(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

dodo, how much u paid for the chair?
Mine oso rashule leh. I got it for 242 i think. Heheh.
Now, the chair is getting more n more n more useful! When I need to do my things, I will put her in there. When she is cranky n cannot sleep, i will oso put her there n rock her.

Now Im thinking of getting a jumperoo thingy.... I really must curb my spending.... but its so hard, when i see something i liek for her... im ust get it leh..

wow gingerleaf... your girl has reallee pinchable cheeks
so so cute..

my gal drinks lesser and lesser these days, so hard to develop cheeks like yours..ha ha she is a bit light at only 5.6 kg @ 3 months one week.

dunno why she is always not finishing her milk.
dr told me to start giving her cereals at 4th month if she continues drinking so little
hippo & gingerleaf,

yup! it costs me a bomb $279! i got the daisy orange colour, simply love the design! i think it's worthy as i can put him in it while doing my things loh, and i can alleviate the chair after his feeding to minimize "er ni".. hee... and i can push him near kitchen so i can cook meals :p

u tempted me leh... guess most prob i will sign that package up :p but i also worry ziqian's unpredictable mood, if he get grumpy during the photoshoot, then waste my $$ loh.. great idea!!! we can go and recce the gymboree class together
btw, my sis @ perth brought my 6th mths old niece to a free trial class at gymboree there, she will update me more the class, share it wi u all later

me too! interested in the rainforest jumperoo!heard that leapfrog exersaucer is very good as well... cham, i really must curb my spending too, now on no pay so cant spend as i like loh... hmm...
if wanna test out the toys, can go to rent that toy website. loads of toys to rent, and typically at 10 per month. think i'll use that to test out first before buying lor, some more bbs usually outgrow or get bored pretty fast?

anyone getting the bumboo (spelling?) chair? Dunno when can start using leh
bb karine went for her pneumococcal jab on thurs. heng only had very very light fever, below 37deg so no need meds, but still cranky. she's 6kg and 62cm long, so in the average category.

ask u all ah, bb necc to take multi vits and iron? Cos my pd say bb on tbf tend to be aneamic, so prescribed the iron drops. also prescribed multi vits. but i thot bm shd be v nuitritious, why still need all these leh? Dunno is it to have additional income for her?
My PD oso recommend my ger to take cereal at 4 mths cos she drink beri little.. Onli 400ml-500ml per day. But I am still hesistating cos pple says start early will cause bb to be sensitive leh.. SO I dunno yet..

My PD oso said the same thing leh.. TBF bbies tend to be aneamic.. She says my bb looks abit pale but its okie cos she on full BM. She din prescribe her any vitamins only until the next visit when i tell her bb not drinking. So she prescribe a multi-vitamin call appeton. Take oredi oso like never increase her appetite leh.. She is only 5.94kg and 59cm at 4mths!
let ur boy practise a few more times, he will slowly learn to lift his head up n take a look at things around him.

wah sey... u all got the small small world bumper mat ah? but seriously speaking, is it really gd? worth the buy? me on NPL, but really can't afford to spend lor. v.cham... but if its really v.v.gd then mayb i also close 2 eyes n buy it!!! but just wondering, is it possible to take the whole mat to wash or is it too bulky n just a cloth to wipe it down will do?

my hall v.small also, then the bumper mat is the size of a super single bed,etc, can it be folded into smaller sizes to use?

which part of chinatown did u buy the bumpermat? coz i sort of prefer to see the real thing before deciding if i should actually own one of it...

re: studioloft
i also wannna tat! but will wait till bb about 7--8 mths old.

which gymboree class r u all referring to? where is it?

re: rent that toy website
its a gd website n i feel that it helps coz u can 'test drive' the toy n if u think its worth to buy, then buy coz not all toys will appeal to our babies, though we may like it alot n think its appropriate for our babies.

re: bumbo chair
can use once bb is 3 mths old. but it mayn't last long esp. if ur bb is on the chubby side coz the thighs may get stuck in the chair, can sit in, hard to get bb out! :D
hi mummies
hope to have some advise on this issue:
my boy always fuss alot when drinking his milk, so i've to either change surroundings/jiggle n rock him to pacify him before he can calm down n feed properly. in short, i'm now like a nomad, roaming around the house when its feeding time to find a place that he can feed properly.

