(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Thanks everyone for the list.

Yes, the school provided but I want to get more info for experienced mothers. I am very green here in terms of Childcare related stuff. :p

Thanks for the info on brightkidstar labels.
I like their labels but exp... Never mind, I got a labelling machine at home, will use that first although I think it may not stick well on fabrics.

About X2, wow, she is really a super light sleeper!
I got no tips for you as I also struggled like you with my boy who took the longest time to sleep and turn here and there. He even woke up at least 1 times at night now. But just to check that either me or hubby is besides him. Then he will fall back to sleep immed. Not so bad but I just had to wait until he turned 13 months then can sleep like that loh.

Maybe for sleeping patterns, nothing much we can do except to wait until the time comes that the kids will automatically sleep?

Still can't find CC for Elliot? No vacancy?
While I look forward to the time savings of me, no need to fetch them to/fro the current school within that 2,3 hrs... I also feel bad that I had to put them in CC the whole day...

put ur children in cc, you will miss them even more and treasure the "limited" time you have with them even more; in turn you sayang them even more (meaning more treats of meals, toys, etc; meaning more $ spend?? LOL); in turn more quality time with them; in turn more "good" memories

if 24/7, FOR ME, i get short tempered easily since they get on my nerves by the end of the day

i always think cc is a good choice. my son learns so much in school now. they even sing an appreciation song before meals
is it normal that no.1 gets v notti- to fight attention when the second sibling comes? my elder is v notii now, dunno is it coz of sibling rivalry or coz she in cc learnt fr other kids? but at times, i see her a big n loving sis... so i reali duno how to handle her.
esp after a long day at wrk, she comes back so noti, i will also flare up and start to take out my cane...
<font color="0000ff">\Pixie</font>

You have to cut the anger NOW!!! What you have described happened to me, on my girl! She is also not a good sleeper, when she was young, she took very long to fall asleep and woke up very easily (even now). She is okay in everything else except the night sleep. But you know how we dread a long night sleep, so over time, getting more and more impatient with her not being able to sleep well. Then started to blame her on everything else. The anger builds up and accumulates. Plus that she whines and cries A LOT (comparatively). And started to compare with her brother also, who sleeps very well. Once you started the scolding and smacking part, it's very difficult to stop if you don't stop NOW!!! I have been scolding/screming/shouting at her (the only thing i don't do is smacking/beating) for the past 2 years. Feeling so distress everytime, but just couldn't control myself. I am trying very hard to control my temper. It was much better a few months, then she started to wake up for milk again after we moved, can't really blame her right, but I did :-( After we came back from CNY, I do the cry-it-out method, so if so wakes in the middle of the night, I just sleep besides her and let her cry, not asnwering to her request for a bottle of milk, and not talking to her, till she has cried enough, she falls back to sleep. Kinda works, now out of the 7 days a week, she can sleep through (FINALLY!!!) for like 4-5 nights, usually the weekends she is rather unsettled cos of all the day time activities. Hope she will be sleeping well soon, and I would not scold/shout/scream at her anymore. Feel so bad to treat her like that, cos I treat HR totally differently, so unfair for my girl hor. I don't even raise my voice on HR, but I just don't or can't or didn't try hard enough to do the same for my girl. My hub reminded me many times not to get angry or rather not to release my anger by shouting/scolding at her, btut I didn't take his advise, so regretful now. Luckily I listened to him to never start smacking/beating.

