(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

duffybuff, i bot a motorised car for ahgirl for her 2nd BD (I think, can't recall liao). From my previous research, can try either:
1) Kiddy Palace Toa Payoh- gd range. Another mum rec'd Haenim Jeep (Silver colour) that she bought.
2) Bedok HDB Toy/ Babysupplies Store. I bought my gal's car here cos the Boss can repair the motor himself. Heard motorised cars have limited warranty and don't last too long after warranty expires... at least if buy from this uncle, can bring it back for "servicing" (at extra cost lah). Compared to if I bought elsewhere then bring to him. The car after 1+yr still OK except the music dead
Directions to Bedok Shop: Go to NTUC Building at Bedok Town Centre. Walk round exterior of building, past Mr Bean, past some jewellery shops, past some mobile shops, until u see a shop that sells only baby stuff. Some cars displayed outside the shop.

I went down south too
Right to Albany. Just beware that there are lots of speed cameras around. No extra. Strictly the speed limit. We got 1 ticket. My hubby's boss got 3 tickets.

We did that itininary in 10 days, and without Rottnest. Not much time for shopping. A bit rush on the last day. Drove straight from Albany to Perth - a good 4-5 hours drive non-stop. Can be quite tiring if not used to driving long distances, and can be quite tiring for toddler too.

What stroller are you using? Can forget about those small wheels kind of strollers on Busselton jetty. hahaha... cos I brought my aprica there! The walk was not that enjoyable with my small stroller. All the angmos use those big 3 wheels kind of strollers there.

A will sleep at 8pm if he has one nap in the day. Lately, if he naps once in the morning and once in the afternoon, he can sleep at 11pm!
Just bought a new bed for him over the weekend. Dunno is it change in fengshui or he's not used to the bed. He cried a few times last nite. This afternoon, I got panda eyes. hahaha... but still managed quite well today.
wee wee... early morning see pretty Chloe!!!

more pics more pics! just realise tat it's been a long long time since i see her. change soooo much!!
Hahaha, she has grown up... nowadays v difficult to take picture of her as she tends to move abt. Most of the pics captured are not looking at the cam... sad leh

Chloe look so diff with new hairstyle... Never see her very very long liao.... AIYO SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!


I WANT TO BUY THE PIANO... rememebr long long time ago... i told u n pauline i wanna buy.. but till now i hvnt buy.. hahaha... lazy lah.... so now go sales.. die die mus buy.. hohohoh...
Post some pic of ur little ger leh, I like Chelsia blur look... Kekekeke !!

Another one w/o looking at the cam


Chloe has grown up to be so sweet and lovely!
Lately, Bray can co-operates more on photo taking but at most times he's so hurry in running to us to take a quick view of his pic in the LCD screen of the camera...
Wah... Chloe is getting very very beautiful as she grows. She looks so sweet.
I also seldom take lots of pictures already. A's movement is too fast for a clear picture.
wow... love her pic at the wineyard. so guai huh.. sit there and let u snap!! :p

Chelsia also change alot... i cldnt reco her at kindermusik!! :p

Chloe still forever this sweet


chelsia very steady lei. My boy super scared ronald macdonald. he will say mcdonald then scared action. He also forbid us to say the word mcdonald. He will cry whenever he is near him.

She Love MCDONALDS ar.... saw so many but forever dirty cannot put her sit on it... then This one SUPER clean ... so i fast hand fast leg throw her on it n take pics... But guess what!! When i carry her up.... WHOLE BACKSIDE WET!!

Its full of water (no wonder looks so clean) n i didnt notice.. too excited to see a clean one.... ALAMAK.. Real JOKER!!

You see she cant wait to climb up on it Last Month
my stroller is graco, 4 wheels kind. lol.
hey how much did u pay for all the 4 tickets fine in Perth?
Tat time we drove in NZ, we also got 1 fine. It was sent to our home and we paid NZ$100+ for it.

