(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hello all!!

big hello to wendyg!!

im surviving....i am handling my own 8.9 tsunami/earthquake right now...
when i have settled everything then i update u mummies again!

wah #3....jiayou!! kekekeke

Krystle, oic, I guessed her hubby must be a high flier that's why always see pics of her n her kids in country clubs n holidaying. With great power, come great responsibility, cannot anyhow quit n go bah. My cousin who was based in Japan came back yesterday morning. She will be working from home until things settle in Japan.
I am back, nothing much to buy. The bargain books at popular were so little this time. After I touch, my hands became so dirty and dusty. V crowded oso lor.

Thanks, I saw many preggies with huge tummies shopping at the bb fair. Every yr oso same. UNless got something in mind to buy, otherwise oso nothing much.

I wanna nap, but no time today leh. the washing machine repair man coming... still haven't reached!

The tread so quiet

Completed the course. Reached home much earlier than the usual time. Gonna bring the kids out for fun soon! Have a great weekend, everyone!
The Disney show was a disappointment! McQueen only came out for 5 min. Elliot was eating snacks throughout the show, restless, hoping to c the cars again, but none!! Waste my $$ cos the other parts were so so only
Janbb, my #2 is only going to school next mon, N2...I din manage to teach him much at home cuz more focusing on #1...hopefully teachers can help to speed him up since he hasn't started school and is yr end bb...jia lat for my kids as all are last quarter of the yr bb! Haha

Hb with kids:
Sometimes can't stand the way my hb teach or play with my kids...can one moment very nice and next moment very fierce to them...nowadays always has disagreement with him till I dun really wan to talk much to him abt tis...

Now focus on kids and bb girl...she bz now flipping left and right...
Just to check any of u taking Yasmin contraception pill? Beside getting from gynae anywhere else?

Steph n Jacelyn, how r both of u? I hv lost both ur contact cos my previous phone spolit. Care to text me?
Hi Joyce,

I am fine.... Not all pple can take Yasmin. Some may experience nausea feeling this mean u need to change another brand. I just bought Mealiane (Not sure correct spelling)have not try. U can get prescribtion from GP to buy Yasmin from pharmacy.
Went to expo's babyfair to buy Pureen laundry detergent and bottle cleaners. Anyone stopped using the above for their kiddos? Wondering when I can stop cos RL is already 15 months plus. :p
Thanks Jacelyn... Will ask my gynae to prescribe so tt I can get from pharmacy easiler for me..

Steph, I hv text u...
morning 妈妈们

wah the thread is so so quiet.

Nothing plan so far on good fri. My D&D is on 21 Apr and I'm going Bali on 23 Apr. I dun mind to join any outing if any on good fr itself kekekeke
Morning all!!

I have stopped using baby laundry detergent and bottle cleaners since XY was 6 months old. For HR, I stopped when he was 1 year old. I am a super bochap mum when comes to these things :)

Nope, I have nothing planned either. You have any suggestion?

wah, shiok leh, going Bali to enjoy 二人世界 woh. Sekali comes back and expand your family from 4 to 5!!
Morning too!

wah Gd Friday another one month time...still long leh...no plan so far. Am i the one with no travel plans??

Next month i got to attend my fren's bb full month...hmm wonder if pixie will invite me cos i've standby a pressie for her princess liao!

my d&d on 9th Apr at Resort World Sentosa & yours? What is your theme for d&d?

I am still using Kodomo baby laundry detergent for both my boys, sometimes on my laundry too cos i love the nice fragrant of the detergent on my clothing
As for bottle cleaner, i stop using when Z & R turn 18mths.
Morning mummies!
On leave today coz it is Jpn holiday. After fetching my girl from school, going to Taka baby fair.

I got the same qns as you had. Decided to switch to normal washing detergent since my MIL and mum are using normal ones to wash my kids' clothing.
As for the bottle cleaner, continue to use until end year then see how...,

u are not the only one with no travel plans. The last time i travelled was 6 yrs ago! am stuck in sg for many years ... not even to M'sia..haiz..
me too. didnt use baby laundry detergent eversince he turns 1 ba. But I'm still using pigeon bottle cleanser. If not then how to wash ? Use mama lemon can ?

