(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

now savouring my cup of McFlurry

my lunch: fish porridge with lotsa chilli padi & a glass of cooling sugar cane...the weather is sooo HOT!

ok, noted

so bored lei...no hot topics?? all our refresher club members MIA (jess, luca, mylvera...)

sure! but can u refresh my memory of what to buy ah? Forgot liao...i jus rem it's estee lauder product rite? how many u need?

since on the topic of buying things, anyone else need anything from HK? Limited luggage space.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">1st Sep gathering</font></font>

So, confirm to come to my place? Or maybe we see how many are keen. My humble house cannot accommodate too many kids and mums leh. Or you need to know the venue before you can confirm your attendance?

Quickly confirm your attendance so we can confirm the venue fast.

1. Kam - confirm
2. Tongtong
3. JanBB
4. Babe
5. Yvonne
6. Jess
7. Mandy

Sorry if I have missed out anyone (memory not too good already), please add yourself to the list and confirm your attendance.

So, if it's at my house, I will plan some activities for the kids to do, as much as I can but be warned I am not very good in these, colouring, painting, story telling, singing, etc. Only drinks provided. If we want to have lunch together, there is the Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe just donwstairs. If your kid gets tired, I have lots of mattress for them to sleep on.

If it cannot be held at my house, then the suggested venue are:
1. Botanic Garden (Jacobs Ballas Children Garden)
2. Marina Barrage
3. Others?
i very sad sad......but nevermind lah

talking abot xin wang hk cafe...make me drool about nai cha (HKG milk tea)

i sure will meet u up again. and i dont need anything from HKG. you keen to let rylee and X go to east coast for the indoor playground again like last time? polliwogs i think?
i went sushi tei with colleague (who is going back to home {uk} end of the mth) for farewell lunch.
had chawanmushi, a pc of grilled salmon, and 2 pcs of sushi
the salmon very fatty, good lah. omega 3 &amp; 6 for me and baby...

and im so so so full from the 3 dishes...my appetite is very small right now.
Forgot to get back to you about the DVD. My friend said the HK dramas that you asked for considered very old liao (like released 1-2 years ago). He said can get for you but need some time.
ya kam your lobang abt the DVD refers.. hehe.. what are the latest nice shows huh? I'm watching this detective cum physics kind of stories.. a bit boring
since pixie say 'sure' mtg u then i got chance to ask u help me buy
Tks ah.
yup u got pretty gd memory. Is estee lauder Idealist Refinishing Eye Serum 0.5oz x 2 btls.
My sis just returned from HK and she said HK SASA got no stock for the eye serum so i hope SASA will restock next month, before 23rd Sept.

pai seh need to trouble u again. Can i ask mylife to pass the eye serum (if got avail stock) to u (if u meet up again) then u pass it to me at JE? TIA

Re: Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Count me in!! Btw, what time are you planning? Is 11am+ a good timing for u? We can go for lunch after that ;) And bring them home for nap after 2 or 3pm?

1. Kam - confirm
2. Tongtong
3. JanBB - confirm
4. Babe
5. Yvonne
6. Jess
7. Mandy
8. Jacelyn - confirm

Same here. Jayden has no sch on 1st oct (children day). We can hurry "chop" this date &amp; arrange a gathering when you are back ;)

Oh no, feel your pain, muz be very worry. If your gal keep vomitting, you shld bring her to KK. If no vomitting, then hang on awhile, they will sure poo out the coin. Check with doc whether children can take med or insertion to make her poo immed like adult?? Take care ya!!
Your house near MRT station?? Cos I never venture to north and west side of Spore so very blur about the area
Hi Kam,

I am onz too! Will be taking leave on 1 sep to take care of amanda cos she will be attending childcare on 2 sep n thus no help on 1 sep.

Re: Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse

1. Kam - confirm
2. Tongtong
3. JanBB - confirm
4. Babe
5. Yvonne
6. Jess
7. Mandy
8. Jacelyn - confirm
9. Elmo78 - confirm
Hi elmo,
I juz went to quartz on sat to visit my friend. Lovely condo with nice layout, esp the gym!! Was thinking will bump into u or not, heehee ;)

Which is the nearest mrt to your hse? Walking distance? Maybe we can all meet at mrt stn? Shld we all bring extra clothing as they will be doing painting could be quite messy? You have enuff paint brush &amp; paint? If not, i will go &amp; buy some for this gathering?

I also dunno wad to buy in the end i make cookies. Put the cookies in a transparent container the tie it nicely with ribbon.
Save cost.....

Kam house nearest mrt is Yew tee....
I am at Yew Tee. Right next to the MRT station. The nearest block to MRT station :)

HR has very limited paint (on 1 set). Actually haven't started painting at home yet cos XY is around. But no worries. We will be, very likely, going to JB this weekend, so I can get from Popular.
Wow homemade cookies!! Is the thought that counts ;) I have not bake anything since preggy with #1 until now. My oven dunno still working or not, haha.

