(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

ya lor.. ah bur n cidney are stars this month in mother & baby.. keke.. so cute! Bur.. must remember to ask cidney to autograph my copy oh!
sam, i got free fries, petrol voucher nia..

on MC again.. 3rd MC within the past week!! Runny nose alr became bacteria infection..now hv to be on antibiotic n tat means cannot breastfeed..need to pump n throw. Sian...considering shuld take this time to stop breastfeeding totally n let him finish the frozen milk and then continue with goat's milk..

fabbie, how to stop breastfeeding ah?? totally dun pump n let it leak??
Hi Jowin,
payment made
on 28 Oct 2009 10:07 AM

To Account POSB Savings
137-52764-2 Jowinbaby
Amount S$19.72
Transaction Reference 2521750448
wah u still breastfeeding? Really salute u...
zach is so fortunate hehe

thanks for the bowl, quite amazing but when I give randall use, he take out the biscuits inside and throw..never eat leh..haiz
wa .. my menses FINALLY came after 10.5 months of breastfeeding. Now I hope my supply won't be affected !!!! Still want to continue bf-ing till Calista is about 14 months or so .. she still not so keen on formula now ..
Did u ask for breastfeed safe antibiotics? I just had mine last 2 weeks ago.. its breastfeeding safe..

To stop BF, its not STOP totally at once but to slowly lessen your pump session and latch session.

1.5 months to go for me to stop BF.. looking forward too.. yeah!!!

Gals, la
jowin, the dr cannot give me medicine that is safe for breastfeeding liao cos the last 2 visit they alr gave me those but not effective, so now must take stronger medication..i cannot keep having runny nose and worse is it became worse!
I alr pump once a day, aft 14hrs and my breast really hurts..but still latch 2x a day..i will gradually stop but like Sam, would like to cont partially till Zach is at least 18mths, if i can. So for the next 5 days is to pump n throw..after that i will not pump anymore, but juz let him latch.. so much easier.
Hi gals,

Mon evening ervin have a fall. My hubby say the fall is not hard lar but his face gena the box edge and bleed a little lei. See lei so heartpain.

I suppose to have my photoshooting this sun with Baby U. Now i need to call and change appt liao
you can check this website to see if your antibiotics is safe for BF: http://www.kellymom.com/health/meds/aap-approved-meds.html#Antibiotics

i also want to stop pumping during the day. now emma doesn't even like to take BM when i'm not around. we have to trick her to get her to drink milk. my MIL will put the milk in her doidy cup and mix it with her favourite farley's rusk, then she will take. but only just a little bit. one day, only take 2x2oz. now i'm just pumping once a day, to get 4 oz.

recently, i had to travel for work, for a one-day business trip. so i couldn't pump for >12 hours. just latch her when i got hom. hopefully this will help my daytime supply to reduce, so that i can just latch at night and stop pumping in the day.

i still have no menses leh. is there anyone who still has no menses yet? or am i the last one?
sam ,
yup i got tt copy & saw it too!

jowin, transfer to u already. thanks!
ref: 2521821190

by the way, normally those BF safe AB not very effective. I had 2 dose of AB few wks back. 1st round AB still can BF. But after I complete the whole course , still running fever not recover. So doc prescibe 2nd course of stronger AB, which I cant BF.

Kath, ya super sian, gott pump n throw..wasted but bo bian...& with that, I also cut down BF further...now cut to 2X a day le..exactly like ur intetnion, so now i only do latch on, no more pumping...
& ya, u cannot stop suddenly, its to slowly stop one..

Jowin, lets jia you! the day our bb blow out their 1st yr cake candle, the day we can stop BF.
jappooh, u giving up this sunday session with Baby U? can i call and take it up for a fren if u dun mind? what time will it be?

hope ervin recover well

ya i should be giving up loh. Your fren wan to take over? U call them up and let me knw. I havent call Brad yet.

My session is this sun at 3pm
echo im still in your club hehehe....

sayang ervin... now they are sooo active hard to refrain from knocks and bruises. Heartpain and I worry of scarring oso........

the problem is i have a "big monkey" at hm. So monkey see monkey do. So Ervin always follow the brother so end up got knock here and there..
Its like tat.. knock n bruise as they are so so so mobile nowadays.

Ashlynne just had her fat thigh stuck within her baby cot bars.. then scream n cry to free herself.. so hilarous.. but then i tried means n ways to free her.. its so tough too.. faint...
After tat.. her big fat thigh patchy red.. i afraid later will turn blue black.. Haiz

shortly after, she crawling on the floor.. Suddenly, BOM... she lost balance.. had her chin n nose smashed onto the floor.. cry like mad again...

See la.. how???

Now, she started crawling up staircase, open drawers , cabinet...