Letting your maid to handle her for the time being while you take a breather is a good idea. I don't have anyone to help, my hub offered to help, but my gal refused, cried even more. During CNY, she had HFMD, so whined and cried even worse, I was so distressed that I even thought of committing suicide, serious! Take a breather and don't let the anger builds up. Take care!
kam n pixie,

I can understand how u feel as i am facing the same with my boy too! Trying to be as patient as possible. it doesnt help that he is already 2plus and still waking up for milk 2 times a night, plus the whining, crying n screaming in the middle of the nite. I hardly have time to sleep. I am still too soft to try the cry it out method with him. Worse is he can sense that i had woke up and started screaming immediately. At times, i will compare him with the elder sister who is a good sleeper. But i know its bad to compare both of them.
To provide myself with some free time, i woke up at 6 instead of 7 nw, but who knows, he also wakes up at 6plus nw. So, i counter and decided to wake up at 5plus. And in the end he also wake up at 5plus asking me to read books to him. Very soon, i think i will need to wake up in the middle of the nite to do my work.
I decided to do the CIO cos I think my girl is old enough to understand why I do that on her, and I know the chance of success would be high. It helps herself to sleep better, now whenever she sleeps through the night, the next morning she wakes up happy, smiling to me instead of whining, and has more energy for the rest of the day.

So scary right. Only 1 night, one time only.

Many reasons added up to that. Mainly was her constant whining and crying for that few days and stuck to me like a koala bear, not letting me to have any rest and sleep. At night, when she cried, the whole street heard her crying, really. Plus we were at our hometown that time, so many people sharing their experince and showing their concern, so much suggestions and well meaning comments to take on. That particular night really couldn't tahan already, so I was telling myself, the only way to end this is that I dissappear from this world. Then looked at HR who was sleeping so soundly next to us, I told myself one more day, hold on for one more day. Told my hub about this the next morning, he was so shocked that I had this thought, cos I am always the positive thinking, happy type of person. So that day, he dragged my girl away from me, brought her away from my parents house, so I had a breather, and things went better after that.
wah thanks for sharing your story
i know my gal dont sleep well. but if i make her super exhausted, she will most likely not wake up many x in the night kind. but i dont want to make her exhausted and get cranky kind of mood everyday leh, its not good for baby's development. imagine being cranky and pushing her limits just to ensure that she KONK out totally after that. quite evil i think.
thats why i still put her to sleep on routine. if my maid pat her for 1hr and she sleeps for 30mins, bo bian lor. at least i am giving her a structured routine...
she is really like what u said about XY, everything OK except sleep pattern. i really dunno what to do. i dont compare her to xandall all the time, but i only wish very much she can sleep as much/as well as xandall.

i also have many thoughts of going berserk. i told my hb many many x liao, he oso scared. so nowadays he will handle the bb if he can sense my frustration building up. also told me not to smack her.
havent 1yo, i oredi scold her liao, i never scolded xandall till he was of the age where he understands what we adults are talking. poor thing right. so nowadays i keep telling myself to chill and ignore my expectations. what i can do, i do. what she can do, she do...i feel better that way. these few nights she kept waking up too...i just latch her to shut her up lor muahahahahah...

so for now till she understands me, only firm tone allowed. hope i will succeed ok!
jiayou me and jiayou YOU!!

btw i can see vast difference between my 2 kids. my gal understands so many things now as compared to xandall when he was 11-12mths old. no wonder xandall so mild n guai, i should think he is slow muahahahahaha....
now xandria can use her hands to hit a surface on a rhythm if i show her. she knows when i do "zzzrrrkk" means i'm annoyed at her. she knows how to climb down from the bed and come out of the room herself. she knows how to push her feet and hands out of armholes/pants on her own...she can even soap/rub her body herself during shower...

xandall wasnt so advanced at this stage de leh

are your kids now at the why stage? xandall ask all the weirdest whys...

today, i had him at the "stand &amp; think" corner coz he was rude to me. wah, it worked like a charm. i think if i hardly use the corner he will fear it. if i use it often it just loses its importance....
hugzz!!! Don't ever think of that, ending our lives will be a quick fix but bring tremendous impact on our loved ones. Glad you snapped out of it fast :) I only thought of running away at times but end up will just switch off mentally and let maid handle the kids, locked my room door or go downstairs for a cup of coffee.

i think we mummies need to get away sometimes from our kids, get a breather, calm ourselves down.

