baby... so nice!
ya, they have Mobile Facebook, MSN live messenger ... all for Windows based devices lor.

same for Omnia la .. u use Opera to surf on the net .. small lor cos webpages quite big. but good enough la. when I am outside and I can log onto wifi I check email, go on facebook ...
Tat's considered quite ok liao... Hmmm... mayb omnia is worth a shot...

The touchpad layout is the qwerty or the same as the normal phone type? Cos I saw my colleague's one, it's like a normal phone keypad just tat it's touch pad style...
u can choose from a few different types ... got qwerty, the standard keypad with T9 just like a regular phonepad. That's what i use. There's also Chinese, transcriber .. also the Palm OS style of writing - Letter Recognizer - so u can "write" ..
but ah .. the camera even though it says 5 megapixels ... it SUCKS man. hate the camera on my Omnia. but other than that, it's fine. good for organizing stuff, and I like the threaded sms-es style.
gals wana ask you if ya baby have a great fall.. are we suppose to give them water? or we are NOT suppose to give them water?
E71 the keyboard is so small but if u r used to typing then is ok..the navigation oso need some getting used to. Actually all phone is like tat lar. Once u try few days, u will get used to it alr.
Initially i hate iphone cos it is touch screen sms but now, i m hooked!!!

Jess, u r so cute!! Ur hormone actually goes haywire if u dun talk to ur hb?? If i dun talk to myhb, i tink my hormone will be very calm!! Muahaha

er it's ok to give water. I never understood that tho.

Here is the baby/toddler/child SCREAMING her/his lungs out cos she's in pain .. and there, the parent/grandparent/caregiver is saying .. "nah, here drink water" .. WTH. lol.

I was at the pediatrician long ago and this toddler was with her grandparents and she fell while playing there in the clinic. Instead of cuddling and saying-ing the poor child, they were trying very hard to get the poor child to DRINK WATER. hahahhaa.
no laa, pregnancy test kit very chun one laa... somemore already one wk due if got 'something' then sure can detect liao...

ya daniell in top 10... top 3? hahaa, i assume tat if i dun receive good news from them next week then mean no hope liao... keke

yalah else cant think why my menses never come... hehee! sian... 3 days never talk to hb &amp; he also never ask me why, juz pretend nothing happen... ANGRY nia, are all men like tat one... haiz
wat will happen if i dun finish the antibiotic prescribed? It is so sian that i really need to breastfeed Zach cos he always need to drink milk..n i m lazy to get up n heat up his milk..arrggh..tink i will not finish the antibiotic lar. Heck care
my 2nd menses was more than a week late, the third one was 2 days late. Give it a few more days, your body will sort itself out. I'm used to the 28day cycle so now I'm just monitoring to see if its gonna be back to normal or is my cycle gonna change
my cycle has remained the same so far... tis time round is just 1 day late... I thot it'll be 1 wk late too...

Ur cycle now is longer or shorter?

Joking lar... :p My mens will be late if I'm stressed up. Happens during my schooling days too...

No eat finish = next time the anitbiotic not effective... Let me share with you my super long struggle with flu/cough/cold. First round, i kena doc din give me antib, only med (pheglm no colour). Shortly, i kena again (tis time phelgm yellow), doc give antib. i oso refuse to eat finish (when I stopped, i seem to have recovered). BUT my flu/cough/cold came back with a vengence!!! I got even more sick n my phelgm became green! So dun play play uh...
Today so quiet here... Friday is here!!! *YEAH!!!!*

I was reading ur post abt the Omnia again... So it oso has threaded sms. So like the iphone, it will show the sms like msn style... ur sms, the other person's reply, ur reply, the other person's reply, blah blah?

As for camera, so far the few samsung phones I have, I can agree that their cameras cannot make it... Even my lower pixel camera can do btr... :p

As for keyboard, i think it's good can choose. Cos i prefer the normal number pad- touch screen or not... Hehe, I shall shortlist omnia as a phone choice! Thanks for the "reviews".
I think my cycle should go back to the same, but now its just 2 days late. Just crossed my 3rd mens so far but I think it SHOULD go back to normal. It used to be very accurate, I always knew when I was ovulating. Now its harder to tell though...... have to be careful, don't want a baby YET