I am also busying running after her..
Jappooh, come back to u on this by end of the day k... btw jus curious are u taking the promo intro by phyl? $200 with all soft copies return, 2 concepts only? Thanks

ya loh now cant have my eyes off him loh.

On my bed he will crwal to the edge and throw all the things on the flr.. So worry he fall down loh..Sigh..

sorry sorry ... YES I received. thanks !!


wa I guess you're the last one lor. I was hoping mine won't come till later but too bad .. anyway, the flow is very very lite. My tampon is barely even 1/5 stained. Anyway, good liao for me ... the last 2 times I breastfed, my menses came just after 3 months of breastfeeding so I guess God is giving me a break this time around since it's my LAST baby ! Yay !!

I only went to macs twice .. cos u noe lar, I have so many ppl eating ... so no need to go multiple times like kath ...

What's your address? PM me, I have a lot of extras.

Why don u tell me what u don have? I aldy mentioned that I have most except for one of every colour (except the brown ones .. that one I don have BOTH) ... I think those missing ones are the few floating around - if get those sure win lor.
now must be extra careful with our kids.. Zach oso love to open cupboard. No one teach him but he learn looking at me opening n closing. I tink it will not be long before he start opening the freezer compartment and start eating ice cream on his own..hehe
tat day his fingers got stuck in between the drawer. He tried to take out but the other hand is pushing the drawer in while the other stuck one is trying to get out.naturally cannot lar..he dun cry oen leh..he onie "eh eh" aft tat continue same stunt so i cant be bothered.
ya.. no one taught them.. they imitate us. she saw me putting the hangers over the door knob. Dun know where she get a hanger too.. stood by the door n imitate me and wanna put the hanger over the door knob too.. Faint... At times she succeed and shout so happily. still can tip toe to hang it..
Kath! mine is both hands stuck in the drawer, then he "eh eh eh" cos he cant pull out, & cant sit down (pain mah), so i must "save" him

Jowin, at least u still can put her in the cot, mine refuses cot, will scream n cry. anyway i already keep the cot long ago. Now everynite he busy exploring while we busying "tagging" behind to "save" them.
Can give me some of the MAC stickers as well? Hehe...Thks!!

Re: baby U
Hey Sam, since Lil' Victoria's friend cant make it, u wanna take over Jappooh's slot this Sunday if Jappooh agrees to it lor...

I have this Sean Lau Photo package to let go. Already paid $94 to Sean Lau as deposit but the balance (Kath/any mommies, do u rmb how much was the total package amount and what was included in the package? Thks!) has to be paid after the session.

The photo session is this Sat, 31st Oct at 130pm to 330pm. I'm willing to sell this off at a fracture of the deposit, ie $65 only. Please PM me or sms me for those of u who has my mobile number.


02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau

05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”

01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)

DVD with selected images in high resolution
pas, mine will cry too . cos she knows its a TRAP.. haha.. but i really hack care sometimes.. throw in alot of toys n settle her for 15mins of peace for me... LOL

handling her alone not easy...

She always " kiap" her fingers at the drawers too.. told her so many times its painful also no use.. again n again..
Jappooh, ok

Rachel, sure .. I will do a check and let u know what I have. No lar .. I can't this Sunday .. my hubby is in US till 22nd Nov that's why I chose 23rd Nov :p thanks anyway, dear !!!
NP la....it's just that i feel ur slot in Nov is kinda late...maybe Calista would have started running by then...

So how? R u doing a spree on birthday party supplies? Hehe....
Jowinbb and Pas,
JIA YOU!!!! I am also stopping aft 1 yr... 6 more weeks to GO! *YEAH!*

jowinbb, I thot u continuing beyond a year? I now pumping 2 times a day... Dunno when then cut down to 1 time a day leh... :p When u cutting to once a day huh?

Recently, I put her in a super big basin that I use to wash her clothes... She was so comfortable, she just sit there stare at me and laugh (as thou it's darn funni). I think it's safer than the laundry basket lar...

My ger oso fall down countless times and she had her worse one at my MIL's place... Apparently her teeth cut the inside of her lips (OUCH!). And she really CRIED her heart out...

My ger oso started playing with cupboard doors. Cos she see me n hb open, so she oso wanna try... And she manage to open it! So scared she "kiap" her hands leh...
Hi mummies,
I would like to arrange the collection time for the cake order from PG but wondering how long can the fresh cream cake put under the room temperature.
May I have you advise please ?
little rabbit,
If not wrong hor. at most 1-2 hr wo refrigeration. cos fresh cream cake will "melt" and "sweat" leh... ur cake cannot fit the fridge?

kath, ohhhhhh !!!! okie. but like that how? Can still update the software later or they somehow know and your phone gets frozen?

wa how did u break it then? I think once my contract is up for renewal, i will get one but I hope by then Starhub will have it.
