(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">I'm still co-sleeping with DS as he still wakes up several times at night to nurse. Think it'll be a long time before he sleeps on his own.

My DS also likes to pee anywhere in the bathroom, but refused to pee into the drain hole. Always have to wash the floor after his deed. Don't know how to teach him, with his stubborn character.</font>

yes my boys do have nitemare quite often.. esp the younger one when he can't find his pacifier.. plus the way they sleep n flip, there is no way i would put them on a bed to sleep..

yes i am worried too abt AIA.. bought quite a few policies from them.. but there is nothing much we could do now except to pray for the best.. i hope this would be the last 2 companies that collpase.. the market will quickly clear up and be robust again..

the market is real bad.. all my portfolio has gone to the drain, can't c the light at the tunnel..sharks, i juz make a big commitment on the hse.. sigh.. juz hope to tide this over..

the whole thing only makes me realize one thing is that cash is king, though haha. it is eroded by inflation.... saw the news that our real income is negative with the inflation? pathetic right? and hopefully property will have some values at the end of the day
indeed ppl are q-ing to surrender their policies but there is huge loss if everyone start doing so...i also got quite a few policies with them, praying hard hard FED and the rest of the world banks will inject liquidity so that the world will not fall into depression.

my conclusion is gold bar is king. Cos cash will erode or worst eaten up by termites if you keep at home, keep in banks, banks will collapse. So, best is keep gold somewhere(not to be stolen of cos.)
Property shld retain some values but its very long term.
Jerica so cute, opp of many kids. most kids will train peeing first b4 pooing...but yr gal will tell when want to poo and not for pee.

heard the news re AIA....my colleague almost want to call his agent to check...never expect other ppl queuing outside AIA building! I only have 1 policy with them...
**Get together next Tues, 23 Sept 08**

Mummies, this is a full day event, either at Sentosa or Chek Jawa (in Pulau Ubin). I will post more stuff on Chek Jawa later, still doing the research (it's defo more adventurous than Sentosa). Chek Jawa is something manageable by mummies alone cos vans are there to pick up. Thing is I need to check the low tide timing because Chek Jawa is best viewed when tide is at 0.5m and below, where the bottom of sea is revealed.


1. Aishite + S
2. Joyfulmum + G
re: year end travel

I been considering bringing my kids to tokyo a few days on free n easy this year end. But I dun have any idea how people travel with 3 kids. All the packages or prices I see everywhere is at most 2A 2C or some just 2A 1C combination. U all have any idea how people travel with 3 kids? must book 2 rooms ah? Exp

Read the attached, travellers shared their experiences of accommodation when they travel in large groups, mostly 2A, 2C. There's also an instance of 5 adults staying in a room for 4 with ensuite, and the price was v v reasonable.


If you are ok to do F&amp;E, then I think the above should suit u v well, but if u r thinking of a tour...then me not able to provide decent advice. Also, if u wanna do it this year, it means you are heading into winter...tat's gonna be a mammoth logistic task ahead with winter clothings for u and kiddies

Looks like its going to be tough to travel with 3 kids ....
Possibly we may just travel without no.3 since he would be too young to appreciate the place anyway. But I forsee in future, it will get tougher to travel anywhere without inflating the cost.
Hi Toto,

Just browsed thru the archives, you are preggy with twins? Wow thats very good news, congratulations! I didn't log in for quite a while, so many good news here and u are going to deliver in 3 mths time!! Take care and rest well, must be quite heavy for u w A n M inside. JAM sounds cool and meaningful!!

Hi Mspiggy,
Good to hear the good news too, wish you have a smooth delivery

Hi Kissb,
Cheryl grows so fast in a month, she looks big in the pictures :p

To all mummies who had gave birth recently, congratulations!!!

Hi Aishite,
Your friend n u so funny, i was having a good laugh over 'the sasame street and space street'.