My no 2 now is super sticky, she's good when i'm around her but when i stand to leave her side, she will wail loudly, even in the middle of the night. Very difficult to distract her. She will just stopped crying immediately when i carry her.

No 1 on the other hand is at the whiny stage, a lot of times have to flash the cane for her to listen and stop whining / crying. Most of the time she gets scare when i shout at her but i try not to do that too often, so use threats and treats instead.She's the one who gets me more frustrated at this point as she will give a lot of objections to what she don't want to do and whines a lot for what she wants.
pixie, kam, shannonbaby

i totally understand man. i tot my #1 was a bad sleeper but by 10mths she was sleeping thro and by 1yr old she can sleep by herself without 'super gluing' to me.

my #2 is even worse!! at 12mths she was still waking up every 1-2 hrs. some more she is the very loud kind. so every night i struggle with her and worry she'll wake hb and jie jie. when she sleeps she has to glue to me or sleep on me so it's extremely disruptive for me. if i get out of bed to go toilet, drink water etc within 10mins she's up and screaming. so i'm literally trapped on the bed from bedtime.

#1 is either neglected or hurried through her bedtime routine so tat i can put #2 down. i am soooo tired from lack of proper sleep plus facing #2 24/7 that many times when hb comes back i'm very short fused n blow up frequently.
last time with only 1, hb will help out by bringing #1 out for lunch/playground etc so at least i hv few hrs to myself. but hb can't manage 2 by himself so inevitably i'm always stuck with #2 or both.

few weeks ago i started letting #2 CIO at night. i started off by limiting night feeds to only twice at night. in between when she wakes i let her cry. 1st 2 nights she cried 45 mins. subsequently she cry less than 5 mins n tries to sleep back, occasionally she will stop crying then start again a few mins later, but at least it's not the non stop for 45 mins type.
now i'm down to feeding only once a night, eventually i will try to stop all night feeds.

hopefully she'll be able to sleep by herself soon.....
Hi mummies,

Long time no 'see'!! Updates updates!! I juz threw my towel yesterday!! It has been 6 mths since back to part time. I never expect my part time will end so soon, thought at least two yrs before #1 enter P1.

My reason just tied with your topics above!! Both my kids wake up one after another at 6am+ when I was preparing to go to work. Faint !! Suddenly so 'attached' to me after CNY. # 2 is so insecure knowing that I will be leaving for work at 7am. Her alarm auto set at 6.30am+, cry for me n this made me feel pain to lve her alone sitting on the sofa as I locked my gate every morning. Sometime when she cries, #1 wake up too and both cry out loud!! My poor hubby need to follow their early hrs n attend to them as I was aldy out. I thought it was juz a phase but this 'process' is repeating every morning. In the end, I had to sacrifice my part time job so that hubby is able to focus in his work n get better rest. Very soon, i will be back to square one - the 24/7 SAHM. Happy with my decision but sad to lve the co which I hv been ard for abt 10 yrs.

Recently, my boy is very sensitive to my reaction. If I m slightly louder to him. He will said 'mummy, pls talk nicely to me'. If my face turn black, he will said ' mummy 笑笑', even use his hand to force my mouth open widely n smile. Need to be extra careful with this sensitive boy. And now my gal also follow suit! Copy the same words n apply to me! Aiyo, I m losing my rights to get angry with them now.

Oh yes, read that a few mummies also start Yamaha this yr. can I know what type of keyboard did u buy n how much? Thks!

My gal also like that leh! Very sensitive to our moods. Can see black face immediately... if she knows she did something wrong, her eyes will turn red and ask if I'm angry.. etc. When I see that, I immediately have to cool myself down and tell myself not to flare up. Once I flare up, I take a long time to cool down. :p

Hope you feeling better now... when frustrated/angry, try to find someone else to help you do the job first while you go cool down.
You really quit your job? Wow, huge courage and big decision! I bow to you! Seriously. But I must say you have been very good and determined, strictly no maids, no childcare.