But then hor.. dun know what happen to her hair leh.. Not much hair infront.. like BOTAK like that.. aiya... From her forehead.. people confirm she is my daughter.. haha
<font face="tahoma"> wow.. today has so many pics of "chio chio" girls

our toddlers all changed now. they look so diff now. i also agreed that Chloe and Chelsia changed alot. Couldnt recognise them intially</font>
My trip to perth is very short, just 5 days. Thus, I didnt get to explore down to M.River & Albany. Only upto Fremantle.....& Swan Valley.
lyn, celeste, serene, mt
it was really tough getting pic of them especially if u saw them in a good mood. most of the time before i can snap, she will run towards me.

chelsia looks so cute but little hair hor but at least can tied up
But i do agreed with serene that she really resembles u leh... keke!!
I did not get 4 tickets. I got 1 ticket. My hubby's boss got 3 tickets. I paid A$150, plus some administrative fees to the car rental company. They are very strict on car seat for kids too.

Yalor.. the worse is they want the camera!
hey good morn

how's everyone?? oh i realised now oni 8 plus am in spore now when here is 11am.. i was wonderin why no one online hahahaha. still in sydney. hehehe.. today last day liao.. why holidays are always so fast finish.

callin for u. go online once u reach office. hope can catch u b4 i go out later.


wat is the dimension of the princess shelve and also the ht in between shelves. am looking hard for one that suit my contraint space in my room. or u hv other kind of book shelves? PM or email me ok. thks

chao for now
Morning ladies !!

I am in & u are in away status !! So fast ur hols is going to end hor... tmr guess u cant go anywhere either. So have a safe trip back

chloe so corperative can wear hair band n hat...

Chelsia will pull whatever we wear on her head!

The only thing that stays will be her hello kitty clips!
not exactly... only recently she is ok to wear hat, i juz tell her it looks meimei on her & she will stand infront of the mirror & smile
vainpot !! Hahaha...
Why makes Z so happy?

Gabby a big gal now too. Noticed that every bb gals here had grown a longer hair, all so sweet.

Is by nature that gals loves to look pretty and dress up, so do Chloe.
You want Chelsia to wear nice hair band etc must train leh. Last time, my cousin actually commanded her daughter, cannot remove the hair band, hat etc...kekeke
Hi Dor,

Agreed, holiday always passes so fast! See, i'm back from Japan for 2 weeks already!

Princess Book shelf $268
Dimension : L600 x W300 x H1115 mm
Dimension for top shelf : L580 x W250 (depth) x H320 mm
Dimension for 2nd & 3rd shelf : L580 x W250 x H270 mm

Other designs of book shelf:

Angel $288 (L700 x W460 x H1270)

Doll House $268 (L800 x W300 x H750)

How about these sweet storage boxes cum seat?

Garden Friends $228 (L800 x W410 x H550)

Little Heart Girl $248 (L800 x W450 x H800)

Are you coming back tomorrow? If you're free on the weekend, do drop by Singapore Expo, Family Lifestyle Exhibition Hall 5 to view these furniture.

Have a good trip home.
serene - he played with the phone until super happy... see me take out my cam... so just smile to me! hahahaha :p
oki: chloe so sweet n pretty..

MT: long time never see u n zavier liao le.. must arrange to meet up le..

serene: Gabby still a koala cum monster.. hahaha
MT: i did not fly kite la.. i slipped n fell in the bathroom on 25 Nov, Sunday. Landed straight on my tailbone le.. Was on MC 1 whole week.

Till now, i still cannot bend, cannot carry heavy things, cannot carry Gabby, cannot walk too fast, cannot squat, cannot run.

I am now sleeping on my right side everynight as it will be very painful if i sleep flat.

aiyo.. i go see 3 different doctors.. all say no need xray.. coz even tailbone factured also cannot do anything, got to bear with d pain..

I m thinking of seeing a chinese sinseh.

Ya.. i very bad luck in health lately le.. lost my voice for 3 weeks, flu, cough.. n now back..

<font face="tahoma"> hello ladies,
just back from SBCC, brought wes for MMR this morning.

weight : 11.4kg
height : 84cm

he had to lay on that mat on PD's table. he knows going to be jab time... struggled so much to make him lay down!

oki, C is still as pretty as before

MTDT, wow.. look at the way Z smile. sooooo cute!

Shetland, ouch! hope you're better now. did you call Kindermusik to ask for makeup classes since you have 'accident'.</font>