am just wondering, am i creating a bad habit out of him by giving him to his whims n fancy, ie. feed him wherever he likes, not at the dining table. will this lead to feeding problems in the future, or worse still, when comes to weaning stage, refuse to stay at one spot to feed?

hope mummies can advise me on this. thanks lots....
hahahah gingerleaf, lyn looks so happy. isn't it so nice to capture all their smiles? i think i will blackmail matty with his naked baby photos next time when he wants to bring home his girlfriend muahahahahaha...

ivy and velvet wow that is ex for a bumper mat. those companies really know how to make money off doting parents loh! but i suppose one has to pay for quality.

i almost bought the rainforest jumperoo yesterday from toys r us, coz i had a $50 voucher but my hubby kept saying "aiya u sure bb will use not, wait he dun want, then waste so much money to get a white elephant"....so ok loh we ended up getting a $99 electronic bouncy chair from fisher price instead. now i can't stop thinking about the jumperoo. damn! shouldn't have listened to him....

garden_dreamz actually i feed him everywhere too. i figured i'll only start feeding him at the dinner table when he starts on solids and is having meals like lunch and later on dinner... coz now drink milk only...furthermore his mealtimes do not coincide with ours...so i don't think it'll create a bad habit? but he doesn't usually fuss about the place lah. that greedy lil pig just wants his milk he doesn't care where or how...
u also feed ur boy anywhere too? at least i'm not alone in this!!! my fussy little pig always wants some place new so everytime feed him got to change method of handling him or change environment or even change teat until he find something he likes then he will drink his milk!

ya, hope its not creating some bad habit, coz i dun wanna deprive him of milk for the sake of discipline of sorts. hope my fussy little pig b gd when i later move him to the dining table for his feeds when he's weaning... keep fingers crossed! :D

re: jumperoo
i also think it looks a hell lot of fun. the exersaucer also. but buth items v.ex leh. so will hesitate or mayb bring my boy out for test drive at the shops b4 thinking of investing in them.
i forgot whats that shop called... this shop sells baby stuff and is pretty popular among mummys! The things there cheaper then outside too. Its at people park there.
karrie, I went looking for the rainforest jumperoo but cannot find at jurong point's toy r us...

saw the leap frog activity station retailing at 199 at kiddy palace.. issit good? wonder can bounce or not..
Hi Gingerleaf

Think you are refering to Cheong Choon huh ?
Opp. the court next to OG
Add : Blk 34 Upper Cross St #03-132
OPening hrs : 1.30 P.m - 8.30 P.m
Closed on Sunday

I went there last week , they sell alot of things got jumperoo , exersaucer , bumper mat & etc...

Ya lor , i'm thinking of renting the jumperoo & exersaucer first . If bb like it , then i'll buy . If not , veri waste $ leh .Not cheap somemore .
As long as my bb want to eat, I'll feed her anywhere now ..... hee hee

I realized that sleep is more impt to her now then eat. Yesterday she drank ard 120ml ard 6plus in the evening and refused milk when I try to feed her at 9pm, then she went to sleep and only wake up ard 4plus in the morning for milk and drink another 120ml. Is this normal?? Her intake has drop at least 200 - 300ml per day!! Today, she refused the feed at 9am and 3pm !! Normally, she will feed 3hrly at 130ml - 160ml.
Is this a sign that she is refusing milk ????
gingerleaf i saw it at suntec toys r us. was considering the exersaucer too. but my hubby said too ex. yah mebbe will rent the jumperoo and try it first like what twinkle_stars said.

garden_dreamz, yahloh at this point i think our babies are still too young to be disciplined rite? im more concerned about cultivating good sleep habits instead...
hi gals!

wen wen, it's so terrible what you've been through these past few weeks. you're really strong. know that my thoughts are with you!

totoro, there was one stage that my girl also drink very little, compared to her usual. but she went back to normal after 1 week plus. not sure why like that tho.

re: toys
it will definitely be good if you can try the toys out first. my colleague was sharing that her son rejected one of the exersaucers, as he didn't like it. will be very heartpain if you buy and then your baby reject...

