(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Thanks for the links


hooray, good news to hear

My boy opp fr yr gal. He seems to like gals more....haa, guess this is what we call opp attraction.

Glad that you can go for normal birth. Wow, 1 boy 1 girl very good hor...wish me like you, can have a girl too next time. However, B has got many nice clothes no one to pass down liao if he got meimei next time....

its really great news! U must be so happy... girlgirl is so guai
Agree your bb is big which I heard from others should be good cos easier to look after when out.. Mine is on the small side... barely 1.4kg at 31week. My 2 kids were borned with weight 2.6kg and 2.9kg.... so I think maybe my tummy just cannot accomodate too big a baby .... already feeling my tummy very stretched liao. I pity bb ... everyday so squeezed inside :p

re: sibling bonding

I guess some siblings just dun gel together. We paid a lot of attention to no.1 when no.2 was here. And throughout the last 2 years, its been like dat. When S first accidentally throw his toys and hit J causing her to have her first ever big bruise on her head at 2 months old, we din scold him. Instead, we just told him next time try not to be so rough else meimei will be painful. And this had been our practise for last 2 years too... but still, S dun seemed to like J ALOT.... he will push her, snatch things from her, throw things at her.... at times he will also sayang her but most of time, we dun understand why he dun seemed to like his meimei that much. Funny thing is he seemed to like his coming didi more. So dunno leh.... I guess some people just dun click together.

thats y i very peifu u now..can handle 2 NB twins + 1 aloysius that time..+ BF..u must be very tired..haiz..celest likes to look at baby & likes to touch her etc..but jus tt now shes sick with bad cough...so gota be strict to seperate them.tried talking to her but still when got the chance to sneak into the bb's room,she will went in or cries to go in..really dun want carine to be spread by her man..i got a fren who in similar situation..the bb very poor thing lei..2/3nths old but having bad cough + lots of phlegm n need to take lots of medicine...

hey,long time nv see B&C's pic...wonder how they look like now.got time post some ok?


dr lim change his base har to east shore now? haha..even more inconvenient man..kelly really v advanced now...numbers! celest koes when i am angry..sometimes when she see me stare at her,she will say mummy dun be angry...but hor,she really likes to test ppl limits n patience lor..have to repeat my instructions for more than 8/9x or till i am angry n beat her then she will do as said...


i can foresee tt celest will be home during the weekends for the coming next 2/3 mths unless i bring her out...have to plan some activities for her else she must be wondering wat happen to all the usual outings...


hey..read your blog..envy lei that u can go to soo many places..jake looks like enjoying himself v much.its a kind of different experience for him..like picking berries etc..n not to mention all your shoppings + outlets in the states...
smetimes really boh pian one...my #2 caught the flu bug from jie jie when he's only 3 mths ..after that, his milk intake was greatly affected..somehow, we feel that he is not as chubby as his sis....
let her do more colour pencil-ing? not as messy as paint or crayon... yet shld be fun enough for her to view as a treat or something?

#2 idolise #1... #1 dun idolise #2! LOL! My #1 likes girls...

ya lor... J idolise her gorgor. She loves him a lot. But these days she also started to learn to "fight" back liao... at times she "judo" him to the floor when he bullied her... we were laughing away... cos finally she learnt to stand up to her gorgor too.
good evening mummies...

poohy, you've got mail.

angeline, i think you are doing well. do rest more now that your CL is here. and if possible, spend more time and accord more attention to Celest. I am sure both gals will enjoy each other's company.

mspiggy, so exciting! looking forward to seeing pics of ur gal.... how's your prep? seems like there are more things to buy for a gal hor? whenever i go shopping for infant stuff, i tend to look at gal's stuff. and hb reminded me i also need to buy new stuff for my boy, else unfair... oh....
<font face="tahoma"> Serene,
try for #2 during your AUS trip

you're so slim unlike me.. one fat mama hence kids have my fat genes! in fact, weight doesnt matter so long as they are strong and healthy

totally agreed! there's so much to buy for girls. i've already bought so much. i can imagine the amount you buy at the outlet malls. hehehee wish i was there shopping too!</font>
mspiggy, poohy, will you both be collecting your bb's cord blood? i am keen to do so, having missed out for J. wonder which is better - stemcord or cord life, any suggestions from the mummies here?

ya healthy most important....


I felt so bad about missing out on S's cord blood also
I did collect J's cord blood though and will be doing so for no.3. I already signed up with Stemcord cos they got some promotion with my gynae's clinic so cheaper... and sibling got quite a high discount according to my hb.
poohy, i did some basic reseach, i think stem cord is a better choice, as it's cheaper too. Dun feel bad abt missing out on S... you are making it up by collecting for no. 2 and 3. further, our kids are in God's mighty hand, and they will always be well protected.
#3??? Dare not imagine! :p Think i'll be too old for it then.

