(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Blackbatz, thanks, I got more than 10 training pants at home lor. Bought them more than 6 months ago for MIL to train her, some of them outgrow liao. I got 'Potty books for girl' and even 'Potty training in 1 week' by Gina Ford. I don't mind if it's just changing training pants but it disrupts her nap/bedtime cos eventually she will still pee then she can fall asleep proper. Today her nap time was 230pm and I put her to bed at 1pm lor. Faint! :p I'm also worried about is staining the sofa covers, my bedsheets, her soft toys etc. Hopefully, she does have the common sense not to do her biz over these things lor. :p

<font color="aa00aa">Hello Mummies,

May I ask if any of you introduce nuts to the toddler? Thinking of giving Ian pine nuts.

Also, anyone knows any good toddlers' dentist?</font>
Morning mummies!

Yes, me and tongtong and some other mummies have started nuts on our tods. Mylife took advice from a PD and decided to delay nuts until much later. If you want to try, give him a bit to try to test out allergy reaction. My son has tested all sorts of nuts and seeds, including pine nuts.
re: potty training
my girl is potty trained but she still wears diapers for her naps and during night time.
so in the morning after her bath she will go diaperless, just before her nap change her back to diaper and after her nap back to diaperless, after her evening wash up back to diapers again.

so far it's worked for her and she is able to differentiate when she needs to pee in the potty and when she has a diaper on. of cos i will frequently remind her that she doesn't have a diaper on so she has to tell me when she needs to pee.
also i didn't use training pants, the first few days i just let her go totally bottomless so she can really feel the difference.
Violetice, yea same like HR, S has tried all sorts of nuts long time ago. No allergy reaction for him. You can try and see whether he is allergy to it. Until now I haven’t introduced peanut though, because while I was bf, I ate peanuts and S had allergy- rashes outbreak.

Grumpus, S knows how to bite, so I give him whole nuts (like walnut)and remind him to bite. For brazil nut, I will cut into smaller piece because they are very hard . Anyway I did grind all nuts and seeds into powder form and add to his yoghurt or porridge la.
morn mummies, today saw a gd fren preggie with no.2, so happy for her coz she was wishing for a baby tiger all the while! so nice, to get one's wish fulfilled...

any mummies here got gd news to share? ;p
i did exactly the same as you wor
but when x is diaperless, he will still stand and pee onto the floor, even though i bring him to the potty every 20mins....

btw, yes, i give my son whole nuts, but he has been eating more seeds than nuts though
Grumpus, my boy same ask ur gal too, only on diaper during nap and sleep. What about going out? I only tried letting him go diaperless when we go to the granny’s house which is ok. Like I will tell him that he can only pee when we reach granny’s hs. First time I let him go diaperless, he peed on the car seat! :p

But go shopping or outing I still put on diaper for him. scared that he is too engrossed with looking around or playing with toys then forget that he is diaperless. I wonder when shd I remove his diaper when we go outing?
pixie, i am enjoying couplehood too, solely me n my girl everyday now! haha...so in love, n i reali love hugging her to bed.
I give him whole nuts. He is okay to bite/chew it well. I told him anything he cannot bite, spit it out. That day I was feeding him lunch, he paused and spit out a small piece of chicken bone (I didn't remove all the bones well), and told me, 妈妈,有骨头. I am quite sure he knows what to do and not going to choke on anything :) But like pixie's X, HR takes more seeds than nuts, probably easire for him to eat/chew.
tongtong, me too! nw she is home with me,then i realise i reali LUV her v much.today when she walk in e sch with shayne, and say byebye to me sweetly, i was v 'Happy'...REALI MAKE MY DAY!
Thanks! She started a new spree cos i am her 1st order list!

pixie, did u mentioned u wanna order the labels too? Can join her spree. So, what's the gd news abt?

Yesterday air-con leaked water...Z woke up crying as we need to switch on the lights &amp; wipe the floor, hubby clear the choke &amp; pour some chemical treatment etc...
Z only managed to fall back to sleep at 1AM!
haha same! so far i only let my girl go diaperless on short trips like to my mum's place. I've also tried short outing to the supermarket or downstairs for dinner. So far so good. When she gets into the car seat i will remind her that she has no diaper so cannot pee.

maybe X is not ready to be potty trained yet. I tried when my girl was abt 20 mths, major FAIL. Then i tried again when she was 2 and it was very easy. But still, I spent alot of the first 3 days wiping pee off the floor. Everytime she has an accident, i will keep nagging, cannot pee on the floor, must pee potty etc etc...
Morning, mummies!

