(2008/11) November 2008

btw ladies.. haha i couldnt tight tee/top le.. sad sad leh..

recently jus shop online and found this online store selling dresses and tops that can be flexible to wear as maternity wear leh... can save money and wear after 9 months hahaa...

maybe u ladies can take a look there...

*** = com


hello... can i join? I've just cfm my pregnancy and mayb my baby is EDD falls in early november. Currently, having my second baby.
hi ladies, im tested +ve too
so excited as its my first one. but duno why im always very worried on the development of the baby

my last mense is 23 feb and i intend see a gynae tonight. will i be able to see any sac today?

will my edd be in nov too?
Went to gynae last sat, scan showed tat i m now 6 week & 4 days. Saw bb & heart beat, vy excited.

DH has planned to video the whole pregnancy starting from this visit :D so tat bb will learn how he/she come about...wahahah
Morning mummies and MTBs

Welcome! how old is your 1st bb?

Welcome Gillian,
guess u are too stress up.. Anyway, not to worry too much, just go to your gynae and let him/her monitor
hi ladies,
i'm new to this thread.. me too tested +ve.. last Af was 8 Feb. yet to see a gynae.. duno see which gynae now ^_^
Hi Vincy

Sama sama here. My hormones are low that why suffered from 2 miscarriages before. Then had my first gal in 2006 after i change my gynae. Now having injection everyweek and having the hormone pills everyday.

Always feel hungry. haha
preferably Mount A or else TMC.
tinking of gg to the one at sunplaza,Dr lawrence ang. Heard his not bad. anyone here heard of him? or engage him ?

get tired v easily. getting leg cramp & lower abdominal cramp. Been feeling so bloated recently.. jus like getting gastric flu. burp alot -_-
is all these normal?
Welcome all new mtb..hee

alibabab..my last AF was 8 Feb too..so u should be in wk6 now..! u decide on pte or gov? is a good time to visit gynae..should be able to c bb liao

Jazz..currently 2nd wan u have bleeding? i very kaisu request for injection although i only have brown discharge, but gynae say no need.

JJmom..so nice of your DH leh. Mine never accompany me to visit gynae..haiz

Might be abit early to c sac. but is still good to pay gynae a visit.
Any1 has dizzy & fainting spell? I will get it when i m hungry & feels warm...

Alibaba, I also feel tried all the time, it's normal. Some ladies here do burp too, they said it's normal. Others like leg cramp & lower abdominal cramp, I m not too sure. Better check with your gynae.
Vincy, get him to go with u mah. It's actually quite fun to c bb growing thru the scan. Mayb after his 1st trip, he will get hooked? Wahahah...

It's a learning process for him when he goes with u too coz the gynae will explain here & there. So he will know what to expect too :D
JJmom..I also had dizzy & fainting spell..gynae say is MS..so is ok.

My appointment oways in afternoon. If he go have to apply leave lo..: (
duno which gynae at my area attached with MT A leh.. TMC always v crowded de.. parking sure v jialat one..
leg nerve like kanna pull that type of feeling.. maybe walk too much.. or what.. duno y so fast got tis feeling now.. later stage sure worst de.. fainted..
hi MTb, ytd my hb dragged me to expo for window shopping at the mothers &baby fair. i was so tired! then he drove to tampines mall and insisted that i have to exercise more. so in the end, we window-shopped from tampines mall to century sqaure! i am so tired now!

when we are at our 1st trimester, we shldnt walk too much right? so angry with him!
wah.. ur hubby so fast wan u walk liao ah? mu hubby onli bring me walk alot in my 3rd trim.. it did help in my labour for my #1
hui>> yah lo! i m so tired and i have no energy to shop. he made me walk through all the two shopping malls even though he knew that i m not interested to purhcase anything. i think he is too kua zhang!

and then i told him that i want to go swimming in my later stage, he merely smile and say aiya walk can liao mah. dont swim the waters r so dirty. *angry*

tmc is very crowded. but nearer to whr i stay. toapayoh.
Pkum, think your DH must have got the wrong idea lah :D 1st trimester = rest more, 3rd trimester = walk more. Juz need to let him know more.

I will educate my DH too when I m learning abt pregnancy stuff myself now so tat he knows what to expect & how to handle me & JJ. Think it's gd to get hubby involve as early as possible :D
gd thing i have u gals! i m gog to show him this page! we first time parents, so i think he is too gan chiong... thk u so much!
i'm staying @ sembawang... Glen E. kinda far for me liao. becos i'm working @ woodlands area as well.. ^_^ gotta find one gynae around my area to save time & $$ . & also my hb mostly wont be able to acc me for check ups. cos of his irregular working time.
Pkum , wow your hubby so wen xin..yah 1st trimester dont walk too much, if got spotting try not to squat & carry heavy stuff also..hee

Jazz, who is your gynae? sometime i feel that just a blood test & adjust our hormone level can save a life but not all gynae will take the precaution to do blood test.