Expanding 4 to 5 is totally out of question la. I'm on pill

Wah not bad leh. Did you co provide tpt to Resort world too ? My co explored that too but due to logistic problem they didnt want to go there wor. We'll be at Pan Pac this year. THEME - BACK TO BASIC : SIMPLICITY. Comm members say dress up t-shirt jeans can le. some say dome in singlet and clogs ! hahaa... cos this year's D&D chairman doesnt like to dress up. She's always in very simple dress, no make up no nothing so she likes simplicity lor and our management buy that idea. kekeke Oh talk abt this chairman hor.. she kena breast cancer leh. Now the D&D meetings are ran by her co-chairman. This is the 5th case I heard in my company le
Of cos all early stage and they survived after chemo or some radio therapy.

GO MAKE SOME TRAVEL PLANS THEN ! how can stay in sg for so long... 我会发疯的 !
ok let's give each other a pat on the shoulder.
But what is the reason u didn't travel? I think with 3 young kids in tow abit difficult to make travel plans? Imagine i got 3 kids (age 3(Z),2(R) & 1(if #3), i confirmed i'll be stuck in sg for many many yrs too...cos hubby not keen to travel as he mentioned travel with young kids, he rather stay in SIN cos travel is for relax n enjoy, not military training (childcare in foreign country) lagi xiong.

haiz.. hb not int in going n hence all the kids have no passport. However, tis Aug/sept, "forced" to go overseas cos i dun wana b maid for 2 weeks (maid going back for home leave n insisted on going back on Hari Raya period).


Same here...hb dun like to travel, not even to SG hotels (SG hotels are proposed n paid by me). kept saying, y spend $ to stay in SG hotel when can stay at home?
morning mummies,

nothing on good friday so far too...

no travel plans for me this year too, travel to JB to help hubby counted? lolz...i think we are lucky to have some family times liao

both girls still using baby detergent and bottle wash cos my #2 still young ma, must as well.
Reporting... I m still here. 3 more days to edd.

I use Kodomo detergent for kids clothes like steph. Since got 2 kids, sure got enuf load to wash their clothes separately from ours, so I just continue lor. I like their clothes to smell diff oso! Hee... If wash tog, I think their clothes will turn greyish or old mOre easily.
Maybe can propose 3D2N pasir ris chalet ? A lot of activities there for kids ! If not book a hotel in Sentosa ! I'm thinking about these for Dec holiday cos I dun intend to bring them overseas too.. very lehchey :p
No, transport not provided cos is on a Saturday (usual case be it local hotel or sentosa)
Hopefully got complimentary carpark (i heard limited) else v ex ah to park there! Hey Pan Pac is v nice too! Your theme is v unique & cost saving for employees too! Our theme is B.O.N.D night...James Bond 007 theme...boring n expensive theme. Our co MNC so many expatriate will like this theme. I still dunno what to wear. Best dress team of 5pax wins $1K shopping vouchers! Haiz...breast cancer is becoming so common now, like cervical cancer
Have to go for regular checkup esp when we passed age 40.
My colleague passed away 3yrs ago due to breast cancer. She looks well & dun show any sign of weakness/pain/uncomfort...just happened one day she discovered a small lump on her left breast with no pain/no fever nothing. When she visit the specialist for evaluation, she was in her 4th stage of breast cancer...too late for chemo & have to rely on medication to prevent/delay the cancer from spreading to other parts of her body. She fought the cancer for about 3mths+ & passed away leaving behind her husband & 2 sec school daughters
i tried staycation in Sentosa & MBS (Marina Bay Sands) last year & also to Malaysia (Genting & port dickson) this year so not that bad as in stuck at home/sin. But i am looking at HK disneyland probably next year...hope can materialize.
Yup. I just washed their bottles with mama lemon :) In fact hor, I only use detergent once every few days (till I cannot tahan the stain), else I just rinse with tap water and let it air dry. The laziest mum.

Our company event (this year they don't want to call it D&D) will be at the Universal Studio. Have to co-pay $20 for the entrance, lunch included. Can bring my kids along (cos under 4 is free). Will be the last for me with this co :p

If you don't really like travelling, it's okay de. We have to travel to malaysia, no choice. And travelling overseas is not a must have for my family. We just do it when we feel like it. Like last year have the expo in shanghai, this year I want to go disneyland (in case if we really decided on #3, then cannot go liao), I so wanted to go disney HK.