I am sure this decision is for the best of your kids. At least you tried the option of no pay leave, part time. I also think taking care of our kids by ourselves is better. Jiayou!!

Wish I can have the same courage like you.
I got some plans of my own for next year but hubby like not ver supportive yet. :p

Today 1st day of childcare for my kids.
No cries just that my boy felt the new env is strange to him.
He could not eat well in the morning and now I am worry if he is hungry and will get angry. My girl is adjusting well. Later pop over lunch and see how they are doing.
Krystle n tongtong,
Thanks ;) Hope I can 'enjoy' this new job too, haha. Don't think too far, juz take it as my early retirement, heehee ;)
No lah, won't do that, just a flashing thought at that very depressed moment.

Must be very tough for you, to take care of two, being pregnant, and have to work from home. Jia you ya.

My girl didn't cry too badly, and not too long. Probably about 15-30 min, and only for a few nights. I already stopped her midnight feeds for 3 weeks alredy. She still wakes up sometimes, but at least I don't have to go to the kitchen and make milk and then wash the bottle. Hopefully the next stage is that she can really sleep through and not to wake up at all at night.

For me, I am lucky loh. HR won't be woken up by the crying though he sleeps just next to XY. Once he sleeps, he would only open his eye the next morning :) But sometimes he would wake up and look for me at our room, he loves to touch my body to sleep, since we have co-sleep with him for the past 4 years, I let him to adapt to that slowly bah.

My girl was like that - wake up every 1 to 2 hours, when she was young!!! Exactly like you mentioned! That period of time I was also very very bad tempered leh, cos can't even go out and do housechores, so me time was totally zero. Hope your girl's sleeping pattern will improve soon.

Congrates!!!!! You finally made a decision. Good for you and for your kids. Enjoy your SAHM. This time is official, no u-turn already, hehe. All the best!

Share with us your plan when it's materilised. All the best!
My gal told me I am fat, ask me lose weight!!!! Ah!!! Then Elliot told my maid she is fat, ask her why her stomach so big, not like last time!! He told her go stick her fingers into her mouth to dig so she will vomit out her food!!! Where did he get such ideas???!!!
You went back to being SAHM? Your part-time job was half-day kind or only selective days in a week? Is it really tough even for part-time basis? Kids don't really like mummy to work I guess

Sorry for asking cos an ex-boss asked me to go back to work for him. I doubt I can go back to full-time job and leave my boy to in-laws. Was considering if half-day basis is feasible for the co. and myself. Since my boy is in school from 11am to 2pm, I can send him to school then go to work from 12pm to 6pm. He will take school bus back to in-laws for afternoon nap and dinner. At least I can still spend my mornings with him but not sure if it'll work. All my wishful thinking lah. But seeing so many of you having difficulty coping with work and kids, I also scared to return to the workforce.
Kam, thks ;) u r rite! No U-turn to the current Co. Is a tough decision! Good luck to me ;)

Yvonne, will like to share that it is good to get away from kids for half a day if there's help ;) But this also depend on your half day work scope. If u like the work scope n can lve on dock. Your plan will be perfect, work n family well balance. For me, my working hrs is half day morning n my mum comes to my Hse every morning. But problem is my kids wake up earlier n earlier each day, to the extend 6.15am once I lve my bed ! They rather stay by my side yawning n refuse to return to their bed. No matter how I adjust their sleeping hrs, still wake up as soon I get up.
Another problem is I have two kids not one. When back home from half day morning job, the noon time is given to my boy. Though only K1, his sch has weekly Chinese spelling n the words are not simple like the recent ' 多' almost drive me crazy while guiding him. Each day need to spend half an hr or more to learn to write the stroke. And I still hv my daily home learning work for him. My time really not enough to cover two kids if I want to coach my gal too. Now she is 2yrs 8mths n still dunno abc n 123!! My boy at abt this age or 3yo aldy know how to read simple sight words n 1-100. Is such a vast different. Because I do not hv enoght time n did not teach her anything until now. To be fair, quit my job n spilt my time into two. Morning for my gal n noon for boy ;) Although I sound KS but I know is good for them. My boy has no problem in reading english stories book n simple instruction from the homework given in sch. I juz need to put more effort on his Chinese.

