(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff6000">GLAYZ GLAYZ</font>
Where are you? How's your first day at work?
You see - the thread is practically DEAD when you are not around! Hahaha.
wow thread is dead. heehee

all busy?

Me went to the foto U session today. Here some pics of A:


The rest of the shots n the shots with me n hb inside will upload n show to u all via email invites, cant post here. More than 200 shots. heehee
Wow, nice shots. A has so many outfit changes. He must have been very cooperative to get more than 200 shots during the session.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Wah, your boy's like a model leh! Kekeke.
Good mood ya? Smiling a lot! oki oki, wait for your link to see the mei niu and the other suai ge. Hehe.
not all his shots, quite alot family shots n a no of me n hb onli. We machiam like taking wedding pics. kekeke He not co-operative in the beginning. Then Ben managed to warn him up, so he was happily smiling letting him snap. Yup bought a few for him to change, one more indian costumes not shown. Will upload n show to u all. Thanks for recommending Ben to ask. Now so many nice shots, dun noe how to select for the free prints.
he onli good mood in the last part.
No mei niu cos my hairstyle spoilt it, as I went to trim n the hairdresser made it so gugu n straight. kekeke Me spoiling the pics of the two men. kekeke
Still owe u the pics on sempi trial. Will do one shot.
Anyone heard of 'Picture Me' at Suntec and UE?
I happened to get a voucher by lucky draw for a package studio session. Any feedback about them?

My cheapo hb so happily told me "Wah, your dream come true!!!" when he saw that I got the voucher. Coz he didn't want to take on the Foto U pkg. Terrible...
Picture Me not cheap lei. U checked carefully, think must charge this n that.
I think of all packages I checked, Foto U best liao. N return u all the soft copies, plus free copies of 8R. Now they having another BP in the biz session but price went up to S$120 already. N Ben is realli good with kids n flexible. The package is realli value for money.
I see. cay is also the same. She took a long while to warm up when we first took her for her studio photo session around 15mths old. Kekekeke.... understand how you feel when taking the couple shots.

Glad to know that you are comfortable with Ben.
u see picture me package:
They dun give u back the soft copies, when u see the shots, u will tend to order more cos all might be too nice not to order. N onli select from a range of 30-40 shots. Not worth I find when I compare with foto U. U get all soft copies n print as many as u like, n free prints of 8R. N usu shots r average 150. Why JJdad dun wan Foto U? Any reason?

A sad in the beginning cos we reached them early n Ben not there yet n we had to wait at the coffee shop for Ben, so A's excited mood dampened as he had been practising smiles with daddy whole day on sunday. He is so looking forward to the photo session. heehee
Nice pictures! 200+ pictures! Most my friends took up 2hrs photo session inorder to achieve 200+ pics. :p guess Ben already knows how to handled "cool boy" after taking's ian pic.

The way you describe your hubby makes me laugh. How come he don't want to take up the pktg?
Sally is right. Some studios have hidden costs and they do not give back soft copies most of the time. Some really hard sell like crazy which I dread because I can't resist temptation one.

Recently I went for a complimentary makeover and I told hb I die die wun buy the pics. Hb rolled his eyes and said confirm will burn a hole in pocket again. When the studio staff realised I would be bringing cay along, they suggested including her and hb in the shots.

In the end, hb is the one who cannot resist! I find the shots so-so only. Maybe I am only looking at myself whereas hb feels that cay looks very pretty in the shots. The studio is rather cunning lor. Anyway, I dun bother lah since the one having a burnt pocket is not me.
Ben told me Ian veri handsome but shy, cant seem to warm him up. kekeke Aiyo A makes him take this n that. heehee Ben is realli good with kids n have his ways in handling their moods n opening them up. He goes with the flow of the kids n dun force them. First my hb not keen to go, cos he scare like the wedding photos shots so boring, stand smile, sit smile, but after this session, he is veri pleased with the result. N so carefree n casual in getting the shots done.
Thanks. She was quite at ease during the shots although most of the time she was screaming for me to stand beside her.

The studio staff was showing us how to touch up the pics and I realised cay has eye bags as big as her daddy's. Sigh, the result of not enough sleep.
Wah, A can do some modelling liao next time.

BTW, those going to take fotou, remember to tell Ben you also want to take more pictures w/ kids too, coz' ours end up mostly daddy n son.
:p Coz' ian not cooperative. Either Ben who keep chasing ian around or hubby carry him doing some "quick action" inorder to capture. So only have a few Ian solo looking @ the camera. My hubby also cannot believe the pktg is such a GOOD DEAL! Keep asking me sure or not, what do they earn?
wow eniale, u veri bad lei, din come in for so long, n now pop in like that to ask to vote...... realli wu shi bu tend san bao dian lei.
<font color="0000ff">wahaahaa.. sally..u say me until so bad ... heeheee =P.. been busy recently afetr I got bk SIN &amp; also sprees so din cm into active thread to yakyak... i tink the last time i caht wif u online was a couples of months back right.. hehe..