My BB also like tat , more interested in sleepg than eat , she can be very cranky if you dun let her sleep & can tear down the whole house .Her milk intake also drop by 200-300 ml , exactly the same situation as yours.how old is yr DD now ?
Hi mummies,

wow.. looking at the weight of ur babies i think mine is over weight leh! Baby Jerric is 7kg and 62.6cm at 3 mths! he drinking only abt 100ml to 120ml.. has been drinking this range since 1st mth..How arhhh?? Do u gals still feed ur babies 3 hourly?? Mine is 3-4 hours per feed..


i agree with karrie dun think it's bad habit to drink everywhere.. I feed jerric everywhere too.. Whats impt is that they finish up the milk!


a question to ask.. any of u bring ur babies to swim already?
gd morning mummies!
thanks lots for all ur sharing that its fine to feed bb anywhere. am so relieved that i'm not doing something wrong.

thx lots for the addy. so tempted to go there today but realise its closed on sunday.
will check it out next weekend, yippee! but alamak, hope i dun end up buying everything i see in store n end up with a HUGE hole in an already empty no-pay pocket! jialart! :D

thinking of renting the jumperoo & exersaucer once my boy is past 4 mths old. heehee...

mayb its just one of those days that ur bb dun feel like drinking so much milk. for me, i noticed that once my bb had his jab, he won't really wanna drink milk, will fuss or b extra cranky for 1-2 days then ok.

PD told me its normal tat babies milk intake drop after 3 mths, coz once past 3 mths, they won't grow as fast as before n hence, may not drink as much milk. as long as weight is maintained or gained slowly, bb healthy, ok.

my boy was 7.2kg when he was 3 mths. PD say its fine but cautioned me that he may have reach almost maximum growth n may not grow so fast subsequently. milk intake may also drop over the next few mths. mine is also 3-4 hourly,approx. 120ml per feed. at times he drinks more though. n yes, he still wakes up at night for milk, 5am eyes big big want milk alr, try to use paci also dun wan, only wan the REAL THING. sigh...

yap, agree with u tat its more impt that they finish their milk.
Hi twinkle,

My girl is is in the mid of 17th week.
Actually she has been drinking very consistently of 130ml every 3hrly since she was 1.5 or 2mths. After her 3mths, I was thinking it's time to increase her intake as according the Friso tin, by her weight, she shld be taking 180ml instead. So on 1st Jan, I decide to increase her intake by another 30ml to 150ml. Initially, she still drink everything ... but starting last week, she starts to drink less.....Going to see PD end of the mth for her 2nd dosage of Rotar and will ask PD about it.
Hi mummies,was just wondering what else do you do with a 3 mths old. ALl my 3 mth old gal does is eat and sleep. When i have the energy then i will play with her for a while. Wondering if my gal is missing out anything.
your gal's eyes super BIG sia..and sharp nose hor...grow up sure 'da mei ren'.

re: feeding interval
I started to stretch Isaac's feedg time to 4hrly when he's 2.5mths and up his intake from 120 to 150ml. Now he meal time 8am,12pm,4pm,8pm +1nite feed cos milk can at most tahan for 7hrs.

talking about overwt? Isaac weighs 7.5kg,65cm at 3mth. Personally don't think he's overwt cos he's not chubby, just bigger bone frame (genetic). PD also said he just has heavier bone, not fat. So not to worry, esp bbs eat,sleep,shit at this stage, how not to get fat? When they get active, will lose the bb fats.

My PD said best is after 6mths cos of chlorine and bb skin still very sensitive.
her eyes are like saucers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the 1st pic alot! so cheeky! lololol.

I got my rainforest jumperoo oreadi!! Its so cute!! I put her in n she laughs! But her legs cant touch the floor yet.. so must put a box underneath. lol.
karrie, hahaha, last jumperoo u dowanna get, now its mineeee!!! =p
Hi fitty,

So the avg total intake per day for your son is ard 750ml???
My girl weight ard 6.8kg when she is 3 mths. When she is 1 mth old, she starts to drink ard 1000ml per day except for the days that she was not well. Now her milk intake drops to ard 700ml. So it shld be ok right???