Juz do anything that u are happier, if u think happier to have a half day 'me' time n able to manage your work pressure n time well, go for it since there' s an opportunity. Even after u tried, u feel that you are better off to stay at home, juz quit. Hee, SAHM job will always be an empty vacancy open for your return ;)
janbb, thanks for sharing. Wah, you really put in alot of effort in your boy and home learning. I'm pretty lazy and don't have much patience to teach so I leave it to his teachers and my hubby.

I guess my going back to the workforce might have to wait for a few more years or won't even happen. Hubby don't mind whether I go back to work or not so I asked my boy for his opinion. Straight away he told me "mummy cannot work!". He says I have to send him to school and fetch him home and he doesn't want to go to in-laws place in the afternoons. He was always curious about taking the school bus but now he says he doesn't want to and wants me to fetch him. So I might end up with a similar problem like yours and my boy will also have a hard time adjusting to a new routine.

Actually I still have a lot of me time when my boy is in school so I'm not dying to get out of the house to work. I was just tempted cos he's an ex-boss whom I respected and enjoyed working with very much so I did not turn down the offer and wanted to give the idea some thought. But I guess SAHM will be my calling for a few more years
I m a sahm who can't wait to get out of the house!! Lol, think not my calling leh, how?? If I work, all go childcare my $$ all go there.

Welcome to the club. Wanna go high tea?? Lol. Ur kids will continue at kindergarten or childcare?
Janbb, Agree with Yvonne, u r a very hardworking mum. If u r ever thinking of going back to work, can try working in early childhood curriculum or teacher? I think u will be very successful, hehe.

Yvonne, yesterday, RA started saying that she don't want mummy to have money, dun want mummy to work. It was quite heartwarming except when she went on n on until this morning n refused to go to cc. :p

Sometimes, feel like pulling them out of cc, enrolling them in pcf kindergarten, hire a maid then look after them myself. My work is flexi hrs n mostly at night so still ok, but enrichment may have to be sacrificed cos difficult to bring them one by one. :p
wah, i oso feel u put in alot of work for your children...like shannonbaby
i think the rest of all all bochup
i just throw to my son's cc to get him to teach. at home reinforce only

you are not fat lah, i see ur pics on fb, ok everyone's got tummy but thats the sacrifice for having 1,2, or 3 kids leh. somemore you have got 3

which leads me to my qn for today:
if your child is rude eg talk to you rudely or said some unkind words, how do you deal with it?
I used to work from 7 am to 6 pm ah
..We have less and less time when we have more kids. Last year, I was so busy till I have no time to train #2 to write. Till now, still can't write very well. Luckily, I'm staying at home to "push" him.

My boys would prefer that I work. As my hours were long and I'm not around to "bark" at them to revise this and that. In fact, #2 thinks it is very "siong". This year he has Chinese enrichment, English enrichment and swimming, will include art next term..

Now that my elder one is in P3, he certainly has more work to do than before. Actually once kids start to go into mainstream schools, there will be less time than before.

My son asked me why I'm so short. Must be because I did not eat when I was a kid. Sigh!, Nobody is perfect.
Blackbatz, ya lor, my hubby also like that 7am to 6pm everyday. That's why the gals very sticky to me cos they know Daddy got to work. To RA, mummy's work is optional, think she knows I am at home most of the time. :p

Yesterday, I told RA it's better to go to school cos Mummy will scold and beat you but teachers will not. But she still said she wants Mummy. Hiaz, also don't know whether to be happy or sad. But I told her that Mummy will try my best not to look after you once you start Primary school, cos she will come back in the afternoon and I think I will need to do more coaching of homework by then instead of being bo chap like now. :p
My HR is very sweet, even when I point to the very pretty actress on the newspaper, he would still say mama is the prettiest. When my hubby teased me and said I am fat (I am in fact, I know), my boy would say no, it's okay, mama is not fat, mama is pretty mama, kekeke. And no matter what food we gave him, cooked by my mum or dined out at restaurants, he would still say mama's cooking is the best :)))))

Don't look back! All the very best with your adventure. Your kids are very very lucky to have such a wonderful mum.

