(2007/01) Jan

icy, sherl, aqua, mildy,
all of u so bad...ignore newcomers here.

how long have u been sitting in with your girl. what have the teachers taught n what your girl has learnt so far? as u mentioned she din learn anything, its abit weird. are u the only parent in the class? n has your girl attended any class before? not advisable to let her join older agegroup as PG offers more fun thru learning. more for them to socialise. they would be ready for nursery when the time comes.

u can ask zenn. she sent her girl to zoophonics.
*sherl throw Aqua out, point to the NO TRESPASSING sign planted outside my hole yesterday*

wakakkak....wow say we ignore newcomers like we so unfriendly leh, we are the super duper friendly de wor. we bo ignore la, dunno better to keep quiet ma, or else dunno still say so much like bo say like tat, if anyone know will sure post de ma. think they also looking for quality answers.

yo yo swc,
didnt mean to ignore your question ya? just tat I bo send my daughter to zoophonics tats y i bo reply u cos dun have the answer to your question. feel free to come in n chat ok ?

yoz, same as swz, your question is checking out if any mothers transfer their kid to N1 instead of playgroup, i didnt so didnt reply as well.

alamak, see, i told u all hor i got reply like no reply. lolx......

*mildy farts into aqua's hole*
*climbs out of sherl's hole *

wakakakak.... to prove i am friendly i have to reply something even if its not very constructive, please pardon me... kekeke....
hahahaha... jus teasing u all.

also to let swc & ecalyx n other newcomers know what sort of character u all have mah.... coz some mummies who want to join in but can feel very left out coz all u mummies here already so close to one another.

hmmmm... think i also answer = no answer.

is today janey's birthday??

happy birthday!! how r u lately? any good news?
haha... wanna know my character? kinda of funny to come in here to know ppl character eh. ppl is different in the virtual world. just joking. dun take it to heart.

ARgh! Y is everyone so young?!?!?
<font color="ff0000">mildy</font>

ya lor!! haiz... Y!!

<font color="aa00aa">aqua</font>

hehehe... split characters/personalities. wakakaka....
*whispher back to mildy "ya! tonite she will be wild le. remember those candles &amp; horse whip you prepare for her." giggles*
wah lao ah aqua... my ka chng too big for you lah.. target too big.

can you pls aim at sherl's or mildy's de..

their nice nice ka chng.
of coz i wun take it to heart. in here u all 'siao ding dong' ...but the 1st n only time i met u at the coca steamboat gathering, u quiet like a mouse.
hui, that's becos that time she busy eating...wakkakakak in person she really is siao ding dong too...I still remembered the first time I went with her to Xiang Xiang's concert, sat in her car and tio chua. Wakakakaka

Good old fond memories. lolx.

I m in d same situation as you..... felt that it is better to put my kid in the class of children born in 06, but was rejected by various centres.
Recently, my child was given a chance to trial a session with a 06 kid (I hv to "beg" for this chance)...personally I find tat my kid is coping well with the std of the class activities, m now waiting for the centre to approve my appeal. wakakakaka...if cannot also no choice lor. :p
wakakakkakkakakaa.... Aqua, the minute you say Xiang Xiang, I think of singing Ella's song. Wakakkakakakakakkakakakka
xiang xiang.... ni yao ji de wo.... ni bu yao zou diu... kuai kuai something something.... rang tian shi gei ni bao you (or something like that??!!) Wakakkakakkakakkakakakkakaka
Hui, Msworri,
Thanks for your replies! I used to send my kid to growing up gifted. Now it's childcare center for her coz I am thinking of starting work again. I sat in with my kid for 3 days, I guess I feel there's not much taught, plus well, all the other kids are younger than her. I always think it's good to have older kids in the class that mine can learn from. Anyway the center she's in now told me they'd kiv. I guess that means no...
Sigh... I know she'll have a chance to learn stuff soon, just that if this is the period where childern can absorb more, then why not. Maybe I'll put her in enrichment class on weekends instead.