Hi Peng,
For the nightmares at nite, could it be Ethan want to urinate? Xavier is sleeping w/o diaper at night since he was 10 mths old. It began with a continuously few nights waking up at around the same time crying thats sounds like he was having nightmares. Then one nite i was wondering why he always wake up around the same time, as he is partially toilet trained at that time, so i try to bring him to toilet and to my surprise, he urinate!! So after that night i started to bring him to toilet whenever he cry at nite. After few months or so, when he wants to urinate, he will just turn himself over with his front down except his knee bend so his u know where doesn't touch the bed, just imagine when muslim praying kekeke. If i fail to bring him to toilet after he turn over, he would woke up and cry or sometimes accidents happen!!! So usually i put a white cloth inside his brief, which can hold one wetting w/o wetting the bed. For toilet train, consistency is the key, although my boy is ok at nite and at home but i still let him wear diaper whenever we go out or travelling. For night toilet train, it can be quite tiring, average X urinates 3 times a night, more frequence when he was younger!!!
jezoir pees into the toilet bowl. only when taking shower then he'll try to aim at the drain hole, but thats really just him fooling around lah. when he gets bored with that, he'll try to pee into his toy container, or at the wall, etc lor... haha

yep yep.... soon the boys will be competing to see who can pee the farthest! haha...
haha.... yeah, i was surprised that he has such good release control too! haha

for night jezoir will wear diaper. think it will be tough cuz by morning his diaper is very very full, so must have pee-d several times. will train this later. take a break 1st. :)
would love to join u gals for chek jawa but got to wk.... so sad..

Wow.. your kid can go diaperless since 10mths!! Salute u.. so clever..
I doubt so.. cos both my boys have nitemares since young despite not toilet trained for nite.. i think they play too much in the day.. Yest nite, my younger boy had much a bad nitemare and cry so much in the sleep that i lost all my sleep and m now a zombie..

Yes I am moving to around that area.. hmm.. actually i juz stumbled upon that there r a few schools there like rosyth, st gabriel, xinmin, chij etc but unfortunately all these sch except for chij are beyond 1km but within 2km.. so my chance is low actually.. And I don't have a gal so CHIJ is no use for me yet.. haha..

Thanks for the email. Err.. there is no attachment.. Can resend again? Thanks!

haha.. your boy is so cute.. already fooling around with his p... haha..
Jezoir so cute!

Wow, planning for Japan trip? I also very much want to bring my boy to Japan, I love Japan! Initially thought of going this year end but it be very cold then and also the fare really costs alot! So change my mind and going Melbourne. Hope it's not too hot at year end...keeping my fingers crossed.
<font color="0000ff">dal,
Your post made me laugh. At least, Jezoir still pee properly most of the time. My mum was telling me that DS purposely pees onto her foot!</font>
Hi Mummies!

Hope all's well for all and congrats to those who's popped their no. 2 or 3! Kudos to you!

Been having a great time with my ger...think they are really at this fun age now, full of surprises and funny antics everyday. Haha...find her a joker even when she's pulling a tantrum...one minute want and the next minute don't want...what a laugh sometimes! Now, she's even picking up some of our singlish with her ang mo accent...her fave is 'no leh'

Re: False Measles
Yep, my ger did have false measles the last time i posted here. Apparently it's nothing serious, some viral infection. The rashes will only appear after the fever's subsided whereas true measles is fever plus rashes together. My ger's rashes subsided after only one dose of medication! Lucky her PD went on mission trip that week so brought her to next door GP. Saved $$$...hehe.

Re: Brand New Readers
Got mine 2 weeks ago. Thought they are quite good cos have proper story structure and really managable for our tods. Have so far introduced 2 to my ger and she can read them, from memory and not recognising the words of cos! Still, am very pleased.
Thanks ladies for the recommendation. Any more good books?