All the best to you too!!

Agree!! JanBB and Shannonbaby are the most hardworking mums who do a lot of home teaching. I have never done any structure learning for them at home. Before we moved, I still did some arts and crafts with them. But hor, after the move, they are doing free play every day, no more bedtime reading/storytelling cos they prefer to play longer in the living room. Once I have fully settled down (still haven't sorted out their piles of arts and crafts stuff), will like to start doing activities with them, and must start the bedtime reading/storytelling again.

Yesterday HR spent 3 hours at the pool!! He was using the arm float thingy (don't know what it is called), with some encouragement, he dared to "swim" in the adult pool!! Kicking so hard, and he enjoyed it very much, proundly declared that "Mama I can swim already!". He might be able to swim if hub can guide him a bit on the movement. I cannot swim :p
But you have 3 to handle, I will pull out my hair and dash out of the house if I have to handle 3 on my own. But at least you have back-up from your maid, mum and in-law so not too bad lah. Can still go shopping and run errands alone while I have to bring my boy everywhere with me.

Guess our kids are starting to realise that mummies scold/nag them for their own good so they appreciate us more...hopefully. My boy also shower me with "I love you" everyday...sometimes also melt my heart. I will tell him not to do things to make me angry becos I love him very much and I do not like to scold or punish him. He seems to accept that and is more willing to apologise and try not to make me angry nowadays.

B ever told me thathis classmate's birthday cake is disgusting (he learnt the word on TV). I told him it's not a nice thing to say and how he would feel if other people said nasty things about him. Not sure whether he understood but I'll tell him if he doesn't want people to treat him that way then don't do it to others.
yvonne, ya, hopefully. So good, my gal seldom says 'I love you' nowadays. Instead, she is always fishing for praises and compliments. Not sure why, since I do praise her from time to time. Maybe I should praise her more. :p

Kam, that's good. save on swimming lessons. Anyway, I am KIVing RA's swimming lessons cos the new coach's timing is too early (855am so water too cold and RL cannot wake up in time to join us). Also, RA is afraid of the deeper learner's pool that this coach uses. Last Sun, she refused to even walk in the shallow end of the water so we didn't start lessons at all. If after a few weeks and she still cannot get used to it, either I have to find a new coach or I drop swimming lessons then our sunday mornings will be free again. A really tempting thought.
kitsune, wanna to join V's swimming class on sun 330pm
? ytd V tried her first lesson, she like it very much
i can see she trying her very best to learn
TTC #2 since #1 is aldy quite old now
Feel that a four year gap bet sibling is juz nice. And with #2, u will be more occupied ;)

Onz for hi-tea, lunch or brunch! Cos I m juz like u, need to get away from them at least once a week! Like that will make me feel better n throw less temper at them, haha ;) we shld arrange lunch with SAHM or working mum in town ;p btw your #3 is sooooo cute, saw his pix in fb! Bring him out n I wanna kiss him, haha

