(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

theres one...i cant remember the name of the shop, its at serangoon there, should be quite fast for u, just take the road to yck road then go straight down....shucks...
some star or some lights one, i try to google for you

22 Oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade, suitable for kids 2-4 yrs old, free seating on the floor. Bulk price: 4 tics for $50 vs 1 tic for $15. (excl $1 booking fee per tic)
1. Kitsune_sg, 3 tics
2. Pixie, 2tics
i want to borrow a coat (if i really have to go UK). not a winter coat where im bundled thickly kind like snowing kind of coat...im looking for a ladies coat....like a trench coat? what do you call that anyway?!
if you have and you are ard my size can lemme know? i borrow and i'll dryclean n return to you
i dont want to spend $$ to buy one and use for few days only
like this:

but that burberry prorsum, too atas for me heehee
i bought my girl's bed from hougang, i email you the brochure when i get back.

nice coat there, i never travel to cold countries before so don't have. Can't help.

the zoolympics sounds interesting, not sure whether it's suitable for our tots though. Anyone going?

My C2 is getting more aware and now will be very upset when i bring C1 out without her. Partly cos i can feel that she don't like my maid.
Thnx all!

Went defu furniture to c, but cost $399 jus for a simple frame (car design) excluding mattress! ;p
I didn't book tix for the Baby Panda leh. Cos didn't know how busy my hub's new job would be. Today we went for a show (by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra), he has to work the whole day, only dropped by 5min before the show and left 10min after the show. Lucky I went with my friend, so she helped me with the kids too, esp during the car ride. Now that I have to travel for work, even don't dare or cannot book for show too much in advnace liao :-(

Oh BTW, the show we went was this - http://sco.com.sg/concert/programmes/3347.html, very interesting and the kids loved it!! And the tix is very cheap too - $11 for 1hour plus of live orchestra, very worth it, just that the timing is not great, it's 8pm. Look out for it, they will have more shows like this for the children.

Glad to know CIO works for X2! It's really great thing that X1 is willing to try falling asleep by himself, very well done! Mine still sticking to me like superglu, must touch my hand and leg to fall sleep.

You will be going to London in late May / early June?? It's about summer time already right? Still have to wear "heavy-duty" coat like that? Thought those Britons are nearly wearing sleeveless and shorts already around this time :)

Though I have lived in England for a few years, I don't have much tips to offer you cos I didn't live in London, never stayed a night in London, only did day visits, and I didn't do shopping at all. If you are going to ask about places of interest, then I may be able to help.

pixie / Luvv,
We had been to a similar activity like the Zoolympic a few months ago. It's a great dissappointment. It's very poorly organised and honestly, it's not fun at all. Main reason being that they hired part timers (students) to run the game booths, and these young people ah, no enthu in playing the games with the kids, looking at their face also sian liao, and their attitute is super bad, like you want to play you play loh, I just stand here and look. And because we went with so much expectation, you know, the pre-talks I had to give to HR to get him interest, trying to do the "woah" and "ooooh" and being silly to make the game looked fun, after 2 game booths, totally no mood liao and gave up. Not sure how it'll be for this coming Zoolympic, I hope there were people feedback about the last round and they improved on it. But we are definitely not going for that.
Pixie, I also borrowed a coat from my cousin when I went to Shanghai in 08. hee.

Nez, oic, I dun mind Pooh bear but prefer std single beds cos easier to find bedsheets. But since RaeAnne is enjoying rolling about on her queen size sofa bed, I dun have to look for beds until Mei Mei outgrows her little cot bed. :p
I was in London in end Apr/May last year. Only cold if wind is blowing. I brought my winter coat along but inside just wore a normal t-shirt. But it can be warm at times that I had to took it off. You want to be stylo-milo and be more presentable in working env, then you need a trench coat like the one you posted. But I think by the time you go, already starting to get warm. I think just a thicker cardigan will do. Or you wear layering loh.
Yah headache leh. I need to wear office attire so i planned to bring all dresses, ez to pack mah. Then if im out i will be cold so i need a coat. I have a normal semi formal office jacket but i wear it outside still ok lah, but come weekends, dun ask me to wear the same office jacket again, i will cry....so 'proper' during weekends

