(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs


Aiyo.. too late liao. My HB already joined the alumni in OCtober cuz my in-laws kept nagging him to join. That's > $1K! Cuz we heard even old boys/girls phase 2A also quite full and possibly need balloting as 2006 got baby boom. If that was the case, those old boys/girls in alumni will be given priority?!? With this, those in phase 2b, 2c and beyond don't even stand a chance.

Anyway, our backup plan is I'll send the girls to Marymount Convent if fail to get placing in NY since I was from Marymount. Its my HB who was from NY.

Aiyo your hb realli very kiasu. anyway ha ha aden will be 1 phase before you because he will be under sibling since Charmaine already in NYPS.

At least registered one and the other no need to worry so much.

Hey talking about marymount convent, my colleague who stays at hougang just old me her gal has to take school bus from 5.55 to reach school at marymount around 7. So xiong.
Ya I used to take school bus from AMK Ave 10 at 5.55am to reach school around 6.50-7am. Seems like it hasn't changed much ya?

Anyway, my girls will have my HB and me as chauffeurs when they go school next time, whether its Marymount or NY. More like so siong for us.
Re. Pri 1
1) Mashy - ACS (Pri/Junior haven't decided)
2) Mamapanda - Nanyang
3) Chicken Little - Nanyang
4) Queen - De LaSalle (cos HB is old boy, phew!)
5) xjysg - St Anthony (should be la ...)
6) BP - Keming, De LaSalle or South View (if i shift to CCK)
7) MamaChan - Fairfield Primary

My boy probably got it from childcare coz there were other children affected too. But so far so good, he had a speedy recovery so everything has more or less cleared up le.

P1 registration
Are we registering them when they are in K2? Usually around which period does registration starts?
Ok...I have about 2.5 years to go then
I went to the school's website and they had a link on P1 registration at MOE's website... so found out I'm under Phase 2A1
So I guess no need for PV.

so u joined their alumni already? that's great. Getting into a good sch incl good neighbourhood school can be a headache if you're not an alumni.

I hope the schs that i intend to let me kids go accept them as alumni status even tho my hb and i didn't attend their pri section. Think my hb already confirmed with ACS. I've yet to confirm with my alma mater if they'll accept me into Phase 2A1 if i join the alumni. I'm going to be superwoman coz the kids will be split into 2 schs. But by the time H is in Pri 1, C is already in Pri 5, so even if in same pri sch also not much diff already.
Damien will not need to ballot if we enrolled him to Keming.
We bought an apartment in CCK and will be ready only in 3 yrs time. Therefore we have not decided if we are going to move there or not.
If confirmed we are going to move to CCK, then i have to consider south view or De LaSalle. But also will be facing another problem for my #1.
I need to change his school and but that time he is already P4.

u've a tough decision to make. not good to change sch at p4. psychologically he may not be able to take it since he'll be leaving all his friends.
re: alumni
talk about joining alumni. my hb also thought of joining his old school's alumni club (nan hua). but i heard that sure can get it and need not join the alumni. But the distance is really far from our place to clemanti...

Re. Pri 1
1) Mashy - ACS (Pri/Junior haven't decided)
2) Mamapanda - Nanyang
3) Chicken Little - Nanyang
4) Queen - De LaSalle (cos HB is old boy, phew!)
5) xjysg - St Anthony (should be la ...)
6) BP - Keming, De LaSalle or South View (if i shift to CCK)
7) MamaChan - Fairfield Primary
8) sunny - nan hua/yew tee primary

nan hua's ex-principal has gone to NYPS. I wonder if the new principal is good or not.
Hi mummies,

Ashley started her P1 education yesterday. Quite a stressful day for me. Wonder if the school bus will come on time, will she reach school safely, what's happening in class, etc.

Anyway, she cried when the principal announced that the parents have to leave the hall. My friend said she is probably the only one who listen when the principal talked. haha. Her face was dry when she came down for recess. But after spotted me, and before going up the class, she cride again. So i reckon it's only when she see me, she cry....

Today is the funny part. After i see Ashley up to the school bus, i took a bus back to MIL's place. Actually the school bus goes MIL's place as well. Unintentionally i reach MIL's place earlier than the school bus. I waited along the road so that i can obseve whether or not the school bus is going too fast, hoping to catch a peek what is Ashley doing............ Felt like i am stalking the school bus. Ha

I was also very tempted to give Ashley a HP so that she can call me and report to me that she is on the school bus etc. Ha.

Crazy mum huh?
I know that ex principal is good as she drove up the standard for nan hua. But be assured that for school with gifted programme, MOE will be careful in the selection of principal too.

