(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Hi Lucida,

I tried the OTO wan before. All the vibrating slimming belts will make the area red and itchy.... Recently i am toying the idea of buying the OSIM ukimono, tried it in the shops too. Other than vibrating, they have the kneading function also. I think it might be good only for reducing cellulite coz it massage the 'fats deposited' there.
The sales ger introduced me the Osim Robotic.Am still considering between the two.

YB - Yah abit different, but idea still the same...Imagination and being expressive, the normal classes do not have much 'props' per se.

You signed up for the trial class right? Then u can 'see' for yrself there bah.. I dont have trial class thus I might not see 'everything' that happens in the class =)
Ya..I know no toys to play in the class, just commenting on Kay's feedback mah..Haha..she thought all classes got toys to play. ;P

Celebrated my b'day 1 day in advance already. Cos gotta bring Kay for dental checkup. The lady dentist is very gentle & attentive. Kay likes her. Checked her teeth & clean them up. Dentist says Kay's teeth got plaque build-up. Gotta brush better & floss cos Kay's teeth has no gaps in between.

I see..Kay was amused & laughing to herself when she narrated to me wat happened during Act3 class. But she seems not very keen in going there again. Will see wat'll happen during the free trial 1st then decide.

I had OSIM UZap. And as wat PM said, after massage, your skin will feel itchy & red. But I guess that's due to the heat & result of the massaging motion. Hmm..seems like OSIM have more than 1 product targeting fats around waist/thight/arms..wonder wat's the diff between them.

I think the massage helps to break down the fats so tat it's easier for us to discharge out??
Yb - The new OSIM kimono has kneading and vibration unlike Uzap. Uzap only vibration right??
And got programes for Tighs/ Buttoms/ Tummy. Depending on area, the duration for vibration and kneading is different.

All going for dental checks le, E's appt is in March!
ian not so vocal..so he didnt tell me how was the class..hahaha..to him another playdates...
oh ya..he only told me he cried in class..wahhaha...cos his fren pushed him and he knocked his head...other then that...nothing liao..hahaha...

ian oso just went to his 1st dental checkup today...dentist said his teeth very gd..has healthy sets of teeth and gum...but hor...he has teeth twins..(pm labelled them as twins..) cos supposed to be 2 individual tooth..but soehow 2 stick side by side maciam 1 tooth...if imnot wrong some of u asked me y his tooth got chipped...somost likely his adult tooth will oso hv twins...
PM/YB, just now went to check out the ukimono but cannot try for obviously reason (I need my tummy to be big now.. ker ker). Look very nice. So function wise more than OTO is it? OTO just vibrate only is it? Very lazy now to go check out OTO.. more towards buying Osim... Price if i remember correctly is $328.. Can claim NTUC $20 link points.
Yah, Kay told me Ian cried in class too.

How come will develop twin teeth? My nephew got 2 sets of front teeth at the top too. 2 front teeth growing out behind the existing 2 front teeth.
so ian not the garang one afterall...wahahhaha

so meaning he will drop 2 times of milk teetg b4 the adult teeth?

iz oso leh..i think he had few milk teeth tat didnt drop but behind them was the adult teeth...so hv to ask him to 'shake' the milk teeth...so that the adult teeth can move forward to take over the 'space'

eh...suppose to grow separately ..but somehow...'nian' together...maybe the roots too nearby...i oso dunno leh...he oso has a higher chance of having the same situation like iz.adult teeth grows behind the milk teeth...
looks like chipped tooth hor? but is 2 teeth...
wat term? the twin? hahaha..tat was by our guru pm lah...

i told her 2 teeth stick together then looks like one...then she said twins..lucky nvr say siamese twins..wahahaha

but all along i tot is 1 teeth leh..just that the shape like chip off..

I thought if after using the massager, your skin feels itchy and red, is that the machine is effective and making your body works??

YB, which dentist u brought kaylyn to?? so far i haven't plan any dentist for charlene leh...
Hong - Not bad hor hehehe
I like the kimono coz can help to reduce cellulite... cannot stand my wrinkled, oranged skinned body anymore.... saw in ebay $280, mint condition de...

Lucida - first generation slimming belt, ie oto and uzap all vibration only.... Get yr hubby to try it on lah.
PM, wanted it to be a surprise. I think i will get the Osim kimono. Got Metro $50 voucher so will get it from Metro
After giving birth i also can use.. haha...
Ya, from the pixs, the 2 teeth looks like join together with a small chip. Maybe cos the gums containing the 2 teeth is joint?

My nephew's front teeth are adult teeth already. So he got 4 upper front teeth now. Dentist says some ppl tend to have more teeth than normal. Next time when the teeth are fully grown, gotta pull them out to allow more space to grow.