I shld b bringing my jacket n make do...but i need a scarf. No coat just jacket n scarf-ed myself, heck lah.
I dont intend to buy one so is there any mummy who is willing to lend me?
Im thinking of layering too, but i tell u all something: i have NO long sleeve top, winner rite
If trip cfm then end of d mth go buy one...GSS coming soon rite
Btw kam
No sightseeing for me i think we extend a day more of trip for f&e (shopping)....
X1 can finally sleep by himself now. First few days refused to sleep. Tok, laff, play, roll, sing, flip.....make me angry only...friday i put him to bed n he ko within half hr which is his typical time taken...so yes, i finally suceed!
thanks! my supply dropping actually. i now only can pump 1ltr a day (not including those taken in by x2 thru latching at nights)....last time can hit 1.2ltr or more....
anyway i sms the mummy liao, if i can clear them why not
Pixie, too bad, I just ordered from amazon two days ago. Anyway, difficult to collect from your sis since you moved to west liao. :p

Sigh, RaeAnne has been running a fever for 2 days, weekend burnt. she got infection from her cough which started on Wed. So sian that she is always sick. Dun know if it's cos ILs let her eat chocs (kit kat) at their house since I started my class or because there are sick classmates passing the bug.
morning mylvera!

Haven't planned prog for tomorrow yet. Weekend was burnt as hub was working the whole weekend :-( Mostly likely going to a buddhist association for Wesak's Day celebration. If we were to go to the zoo, I will SMS you. Have a fun trip!!
Genice, noted.
but we have 7 tics only, still need 1 more tic. Wait n see if there r any more pp interested. :p
22 Oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade, suitable for kids 2-4 yrs old, free seating on the floor. Bulk price: 4 tics for $50 vs 1 tic for $15. (excl $1 booking fee per tic)
1. Kitsune_sg, 3 tics
2. Pixie, 2tics
3. Genice, 2 tics.
Yes, I am keen to get the lansinoh milk bags. Isit in boxes of 25 or 50s? How much ah?

I wanna go noisy zoo n a few other shows, but no time to login. These few days I have been surviving on 4 hrs broken sleep a night. Last night felt giddy, must b lack of sleep.
Hi, we have 9 tics so far, just need another 3 tics n we can go ahead to book. Any more interested?

22 Oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade, suitable for kids 2-4 yrs old, free seating on the floor. Bulk price: 4 tics for $50 vs 1 tic for $15. (excl $1 booking fee per tic)
1. Kitsune_sg, 3 tics
2. Pixie, 2tics
3. Genice, 2 tics.
4. Dor, 2 tics
Jacelyn, according to website


All patrons must purchase a ticket for admission.

Recommended for children aged 2 to 4 years old.

* No Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event !>

So, everyone needs a tic. If you have 4 tics exactly, you can book online for 22 Oct (Sat), 11am once we finalise the playdate cos $50 for 4 tics is the best price available liao.

I just called to check, even kids below 2 yrs old need a tic for this play so either I bring her and pay $50 for 4 tics or maybe I'll leave RL behind. Need to check with hubby. :p

So afraid i bring Jasmyn then she dunno how to appreciate the show cranky ther $$ wasted. Bring maid is to look after #2. Ok then i book online tot can book and we all can have the seats together.
Jacelyn, no seats will be allocated cos it's free seating on the floor. So, we can definitely sit together. I think we can arrange to meet outside the theatre then go in tog.

Ya lor, I am also afraid RL won't understand. Worse, if I need to bring maid to look after RL, then I'll need 5 tics! Then got to pay full price somemore. :p
im racking my brains thinking what to do tomorrow
friday cc closed, and i need to go to orchard to pick up my retainers....sighs, have to bring the whole kampong down

2 days....of being aimless. throw me some suggestions pls!!
Spoke to hubby, decided to get 4 tics (bring RL) so that it's easier to coordinate, then we can get this playdate going before tics run out.

