(2004/04) April Mummy

I was under G.A so cldn't feel anything but felt dizzy on n off for 2 days. Going for follow-up this wed. Thks for the concern.

Muz be busy with ur bb.U MIA for some time.I am not sure if the price will go up,if u like,mayb u can stock up a few tins of Enfalac.

1st u must ask urself-Are u looking for compact(easy to keep away) or value for $(bb can sit beyond 3yrs old.)Compact ones are light (normally 3kg)and can easily fold away like an umbrella,while the latter only can fold by pulling front to back.Since compact is light,maybe shaky.The latter is sturdy but heavy(as heavy as 8kg.

Aprica is good,made in Japan but very ex.One can cost $300-400.Personally I like Combi,but some models are not made in Japan.The $118 in orange and blue is made in China.But manuovering is good and most importantly light-weighted.I was intro to Lucky Baby brand(made in Korea)when I visited Baby Hyperstore at Kaki.Added function is gd ventilation.There's a window at the back can see what bb's doing.Cost $149.Some even have handles that can switch front to back,good when u taking escalator,bb can face u.As mine is a gift from my co,cannot 'hiam'.The brand is Les bebe and available at Kiddy Palace at $109.

Yeap, Reon is born with double eyelids...this is the oni pic that i caught her smiling...It is so difficult to make her smile.
Regardin abt the milk powder, abt a yr back, when my elder gal was taking enfalac a+, it costs me oni $22/tin, imagine the increase in price.

Firstly u set the requirements u want from the stroller, then ur budget. I have a Graco stroller which is like almoz 6-8kg, bulky but very sturdy and 3 positions and it comes with a car seat, bought it 1.5yrs back, costs me $399, rite now ard $425. My mum bought a Combi which is comapct and light, but i feel that is more suitable for toddlers coz oni 1 position.

All Mummies,

where have u all gone?

Can send me ur particulars so tat I can compile ur particulars and send it to u?

As for the information, I will need:
2)Real Name
3)Mobile phone/Residential (Optional)
5)Email Add
6)Delivery Date
7)Baby's Name & Birth Weight
hi mummies,

me MIA for awhile since started wk last week. adjusting ok though miss my boy. he's now 8 weeks old and drinking 120ml between 3-4hrs interval.
Seemed most of yr babies drinking Enfalac..mine's on Similac Excellence. Anyone try it?

I bought my Pedegro pram (from italy).. It's about 6-8kg at $320.
hi li may & joy apr
wow, your strollers seem a bit heavy, dun experience any difficulties using it meh?

hi rain drops
ya, Aprica good, but went Robinson to check the price and the cheapest i found was $600+ after discount. I am considering Lucky Baby. I prefer the one with reversible handle however they are more on the heavy side. Don't know which to give up now, the weight or the handle...
Li May,is Reon still waking up in the middle of the nite for feed?I noticed my Cherish will sleep fm 7 or 8+pm these days then sleep thru till 4am.After I fed,bathe and coax her to sleep,it's ard 6:30am and it's almost time for me to get ready for work.

must be a lot of work in the office.Actually Similac is also very popular,in fact I've the intention to switch to the Similac Excellence step 2 instead of the Enfapro.

Mummies,juz curious.Will u allow ur babies to enter Baby contests?
OG is having sale.Might have discount.I saw alot of models at the Albert branch,the one near Bugis.The one with reversible handle is only slightly heavier.Available in red,blue and beige if I remember correctly.
hi rain drops

i bought the Lucky Baby stroller with the one with reversible handle. yes it is heavier but most of the time will be carried by hubby .. not my problem hee hee.

i will the reversible handle as i can see him while we pushing .. i thk it is better.
hi all,

limei, sorry i think you mentioned it before. Should I send my particulars to your email address - can you let me know? Thanks.

joy, i also bought a pegpergro pram, but now find it still too big for my boy to use. It's quite heavy though sturdy.

raindrops, my mother advised me against entering in baby contests. She said that babies that take part and win such contest won't "grow" well after that...