JJmon, my gynae at KKH, so her consultation timing only on weekday..
ur hubby too gan jiong liao lah.. That time late stage i walk alot then my labour time onli 5hrs nia..quite fast.. i never go for swim also.. important is to do ur pelvic exercise oh..Mt A is also near for u leh..

actuali Glen E is also far for me.. i stay hougang and work Jurong.. But my gynae got clinic @ Bishan so ok lah.. my hubby also work irreguar hour :D but he try to company to go if not i go myself lo :D
vincy>> my legs are still tired. ytd told him off to let me relax liao hahaha... he gave me the puppy look.

hui>> haha yes i just realised mt a also near me! my gynea is will only perform delivery in tmc. so far he is good, so just stick with him lo. other than walking what other exercise u do?

i feel more and more sleepy everyday.. i think i must sleep really early le.
ya.. most importabt is teh gynae that we comfort with :D. beside walking i onli do pelvic exercise then no more liao.. am a super lazy ger..
Vincy, me also at KKH but I do c my gynae on sat lei. Mayb u can check with KKH? But I will also have to go alone if DH is busy with work
Mayb can take video for him to c?
I m also super sleepy nowadays & hungry esp in the morning. I have to walk to the MRT & office with a pkt of biscuit in my hand...wahahah but if not, I will have tat fainting spell again, hate it.
I got same problem too!! I tot most people complains abt no appetite to eat. I can eat 2 slices of bread at 7am, by 11am, i'm starving like mad. Must rush out of ofc to buy something to eat. otherwise, very unbearable. N this morning sickness dun feel morning at all.. its whole day!!!! I usually have dinner at 8pm. At around 10pm... feel like puking and super giidy.
Hi Joyce,
Yes. I'm born in the year 1980. hee... couldn't think of a nick then.

Hi Vincy, Snnowy and PJ,
Thanks for all your advises. I went back to KK 24hr clinic to have another checkup and the foetus seemed ok. The doc ask me to wait for another 2 weeks to go back for the original appt. My friend told me it might be threaten abortion and really scare me. Luckily My bleeding stopped yesterday. Will be back to work tml after 5 weekdays of MC since last Tues.

How do I ask for Dr Tan? I go to the 24 hr clinic, they say we can't choose Dr there. And my appt 2 weeks later will be with another Doc so is it still possible to change?
MS me 1 day will giddy twice, just now almost doze off during work..heehee.

PKmum 1st trimester dont do anything, just eat, rest & sleep more..heehee!

JJmon my gynae no consult on sat : ( btw who is yr gynae?

august, your appointment 2 weeks later also at 24hr? y not u call KKH 62944050 to book a doc? U can ask for Dr KT Tan but u will be a private patient...! 24 Hr also not cheap then oways diff doctor.
although is call morning sickness but not onli happen in morning lah..some is whole day.. my #1 is reali morning.. but this one is whole day..

u can cancel ur appointment with that dr and book an appointment with Dr Tan. Like that u will be under private patient and not subsi patient..
August, if u wanna stay with the same doc thru out your pregnancy & have the doc deliver your bb too, u must b a private patient & book a gynae appt like what vincy has explained.

Vincy, my gynae is Dr Benjamin Tham. Seeing him at AMK KKH Woman Clinic.

But I thou the adv of being a private patient in KKH is to have more flexible time coz I know TPS has evening sessions too. Mayb u wanna check again, don't juz take whatever timing they give, try asking them if your desired timing is available :D
Babbit, now my makan timing so messed up. I start with the pkt of 2 biscuit in my hand on my way to office at 7:30am, 8:30am a big bowl of porridge for breakfast, 11:30am lunch, 3:30pm a bun for teabreak, 6:30pm dinner, 10:30pm milk & bread.

I m worried I will b overweight vy soon but if not I feel dizzy & fainting...argh
Hui, u also from KKH TPS? Which gynae r u with? Did u know abt the Antenatal 'FAST' scheme? It seems this is to replace their antenatal package but I m not sure too.
JJmom & Hui

My gynae got clinic at Pte Suite, last preggie i did check she dont have evening clinic. btw I work in the hospital so taking time off for check up. Only disadvantage is hubby no chance to come along unless he take leave.

Hospital cover for prenatal & delivery expenses..So i cant go private doctor..unless i want to dig out from my own pocket. hee

Walk in Clinic also charge private rate unless you go through polyclinic, so if go walk in must well book a doctor.
Hi Vincy

My gynae is Dr Douglas Ong. He is really good. I have my first gal successfully under his care. So still using him this time round!
Vincy>> yah lo. good idea. feel like sleeping now liao...

i think i also haf to keep eating/snacking else feel like pukin and burping..
hellow, my bb's existence had just been cfm and the EDD (as per the gynae) should be around (19th Nov t0 24th Nov) it's my 5th week now. Anyone same edd? I'm expecting my 2nd child now.
Hopes to graduate with all mummies here!

JJmom2008, care to share your knowledge about the Antenatal 'FAST' scheme? I'm now sourcing for a reliable gynae.

Can anyone share about their gynae's package and location? Appreciate much.
Bbhuimin, the Antenatal 'FAST' scheme at KKH is only for private patient. Pay a 1 time deposit of $488 by nets, cash or credit card. Then after each visit, they will auto deduct the bill for tat day so we don't have to queue for payment & appt making. Tat means after seeing the gynae, collect med = go home :D

The billing transaction details & appt date will b mail to us within 7 days.

Will get a $100 shopping voucher from KKH pharmacy after delivery.

Can call to enquire at 6394 3739

Yes, private patient can choose gynae. U have any1 in mind? Did u give birth to your #1 in KKH too?