Btw, when will our tods be ready for real reading? My sis was telling me she started getting my niece to recognise letters at 3 and at 4, she could read simple sentences...real reading! And that was like 12 years ago! Am feeling stressed now!
I asked my hb to chiong down to medela office in jurong to buy the adaptor once it broke down, cos my boobs can't take it liao, bursting with milk, haha.

I finally got my POA after numerous calls. the lady claimed the high court caused the delay, maybe mine also like yours sitting in lawywer office.

Finally today we received our visas. Now my hb can go to UK next Mon as scheduled. I will be going in Nov with my 2 gals.

Ya, been really tough relocating and packing and shipping. I neglected my 2 gals so much and felt very guilty, hopefully can make up to them after we settle down in UK. Seldom take photos of them recently too. I told hb next time they will ask us why is there a big gap in their lives when there's so few photos....

How are you coping in US? Must be tough being preggy with 2 and looking after J alone. Which part of US are you at?

Peng &amp; spicegal,
Thanks for concern, ya been really tough, hopefully things will get better now.

Toilet training
Xin En is toilet trained for both poo and pee now, except when she sleeps. She was trained within 1 day. Really amazing. Actually I didn't train her, she herself asked for potty when she wanted to pee, and bingo, she just switched like tat. I tried to train her when she was younger but not successful. So think every kid will get it at their own timing.

I bot brand new readers recently too after recommendation from aishite and paula, but havent let xin en read yet, but I like the books too.
<font color="0000ff">Calliope,
May I know which series of the Brand New readers you've bought and where you've brought them?</font>
Congratulations on new baby. Simply adorable! And hope Celeste will adjust to the huge change soon.

Wow, wow! Envy with all the shopping!
I just got a set of mudpuppy puzzle from Taka (just a small box) and cost me S$19.90 already. Sim tia...haha

Btw, love the JAM! So sweet!

Cute pix of your lil' princess!

:p Have to collect this weekend. :p
Btw, when are you watching Eric Carle's? 15 or 22 Nov?
jezoir ever said wan to pee on mummy but stopped when i told him i'll wipe the urine on himand wont wash it off. :)

the things he do and say nowadays really can make me laugh (or fume).
- told him inside his head is a brain and should use it to think. he actually put his head on the book and asked himself "what is this?"
- took my bra and put on himself across the chest and laughed and said "mummy's bra. i like this pink one". then he said "this is for girls" before throwing it on the bed!

jezoir is fooling around with many things.... like putting those wiggley eyes for art and craft on his eyes and shake his head, and started a few weeks ago wanting to try my clothes (those that he likes)! OMG! fortunately i'm always in tees and shorts/ trousers and not skirts. haha....
your boy is so funny.. really cute..
haha.. my boy sometimes also imitates me to do makeup.. Scared that he won't turn out not straight. keep telling him that this is for girls..

Talking abt this.. yest saw that alot of teens are engaged in sex.. so scary.. haha.. was debating whether shd send my boys to boys school.. but my hb is worried that they won't turn out straight.. haha..

Your gal is so smart.. can read from memory.. ethan is still very slow.. he likes me to read, but not read himself..
I really enjoyed reading about JZ… My colleagues have often told me to look forward to this age cos’ it will be an enjoyable phrase for us to witness some of the funniest things and actions that they would say and doindeed. Very true indeed. This morning, Kell saw her dad in her underwear (he was changing for work) and she said, ‘eee-ya…. Daddy, naked… shame shame… eeee’ and then runs away. Last week, hubby said let’s check-in hotel to celebrate Christmas this year and he gave Kell three selections: Fullerton, Oriental and Ritz. She replied, ‘I want to stay at Oriental Hotel’. And she started giggling happily. We asked her why cos’ we thought her answer would be Fullerton. She replied, ‘I want Oriental Hotel because Oriental Hotel sells nice orange juice’. I guess somehow or another, she links up ‘Oriental’ with ‘Orange’. Really had a good laugh. These two weeks or so, her mum has been stressed up at work … guess she senses it and have been encouraging me when we are snuggling during bedtime. There was once when I asked her how was her day? She said, ‘Qiqi has a happy day. Mummy, do you have a happy day?’ I replied saying it has been a tiring day. Her immediate response is ‘Don’t be tired okay? Qiqi loves Mummy.’ and walked turned towards me and gave me a big hug. On other occasions, she will just say ‘Mummy, you are very good.’ There was an occasion when I punished her and after that, I asked her if she was angry with me. She said ‘Nooo, Qiqi not angry with Mummy because good mummy scolds qiqi because qiqi is angry’… Made me regret punishing her! Haha…
Wow, Xin En so good, toilet train within a day! Good job!