I envy u that Cherish is sleepin well. As for Reon, she be sleepin throughout the day and when it reaches evenin to nite, she be awake and demandin for milk. For instance, from 11pm to 2am, she be drinkin a total of 180ml of milk and gets back to sleep. And wakes up every 3 hr for milk.

Wat Cherish is experiencing rite now, is like my elder gal....she slept thru when she was 2.5mths old....


juz send to my email: [email protected]
hi mel,
yes, the pram is quite heavy to handle..but it very sturdy and big. It's more convenient to transport if u own a car, else it wld be quite troublesome. I don't own a car, so my hubby is the one to carry it. Got it previously becos my baby is big and the pram is big enough to use till baby is 2-3yrs old.

Hi Pris,
Agreed that the pram is sturdy and big.. Took me awhile to get it after much consideration. I liked Aprica pram but it is too costly and becos' it's made from Japan, their pram tends to be smaller in size.. So, pretty fast baby will outgrow the pram..that's why I decided on Pegprego pram.

Hi Rain_drops,
yes, work is piling up..cos' this period is the busiest. yesterday, didn't even have time to call home to check on baby.

You bath Cherish so early in the morning? You must be very tired as u don't get to go back to bed after 4am. My mil bath baby in the afternoon. Last night, I tried for the first time giving baby a night bath. He liked it v much and slept well thruout the nite.
hey mummies
anyone heard of mas baby stroller? Are they good?

hi joy apr
i have gotta get a light stroller cause I like to bring bb out myself to go shopping. Think I cant handle a heavy one.

Do you mean that Aprica strollers wont be able to last bb till 2-3 yrs old?? I just manage to physco my hubby to pay half half to get the $600+ one that I saw at Robinson. Aiyo, now come to think of it, if the bb outgrow it so fast, then wont be worth buying liao...
I'm so angry with my hubby.After he had commented Cherish's long sleeping hrs in front of her,now she wakes up ard 1 or 2am in the morning for feed.My MIL once said anything good,dun say in front of the child otherwise gd will become bad.Pang Tan mah.
Why don't u try to keep Reon awake in the aftn?Cherish can sleep so long b'coz she hardly sleep.She has the habit of sleeping in the arms of my MIL,and she'll cry out loud the moment my MIL wants to put her down in the bouncer.My MIL can't do nothing but to carry her ard.I always tell my friends,Cherish got needles in her bum,can't put her down.Put down will cry.Heehee...

Glad to hear that ur boy boy enjoyed the evening bath,but night time can be cold so try not to let bb play with water too long.U know,I tried to catch a wink after I put Cherish in bed but I ended up late for work.Rush until like mad.

I don't know abt u but stress at work is the best medicine for me to lose weight.I remembered the last time I was so stressed up,I lose 3kg!Right now I have 4kg more to go.

Mummies jia you!Muz have confidence.Towards our pre-pregnancy size!

I always thought Mas brand is made in M'sia.No offence but the price makes me rather doubtful abt the quality.Most prams can last till 3yrs old.Besides,by the time bb's 3yrs old,he/she will be running ard and may not like sitting in the pram unless he/she's tired and needs a nap.

cutecute,Qhl where are you?

Angel,prices for Dumex has rised.I sure hope u can call Dily to enjoy the Buy 6 free 2 tins offer with free delivery.My colleague,though had enjoyed this offer,is still ordering repeatedly.Trust me,the goods are in good cond.
Hi Mel,

It all depends.. and very subjective. When i was pregnant with my boy, Jaden, my gynae has always been telling me tat my boy is gonna be a big baby. Becos my hubby n me r big built..so that's another consideration why we didn't dare to invest so much to get the Aprica pram.

My gf who brought an Aprica pram (at $350 aft discount & old model) told me tat her boy is outgrowing it soon. His boy is now 7mth, but he is long..his legs already sticking out of the pram. She still continue using the pram.