Kay's teeth are also very tightly grown. No space in between. I anticipate her adult teeth will be like mine...cos last time I also got very nice closely grown milk teeth. Haha..no choice lah..now have to start saving up for her braces & dental needs in the future lor.

I brought Kay to the dentist near my plc..those neighbourhood ones lor..but luckily the lady dentist very patient & experienced with kids. I'll lay down on the dentish chair then Kay lay on top of me..dentist says it's more comforting for the child tat way. Then she'll test the teeth polisher on my finger nails & let Kay observe. If alright, then she'll try on Kay's fingernails & finally on her teeth. Of course, on my part, I have to keep assure Kay & praise her for her effort. Dentist also shows Kay all the equips she's gonna use on the teeth so tat Kay won't be scared. Somemore got nice kids' sunglasses to prevent eye glare.

Cost abt $50 for checkups & cleaning/polishing. Dunno ex or not. But I'm just glad Kay is cooperative during her 1st visit cos I dun wan her to have phobia in future.
u can try the sch dental..is so much cheaper..they hv the sunglasses too..but ian dun like...and he was asked to press the button for the water...then asked to view the cleaning with a mirror..then applied wat..banana flavour 'medicine' on the teeth...cos the dentist said after polishing the teeth tend to be weaker..so hv to strengthen them...
wow... all talking abt dentist now. :p

Zav went for his visit recently too... but the one i went is expensive. he fell and caused his tooth to be shaky, thus i think better to go check it out.

lucky he also ok during the visit... no phobia abt it.
ur zav so guai..ian was curious abt the equipments..but he was so buay si diam...so i had to carry him ... but afterall, quite ok considered his first time...hope the next visit will be fine...
Zav also curious lah.. This touch/tat touch... Then the clinic kids frenly mah.. Everything also ok, let him touch etc! Haha

End up.. The procedure is according to my shao ye wish.. By right is clean teeth then hv a short session on dental care by nurse.. But zav insisted on 'playing' with the fake teeth' so had the dental care session first by dentist himself then cleaning. Haha
Where to go for sch dental? U mean I can just pop by any sch in my neighbourhood & ask if can do dental checkup? But I dunno where got sch dental leh.

U got phobia arh?
at health promo board. Think u better call now to make appt. Jus nice it will be 6 mths later. Only $9. 2nd or 3td hospital ave. U google it for tel n add. Jedd goes there too. He has so many decay till he Familar with procedure
his next appt 30dec
is not in sch..is at outram..nearby to sgh...health board..no walk-in. must call to make appt...pm called...the next appt for her is in march liao...ian's next appt will be in june...and the staff asked me to call in april to book for june wor..hahaha....

i paid $18 for the treatment and polishing..
yah, phobia, ever got cut on the tongue by the dentist, until now don't dare to step into dental clinic, unless there's really a super need.
Char ever got seen by a neighbourhood dentist b4, that was when she fell and got lots of blood, that's when we brought her to see dentist and i don't think it's a very pleasant encounter, where she's so painful and need to be examine...
hi hi and how's everybody? Been away in China with hubby and just got back yesterday. Congrats to all mummies who delivered their newest additions. The first few months is going to be tough as #1 adjusts to having #2 around..but they will gradually learn to love the new sibling as Arin has grown to love her baby sister...a far cry from the initial days when she will try to push her away from me...

anyway, just to say Merry Christmas in advance to all!
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Merry X'mas to All!!!</font></font>

And Happy B'day to December Mummy, dsii, YB, etc...
merry xmas to yb and oc...thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

eh..i dunno leh..hahahah...the dentist asked me to book june's appt leh...shld be half yrly bah...1 yr 2x?
Merry Christmas and happy birthday to Dsii.

Today I went Sungei Buloh. Not bad. Lucas like the experience.. will go again

So u booked already? I'm not sure if I have the time to bring Kay all the way to sch dental for checkups. The last time I brought Kay to dentist was in the evening after my work. Just nice, no need to wait.

Hey, I'm off tis wed. Wanna plan anything for the kids to celebrate New Year?
i went last 2 weeks mah...as for the june appt..now too early to book...must call to book in april..

wed i cant..i hv appt...hehhee
haiz...as usual loh..hahahhaa...

went temple in the morning then reached home ard 12plus..then stayed at hm till xmas n bday over loh...
U off tmr? Im so bored everyday!

Haven brought Gillian out for a long time, pity her, this Christmas so bored for her. Everyday she will ask me, "Mummy what should i do?" faintz
Mummies pls jio me if u gals have any program k?