Jezoir so cheeky kekeke!

Kell is so guai and dear!
<font color="0000ff">Paula,
Kell is very sensible for her age. What she said will melt even the hardest stone. It's such a big comfort when you know, she's appreciating what you've done for her. That's the magic of motherhood.

Your description of Jezoir's actions really tickles me. I shall try out the "peeing pusnishment" on DS. haha!</font>
Bbloh, Serene,
She is cute ar… lately, I have been implementing house-rules. So house-rules is applicable the whole family lah and it means (i) no screaming, shouting and no tantrums, (ii), must pick up after playing or reading and (iii) when it is family time, family have to stay together and read or play together. So is either of one breaks the rule, that person have to be punished at the naughty corner. Ended up… the person with the most punishments so far is her dad. Haha… cos naturally after dinner, he will not clean up and go straight to his papers, or the last to react when we said ‘it’s family time’… Kelly would always be the first to pounce… Really comical sight to see her in action… Last night, her daddy didn’t clean up after dinner. She immediately pounced. She ran to me and said ‘Mummy, see daddy. Never help qiqi to clean up’. Then she ran straight to her daddy again and told him in a very firm voice ‘daddy, must clean up before 3 counts. 1, 2, 3’…. Her daddy was laughing and laughing at the sight of her… by her count of 3s, he didn’t manage to help and was pulled to the naughty corner. ‘Daddy, stands at naughty corner for 2 minutes. Qiqi punish you cos you are so naughty’. Then she ran to me and innocently asked ‘Mummy, what is 2 minutes?’ How not to love her? My bundle of joy indeed…

Wow your house is like a training ground and you really train Kell so well! I believe she'll grow up to be very well discipline!

Think I should start drafting rules &amp; regulations too for Bray!

What do we term the below stage?

When we put her to bed these days, she will say "I wanna go shee shee" or "I wanna go poo poo" to "siam" sleeping.

And after a few rounds of her excuses, I told her that I will cane her if she uses the "shee shee" excuse without actual "shee shee"-ing. And I have indeed caned her a few times, once each time.

Last night, same thing, put her to sleep, and her "shee shee" excuse came up. We told her "If u tell us shee shee, but you don't actually shee shee, then mummy will use the cane on you". So in the toilet, she sat on the potty...as usual, no "shee shee" came out...and she look at the maid and tell her "Don't tell mummy that Shannon didn't shee shee,ok? Or mummy will use the cane"

Biang, how come they can start refraining these stuff from us so young?
My gal was like that some mths back..think she wanted to spend more time with us. She will tell us she wants shee shee or poo poo. Or the next thing is she wants milk and wants to follow me to the kitchen to make the milk..intention was to get out of the bedroom..sometimes she will insist on wanting to drink milk a few times even when she's already very full...usually i will tahan and beat her real hard only when she finally vomits on my bed..cos that means that i will have to wash the bedsheet and sleep late that nite :C.....
seems like the tods are "crying wolf" or more aptly "crying pee"; playing bluff, to get us parents do what they want us to do.

my boy was also using the "shee-shee" excuse to get out of situations or for me to carry him.
e.g. he used the excuse when we were at the barber and he didnt want to have his hair cut, he'd say "shee-shee" although he's already went.
and some other occasions, to get out of the playgroup class.