The new principal is previously the vice principal of nan hua so should be ok. The culture will not change so much

I like the nan hua way of putting GEP kids among all classes. Nan Hua culture is to allow the gifted to know how to mix and exchange ideas with main stream students. Not sure if she will change the culture for nanyang. Likely not as the number of GEP students should be much more than in nan hua and she probably wont make a drastic change within NYPS. So you need a few years to observe if you have a concern.

ha ha yuki
normal lah. First day when Charmaine pop up the school bus, I took a cab as I need to report to help out for first 3 days and was wondering why she took so long to reach school.

Then after school I oso watch out for her to get up the school bus, then inform my sil when the bus leave the school.

Even P2, because now she is going to my mum place, my mum ask me to ensure she get up the right bus and she is given the front seat due to her injured elbow. I was very sure i dun have to do that yday because her best fren is in the same bus. Then when I reach b4 the bus , my mum made me call the driver to check.
Re. Pri 1
1) Mashy - ACS (Pri/Junior haven't decided)
2) Mamapanda - Nanyang
3) Chicken Little - Nanyang
4) Queen - De LaSalle (cos HB is old boy, phew!)
5) xjysg - St Anthony (should be la ...)
6) BP - Keming, De LaSalle or South View (if i shift to CCK)
7) MamaChan - Fairfield Primary
8) sunny - nan hua/yew tee primary
9) rena- st andrew

so fast our little one will soon be in pri and many of us has no.2 Liao ...

Should we have a gathering again ?
wow a lot of P1 talk recently!!! really makes us realise that our kids are growing up!

re gathering
it wd be fun....but then got to depend on when and where...and like what mashy say, with or without kids?
Hi mummies,

Making cameo appearance again... very busy with 3 boys la. Keenan's officially in K1 this year even though he's just turned 4 10 days ago. And most of the kids here are still in N2 right? He cried on the 1st 2 days of school, just before entering the front door. So drama, even though he's been attending the same school for more than 1 year liao!! So I'm very sure he'll definitely cry on the 1st day of Pri 1 too!

Re. Pri 1
1) Mashy - ACS (Pri/Junior haven't decided)
2) Mamapanda - Nanyang
3) Chicken Little - Nanyang
4) Queen - De LaSalle (cos HB is old boy, phew!)
5) xjysg - St Anthony (should be la ...)
6) BP - Keming, De LaSalle or South View (if i shift to CCK)
7) MamaChan - Fairfield Primary
8) sunny - nan hua/yew tee primary
9) rena- st andrew
10) denmy - Tao Nan (kor kor is there)
my Elijah too .. Offcially 4 only few day then suddenly k1.. He too drama mama too.. Same school for 1.5 years but still cry like mad.. On the first day...

Mine too! Also suddenly K1 already. He never cry in sch since it's CC but he;s been rather noti and i had to send him to noti corner several times this week.

Do you sometimes feel cheated of 1 year for your boys? I scared Keenan cannot cope in P1. U think can defer or not, since his bday is 30 Dec?
mummies from this thread whom I know

I'm decluttering and have the following to give away. I will be putting them up in the Marketplace to sell but thought I'd ask you 1st.

1. Nursing Pea Pillow
2. Tiny Love Gemini Deluxe 3-D Activity Gym (0-10m)
3. Vtech - Classic Rhymes & Discover Book
4. Fisher-Price Peek-a-Blocks: Ocean Blocks + Block Dispensing Fish
5. Sesame Street Shape Sorter
6. I’m Toy baby cot, mattress and bedding set
7. Fitted waterproof mattress protector for cotbed
8. Bedding set (4 pcs)
9. Ikea cot bumper
10. Winnie the Pooh fleece blanket
11. Grobags Noah’s Ark sleeping bag
12. Grobags stars sleeping bag
13. Grobags blue stripes sleeping bag
14. Mosaic Cube prince sleeping bag
15. Desitin Creamy (1 new & 1 opened)
16. A+D Diaper Rash Ointment (1 new 454g tub & 1 opened tube)
17. Kiddiproof Retracting cupboard latch (BN 2 pack)
18. Safety 1st furniture corner cushions (1 BN 4 pack & opened 2 pack)
19. Cabinet & drawer latches (2 x BN 2 pack)

haha, i think oppo of u. I think he gained that 1 yr. Coz he'll be able to start uni/work earlier than his peers by a full year.

I'm given a choice whether to defer or not. So I already asked his teachers if he's doing well enough to be able go Pri 1 with the rest of his classmates or should I defer. They said he can go ahead, no need to defer.

Now is the golden period for learning. If he misses it, he won't be able to learn that much so easily in such a short time.

ya.. for me i think he loses 1 year of learning. Work can always wait la... Caeden's bday is 1 Jan, he's not actually deferring, more like advancing right?
Hi mummies,
hv a qn regarding cl. Are they expected to help out with the basic household chores. Food wise is it ok that they eat the same tonic stuff as us?