So hw's everyone here been doing?.... I will be dueing very soon.. EDD on the 26th so now is like a time bomber.. anytime will bomb wahaha...</font>
eniale, true mah, got time to do sprees n din dropby here. Then need favour then come in. Last time msn.... u meant that time u din even noe who i m n from where, n i have to tell u n yet u said u cant remember cos when u in japan, u disturbed alot of thread. Anyway, all the best for yr delivery. Take care.
<font color="0000ff">Sally , uhmmm u sound mad at me.. mayb i offended u in some ways... hope u r doing well &amp; thanks for yr wishes... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
nice pics! Ben is my actual day photographer, find him quite a nice guy. Too bad my hb not into studio fotos, else let him take for us again, this time with our child will be so meaningful lor.
very nice pics!!! aiyo, i'm also one of those that haven't booked the date. prob doing it in may....hopefully mei mei can sit up by then.
do we have to pay extra for all the photos taken?
haha..i like the way u put it

Oh ya, handsome pics of A. He always reminds me of that VJ Utt

got potential to be 'Xin Ma' for u next time
btw, i'm going for genius r us baking class this weekend. any one wants to join me and K? But it's pretty exp. $40 for 1 session.

sally, actually u can open PT bakery class for toddlers. Sure earn big money
nice pics.

Picture Me ? I'll say a big No. Rem the studio pics I took last time ? Was from PM...
Foto U package more worthwhile. And shots nicer.

i agree, cay is really very very pretty now. you should send her for more photo shoots, maybe can get picked out as child model. I love her eyes. so mi ren....
can diy mah. I promise E i'll bake cookies with her... soon.
hope i can accomplish that this weekend.

also got inspired by ur sushi. maybe will do with her too. yday i did art n craft with her, she's cooperative. i'm more confident. I'm so worried, she prefer to mess up everything than follow instructions.
yes, cay is a very pretty!! and you are super thin in the photos!!!

yup yup can diy. i ask A1 to do the simple things like arranging the muffin cases, cut out simple cookie designs, whisk eggs etc

my boss not ard today.....so skiving a little! hahah
Sally, A so handsome and cheeky in the photos, very well taken!!
Apart from the outfits, must you bring your "props" along too??
Aiyoh, i'm suppose to send "reminder" to all too about the deadline.
Planning to go for shoot during weekday too but can never confirm a date.

It's still not too to "persuade" hb to try out for a family photo shoot..keke

I'm actually keen on the ice-cream baking class at genius r us. You try out and provide us your feedback. I also agree our Sally can open a class too, she's our suppermummy here.
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Really thanks to you tat day tat give me the idea to DIY our own version.

Tat’s good to hear that, at least u are more confident to let E participate in some mini ‘projects’ now.
So envy u gals got oven. Me no oven here, so gotta ‘bake’ Playdoh cookies instead. Haha. Gog to blog the ‘cookies’ we ‘bake’ over the weekend.
Foto U
I was so bz i hvn't paid. haha... Ben had to email me! jiat lat....

ai ya no prob lah. as we share, we can come up with 'innovative ideas' mah... hee hee...
i tell you E LOVES playdoh. tt y i think i need to bake cookies with her liow. haha...
i got no oven too! i'm gg to use toaster oven to bake. alamak, i gave away 2 toaster oven to my maid when i was moving. I know i give you one (if u don't mind lah. it was brand new!)

whisk the eggs ? A1 so good gal. i dare not let E try man... think i'll just use cookie mix.

btw cookie mix if can't finish can i keep in fridge ? or i need to bake all ?! with my tiny toaster, i think v hard. haha...
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
My hb the oppostite of you hb. He likes studio session a lot. I remembered when I first jio him to go for makeover, he still hesitated and very shy. Even during our wedding photo shoot, he also looked very stiff. But now he is very on about photo shoot. When we had our recent one, I bought cay into the studio first because hb went to park. When he came in and the staff asked whether he wants to be in the shoot, he happily said yes. Although he expected that he will be dragged in, his attitude is really very different from the past lor.

Ben is also my AD photographer and hb likes him since then.

<font color="aa00aa">Ixorarred,</font>
No need to pay extra for the session, unless you want extended time or makeup which is not included in the package.