to overcome this, what i did was - i'd trust him just once and if the 2nd time turns out to he had lied again, i'd just ignore his subsequent pleas.
after some time, he knows that we can call his bluff and his little trick doesn't work anymore.

and for the times that i know he uses the excuse just so i would carry him, i'd just oblige and cuddle him. Explaining at the same time that he shouldn't lie anymore...

for his other naughty deeds, i threaten to spank or throw away all his toys, or use the count-down method to get him to behave. i feel awfully guilty when i threaten him that way, trying to cut down coz i know i wouldn't want to be threatened all the time myself.

same lor..celest oso got uses this method before..happens when she sat in her highchair for dnr...n if she dun want to eat already,she will always say 'shee shee'..then the 1st time,we will carry her go...if again,then we koe liao its a bluff...but,after 'shee shee' we will still put her back in her high chair..haha

tink if celest can go ur house camp for a few days with kelly,she will turn out to be better man..more discipline...me having so much headache now over her...little kelly can help me correct her oso..hehe

Go get certification for yourself in Early Childhood....then defo can get a lot of biz.

Now oledi can get biz, but with solid qualification like Lavina from Kidsloft...defo will hv roaring biz! And then franchise the biz in Asia....I help u operate, meaning I also need to get certified. You study early childhood, i study montessori....sure can conquer the world :)
Angie, Cutie,
Actually not sure if it is a good thing or not that she turned out this way ar… cos’ I noticed that she is behaving like this in school too. I was told that she told her friend who said ‘Oh S***’ in school and her immediate response to her friend is ‘You are so rude. Find your manners please. Cannot say oh s***. Must say oh oh like this one’. On her way back home, she complained to me about what happened in school.

I read in the book that I recommended that we should treat them just like how we wanted to be treated. I.E., common scenarios that we might face:

i. we asked them to stop what they are doing and do what we want them to do instead. Do we like to be told to stop when we are enjoying doing the things? So, the book encourages us to give them warnings like ‘another ten more minutes and we will wrap up’ or ‘this is the last book that we read before we go to bed’…

ii. when they did something wrong and they cried and we punished them. Usually they cried because they knows they did something wrong… so why should we punish them when they are already feeling miserable? Positive reinforcement should comes in like ‘what happened?’ The child will explain and then we should says ‘hmm it was not right that you broke the cup. Do not repeat the same mistakes again’

iii. Give them advanced warnings and alerts. Cos often, it is the adults who controlled the agenda. They won’t know where they will be ushered to the next place and hence, might not know what is expected of them.

Try to teach them what promise is and the importance of adhering to promises. It does works on Kelly… of course, if the child kept his or her promise, at the end of the day, praise her for her behavior… I have been implementing the hip hip hurray cheers for Kell whenever she achieves what she promised and makes sure hubby joins in.
Haha… then that would solve our schooling problems for our children! We will integrate IB-MI-Montessori… three in one… sure attracts crowds! LOL.
I think Kell over drank liao... these nights, she has been asking for 2 bottles of 240ml before bed and then at 3pm will wake up for another bottle. She will wake up at 7am for another bottle and 12pm another bottle. Recent habits... also dunno why. Checking with her pd if it is because of the medication.
huh? her tummy can take 480ml of milk at one go? how abt her diaper? will it overflow by midnite?

there was once HX cldnt sleep well during the nite and kept asking for milk too...
understand that kelly loves to read.
do you keep on reading to her until she's satisfied during bed time? and how many books at that?

i'm having trouble trying to get my boy to stop after a certain no. of books.
every book is "the last one" then when we finish, he will prompt for "another book please"!
Yea loh, that is my concern and she is eating very well too. Her diapers would be wet and usually i will change it at 12am.