When travelling with kids, can be very relax one lah. Depending on how you take it. They just followed our schedule, we don't plan the schedule around them. They tired, they sleep, not tired, don't sleep. Hungry then eat, if no food (not lunch/dinner time), drink milk. Don't eat don't drink milk also never mind, drink water and eat snack can liao. We won't rush back to the hotel for them to nap, and definitely won't cook. So far, we have enjoyed travelling with our kids very much.
You shall dressed as Bond girl ! hahaha I'm imagining you with a blond wig and cheongsam. Alternatively, you can dress as James Bond ! come in black coat and a toy gun. eh your theme quite restrictive leh. Then everyone will wear either James Bond if not Bond girl. What other character ? I'm always game to rent costume, do make up and hairdo for D&D de cos only once a year ma. hehehe

Oh cervical cancer. Has anyone gone for the cervical prevention jab ? My co organised a talk on cervical cancer. This doc from Parkway Shenton gave a talk on this. The jab is good for women from age 9-26 before any sexual activities. It's effectiveness will last for 20 yrs. 3 jabs in total and given discount rate to us at $388 for 3 jabs. Of cos the doc say it's also effective for women like us with children but I seriously doubt it leh... Duno shd take or not to take. The doc also encourage all women to have their pap smear taken every year which is very very important.
yeah i understand what u mean & envy why some pple enjoy bringing the whole family with v young kids/bb overseas BUT my boys ah....different (not that they're notti but extremely challenging to handle them together)...even my parents throw white flag (surrender)...can be this bad
My hubby is the impatient type...he can't stand when Z or R or both throw major tantrum...i can't handle alone for sure. The food n nap part on travel is okay for the kids. But of course having said that, i do enjoy travelling with Z cos so far R no chance yet...will have to slowly psycho my hubby to be brave enough to handle two when travelling oversea.
I wish I'm like you.. take it easy type. I'm all perked up if things didnt fall into schedule de. So travelling with young children can be quite stressful for me. For my #1 I waited for 4 yrs plus then I summon all courage to bring her overseas and she fitted in very well ! Now is T's turn.. I'm waiting for him to be able to poo on toilet bowl then I'll bring him to take a plane :p So far he still refuse to sit on toilet bowl. So if we are out for 3 days for so I will bring along his potty leh !!!!! hahahaha
Nope. The cervival jab is NOT effective for us. I listened to a talk given by the scientist who "invented" this jab. He showed the effectively between female who has no sex and female who has had sex. Pretty much like doing nothing for those older females and have had sex before.
I think so too ! But I wonder why this doc want to cast the image that it's effective for us ! Save some money then
Bond girl is so common...i think many will come dressed to kill, show cleavage kind...evening gown, cheongsam, high heels boots etc. Usually i don't spend a big bomb on costume/make up, usually DIY or buy a evening dress that i can wear for several other occasion too = cost saving
I will only dress up when my team is very ON to participate in the best dress contest else wont waste $:p But where do u usually rent costume? How much? Can share? tks!
You mean when they are together, they are "naugthier"? It's definitely more diffucult when handling two than one. My hub is of great help.

No schedule to follow leh, F&E mah :) Or you mean the children's schedule? They don't have a schedule to follow on weekends, so it's okay. We travel super light (I just packed for our 5D4N to HK, fit everything into 1 cabin size suitcase, plus a tin of formula), and will go to places that are children friendly.

Hw to do travel with 2 kids in a cabin size suitcase?
Can teach me some tips. cos i am bringing my kids to europe for 2 weeks and there seems to be so many things to bring along. planning to bring 2 large suitcase.
being 13mths apart & boys are generally different from sibling of different gender or girls. I don't know about others but for my case, they are not naughtier...they r just more curious, more active(usual for kids this age), they'll cheong n explore new surroundings themselves (both don't need warm up). It can be dangerous sometimes as your eyes gotta be watchful on them esp in a foreign country. Can be tiring leh. How to relax unless i got maid or relatives to help me when travelling oversea. And my boys no longer wanna sit in stroller, they prefer to walk/run & when tired, ask u carry...arms & lower back will collapse end of the day. When they are in a gd mood, manageable...when they are being uncooperative/tantrum/fight...another story...having said that, it depends on how we(parents) handle the situation but every child is challenging on his/her own way...some kids are just tough nuts to crack so the parents gotta work harder like me.
usually we go to somewhere along my side. Aliwal street, there's about 2 costume house here. Another famous one is No. 1 costume at Kallang Pudding road. It's the biggest costume house so far. Price range from $60/$80/$100 depending on what you want. Last year, we all dressed up as Qing dynasty, we didnt go to any costume house but went to a chinese opera house to get and it's only $60 per set with head gear and shoes

cabin size suitcase for 5D4N for a family of 4 ??? hahaha no way for me. You dont buy things meh?