Hee...who knows it might be diff to conceive though my first one was quite fast... Maybe I should start making it end Nov or early Dec... however if i happens to be preggy (i mean just got it 2-4 weeks), is it safe to travel on plane?
Kaypo a little here...should be ok to travel during pregnancy. I was travelling when I found out I was preggy with Shannon (about week 4) and travelled all the way till 32 weeks. But depends on how your body is also at that time....if feel lousy, then don't lor.
<font face="tahoma"> toto and poohy,
i didn't collect the cord blood for Wes, dont think will do it. coz read that it's not 100% proven that it will help. but i guess it's like buying an insurance. very subjective.

i guess it's alright to travel, as long as you're still feeling good. i did travel when i was having Wes</font>
aishite, mspiggy,
Thanks for your kind advice. I have the doubt cos heard some say that the plane pressure is not good for fetus.
Morning all, this morning heavy rain, feel like sleeping late and not coming for work...

Kissbb, $200 is quite reasonable, its nicer then the new born photography package by pix and portriats taken at the hospital.

Angeline, give Celest some time to adapt, she will be her usual self very soon...take care.

Rodeo, seems like ER is ready for another sibling..Jia You!!

Toto, I also dun have intention to collect the cord blood.

Serene, its ok to travel, I travelled to bkk during my week 6 when I was pregnant with Jerica. Now my 2nd pregnancy, I am also pregnant already (week 2) when I went to hcm city.

Mspiggy, happy to hear of your good news, your girl girl is very good girl!

yaya..i was there watching when the ppl were taking samples photos of a baby...kissbb's $200 is defintely nicer than theirs n more worth it..their's was already $100+ if i am not wrong..

sian...celest fall sick again...fever n got sent back..must be heaty from eating my food..haiz..last week fever oso due to her cough n now back again..


i received the dr lim's letter liao..so,they moved to east shore liao har...oso better lah coz the lab etc is all there..
Angeline, ya...the hospital package cost around $100 plus liao. Oh dear, sorry to hear abt Celest, dun let her eat your confinement food ah, too heaty for her, give her more liang cha. Hope she recovers soon...hugs..

Serene..haha..my bkk trip already pre-booked several months in advance so I went ahead even after I knew I was pregnant.
Hi mummies,
have been very stressed and unlucky recently.

First, my hp spoilt, then my breastpump adaptor gave up on me, then my PC crashed 2 weeks ago, everything seemed to get spoilt.

Besides things getting spoilt, all the urgent matters we had to attend to before going UK get delayed. Went to apply for visa but visa office said we lacked an important doc from hb's university, so asked uni to mail us, but mail got lost. so no choice spend $200 to get DHL to deliver, but DHL also failed to deliver by the stated date. In the end, the 2nd mail the univ sent reached us earlier than DHL. Visa usually gets approved between 5 to 7 working days, now already 8th day but still not here. Hb supposed to leave next mon, no visa dunno how.... then we went to law firm to appoint a power of attorney to settle our flat rental matters, and even the ever efficient Singapore high court also delayed our application!! supposed to get approved in 1 week's time, now already 2 weeks, still no news! Cos of that, we can't rent out our flat.

And very very busy with all the packing, hb leaving next mon we dun even have time to go on a date before he leaves. haiz.....
Yea… his relocation means greater inconveniences for me too cos he has no more afternoon clinics liao. Sob sob.

Try getting a copy of this book:
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen &amp; Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Very good book… picked up many tips from this book and it works! Kelly also likes this book… and has been carrying with her everywhere she goes. Last Saturday we had breakfast with our financial planner and she was flipping through the book and looking at the illustrations, mumbling… our financial planner had a good laugh and said that this book must be good cos the little one endorses it! Haha…

Back to work now… ta la….
serene, think travelling while preggy is ok - i traveled with J, and now, with twins, i am still travelling. If u dun travel now, you will have to stay put for awhile after you deliver... ke ke...

happymum, so sorry to hear your adapter broke down. r u using PIS? if so, you can buy an adapter locally. re POA - i waited more than 2 weeks for mine, only to realise it was sitting at the lawyer's office for a good 10 days. maybe you chase up your lawyer, and tell them it's urgent, and that you will self collect? ur hb leaving next week? what abt you? later? must be tough relocating and packing and shipping...
re using public toilets:
if there is no children's toilet available, then jezoir will stand on the adult toilet bowl. but nowadays he prefers to stand at the small urinal sometimes found in the ladies' toilet.
Morning ladies

Thks for the tip.
haha.. i chickened out over the wkend, worrying that ethan can't do it well when outside, so i let him wear diapers when out... but i realized i shd have more confidence in him cos he can do it very well at home..