Wah, toilet training is really not easy. Think I will have my fair share for my boy next year bah... I think he is not as automatic as my girl loh... I cannot stand if he pees on the floor leh, I will go mad! :p
Krystle, my hubby also cannot stand wiping the pee on the floor over and over too. But it only last for a few days and he knows where to pee liao. Must be persistent hehe.
Grumpus, I find training pants useful if it is the right size cos a few times only after I pull down her training pants in the toilet then all the urine leak out. Before that no leakage so less messy when cleaning up lor.
i didn't know training pants can hold urine woh...now that u discovered, maybe i shld try on Z since i've got a spare training pants

I am not sure if Z is ready, maybe yes/no but he sure knows how to hold urine when he is diaperless but simply refuse to urine when i bring him to the toilet. When i saw he LUN until buay tahan (he will use his hand to squeeze his birdy tight) making sure urine wont come out! hiyo..headache...until leak alittle then no choice i quickly bring him to the toilet then he will let go/pee *duh*
Morning mummies,

re potty training
my girl is sort of trained now but sometimes when she's too engage in her activity, she will forget...
Steph/Pauline, yea traning pants can hold urine one. actually it’s a waste of $ for me because S knows that he can pee in training pants. So I keep the training pant aside and bought him kid’s boxer. Then he knows that he got to pee in toilet. Sometimes I still bring out the anpanman for him to wear ( cuz very sexy !! haha). But hor, he really pees inside wor. once I change to boxer he will go toilet liao. See la!

i have not try training pants on Z as i have the same concern...if he knows the pants can hold urine then no point for him to hold &amp; go toilet, he sure choose easy way out. Z wet the floor many times before &amp; now he knows how to hold his urine which i think is good sign as it show he can control but the problem here is how to release the urine? he just said, "don't want" &amp; run away when i ask him go toilet...dunno how leh
Hi mummies,

Any mummies brought yr kids to australia before? Possible to bring in our own bottled food/cereals for the babies?
Cos i know australia is very strict with food stuff being brought into the country.
i wipe pee 10x in a morning liao, and its only from 8am to 11.30am...
and from his pee time, i realised that he can trickle few drops kind. he's not the sort to lun a whole shot and come out 1 bucketful kind wor. so i had to wipe ard 10x in a single morning session.
btw, that was 1 mth ago leh. 2+yo sure more than ready. he pee in potty, we so happy and kept singing him praises but he still not keen in the potty leh
nevermind, hope soon can bah...maybe this weekend again
<font color="ff0000">RE: MMR linked to autism</font>

When I brought my girl to the PD clinic yesterday (not Dr keoy though as he was not around), I saw a news article mentioning that when the doctor published the article on Lancet, clamining that MMR is linked to autism, it was later found out that the doctor was dishonest and he made up the results! Out of the many cases that he reported where the kid got autism after MMR jab, none of the medical reports of these kids at the clinics/hospitals where they frequently visit/attend shows any finding/sign of autism.

I have access to the Lancet journal, I think. I go and search and will share here if I can find. So mummies will have less worries to get the jab.
i agree with tongtong that training pants defeats the purpose leh cos it still holds the pee and they won't feel the pee dripping down the leg. a bit gross but that is how they learn cos they also dun like to feel gross and wet mah...

X behaviour is like my girl when i failed potty training. actually the reason why he trickle so much is actually cos he needs to pee but he is trying to lun, then cannot lun already so leak out abit but he dun empty the bladder fully and properly so bladder still half full. then lun again then leak again...
the first time i tried potty training my girl also not keen on the potty, dun want to sit on it, run away and struggle when we try to put her on the potty. so after a week of more misses than hits, i gave up. i didn't try again until like few months later.
actually if u read overseas forum, a lot of them dun potty train until 3.
Steph, maybe you can tell him that you are going to pee now, ask him to go along? Sometimes when he sees me pee he will also pull down his pant to pee. Cuz now this stage he likes to imitate everything we do.

Shannonbaby, there’s a feb 2 mum who brought her gal to aus before and they had lots of fun. You don’t need to bring your own bottled food I think? because you can get from their supermarket there.

Pixie, sometimes cannot rush one, be patient ok, wait till he is ready.
u will definitely have to declare whatever food u r bringing in to aust for customs to check. usually if it is packaged and labeled properly in jars and packets should be no prob. processed food are fine but u must still declare and let them check. they are most particular abt meats, fresh fruits and veges.

if customs say cannot then u will hv to throw them away on the spot. u will only get charged/fined if u did not declare and got caught
my gal also same as Z last time &amp; will say dont want then run away from toilet too. but since she go CC in Feb, she see children pee inside the toilet bowl everyday &amp; she finally very willing to sit on toilet bowl to pee in mid Feb. so now on weekends, i usually put her on training pants and will bring her go pee/poo on toilet bowl every 1-2 hrs range or when she say poo poo. so far she only wet on the floor on 2 occassions cos the training pant i bought a bit oversize for her &amp; i m too busy with #2 when she say "poo poo" so can't grab her in time to the toilet to pee/poo.

wow the trip is weekly ah then parent cannot participate liao.
<font color="ff0000">Lancet retracts 12-year-old article linking autism to MMR vaccines</font> - Published online 2010 February 4.