Am thinking of bringing my gal only when she finished her 6-in-1 jab. BTW, does she need a swim wear ?? or those swimming diapers is enough?

My gal is coming to 4 mths and she also eat and sleep most of the time. If not, she'll either sit on her swing or lie on the bed and talk to her "friend"!
Hi mummies,

swimming :-

have to be after 4mths (when their skin is developed) and before 6mths if not they will ost their natural reflexes (remember they r in 'water' for 9mths).

warm water is preferred, therefore spore public pools r not recomanded for babies. initially should last abt 10 to 15mins only.

Why not buy a mini pool to be use at home??

We have been practising in his bathtub since 2plus mth, he is ok as long as he eyes, nose and mouth r above water level. He has no problem with water covering his ears. If water accidentially get inoy his mouth, he can spail out now. Will try on the mini pool when his dad is back to town.

incidentially, BB is a water bb (i chosen water birth) and my hubby is a aquatic trainer therefore believe greatly in water play..

Hi totoro

My bb is 14.5 weeks , she onli weighs 5.8 kg .
Her milk intake per day use to be 800-900ml interval of 3-4 hrs but these days she's onli taking abt. 500-600ml interval of 4-5 hrs coz she sleeps alot now.

i went to kiddy palace , they had a demo unit of the jumperoo , bb Garina sat on it , she was so excited & overjoy.Wanted to get it today too , but my hb say bb's head not stable yet next month then buy ...sigh

normally how many weeks then bb's head will be stable ?

hi irene,

wat do u mean when u said that starting babies early on cereals might cause them to be sensitive? sensitive to wat?

my girl is currently drink about 500 to 600 per day. looks like many of your babies are feeding very well and are averaging 7kg at 3 months.. so envy

hi twinke stars, my bb used to be drinking 700++ per day but has since been reduced for the past one month plus to 500-600plus. PD said one reason could be she doesnt like to drink milk.. but she doesnt reallee got much choice now..

hi hippo,

your gal has very strong neck power.. she can lift up her head so confidently and almost perpendicular to the body!
just went to surg net on jumperoo and finally understood wat u guys are talking abt....

feel a bit silly now... my aunt actually wanted to give me one.. but me and hubby declined thinking it's too bulky and took up too much space..

so she gave to someone else now
twinkle, can get it from babytown.com.sg.. think they are selling it for 215.

My baby is a 1st oct baby, neck pretty strong liao, so no much prob with it.
Garden , gingerleaf

Can't help but kept thinkg of the jumperoo the whole nite .I also want to buy the leapfrog exersauce & bumbo seat leh , my hb say i print money then i told him if not BB veri bored leh , no toys to play .

fitty nut & gingerleaf,
wait till u see her throw tantrums.. aiyo! fierce cha-bor lor..

jacq, her neck still not very strong.. she act tough only.. haha! seriously.. cos she will still wobble left & right.. just dat i tink cos itz a new thing to her so she's super excited with e new found "skills".. LOL

hippo, your girl's so pretty!! Can match-make with my boy or not...hahaha this kiasu mama oredi looking for potential gf for him.

gingerleaf, hahaha i didn't know only got one left! wanted to let matthias try it out that day but he was snoozing away in his pram...grrr...i think my hubby is right lah, better to make sure he likes it before getting it. so i think I'll rent it first.

I'm getting a second hand bumbo seat for my boy to sit in. coz i realised he always asks to be pulled up to a sitting position...will lift his head and stretch his arms towards me leh...like saying "pull me up pull me uuuuuppp..." ahhahaa.

totoro_bb, read that right now the best is to talk to bb a lot to build up their linguistic ability..when matt is awake, i put him in his bouncer and talk/sing songs with him. he'll 'answer' questions and i help him do actions to the songs...which he really likes. sometimes i'll put him on his baby gym...sometimes i'll read his cloth books to him and the lil one really loves reading he will keep looking at the page and reach out to grab the 'grabable' things on the page! he'll even try to read along, hurhurhur.