So, it all depends on individual. But I must said, Aprica strollers r definitely good. I liked it v much too. You can wait for Robinson sale 15% + 5% to get the pram. Btw, Aprica is definitely better than mas baby. There's an Aprica shop along selegie road (after Peace centre), u may want to go down n check it out.

Hi rain_drops,
Ya, I had to do it quick..my MIL also reminded me not to bath long. Btw, i am that type who don't slim down despite being stress..must exercise one.

Hi mummies,
My boy's sleeping pattern rather unpredictable.. last night, he wouldn't sleep until 1 plus.. hubby so angry..but previous nite, he slept around 10pm plus.. fed him around 12am, then he slept till 5am plus for the next feed. Do u all have the same problems?
hi rain_drops
It's ok. I was asking about this brand cos one of it's model caught my attention. Liked the colour very much and it is very light with reversible handle. But I never see this brand before and the price also got me thinking if it is a good brand but never came to me it might be made in Malaysia...

Good for you., only left with 4kg, me still have 8kg! I am getting so desperate, I might just go to the doc and get some slimming pills

hi joy apr
$350 is cheap, where did she get it? Still selling? I dun mind if it is a old model as long as it is light. Wah her bb is going to be very tall next time. Only 7mth so long liao.

Robinson sale just over on the 29th june. Sign...think mus wait for the next one. I have checked the selegie shop. They seemed to be selling slighty higher leh. Aiyo, want to buy one stupid stroller so headache...

my bb sleeping pattern different everyday also, sometimes sleeps at 11 sometimes 1am too. But she is very punctual for her morning feeds, always awake ard 8-9 am.

I have a busy time trying to keep her hands away from her mouth. dun know why suddenly she rather suck her hand then her favourite pacifier and is drooling like nobody's business now. One day, dun know must change how many times clothes. Heachache...
Mummies,I read in books that by 6 weeks babies should settle into a routine.Maybe you can try to put bb to sleep early latest by 9pm even though bb may not be sleepy.If bb's timing is 'fixed' late at nite,next time u'll have difficulty to correct the timing.If he/she miss a feed it's ok coz he/she'll wake up when he/she's hungry.

It seems like ur girl girl has discovered a wonderful toy-her hands.Just like QHL's son-Nathan.U can start to intro wrist rattle to her.Books said hands are better than pacificer.My friend's bb girl is even cuter.She likes to suck her fist but can't bear to let go her pacificer so.... end up putting her fist into her mouth then push pacificer to the other corner of her mouth.I guess it's just a growing up phrase.
Nevermind lor,just treat it like bb's very own fashion show.
Hi Raindrop,
Thks for the info. Will try to give Dily a call. You mentioned its a one time offer only meaning I can only order from her once?
For mummies who are feeding their bb Enfalac A+
I have check out the ingredients used for the Singapore packed and Malaysia packed Enfalac A+ milk powder.

The differences that I found between the 2 are as follow:

--------------------------------------------- SD-----MY
Alpha_Linolenic Acid (mg) ------- 90-----94
Vitamin K (mcg) ---------------------- 9-----14
Folic Acid (mcg) -------------------- 16-----7.5
Zinc (mg) -------------------------------- 1-----0.6
Selenium (mcg) --------------------- 2.8------0
Sialic acid (mg) ---------------------- 37------0

the rest of the ingredients used are the same and it is stated both are manufactured by Mead Johnson B.V. Hope this will be useful for those mummies who would like to buy the milk powder from Malaysia.

hi rain drop
i imagine the picture of ur friend's bb with her fist and pacifier in her mouth... so funny

But it is not good to let bb suck their fist because there are body salt (sweat) as well as dirt and germs.
Rain Drop,
I have tried keepin Reon awake in the afternoon, but it always seems like as if she took sleepin pills, no matter how u disturb her, she juz wun budge.
Actually, my hubby oso afraid of ppl saying things infront of my gals, but I always tell my hubby ignore them, juz answer them: yes or juz nod in agree. And ask him not to be bothered....Now my 2 gals oso bo chup.
hi raindrops,