Pauline, pixie, Kam
Thanks. Actually I salute more to Shannonbaby as she is a full time working mum n still manage to do lots of home learning with her two kids ;) From this min onwards, I m free from work, yahoo!! Otw home. Juz had a farewell lunch with boss n colleagues. Hope I have more time to play with my kids too. My kids are in 'Lego' craze recently !!
we still say "i love you mama" "i love you xandall" everyday without fail, when i send him to school and/or when i pick him up from school. along the way i will have the ritual of saying "i love you", and the 3 things he must do when in school. so yes, i do still hear this from him daily. sometimes he will say "i like you, mama", i think he has some separation anxiety thingy going on right now whenever he sees me dressing to go out/work

i think my son grew up alot ever since he joined N2...he automatically go n practice his alphabets, colouring. and he wants me to read him more books - unlike before ask him do sit down work he very unwilling. now can spell out any word he sees outside, and also we are counting 30-100.....am i too slow ah

then recently he can tie knots. i think learn in school too

but hor, his focus is really very bad. swimming *shake head* even swim coach oso say x1 cannot focus. waste my $$. yesterday threatened him saying no more swimming lessons next week liao coz we oredi told him to focus prior to class starting and in the end still dont want. look left/right, play bubbles....teacher say kick, he walk in the water. teacher gave instructions he look ard, in the end all the children swim off liao he dunno what to do coz he missed all the explanation/instructions......sighssssss
We've been ttc #2 for over 6 months liao but no news...probably too old liao. Don't have also nevermind...more time for myself
When I had 1, I oso no maid. Also lug her everywhere I go. Now #2 in childcare at least I can run ard more. Also my maid is my previous maid who handled Elliot since young, so I trust her more with #3. But still need to monitor a bit lah.

If you wan to concerntrate on your career, you cannot put in pcf. Better just go CC lah, then your free time you rest or spend time with hb. Usually my mornings I more free cos Elliot and Nat in sch, but come evenings, is chaos. I only have patience for him on weekends. If everyday he is home from 11am, i think I faint.

Hahaha... now your kids can answer you back liao, ask why you so short. But you really petite leh. I feel like a giant beside you! Are your students in school afraid of you? If you teach in sec sch, they will tower over you.

My free day is Fri cos I pick my girl at 3pm. Dunno if the rest can make it for lunch. Then we sahm can come out.
Ay, from my #3 out, I can't eat in peace. Lol

I v fat leh. My tummy is like a huge float. Not bcos I have kids, but I am fat since young. Tats why I dun wan my girl to be fat! Doesnt' feel nice.

Your boy is mommy's boy!!! So sweet. Maybe he learn from your hb!! Cos your hb oso loving to you.
That day Elliot told me "I will always love you, I will NEVER STOP loving you." But... in a while, I scolded him, he say "I don't love you!" Hmmm.... men are fickle minded!

Re: Hometeaching
I realised it is not in my blood!!!!

I am able to do home learning with my kids as I have a helper at home. Thus, I dont need to do any housework. After work, either i spend time with the kids or go for couple date with my hb. I love to teach my gal cos she is a fast learner. Everytime, I just need to tell her 1 - 2times and she can absorb it already.

I am so envy of u. Can quit to be SAHM. HB says I should work so that we can save more $$ for the future and for travelling..so I decided to continue working.
I thought can buy from BP..but I heard from gmarket can use passion card to get discount.

I was given secondary school but I "begged" them for primary school during the interview.
I am quite fierce so they have no chance to "bite" me. These days must earn respect lor...

I certainly agree that evening time is chaotic. With the cooking, kids and babies' cries.
Don't give up! Keep on trying, jia you ;).

I give myself some 'time off' on fri too. To do my monthly facial, pedicure n meetup with friends n learn driving ;) I have finally decided to enrol BBDC, will be good to get the driving license cos plan to fetch kids to sch by myself next time. Frankly, my sense of direction is very poor n hv no confident n interest in driving at all. All these yrs have been too comfortable being chauffeured ard n always follow blindly. So stressful when I saw the system that BBDC is offering. No choice, for the sake of kids, I gg to give it a try.

U are coping well with your kids' home learning and you have great passion for your job, make me envy too ;) are your both kids still at Shichida? I guess u muz hv learnt a lot from the class rite. My home learning started after attended their class, somehow kids n me enjoy the flashcards system of learning/teaching.

