(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

thanks ah!

sure cant be as bad as mine right??? hehe. anyway nv seen your girl's photo leh. post up lah..

atinarin yr girl also keep walking hahaha same as my C ... hahaha nothing can be done ...hmm yrs can walk without holding hands ???

Btw mummies, what other kinds of fish have you introed to your babies? I'm so sick of threadfin, salmon and cod already :S

No worries lah! I let my gal walk ard everywhere except toilets n kitchen which I sealed off my kitchen. Let them walk loh...Fall nvr mind lah...will grow up faster. My gal oso fell often...I jus ask her to get up herself n she juz continue to walk...She walk n walk n walk n walk...She crawl only when she kan cheong to get to her wanted destination fast!
I sick of it lol. Especially salmon and cod coz the smell is so fatty hehehe. Put 5 slices of ginger also the smell still very 'jelak'

She still crawl(seldom) when kan cheong....dunno y...Nvr c her run but walk veri fast(more than she can handle, sometimes fall).... been more than 1 mth liao she still wobble wobble..dunno y...anyway she happy, can liao...sometimes can still dance while she walk...

Wow, Clara can run liao...If Summer run, I sure faintz...more boh eng...she walk I oredi veri boh eng liao...

let her go wherever she wants lor...just keep an eye on her will do...just that we got to hand quick leg quick lar..haha

Cannt lah.... I really hav no energy to keep looking out for her....somemore toilet n kitchen veri dangerous...She wan to touch detergent, oven, slow cooker n open cabinets(inside hav glass plates, bowls n cups which she will break). Ard the hse w/o kitchen n toilet, I oredi veri boh eng liao.....She keep picking up dirt on the flr to eat, pick my drop hair to eat, took toilet mat to put on her head, touch bicycle n get her hand cut, touch switches, topple DVD, messes up all her clothing, play wif her shoes, take out all the wet tissue, touch my hp, put lotion on her hand n leg, play wf tv remote, touch newspaper, tear paper n so on n so on.... Like tat hor I no nid to cook or do hsework liao.... sob..sob..sob...
funny76 hahahahaha ... those are things that a toddler will do and its just the starting point ... level 1 only ...keke
cm: ya she rather walk without holding hands...and at night she will do her rounds, walking up and down the hall...then sleepy will fall flat on her back quite scary la the head
I'm so happy today ... why?

My dear son has finally opened his golden mouth to call me liao! This time, I am quite sure he's calling me cos he called a few times today! And, he also knows how to say "mum mum" when he wanna eat liao ... also today! His "ma ma" and "mum mum" are quite distinctive one.

I know this is nothing great for most of you ... cos I reckon your babies all can call long ago. But for me, it's really a joy cos all these months, Jordan never really babble words one. My mum was even worried he's dumb! Now ... phew!
funny: my girl's fave pasttime is to go to the cot organiser and pull down all of her neatly arranged diapers...know what u mean...i follow her ard until i get giddy
read all ur bb's milestones i very envious leh. =P guess it's cos ben is still 11 months old nia. birthday on 29 sept. grins. now he is very busy using pushing a stool around the house to 'walk'. see him so happy, having so much freedom. we aso boh eng la. have to make sure the stool does not topple on him. kakakaka.

congrats blue! ben babbles A LOT! but all no meaning de. so good to hear him call you. wonder when mine will. lols. all in god's time i believe. hee.
BTMum: Your Ben even more garang than Jordan leh, though he's born month end and Jordan's born in the beginning of the month. He's not even "pushing and walking" yet! Damm lazy!
blue, we all know jordan can do it. just a matter of whether he wants to or not only. bb all will do the things they wanna do in THEIR timing de. i gave up trying to match ben's milestones to the rest. just enjoying his every little moment of achievements now. hee. so funny to see him wan to do things.

i think ben's temper is like me leh. very the 'tick kee' (if u know what i mean). if he doesnt get the things that he wants, he will arch his back backwards and throw his head backwards too! so dangerours! must grab him tight tight, else he falls. any bb like this har? how to handle? sighs.
BTmum: my girl does that too but not just in tantrum throwing...she also does that for fun...we can be carrying her and she suddenly will throw herself backwards...super scary!
my hb la always play rough with her...now like that...
BTMum: Mine also leh! Now everytime he arches backwards, his exersaucer like also tilt to that side ... looks like it's gonna topple. But hubby tested it and said it's actually quite hard for the exersaucer to lose the center of gravity and topple ... so should still be quite safe.
BTMum: Eh btw hor, just now I saw the Mickey Mouse Mega Blocks again ... this time at Kiddy Palace. Heeee ... tempted to get for Ben?
my girl cannot sleep thru the night...any of ur bbs like that also?

she wakes up to 3 times a night not for milk but to play...
Was looking through my old blog entries of D ... wow, she could do so much already when she turned ONE!!! Jordan's so different leh!!

Abstract from my blog ...