I still here. Just quiet these days. Tired lah, my body still haven't get used to mommy mode yet.

hi mel,

Dunno what happen, but Nathan stopped sucking his hand already. 2 weeks ago was like dun let him suck, he'll cry. Now, he can't be bothered. Maybe realised that it's not that sweet afterall. :p

Also, I realised that Nathan drinks ALOT at night. He can have 4-5oz at 7.30pm. then 8/9pm he'll want to drink again - sometimes can do 4/5 oz again. But after that he usually sleeps till 3 in the morning. Quite scary at times cos I worry he overdrink...
my boy also same, can drink alot at night as much as ur boy. he usually have 4.5-5oz of milk at 730pm n ask for milk again at 830. i will latch him for the 830pm feed. not sure how much he drinks but should b a full feed as i cant pump out much milk after tat. will sleep at 930 n wake up for milk again at 3-4am. at first also afraid he drink too much, but i think he is doing so to stock up for the night.
Hi mini,

Thanks for the confirmation....I was wondering if I am feeding a would-be michelin baby. Think you're right about stocking up for the night cos during the 3am feed, I usually latch him on - but he only last 5-10 minutes (actually I only manage to keep awake for that first few mins only).

Think he just sucking for fun then, not so much hungry with capital H.

My gf bought the Aprica pram at "The First Few Years". They have shops at KKH and United Square.
Ya, her bb going to be very tall, just like her hubby.

Again, my boy slept at 1plus last night.. fed him at 11pm..he slept for about 45 mins, then wake up and couldn't sleep..need us to carry him. Then cried for more milk..so fed him about 70ml at 1am..he fell asleep soon after..

QHL / Mini,
both of your boys can sleep from 8/9 to 3/4am..that's good! I tried training my boy to sleep after his feed at 9pm.. 3 days ago, he managed to sleep through but last 2 days, he slept and wake up again for feed around 11pm, then won't sleep until 1plus..headache..
Angel,yes,it's a one time offer but you can 'chum siong' with them the next time.The person doing delivery-Amy said for future delivery just code a different add(but not worry,she can send to ur add).

thanks for the trouble for highlighting the ingredients,I noticed the m'sia's Enfalac is lacking on sialic acid(SA).This is important coz it's available in mother's breastmilk.Enfalac got another one without SA,slightly cheaper-$26+ at NTUC.

Li_May,Reon's grinning again,very cute.Send my flying kiss to her.
Now I know what u mean by difficult to take photos of bb smiling.I'm always so slow and missed Cherish's smile.I feel that my Cherish is not so sociable coz she'll look aside or close her eyes while drinking milk no matter how I call her.She's going for her DTP jab soon,scali fail doc's assessment.But one thing Im proud of her is that she can sit up well if I lift her up by holding both her hands.

QHL,are u still BF Nathan?BM easy to disgest.U r funny by comparing Nathan to Michelin.I din know this term until my friend highlighted the Michelin tyres.

mimi,u must be very tired waking up so often to feed ur boy boy.

Joy_apr,ur boy got 'chao swee',fuss b4 sleep.Cherish always like that.Normally it takes a bb 3hrs to digest a full feed,so maybe ur boy is sleepy but can't fall asleep.

mummies,do u feel very sleep-deprived?Well,I do.Yesterday I was almost caught dozing off in a meeting.Jia Luk!

I always feel very tired after looking after my baby after a wkend. Reason is he tends to want to sleep on my body so most of the time I have to be awake or at least semi-awake. Got to find a solution fast if not I sure die when I start looking after him full time in a week or 2 time.