What a Noisy Zoo!
22 Oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade,
for kids 2-4 yrs old, free seating on the floor.
Bulk price: 4 tics for $50 vs 1 tic for $15. (excl $1 booking fee per tic)http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&contentCode=noisyzoo1011

1. Kitsune_sg, 4 tics (4 tics for $50)
2. Jacelyn, 4 tics (4 tics for $50)
3. Pixie, 2 tics ) Pixie pair up with Genice
4. Genice, 2 tics )
5. Dor, 2 tics ) Dor pair up with Eliaw
6. Eliaw, 2 tics )

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Do you prefer me to help buy the tickets (everyone transfer $ to me, I buy then pass tics to you on 22 Oct or via postage, then u'll need to pay me for tic, booking fee plus postage charges). Or do you prefer to pair up (see the suggested pair-ups above) and you buy tickets on your own (you transfer $ to each other only) then arrange tic collection with your partner?</font></font>
Pixie, I am joining some Feb mummies at T3 coffee club tom for mini play date in the morning. But now airport so far for you, dun think you'll go bah. Or you wanna join mylvera at the zoo?
So far, Genice n Eliaw have replied that they prefer me to help buy the tics. If the others have no objections, then pls transfer the tic price + booking fee to me at posb savings 126-42063-3. We will meet 15 mins before the show on 22 oct n I pass u the tics.

But if u want to collect your tic before 22 oct, u can self collect at Tampines (anyday) or 313 somerset on sundays b/w 12-1pm. Pls arrange with me. If u want to go via post, got to wait till I am free to go to post office esp for reg mail.
<font color="ff0000">Pls pm me after u transferred, I hope to buy tics Tom, 18 may, cos sat morning show r popular n may sell out soon.</font>

'What a Noisy Zoo!'
22 oct, 11am, Esplanade
1) pixie $27 ($12.50 x 2 + $1 booking fee per tic)
2) Genice $27
3) Dor $27
4) Eliaw $27
5) jacelyn (as mentioned, think more convenient for u to buy direct, right?)
i will trf the $$ to you, you book better lar

in the end i brought kampong to sci centre in d morning for a run @ foc park, then afternoon again the whole kampong + hb to imm to bio bridal shoots packages
Received this from Thomson Paediatric Centre, some of you with olders kids may be interested?

Thomson Paediatric Centre (The Child Development Centre) is starting a School Holiday Programme on Anger Management from 7 June – 5 July 2011 (Tuesdays)! This is a Group Programme that caters for Primary 1 to 3 children.

Do you feel that your child has a bad temper?
Does he/she seems to be 'out of control' when angry?
Are you at a loss on how to correct his/her behaviour?

Come join us for our Anger Management Group!

In this group, we aim to help children identify their anger triggers and teach them methods of expressing anger appropriately. Your child will learn to recognise their emotions using fun and effective methods! The group will be conducted by our child psychologists and comprises of 5 sessions for children and 2 sessions for parents. Parent session will focus on techniques for managing your child's anger and emotions.
Please refer to the attached pamphlet for more details. For enquiries or to sign up for the Anger Management Group, please contact us at 6397 6627 or email to: [email protected]

Thomson Paediatric Centre - The Child Development Centre6397 6627 (tel)| 6397 6701 (fax) 10 Sinaran Drive #09-04 Novena Medical Centre Singapore 307506 www.thomsonpaeds.com/cdc
Pixie, thanks, once everyone has transferred the funds, i will proceed to buy the tics.

Yvonne, I am keen but Raeanne is still too young. :p
Pixie, thanks, once everyone has transferred the funds, i can proceed to buy the tics.

Yvonne, I am keen but Raeanne is still too young. :p

"lazy eyes" means yr child constantly make use of one eye to read and see instead of both eyes. I saw some kids in my school going to KKH for lazy eyes checkup. Usually they will be given an eye patch to stick on one eye which is frequently use so that they will be encourage to use the other eye...hope this answer yr query...