Europe for 2 wks !!!! of cos u cannot pack in cabin size suitcase la. You got to pack thicker clothes which take up space. I'll bring 2 large suitcase like you too :p
Yes, we don't do shopping at all when travelling! This time round, may buy something from Disneyland, other than that, yup, pretty much don't buy anything, didn't schedule in any shopping. Me and hub don't like shopping at all, even when we didn't have children, we didn't buy a single thing when in Paris and other european countries :)

Gonna be difficult for you lah. Cos you sure shop a lot, right :) And because you are travlling in a colder country, so have to bring more. We went to 8D7N to China last year also one same cabin size suitcase only.

Tips? We don't bring any towel, and don't bring any toiletries. Only will bring California Baby body wash and the calendula cream (HR still has sensitve skin though no eczema flare up), and a tube of diaper cream for the just in case. For adults, only bring toothbrush and nothing else. The rest are just clothes, 1 set per day, and 1 extra set for standby. For the sleep-in, just 1 set (since it's going to be air-con, so they shouldn't be too sweaty). For adults, also the same, except no need to bring extra set. If really not enough, either handwash in hotel or buy new ones on the spot. When we travelled without kids, can be just a haversack for 4D3N :)
tks for info

Aliwal street near beach road? My hubby like to shop there for his fishing gear but we didn't spot any when we drop by last week for the costum house? Any particular name of the shop?
No. 1 costume i've heard abt it & price range sounds reasonable. Will check it out this wkend.
Last week during window shopping, i chance upon a black cheongsam from The Cheongsam Shoppe at JP...cost $299.90 + $15 for alteration. I tried it on & was in love with the cut & feel cos the cheongsam look pretty nice on me, even my friend said so but too pricey liao
Dunno if i shld invest in the cheongsam so that i can wear it for my brother in law's wedding in Dec. How ah?
wow Steph ! Good if the cheongsam fits you ! But $299.90 it's expensive leh. The most you wear twice and then what ?

Global Mascot and Costume & Mascot. The exact road name should be North Bridge Road. The small lanes are Aliwal, Bali Lane, Kandahar st. These costume house are along, you know where Tai Sing toys and Combi stroller are ?

what abt diaper, milk etc? my list of to bring is so long...kekeke. maybe i shld cut down like u.
ur rite, i will be doing alot of shopping..hehehe..
Kam, steph, krystle, chaye, luvv, mom2nat, thanks for sharing. Think I will continue until end of this year bah cos sometimes I dun trust the maid to wash ESP if she is in a hurry. :p

Kam, hehe, your packing strategy like my hubby, he also likes to pack super light n wash his clothes when travelling. I am a light traveller but not super light cos I am the kiasu type when it comes to the kids things. Plus sometimes Raeanne wets the bed when asleep n she insists on wearing certain clothes depending on her mood so I can't imagine not having extra clothes for them. :p

Steph, my hubby also thinks like yours. He toldcme he is not looking forward to the Hk trip cos just 2 of us n the gals. So, I got to put more effort n make it a pleasant trip for us. Or else, no more traveling. :p
Mummies, I am in a dilemma. The next real estate course starts on 1 apr. Mon, wed n fri, full day, 1 month intensive course. But I applied for a teaching position at temasek poly cos it's on biz communications, what I used to do so thought nice to try n see if I can get the job n hubby said good cos near to home. But closing date for that is 18 apr so should I still go ahead n sign up n pay for the course first cos class starts next week? And full day classes r rare, usually half day n evening classes more common. :p
Hey Pauline
May I ask how did you apply for the teaching position at Temasek Poly ? Do they have vacancy at the moment or you just apply thru their website ? My hubby has applied ITE website to teach but no news at all after 3 weeks le. so sad
If you were to go to your D&D with that cheongsam, lots of guy will have nose bleed. Must make sure First aid will be provide.

Diaper I will only bring enough for 1-2 days, then buy locally. Now it's even easier cos HR doesn't need any diaper day and night! Formula, they share the same one, so will just bring one new tin (hand carry), and it should be empty after 5 days so no need to bring back liao. I don't even have a list :)

After you attend the course, how long can the license lasts for? If it's for lifetime, then why not, just do it now and use it whenever you need it.
Chaye, I haven't flipped Recruit for years but last sat, I decided to flip cos hubby going back to work today n I dun know what to do with my life. Then zun zun saw the TP ad lor.
Kam, I think if i never fulfill the criteria of selling 3 houses in a year then cannot renew the license even if pass the exam cos now govt controls r stricter. :p