Twelve years after publishing a landmark study that turned tens of thousands of parents around the world against the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine because of an implied link between vaccinations and autism, The Lancet has retracted the paper.

In a statement published on Feb. 2, the British medical journal said that it is now clear that “several elements” of a 1998 paper it published by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues (Lancet 1998;351[9103]:637–41) “are incorrect, contrary to the findings of an earlier investigation.

In the original paper, Wakefield and 12 coauthors claimed to have investigated “a consecutive series” of 12 children referred to the Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine with chronic enterocolitis and regressive developmental disorder. The authors reported that the parents of eight of the 12 children associated their loss of acquired skills, including language, with the MMR vaccination. The authors concluded that “possible environmental triggers” (i.e. the vaccine) were associated with the onset of both the gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression.

In fact, as Britain’s General Medical Council ruled in January, the children that Wakefield studied were carefully selected and some of Wakefield’s research was funded by lawyers acting for parents who were involved in lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers. The council found Wake-field had acted unethically and had shown “callous disregard” for the children in his study, upon whom invasive tests were performed.

When the original article was picked up by the general media, the findings were fuelled by speeches and public appearances in which Wakefield recommended single vaccines rather than the combined MMR. Many parents seeking a cause for their children’s illness seized upon the apparent link between the routine vaccination and autism, say Canadian researchers who laud the retraction.
i read about the re-tract too. well, in an issue of discover magazine (us edition) in 2009, there was an issue/coverage on MMR and autism. it seems like its a very 2 sided thing. depends which side of the fence you sit on.
however, Discover's stand on controversy has always been netural; and they did highlight that excessive supplements may be a cure, especially in fish oil.
well, this is also another controversial issue since it has no scientific fact to back this up but there are confirmed cases to prove its theory right

who knows?
my mobile bill shows a call to tatarstan.
where the hell is tatarstan??! hahahhahaaaaaaaa

i placed a call to russia leh but it shows tatarstan...weird!
My hubby tried to ask (coax) Z along to pee &amp; even show him how to...but he still said, "don't want", show him the red potty, he run &amp; hide...hmm...well, we will try &amp; try again this wkend

ya i am hoping Z can be toilet trained before he goes CC in July. Otherwise the teacher may have a hard time...wiping the floor:p

For 2nd line, i put Z's hanyu pinying name. I saw some pple put mobile no. leh but s'pore quite safe so dun think need to imprint contact no. bah. You can put secret code name or some special dates etc. What have u decide on?
Grumpus, Tongtong, my training pants only 'trap' urine half the time cos she only agree to wear the loose or fitting ones. Tight ones she doesn't want to wear.

Steph mine also like that. Rather lun n let out at her own convenience but refuse to use potty or toilet.

Grumpus, i also dun mind delaying toilet training until she is ready or goes to cc but mil keep nagging. I busy tahan, anyway today whole day I am putting raeanne at mil house. Let her have dome fun at tt since I started yesterday. Evil laugh... ;)
i put x's hanyu pinyin name too
couldnt think of anything special to indicate?
i could have said "love, love", coz i always say this to him
muahahahahah sibeh bo liao
I try potty training Xavier for poo but he is not ready. Cry out loud now if we wants him to sit on the potty to poo. Guess everything backfired when we force him too much, now he refuse to pee during bathing too.
Steph, actually S also din want the potty for very very long , I think for a few months. So for the past few months, he always do his business in our toilet bowl, or on the toilet floor. Then suddenly last 2 weeks, he went to do his business on the potty! We were very shocked but happy lor :p So you just be patient until the day he says YES to potty la!

Pixie, have you told us why are u so happy today??
I need some sugar boost!!! dunno why today so heavy flow
arghhhh stained my panty again!

ya loh, pixie...why u so happy..gd news must share le
re: potty training
acutally potty training is more troublesome leh. When the kids wanna pee or poo, they need you to take off the underwear for them blahblahblah. When not in time and they pee on the floor, you need to clean up.

Luckily Celeste now more or less rather potty trained. Gone are the days we need to clean up. She also insists on taking off her panties herself and doing everything herself like wipe with toilet paper. She only don't know how to clear the pee in the potty. :p
Hi mummies,

My boy is potty-trained for poo but not pee. Like most of u, he juz pee on the floor 2-3times within 1hr. Think muz be pesistant to let him know not to wet his pant &amp; make me clear the mess again.

TongTong &amp; mummies with boys,
Btw, can u share how your boy pee? U let them stand or sit? Find it weird to make him sit on the potty cos is not the correct way. But if i hold the potty near his "didi", very difficult to aim too. Hubby also tried to demonstrate to him &amp; ask him to stand on a stool to pee inside the toilet bowl. But "didi" still can't aim properly &amp; wet the whole floor. And many times, he refused the scary big toilet bowl...no mood to pee too, haha. How How How?? Teach me how? Thks.

aiyah i posted oredi mah
my good news is....i am not preggy!
and mylvera asked me why, i say coz i still enjoying 3-pax-world mah