Envy u.. can go so many places despite heavily pregnant.. But i do agree with u that u shd treasure the travelling time now since u mgiht not be able to do it so often in future..

sharks.. seems that it is not moving so well for u. but it will soon be over.. now it's a tough time for u to pack and take care of all the kids.. take care, ok??
Thanks for the advice. Which part of US are you now?

Like you, my boy go w/o diapers at home except sleeping time and he will ask for the toilet whenever he wants to pee. However I don't trust him when he's outside....In fact we did try once when we went to the nearby coffee shop...guess what? He just sit on the high chair and pee!!! There's another time, i walk with him to our nearby supermarket, on the way back, just reached our door, he started pee..... :p perhaps too urgent already and can't wait! So till now, i still put him on diapers when he goes out... but i've already bought briefs for him...
Maybe we should train him even if there's 'accident'....need to go thru the accidents in order to teach him. I'm more afraid of him poo-ing cos sometimes he tell us before hand but most of the times, he don't!
my gal is also partially trained..sometimes she will tell us she need to pee / poo. Other times, she will forget. Also, she tends to mix up pee with poo etc. Yesterday, she was on diapers but she suddenly just squatted down and told me that she's peeing...alamak, she looked so comical.
Oic.. i bought my boy downstairs a few times without diapers.. he did tell me that he is urgent and needs to pee.. turned out all the time he is correct.. So i thot i shd have more confidence in him..
Agree with u that we need to go through accidents b4 they really learn..
I only worry of accident in the car, esp poo! haha..

oic.. guess our kids r still young. must give them time to learn.
<font color="0000ff">At least your kid(s) will squat or sit down to do the deed. My boy simply refuses to sit on his potty or the toilet bowl. He'll pee while standing, but we've not managed to catch any poo. He also refuses to wear any underwear.</font>
My boy still 'enjoys' pooing in his diapers, there's 1x he poo in his shorts (w/o diaper) at home and a few times removed his shorts, he refused to sit on potty and poo on the floor!

You're right! In general i'm very scared of mess, that's why i still cannot imagine if he poo/pee in the car! But 1 thing for sure, our kids have succeed in the 1st step of toilet training...they should be on track if we dare to try further...

My boy also don't like the potty! He also stand to pee, either we hold the potty for him or bring him to the toilet bowl. Hmm, i thought is fine that boy stand to pee?

oh dear, all about poo poo, pee pee talk.....hope other mummies don't feel it disgusting. kekeke
Happymum, aiyoh...sounds like stressful weeks for you, try to stay positive, take care, everything will be alright..

Dal, jezoir is doing very well, peeing into the small urinal already ah, like a big boy, well done!!

Peng, I think Ethan is ready to go diaperless outside, you can start trying for short trips, standby diapers just in case.

Steffi, your girl so cute!

Serene, be patient, maybe he is not ready yet.

Jerica can tell us when she wants to poo. In fact, she can only poo when she sits on the toilet bowl, so in school, when she poos in diapers, she only poo a little bit. As for urine, we tried to train her a couple of weeks back, but eventually surrender and put on her diapers, cos she will pee many times within 1 hour and we had to change her and clean the floor many many times...faint!!
<font color="0000ff">For boys, standing to pee is alright but I really don't know how to teach him to poo when he refuses to sit. We've live demonstration (sorry, a bit disgusting here) but he refuses to rest his bum on the tools. Jialat leh!

Maybe you can place the potty nearer to Jerica so that she can access it easily?</font>
I also think so.. everytime we go out for a short trip, he will tell me when he wants to wee wee and it turned out accurate. But haven't had experience on poo poo when outside. But at home he will ask for potty if he poo poo..

haha.. i actually have abit of opposite problem as u.. ethan is used to sit on potty to wee wee till i tell my hb that i scare he din noe how to wee when stand. now we r trying to teach him to stand n wee, so far he understands it.

Btw, do all the kids learn to sleep on their own and in their room? my 2 boys still sleep in the same room as us. I don't know whether i shd let them to sleep in their own room.. How do u gals handle when they cry at nite due to nitemares? My boys still cry abit whenever they have nitemares. So i feel that it's too tiring to wake up and go to their room to console them when they cry in their sleep, so prefer to let them sleep in our room, but scared if too old, they won't learn to sleep in their own room.. mao tu haha
bbloh, thanks for your suggestion, maybe i should consider tat, we have kept her potty away ever since she poo in the toilet bowl.