Sorry getting a big headache now with the cl.

The CL helps us with the basic household chores like wash our clothes. But she leaves the ironing for the part time maid. She also helps to clean & mop the floor once a while when we ask her to.

She cooks separately for my hb & boy and she'll eat those food. She (incl the rest of the family) can't eat the same stuff as us coz too heaty.
Sigh my cl can sit at the sofa watching tv while I bf my boy but she ignore the pile of jw laundry just collected in.

Then she cooks all the same things for all to eat. When my hb complains coz he says she just buys all the expensive things when the family and her doesn't need all the expensive food, she retorted dat the rest of the family only hv vegetables. But the thing is dat the vegetables was extra thing my mil bought and insisted she cook!

Afternoon after I bathe with the water she cook, she left it in the toilet and go rest. My hb so fed up he ended cleaning it. Hb is v upset now.....coz he was running around whole day

how abt sitting down to list down her R&R? I did that with my CL before ... question her before I hire her, what kind of housework is within her scope and what's outside. Go thru' with her and perhaps you can ask her, if the family does need her to chip in to do certain housework, will she do? I think a CL's role is to make the mummy comfortable.... so ask her, if there's noone to cleanup the toilet, then who's going to do it (assuming your hb's at work), that rightfully should her role, since u can't do, right? As for food, it's fair that u state down the requirements too, a meat n a veg min for her n rest of family isn't too little right, or ask her what is consider a fair portion for everyone.... since it couldn't be just veg only (if she thinks so)

If realli cannot tahan dun stress yourself. I gave you another contact via facebook you see if the CL is available maybe do a 2 weeks with the new one
nope she is not. Coz I delivered 5 wks early, the orignal couldn't come. She just got a replacement for me. I had no choice coz too last min liao.

can change halfway like dat one ah?
Hi mummies!

I think don't worry too much about the Dec baby gaining/losing 1 year. Our Dec tods may be slower in their formative years, but will eventually catch up in Primary school. I'm a mid-Dec baby myself and some of my friends too... all of us do not lag behind academically as compared to our peers born in say Jan/Feb.
So I'm not too worried about this.

You doing confinement now? Sorry, didn't know you had given birth! Congrats!
if you not happy then why not. Just tell her off that she is not helping you lor. Have not paid her in full right ?

when did you deliver ? how long liao ? If you can get one replacement to come in just do at least 2 good weeks wth the new one
SH, do change if you think she's not good ... should be since there's not much regulations guiding these, and u r not in a written contract with her.

I don't have year-end babies but that's what I wanted actually, always miss the cut-off and that's why my kids are always born early in the year. I don't think those born in the yearend lose out in 1 year except perhaps so in the first few years of their preschool. Come P1 which I am now, I feel that difference has diminished a lot that it became quite un-noticeable. More importantly is how the kid has been groomed at home in terms of attitude and values for the first few years of their lives. But at 4 yr old, I still see that difference.

Why don't u ask the orig one whether she can come or not? Since she's the one who got the replacement too? Maybe she'll be able to come for 2 weeks and easier for her to talk to the replacement since it's her recommendation.
Dear Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I’m a new mummy turning to full-time piano teaching. I specialise in coaching young children and teenagers. Able to teach for leisure or for preparation of ABRSM examination. Able to travel to your place to conduct the lesson. For any enquries, please sms/call me at 91230494. Thank you.

Gave birth last thurs. Original one couldn't come coz said i too early.

My hb had a word with her yesterday. Hopefully things improved. Not much energy now coz yesterday suddenly got fever. dunno if it is from the engorgment or from the c-section wound.
Congrats SH.
Dun worry too much. Leave to your hb. At the same time maybe call to check if any CL can come within this week. If can at least can change if this one still does not work out.
Congrats sh,

I heard that you gave birth 1 month early... Wah..
Normally if too early the CL will not be able to come.. She will get a replacement.. Coz her jan case was on time and it will not be right for her to get a replacement.. That was why she is unable to come..

If the replacement Cl really not good then ask her to leave after 2 weeks..
Yippee! Confirm that my kids can go to the pri sections of our sec schs even tho we weren't fr the pri section ourselves. Phew! No need to do PV or find another sch. Now i just need to go sign up for alumni...

u're direct admission mah. Mine isn't coz we're fr the sec sch section, so not qualified for Phase 2A2. So bo bian just pay a bit of money lor. My hb already joined his. I will prob join soon in case i forget later.

congrats! ya, like what other mummies said, you can change the CL half way through. my CL told me before that there was a mummy half way changed her CL and hired my CL during the confinement period. PM me if you need the contact. take care.

re: I can Read
My gal attended last week's lesson at CCK branch. She likes the teacher a lot. These few days, whenever we passed by Lot 1, she will say that she wants to go to look for her teacher.