Or shld we each bring a paint brush &amp; some paints? Is Mahjong paper better for them to "paint"?
Re : hk drama

I saw one recently wc I think is pretty nice. It stares Bowie lam n husen husen I think. It about family conflict n there is alot of twist n turn n keeps u want to find out the real culprit. To me abit like cluedo. Any one knows the name? Will check w hubby on e title.
Mahjong paper may be too thin for the wet paint. I am actually thinking of getting them to paint on a pre-cut cartoon shape of a card board, like the barney HR did in KL. I hope I will have time to prepare :)

I am thinking of 10am? Cos those early birds may get hungry by 12noon already. Or we can prepare some healthy snack for them to munch till lunch.

Re: Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Tongtong
6. Babe
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Mandy
give disc lah:p or i can self-collect from u...u r now the queen. hopefully can collect the sambuccol oso

Re: 1st Sept Gathering
hey the painting activity sounds fun but i can't apply leave that day else will join u all. Have fun &amp; take more pic! Hmm...Amanda &amp; XY is the only 2 gals in this gathering woh!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,

Hope everyone's doing well. Heard from JanBB that there's a gathering on 1st Sept but wouldn't be able to make it as going Melbourne next Friday. Hope you gals have fun!</font>
Hello, mummies.

My girl is better today, at least no more vomit. But she is rejecting all food and only willing to take milk and milo. We are concerned about it but no choice. You give food to her she will start to cry. So decided to go easy and let her recover and slowly take food by herself. at least she can laugh and play today (not like y'day she was a like a baby who wanted to be carried at all times).

Yes, can only wait for the golden moment when the coin comes out... Yes, doc did give med for her to poo... Since no more vomit, we decided no need to send her to KK yet.

Re: 1 Sep
Sorry mummies, cannot join as it is the 1st day of work after my Japan trip... Need to work to clear the backlog loh... Siaz... But for the 1 OCt, I will try to make it if I can take leave.

Any last order from Japan??? Let me know by Fri ok?
Hi Janbb,

Really? U were at my plc on Sat. U should hv call me then I can come down n meet up with you.
Wanna see ur 2 baobeis too!
Time : 10am is good

Re: Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Tongtong
6. Babe
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Mandy - confirm

Yeap, that is the title!!! Nice one....u saw it yet??
At Yew Tee. I will send you my address later. So you confirm? As of now, no need to bring anything. I see how much I can prepare this weekend. If need help, I will tell you all next week.

Good, you are going to bring Jasmyn. I don't think I want to let XY stay at home, cos she is still a handful, esp she just started walking, will be very messy.

Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Time: 10am till lunch

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Mandy - confirm
6. Babe - confirm
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Tongtong
Morning mummies!

Finally i m a sahm but life seems busier than working.. hahahaa!
busy packing my stuff and intend to sell all my babydoll dresses and maternity wear.

elmo: nice meeting u dat day.

can i join on 1st sept gathering?
can i join the gathering too cos CC close that day so i will b taking leave to bring her to your place...

Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Time: 10am till lunch

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Mandy - confirm
6. Babe - confirm
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Tongtong
10. superbee - confirm
hi all!
i wana join too.

Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Time: 10am till lunch

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Mandy - confirm
6. Babe - confirm
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Tongtong
10. superbee - confirm
11. luca- confirm

Kam, pls pm us ur address. tks!
Congrates! You are officially a SAHM now :)

Of course you are welcome, the more the merrier. But hor, with so many people now, not sure if my house can comfortably accommodate all or not. If you don't mind to be cramped in, it's okay with me. I can shift the furniture a bit to make more rooms for everyone. My house is very simple one, no fancy deco, no fancy furniture.

Or if you can suggest other venues.
Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Time: 10am till lunch

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Mandy - confirm
6. Babe - confirm
7. Yvonne
8. Jess
9. Tongtong
10. superbee - confirm
11. luca- confirm
12. lynn Chong-confirm [email protected]

Kam: My place also simple deco and now wif 2 boys everywhr is their toys. No prob for us, as our kids cant sit still they will run abt. R u gotta order cathering since there r so many ppl? do let mi kw if u need help.
As long as you all don't mind. Since our tods don't need high chair already, I am thinking if we can have lunch at the HK cafe just right next to my place? But we can prepare some healthy snack to last them till lunch lah.

Some suggested venues include Jacob Ballas Children Garden and Marina Barrage.
Twinkystar, I'm only half way thru that show. Not that exciting for me to rush hm to watch ley... Hee. Will try to finish up this wkend ;p

Anymore nice/latest HK dramas to recommend? I love it! Hee
Hi mummies. So sad leh. My office blocked msn suddenly due to some virus attacking most ppl here !!! Now got to use meebo or ebuddy
Kam, would love to join Sept 1st gathering with my big bump :p..maybe we can go places where there's playground or play area for the kids? Maybe Rochester park or what? just a suggestion...hehe

Gathering on 1st Sept @ Kam's hse
Time: 10am till lunch

1. Kam - confirm
2. JanBB - confirm
3. Jacelyn - confirm
4. Elmo78 - confirm
5. Mandy - confirm
6. Babe - confirm
7. Yvonne - confirm
8. Jess
9. Tongtong
10. superbee - confirm
11. luca- confirm
12. lynn Chong-confirm [email protected]

I can bring a big box of crayola crayons in case some kids don't want to paint