On weekdays, I will dedicate 8 to 9pm for reading. I have an alarm clock whereby I set it to rings at 9pm with a rooster cuckooing. Most of the times by 9pm, when she heard that, she knows it is bedtime. By 8.50pm, I will tell her it is the last book and after reading the last book, I will kiss her good nite and switch off the light… initially, she will protests but I will just replied saying that ‘you have promised me it is the last book so you have to keep to your promise’ and I will keep quiet even if she whines. So after 5 minutes or so, she knows that it is not worth protesting and will automatically falls asleep.

Usually, in that hour, we could cover 15 to 20 titles… depending on how lengthy the book is. Some titles, I would read in full. Some titles, I would read but get her to verbally ‘fill in the blanks’, some titles, will let her read aloud herself and some titles, I will encourage her to describe the pictures in the books.
thanks for sharing...
mabbe i should try the alarm clock trick too

what i do now:
before i start on the "last book", i'd ask him "so what happens after we finish reading this book?" he'd reply "keep the book and sleep"...
but the usual protests will come soon after we finish...it's quite hard not to give in.
when i think we have had enough, and if he still wants to read, i'd ask him to read to me...
after a while, he tires himself out
Hi Mummies!

You are really fantastic! Must have taken lots of patience to ensure that kind of consistency. Your kell sure is very sensible, very mature for her age! If my ger's like that, me can shake leg and relax already. I'd definitely want to place my ger in your school man! Aishite will ensure the location's in the east? Hehe

As for milk, my ger's still at 3 x 240ml. In fact, her food intake has been since 18 months! Still only half bowl of porridge/rice each for both lunch and dinner. She's very petite still...

I got the Brand New readers from http://www.wonderbox.com.sg I've the red and blue sets. Enjoy the stories' humour too!

My ger's very auditory. She can remember sounds very well and can articulate them rather clearly too. That's indeed her strength!
Haha...can't say the same for her visual's though.

Re: Sleep delay tactics
Notice my ger will do that when i don't give her enough attention in the day. Am a great fan of supernanny so i'd just keep bringing her into her room without any eye-contact or talking to her. Usually works after 3 times.

Have a good weekend all!
my maternity leave months. sigh... why won't the govt bring forward the date to 1st aug...
me pop on 10 aug, missed by a week for the new package.

ms piggy,
congrats that u can have natural birth

don't be sian... after the confinement u get to bond with yr children for 4 months.

would be a challenging and exicting time.

Aishite and Steffi,
phew! thought i am the only one here that uses cane.... heee... found u two ;)
I think our boys are alright. At this stage they are really into imitating..... everything! If you are worried, maybe try this. I do this to jezoir - I clip his hair and says it is nice. He enjoys because he saw me clipping and he wants to do it too. Then I'll say he looks like a girl, and he'll remove it and say "I am a boy." Haha...
Either way also have worries - send them to boys' school may make them more 'desperate' or they turn out not straight. Haha....

Yeah, really lots of funny things they say and do now. I asked Jezoir if he would like to sit in the hot-air balloon and he said no. Asked him why and he said because it will burst. Then he's reading a book about trains now and I told him there is a funicular train in HK and we should take it. He said no. i told him it is interesting and he said "No, MRT is interesting and fun. This train is dangerous, not fun". I laughed till I nearly fall off the bed! And yeah, they can be real sweet. A few nights ago we were playing different emotions game, ie i act and he guess. When it was "worried" action, he somehow seemed to sense that i have been worried for the past few days and he said "mummy, dun be worried" and gave me a hug and kiss. I, of course, teared. Even typing this makes me feel like crying. :) And now sometimes when he wakes up in the morning, he'll say "i love you, mummy". Aiyoh, really the best way to start my day manz! Haha....
Team up with Ijin and ask him to be naughty again. You get the camera ready and video Kell's action down. It will be such a huge treasure and sure a great laugh for many years to come! She's real funny! :)
Yeah, I agree on educating the little ones about promises. Jezoir even wants to hook our little fingers and our thumbs must then touch! faintz..

wish you all the best! haha..

for the fake peeing trick, i told jezoir that he will have to stand on the toilet bowl till pee comes out then he can come down. The trick stopped right there. Haha!