Are you sure I am "super thin"?
I actually felt that I looked swollen! Even the photographer agreed I looked fat in the pics but assured me that he can touch up to slim down a bit.
Also, I wasn't very comfortable in my office attire because I went straight after work. You prob wun believe that I arrange the shoot on the actual. Kinda rush lah.... thought of doing it to boost my morale which has been rather low recently (again).

One reason why I am willing to go for makeover now is I dun find myself looking good in the pics anymore so I am able to resist the temptation of buying extra pics but now I know my hb cannot resist when he sees the pics of his darling daughter.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Err... more photo shoot?! Very tiring leh. I am kinda worried for the next shoot when the family of 4 can finally 'reunite'. Getting cay and bbcay to smile is quite a tough task these days.
just shoot cay lor. will be easier hee hee...

i'm skiving too!!! as u can see from my many posts haha..
yes leh! not swollen lah! aiyo, why low morale? how much is the makeup?

can only let her whisk those recipes that dun need to have light/fluffy texture, e.g. muffins, brownies. i'm not sure about the cookie mix, if u used eggs, then better not keep for too long.
Thanks. Maybe I was wearing sleeveless and my hair was tied up so I find myself more exposed than usual.

The charge for makeup and hairdo shld be $80. You have to let Ben know in advance so that he can book the makeup artist. I actually dun like makeup... kinda make me look old.

The recent shot I had was a complimentary session with another studio and it comes with makeup. After the makeup, I felt like a wayang again... kinda make me look old.
hello hello! so nice to see the thread alive again!
I'm on child sick leave. Got loads of experience to share this time!

N2 had 3 little spots appear on this arm on Friday. By Sun, another 3 appeared on his chest and back. The spots were flat and red, the size like slightly smaller than holes from hole puncher. Didn't grow bigger, or itchy.

Mon morning, fever started. 38. it climed up to 39.7 in the evening. Despite sponging and nerofen, it didn't go down. He was still active, just a little cranky. So at 11pm, we brought him to Mt Alvernia's A&amp;E.

That's the start of the whole saga. The staff nurse insisted it was chicken pox, put us in isolated room. Doc came, with gloves and extra yellow clothing covering (a la SARS) and said, "Yes, it's chicken pox." Prescribed this $79 bottle of chicken pox anti-viral syrup and some anti-itch med.

Back home, we were still very sure it's not chicken pox. Cos no bubble, no water, and no itch! So we decided, first thing in the morning, we'll go PD.

This morning, went PD. He immediately said, NOT chicken pox. He took torchlight, shone on each and every spot. Said if it's pox, then it should be watery and bubble like by now! He concluded it's a VIRAL RASH!! Apparently, there's a rash that causes high fever. So got to take anti-biotics.

Can't believe it! wrong diagnosis! and last night, N2's name submitted to MOH cos he supposedly kena infectious disease--chicken pox!
Aiyo, that silly $79 medication could have gotten me the make-up and hairdo that caymom mentioned!!

Anyway, N2 is ok now. just fluctuating temperature. But what to do? we were kiam ka na, wanted to go cheap MO at 11 pm. Mt A's A&amp;E is generally quieter and their charges are like GP. Consultation only $24.

sigh.. so I'm at home now, resting and taking care of N2. (actually more resting and taking time to myself!) haha!
thanks! I'll check out that site. No, the A&amp;E doc was not young. He was just tired maybe. All the cha-pa-lang cases thrown to him at that hour.
there's a blood test for chicken pox? aiya, i really hope this would not be a story N2 will tell all his friends when they ask if he has ever gotten chicken pox. it has makings of a life long story!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I hope N2 recover soon. Chicken pox is quite easy to identify. It will have a blister in the middle of the pox. Jo had roseola (false measles) before. It's rashes all over but no blister. Why the doctor so blur?

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Your makeover is very pretty. And I like the shots you have taken. I totally agree Cay is sososo.....pretty. Daddy must be so proud of her. And why you morale low? You look so young and good. Pretty mama of 2. Do they also help touch up hb before the shots?
I want to see the beautiful you and of cos the lovely girls. Can send me the link...thanks!

Oh no, poor N2! By the 2nd or 3rd day, you should be able to distingish whether the spot is a chicken pox blister or not. It started off like a mozzie bite but not necessary all will look like blisters, unlike adults.

Lucky thing, CP is ruled out, if not you will have to quarantine both N1 and yourself( if you have not kenna CP yet). Imagine that!

alamak, sounds like false measles. sometimes really scared about the hospital dr, so bz and just anyhow diagnose. worse if it's new dr or housemen.