Re: home learning
Currently bought a Chinese series of book called 四五快读 to teach my boy to recognize chinese character. So far so good n he is picking up fast n able to read short sentences ;) The whole series consist of 7 chapters &amp; need to do simple coaching by Flashcard n matching words to pictures in the book. A good start for kids from 4yo onwards. Home learning is easy. Everyone can do it, even sitting down n read aloud with kids will also do. 1 day 15min also better than nothing. Mummies, you can do it too. Take it as bonding, hehe ;)
Both my kids r still in SM class. Actually, I had lots of ready materials on hands already since it's part of my job requirement. SM class is more of a supplement to what we did at home.
I had the same Chinese series of book too! I use it to teach my gal how to read Chinese

Actually parents r our kids best teacher! I am so happy when my kids prefer to learn from me than going for classes.

Re: maid
I am thankful I have a great maid. She can handle both my kids well when I work late or go dating with my hb. In fact, most of the time, by the time I reach home from work, she has feed the kids, n shower them and starts reading stories to them. My maid will read lots of stories to both my kids when I am not at home and both wil sit down quietly to listen to her reading. my maid is my assistant teacher at home, when I am teaching or reading to one child, she will handle the other one, working on the learning activities with him / her.

Re: saying I love you
My kids are trained to express their feelings openly..maybe cos my hb will says "I love you" to all 3 of us everyday. So they learn and do the same every day or as and when they feel likes. Hugs n kisses are shown openly in our family.

Re: me time
Cant remember when was my last "me" time. How I wish I can sit down n have a cup of coffee n watch people walking by. These days all my free time r spend with either the kids, my hb or family outings. One of the reasons why I m still working is becos it gives me an opportunity to gossip with my colleagues, at least I have someone to talk to..haha.
Hmmm... let me check again.
I can't be a teacher, sure blood boil.
Everyday I am still thinking abt the CC arrangement for Elliot. Sigh...

I got my license 15 yrs ago. Hmmm... makes me feel so old. It is useful to have another person who can drive at home other than your hb. I "rescued" my hb a few times. His bicycle got prob, I was 40 weeks preg, still drive to bring spanner to him! Lol!! Sent him to doc. blah blah...

My maid used to read a lot to Elliot, but my #3 not keen to listen! He wants to get the books off the shelves but not sit and listen. If I had only 2 kids, then she can handle Elliot and teach him while I handle #1. But now with #3, really headache leh. Always wants to be carried.
Mom2nat, during weekdays, hubby works till evening so by the time he is back, the kids are also back, no couple time leh. Only good time is school hols lar, cos kids still have CC, then I can go out with him. ya, difficult to work but if I hire maid, every month incur extra $800, so will need to take them out of CC to save on school fees lor. Dilemma lor. :p
Aboout happycall pan, my brother said no more passion card discount and he bought it from this seller called smart green style.

My #3 also wants to be carried all the time. In fact, I was contemplaating getting the Exersaucer to "dump" him inside so that he will not ask to be carried. My dad can't carry him because of injury. Is your #3 fussy?

Actually Elliot is very mild le..I told #3 if he is too fussy, I will place him in a childcare center next time.

I got my license 19 years ago..Sob!! Sob!!

#1 and #2 have different reading habits.

I think you have a supermaid. I think I have more "me" time when I was working. Haven't gone for facial for ages. Sigh!!

Maybe can get your hubby to knock off early twice a month for your couple time. Teachers quite rubbertime..They have this mentality "Once I finish marking this piece work or composition, I can return to the class tomorrow." It is never ending cos if you look around, there will be another stack on the desk and 3 more stacks in the locker.

Tell your hubby must find couple time. At least your timing is more flexible.

Previously when #1 has his enrichment class at night, we would drop him off for his class and go elsewhere for good dinner and chat till it is almost time to pick him up.

ur boy still in mindchamps? maybe u can try little skoolhouse in tampines junction?
I agree 2 is just nice. 3 will be tough to handle.

jia you in getting the license. its really help a lot, esp when hb is busy at work, we can drive the kids around..