Pauline &amp; Aishite,
Start the school quick!!! Haha....

Kelly is sooooo cute....
How to implement "no whining"? Any ideas?
A has been whining and whining till I find it very frustrating and need some peace for my ears!
We just came back from Tioman. A "learning" trip for my ABC. A has been "mama carry" since then. He can go on "mama carry" non-stop for 15 minutes! In other words, very "lor sor". Aiyo.. my poor ears ah... Dunno is it becos we went without daddy and daddy forgot to tell him that he's not going with us. On the last day when we were going to take a ferry back, I told him that he would see daddy when we reach home. He was looking forward to the ferry ride. He kept saying "take ferry, go home see daddy"

Thanks for the voucher
kekeke... buy and buy more books :p

Wahahaha.... I like that "mummy's bra". so funny... He's soooo cute... Long time never see him...

A is toilet trained for poo and pee, and sleep too
But... only not poo trained when we go Junction8. hahaha... He got scared of the self flushing toilets there
Two days in a row, when I brought him to Junction8 for dinner, he poo in his shorts
The toilet training journey for me was challenging with lots of ups and downs.

My neighbour also going to UK
They are leaving end this month. The hubby going to Imperial for PhD. Maybe you all know one another. She bringing two gals there too. Super busy with packing.

Wow! Xavier toilet trained at 10 months already. You are indeed a super mommy!
I started the toilet training with my gals already. Not gonna wait as some books say about reaching control only at 18 months or waiting till they can verbalise. I dun believe in that anymore. Whenever they wake up, they will urine in the toilet bowl. Poo poo also in toilet bowl, unless we go out. Still have accidents now and then. Some days only need to change 1 nappy each for half a day. Not bad already I thought
I am targeting diaperless before they reach 1 year old. Now, nite time I am too tired to toilet train them. I still cannot wake myself up to bring 3 to toilet. I am still breastfeeding the gals. Later I panda eyes... :p
Do you have any other tips to share on diaperless at 10 months old?

Are you sure you wanna leave #3 behind?
I am now in a dilemma too. My friend just shared with me a few weeks ago that I either bring all out, or none, to avoid future problems
Sometimes I bring 2 gals out, and A will be with daddy. Or bring A out, and gals with maid. It could be this that is giving me problems with A lately

We just went to Tioman with my family. But without my hubby. I brought ABC and maid. It was tiring for me. My hubby still asked me if I had a relaxing trip! hahaha... I told him "relaxing?" I am super lucky that I can still snorkel for once. hahaha... But it was a good trip for ABC. They get to travel in the ferry, see lots of beautiful fishes, feed lots of fishes, play on the sand, enjoy the sea breeze, etc. We will be off to Bali in December for a wedding
Fingers crossed...

Have you decided if you wanna get a maid for your mum? Maybe your S and J are already going to school, so not as bad as my situation. Ideally, I need two maids. But no place to sleep. Considering "outsourcing" the housework and ironing to part-time helper already.

I went to KL with BC a few weeks ago. But I brought my maid along. 3 adults and 2 babies in a bigger room with a king bed. haha.. two baby cots in the room, but my gals sleep on the bed in between.

Sleeping arrangement for my Tioman trip was ABC and me on a queen bed. Pushed the bed to the wall. And two maids on double sofa bed. We got a bigger room with ample space.

If I were you, I will get a bigger room in Tokyo, so only need one room. If get two rooms, the kids might end up all sleeping with you cos new environment might not be easy for them. My experience in Japan was that the rooms are not very spacious. Perhaps you can consider Ryokan.

aishite, Wen,
Wanna go zoo on 24 Sep?

Ok.. gotta go... catch up again...