Missing him as I have not seen him for 2 days liao as I am down with fever, cough and cold.
Are u feeling better now?U need plenty of rest to get well.My bb also like that.I try to put her down before she gets sleepy.Must teach her to fall asleep on her own.But Daddy spoil market.Always let her sleep on his chest and he himself also fall asleep.Did u buy the sarong sling?That could be useful.U can do ur stuff while carrying him.
Hi Raindrop,

I have the sarong sling but don't really know how to use it properly and he don't seems to like it too.

Fever have been coming on and off for 2 days liao. Really miss my baby but scared I might infect him or not be able to take care of him properly if I bring him back.
Cutecute back again..
I managed 2 find a perm job and had start work liao. Sorry if i reply late. Baby will with mil home and will bring him back on fri night and send him on sun night. Miss him very much. Yesterday bring him back at home he was smiling at me.

My baby sleeping pattern can be diff from other days. Sometimes he can sleep early but sometimes not. Last time I used to carry him until he zzzz but now put him on spring cot (bought not long ago). More conv cos I just shake it while I laying on the sofa. When he is sound asleep, I will carry him 2 his bed. Daytime sleep on spring cot and night sleep on bed.
hi joy_apr,

Nope. I think he wakes up about 1/2am also. Just cannot remember cos I still in sleep daze.

hi raindrops,
ya, nathan's still on tbf. Sometimes feel like giving him formula to see if he can last through the night, but then, I cannot bring myself to get up and go make the feed. Rather latch him on...faster (me lazy mummy).

BTW, I weighed Nathan last Friday...he now 7.35kg
Think he's a bit big for his age, also difficult to carry. But just happy he's growing well.
Hi mummies,
I'm back,MIA during wkends coz Sat bought Cherish to shopping again,and spent sun looking after her.I really regretted bringing her to Suntec Carrefour.So many people and trolleys.I remembered she was fussy while trying to sleep.I carried her in my arms and suddenly found myself caught in between two trolleys.

Angel,heehee...Sorry,I also don't know to use the sarong sling,unable to advise u on that.U don't have to worry of passing virus to him,unless ur fever comes with flu or cough.But if u're feverish,u may feel exhausted and require rest so u may not have the strength to care for ur boy.Muz get well soon,k.

Cutecute,congrats on ur new job.Getting used to it?It's a clerical,9 to 5?Does ur MIL lives nearby?If nearby,u can pop over to visit him mah.
ih cutecute
i am also thinking of finding a job, but cant find anyone to help me look after bb. My parents are working but my hubby's side not. But don't like the idea of letting them look after cos my FIL smokes. I dun wan my bb so young breath in 2nd hand smoke liao. Now so headache dun noe what to do. Get maid or babysitter like so waste of $$..

rain drops $ angel
is the sarong sling good? thinking of buying it leh. Will you get tried or body aches after some time of carrying?
Hi Rain_drops
Thank you. My new job so far so good. It's accounts 8.30-5.30 5 day week. Quite busy. My MIL stay at bt batok and I stay in Yew Tee, so not very near. I work in Town. By the the time I went back already quite late liao.

Hi Mel
By getting a maid, that's depend on your luck. If u get a good one, lucky liao. Have heard bad stories fm my frd, like maid ran away, dun know maid treat baby good or not etc..
As for babysitter, u have to pay a least $500 per month. Bring baby back every nite can be very tiring, unless u r willing 2 pay more to your babysitter 2 help u 2 take care at nite. Sounds expensive, but share the cost with your husband loh.. haha..

I prefer to get a job cos got extra $ for the family. I can buy things for myself dun need to ask $ from my husband. When I stay at home can be quite boring althought very busy looking after the baby, doing housework, cooking, etc.
QHL,wow Nathan is growing very well.Now I'm worried that my Cherish is underweight.She's taking her 5-in-1 next Mon and assessment,and I still haven buy the Braun Ear Therometer.So ex!Any lobang?

do weigh the pros and cons.I would really want to look after Cherish myself but I don't have the patience and preservence.(So selfish hor).I don't want to lose touch with the working society.If u have to,getting a babysitter seems to be a better choice.I agree that baby should not be exposed to 2nd hand smoke.

cutecute,good offer u have there.5 days week.Which part of town?My office is at Raffles place,near Fullerton.Maybe we can even meet up for lunch.
Hi! All April mummies,

Can I join?
I delivered my boy, Elston on 11/04/04 @38 weeks. His weight is 2.230kg and height is 49cm at birth.
I believe he is the smallest baby here. He is on 70% BM and 30% FM since birth.