Peng, Jerica sleeps in between us, which is worse, though I have bought the toddler bed for her, every night in the wee hours (3am or 4am), she will climb up to my bed herself and sleep in between us, initially we try to carry her back, but sometimes she will wake up and cry, we had no choice but to put her in between us again..haiz..
Celeste &amp; Angeline, last week finally managed to collect Jerica's See Kai Run shoes from my friend. Find the size ok, think next year Jerica can wear them already, Jerica got big foot haha..

haha..i oso hope next year cny she can wear...

these 2 weeks really battle man..just now hubby go to CC for the meet the parent session for celest..the teacher said that they realise tt eversince i gave birth celest not as bubbly,happy as before...the teacher said her behaviour in school was v good...coz at home its a very different thingy..at first we thought that maybe her behaviour at CC got change as well...haiz..spilt personality..really got to watch out for her man..shes very rough..just now went to pull carine's leg!! lucky manage to stop in time..her temp these few days kept hovering at 37.4/5...so cant send her to CC else sure gena sent back...got a hard time looking after her...really hope she will go back to her old behaviour soonnnnn... tink i wun be moving celest to her new bed now coz she quite unstable...
talking about jezoir and his playful peeing ... sometimes during his shower, he will stand and aim to pee into the shower drain hole, or stand and pee like Manneken Pis (just that his hands are by his side instead of holding his you-know-wat)! faintz!

yep, think our confidence in our little ones does have an effect on them. convey yours to ethan and he'll probably surprise you! :) and even now when jezoir is toilet-trained, he may still 'wet' his underwear, esp when he is too engrossed and so totally unwilling to surrender just a minute of his playtime to pee. he will 'release' a bit by a bit. so in the end he'll have a underwear/shorts with the front damp enough for us to notice but not having an accident. aiyoh!
That's true.. Perhaps i shd show my confidence in ethan.. ok let him try to go diaperless for the whole wkend.. how abt at nite? Did u guys train the kids for nite time? i find it tough cos haha dun wan to wake midnite to ask him to pee..

Sorry to hear that... think celest is still trying to adjust to a new family member.. perhaps give her abit more time to adjust and soon she will be back to normal..

oic.. haha so cute.. wake up in middle of the night to sleep in bet u guys.. My boys wull sleep on a separate mattress but in the same room with us, but in the same room.. wonder whether i can put them in a separate room but worried that they will cry due to nitemare and i have to go their room to pat them.. xian...
Peng, Is it often that yr boy hv nitemare in the nite ?
I hv start puting my girl and boy to their room (share the same room at this moment)early this year and they are doing well. Once a while my boy will cry too but is not very often so we still can manage. Just go over and accompany him a while and he will be back to his sleep.

Just try and see what will happen, I also heard that it will be more difficult if they are older.
Angeline, seems like Celest needs more time to adapt to having a new member in the family. Give her more love, attention and time and try to be more patient with her. It will be tough as she is still too young to understand. I am also starting to see some changes in Jerica now, she will choose me to do most of the things, e.g. bathe her, feed her (previously all done by my mum), recently wanted me to carry her more, refuse to let me go to work after I drop her off in cc..etc..

Dal, haha..I guess that is the 'spraying game' that only boys get to do with their 'thing'. The way you describe him 'wetting' his underwear bit by bit is sooooo funny...he quite good leh, got skill...haha

Peng, I find that its still too early to let them sleep in their own room, but if you want to try, do keep a night light on so that it will not be pitch dark.

Yesterday Jerica amused me and my mum so much, after she reached home, she took a hanky and was rubbing her nose, but she was still in her shoes, so I told her 'Jerica, take off your shoes, what are you doing?' You know what she answered? She said 'I dig nose'....my mum and I had a good laugh cos we were surprised she said that, aiyoh, wonder where she learn from..faint!!

Any mummies bought insurance with AIA? I heard that a long queue has formed in Singapore outside its building.

I was reading quickly through the news and these are some v sobering statistics: the firm has sold USD441 billion worthed of credit protection and if it does indeed default and counterparties claim against it, no way it can service that USD441 bio amount, leading to a huge system risk out there, hitting Wall Street and Real Street (my friend say keep our 2 yo in Sesame Street for the time being). Also US fiscal deficit for 2008 has been USD565 bio so far....compare the relative magnitude of the 2 numbers, it's mind boggling....tat's why the Fed cannot afford to let AIA fail

Yours and my concept of buying protection paradigm I bet has somehow been shaken the last few days

To give another sense: Lehman as we know has filed for bankcruptcy and the amount due to be debated in the courtroom is USD632 bio...and this is about the 4x the size of Singapore GDP per year.....I wonder what will happen when our tods grow up....what kind of magnitude of numbers will the media be reporting then? It's v sobering isnt it? I was telling a friend...by the time our kids hit their 20s, Space Street will be the in-thing oledi