Time to update what I've achieved! Not so much of the words I could speak as apart from "pa pa" and "bear" which are of perfect pronnounciation, the rest of the words are not as clear though daddy and mummy can still identify what I am trying to say (e.g. banana, balloon, water etc.) ... never mind, though I can't speak clearly as yet, I am pretty talented in my comprehensive skills. I understand what the adults say and is pretty fast in learning ...

Here's the complete list of body parts which I can point to without fail when you ask me now!

1. Head
2. Eyes
3. Ears
4. Nose
5. Mouth
6. Tongue
7. Hands
8. Fat Fat (pointing to my round round stomach)
9. Legs
10. Toes
11. Hair

Others including (though not exhaustive) ...

1. "Where is baby?" (pointing to chest when asked)
2. "Where is mummy?" (pointing to mummy's chest when asked)
3. "Where is daddy (or pa pa)?" (pointing to the wedding photo of daddy and mummy cos daddy's usually not around when this question is being asked)
4. "Is baby drinking your water?" (will pick up bottle of water inside the playpen to drink)
5. "Want to or or?" (will pick up pacifier and put into mouth)
6. "Baby want milk milk?" (will crawl or walk towards the kitchen where mummy prepares my milk and start mumbling "mum mum mum mum ...")
7. "Nice?" (instead of thumb up, my 2nd finger will be up, and goes up and down!)
8. "Ooooorrrrr ..." (my 2nd finger will also be up and do the "ooorrrr" action when I do something wrong)

And the list goes on ... and last of all, I am more or less stable now in my walking!
blue, atinarin,
thanks. i really dunno what to do with ben when he does that! sighs. can only scold him. but by the time ben arches his back and throws his head back, he would be in tears already. so scold him more only makes him wan to cry more. darn.

blue, i think hor, girls really develop faster than boys leh. i see ben hor, aso cannot do half the things ur D does. LOL.

atinarin, i am really lucky. ben has been sleeping thro since 3.5 months. the only times he wakes up at 3am to play is when he is teething. very tiring. he will be up for about han hour or so, then i carry him (then he arches his back la!) and carry him to sleep lo.
hehe...its ok thks again

angel kiss kiss godma. We had fun ytd, had lunch at swensen, went to gogo bambini in the afternoon, steamboat for dinner follow by cake cutting
her birthday cake done by aimummy is so sweet, the moment she saw the little animals on the cake she point at the duck n say "duck"

the photographer just send me some sample photo and i saw a few with desiree in it
will definitely sent to u once i get hold of the cd
Now, I am fully convinced that my dear son is just plain lazy! I should think his legs are strong enough to stand and walk, as I witnessed with my own eyes that he could actually squat! I remember my mum told me before that only babies who can walk are able to squat ... so why isn't he walking yet???

And for once, I saw him pushing the Pooh ride for about 7-8 steps before he sat down. After that I asked him to push somemore he don't want liao. Sigh ... my lazy piggy!
blue: is he very heavy? maybe thats why?

Aiyo celebrated my girl's birthday yesterday, just us only but my FIl wanted to give her coke to drink!
very nice family tees... hehe, i like tat very much. angel looked so sweet in the pretty gown plus tiara. where did u get the tiara from?

spotted u, hubby n desiree too. where's jordan?
i see vone too... another pretty mummy.
Wow..Very fun party..
How I wished I was there..
Angel looked very sweet n pretty in the gown n tiara..
Mummy n Daddy also enjoyed themselves very much huh?
Can see steven laughed until cannot see his eyes.. haha..
these are the items that are said to be recalled in Singapore by the AVA.

1. M&Ms
2. Snickers
3. Mento's yogurt bottle
4. Dove Cho
5. Oreo wafer sticks
6. Monmilk
7. Dutch lady sterilised milk
8. Wall's all natural mango
9. Mini poppers ice cream
10. Magnum ice cream
11. Moo sandwich ice cream
12. Mini cornetto ice cream
13. youcan ice cream
now i see corrine. very very pretty mum. ur princess so well behaved. can put a tiara on her head. =D so pretty. your t-shirts very inspiring but my hb say no to a family tee. sighs. he say scared paiseh.

blue, yah i aso wan to ask where is jordan? D seems to enjoy herself very much! =D

atinarin, my mum wanted to give ben mooncakes. faintzzzzz
Can I check with u mummies? Anyone has tried Babythingy Photos or Dphotofolio for baby studio photo shoots? can share your experience?
faintz. eat cake already over-stimulated? what did u all do?

1 more enquiry on photoshoots: what about studioloft? anyone tried?
no la she was not stimulated by the cake just by the whole thingy i guess...cut cake, sing song la this la taht la...although it was only immediate family...
Darmae / BTMum: Aiyoh so paiseh! Kenna spotted!!! Jordan was "somewhere" with my maid lah ... so wasn't captured on pics. Heeee ... wanna see him ah? Alright, since you all miss him so much, here's one recent pic to share!