Hi! Joy_apr,
Still remember me? We share the same EDD (26/04/04) but my baby was due abt three weeks earlier.
hi Rain_drops,

I have a pigeon ear thermometer, but I still trust the old type thermometer more. Just put it under bb's bare armpit.

yup, Nathan is doing well - he looks big for his age. But got flip side, nowadays no one can tahan to carry him for too long :p

Hi J&M, Congrats and welcome to this group!
Hi J&M,
Welcome.What a coincidence.I also delivered my gal Cherish on 11/4 @38wks gestation.Where u deliver?KKH?Scali ur Elston and my Cherish are neighbours.hee...hee
2.23kg seems a little small,but I believe he should be putting on weight steadily now.Has Elston gone for DTP jabs?

QHL,I remember seeing the pigeon one at Seiyu,the price is only half of Braun.Is it good?The 'traditional' ones are cheap and reliable but I'm afraid Cherish will struggle while I take her temp thus making the result inacurrate.
hi mummies!
Sorry 4 my late replies..busy busy at work. Now log on 4 a quick one.. ;-)

hi hi J&M,
Yes, of course remember u! How's your confinement? Mine was a challenging one.. my boy Jaden was admitted for jaundice..and then I was re-admitted for high fever just b4 mothers' day..sigh.. but glad that all over now.
Elston is a nice name
I am now on 30%BM and 70%FM. I couldn't bf jaden when i was feverish..so supply dropped alot..and after that he is too impatient to latch on for bm.

hi QHL,
thanks 4 the booklet. I got it

btw, do u do massage 4 Nathan? How to do go about doing it? I tried massaging Jaden's chest but think he finds it ticklish..as he will wiggle

how old is nathan? he is definitely of a v good weight. Keep up yr bf effort, it pays off well

hi rain_drops,
yes, my boy does chao swee..but now that i know his pattern. I will keep patting his buttock and find the 'right' position..and he will finally doze off. Really testing my patience..

hi angel & mel,
i got the sling as a gift. I liked it. I find it useful..helps to lighten the bb's load. The sling comes with a CD to teach u how to wear it..pretty useful..but still practice counts. I just started using it so still learning to perfect it. BTW, the sling is from momsinmind.
hi joy_apr,

No worries. Sorry about delay though.

For massage, I used method found in this website http://www.babycentre.co.uk/general/3835.html
Thought of joining KK's baby massage class, but lazy to join.

Nathan's birth date easy to remember - 1 April.

Am keeping up with the pumping etc even though it can be such a chore at times - waking up early, sleeping late just so I can express....sigh.... Also, no more life to speak of cos I have to pump during lunch time, and also in the evening - cannot go 'gai gai' :p
Thanks..congrats to you too!

Yes..it's so coincidence but I delivered my boy at TMC. Elston weighs 5.20kg as at 14 June (his last checkup). Sorry for being ignorance..what's DTP jab? 5-in-1 jab? Elston is getting his first jab this month.

Well..it's like a "sauna" confinement. The weather was so hot during April and May. I had a hard time coping with my boy too. My boy developed jaundice on the second day and we had to extend our stay to be with him. Jaden is a nice name too.

Does Jaden still wakes up at 11+?I hope not otherwise u have to pat him till 1am again.

QHL,I checked out the website but need some time to learn the steps.Me a very slow learner.heehee...Sigh I also feel got no life now wan to go shopping also dare not.Nowadays,I just go,grab and dash home.But I do hope that all of us-April mummies can meet up one day for coffee or gathering.

J&M,I think Cherish is almost the same weight as Elston too.Yup,I'm referring to the 5-in-1 jabs.

Maple,where are you?

Li_May,have u found a home-based job?How are ur 2 girls?Is ur elder girl the jealous type?My MIL is also looking after my 2 newphews-3yr old and 10mths and it seems like the 3yr old's jealous that all attention has been given to the younger babies.He will 'sha jiao' and desperately seeking attention.Any idea how to tackle this prob?

My niece also gets very jealous when my MIL carrys my boy. I htink she just feel insecure and afraid that people might love her less. Just constantly reaasure them I think.
hi J&M,

Totally agree wif u on the sauna part....I was walking around whole day with a towel (to mop my perspiration). Confinement was my nightmare.....I can tahan the food and water. but cannot bath normally was just torturous.

hi raindrops, actually I agar-agar. Amazing thing was Nathan stopped crying for a while when I tried that. and then he started again, guess I should go learn new 'zhao shu'.
Hi Rain_drops & other mummies.

me MIA for a while .. as busy at work..
saw yr posting .. yap .. he looks cute with that little double chin

Agree with you that now we do not really have our own time, esp during weekday .. i wake up, express milk, go work, express milk, go home and express milk ...and before sleep express milk again.. whole day is about expressing milk HAHA

But during wkend . i will try to have my own life back .. haha must go shopping la. but most of the time will buy his clothes rather my own things.

Hi! Rain_drops,
My boy is getting his 5-in-1 jab this month. How about your girl? Where do you send your girl for injection?
How much is your baby drinking now? My boy drinks 150ML per feed. He is on 70% breast milk and 30% formula milk. I pump my milk in the office every 3 hours.

I was only allowed to bath with herb on the 10th day. That's was the most refreshing day for me...haha.
Angel,but sometimes he really go to the extreme.He will pester my MIL and fight for toys with my younger newphew.When it's feeding time for my girl,he also want his milk.Sigh...'Na tah meh ban fa'.

QHL,I think I saw a book that teaches baby massage at the library.Maybe u can borrow instead of buying.

Aloe,the way u describe the whole thing abt expressing is funny.Do u bring Ryan to shopping on weekends?

J&M,my girl is taking her jab this coming Mon.A bit scared coz I heard that might develop fever.I shall prepare 'pao sheng' for her to drink the night b4,shall offer her panadol syrup(under doc's instructions)before fever develop,buy fever strip(in case),but I still haven buy theromemeter.I very kiasu hor.
Better be safe than sorry.She is drinking 120ml only.Me stop BF after 2wks,supply low.Now she taking Enfalac A+SA.U are very hardworking to pump every 3hrs.My office dun have the place to do so.
Hi! Rain_drops,
My boy is taking his jab on 14 Jul. You can give your baby some woodgripe water before sending her to the clinic for injection. I always do that each time I send my boy for injection and he turns out fine. My boy is taking Isomil (soya milk)cos he is allergic to cow's milk. I usually pump my milk in the meeting room.

My pd told us not to give tonic to baby so I guess pao sheng shld not be given too. My niece ever went to the extend of trying to remove my MIL's hand away from my baby so that my MIL can't carry him or demanding that my MIL carry her in one hand and my son in the other.
Just to check with you girls. Anyone of you are catholics and going to or have baptise your baby? I can't make up my mind to baptise my son anot. My family are catholics and my In laws are buddist-taoist while my hubby is free thinker. :p

Hi Rain_drops & other mummies,

I know that I've MIA for quite some time, so popping by to say 'Hi' b4 I MIA again.

I was so busy... Busy... BUSY...
My mother is hospitalised and I've been rushing between the hospital and my IL's place to take care of both my mum and my baby. It was so tiring. To make things worse, I've started work already, so the amt of time i can spend with my mum & baby is further reduced.

For those mummies who are still breastfeeding and are working, any change in your ss? I noticed that my ss has dropped since I've returned to work.
