(2004/02) February Babes

yes, hb gotten the car from stockholm couple of weeks ago...

today staying in town... juz finish lunch n cleaning up the house. will be going ikea (again) hahahah...

something to share. yest out of a sudden Avos n me had tis conversation.
Avos: Mummy go work!
me: u want mummy to work?
Avos: yes
(aft a few secs he said 'no')
me: if mummy work, u will have to stay in school whole day, sleep with your friends u know...
Avos: yes! sleep with friends together! mummy go work.
Wow, mooncakes, mooncakes...

Went JB today and bought 1 box of mooncakes, with 4 pieces inside for RM 38. (approx ~ SGD 16). What's more, the mooncake box can be also used as a tissue box.
Hi shimmrs
Yeah, i bet kyla and tory will make great frens, esp those who are not afraid of one another and fights but makes up all the time.
So far, tory hasn't met any kid her "match" yet, hahaha but i got a feeling tt kyla is THE one

No lah, tory doesn't recognise words yet. Only alphabets and numbers. She reads by memory and even the tone is memorised.

Hi Van
Glad your sis is doing fine.
It is very exciting anticipating a new arrival. Me just STRONGLY recommend to my hubby over breakfast coffee today tt i am not young anymore and it is time to have another little one. He say next year so I asked if its trying next year or birth next year. he said birth, so I told him then we must start trying NOW cos me dun get pregnant easily. He laughed really loud and kept grinning to himself.
very funny meh???

Janet has kindly told us abt isetan oshkosh sandals sales... u want me to check it out for you? I work just next door. What size does avos wear now?

Ladybird - hmm... Must go popular to search... Thanks for sharing!!

hhahaha...looks like avos is enjoying school!! Alike tory, the auntie in school says she says "I dun want go home" EVERYDAY without fail when the auntie help her to put on her shoes after school. She is really lonely i guess...
So you seriously thinking of looking for work?

Hi pink
yes, me busy at work these days, lazy for TOO long liao, now is pay back time...and with tory sleeping later these days, i hardly got time to log in not to mention post something...

Yes, can understand how pack your day is these days. With tory growing up and needing more attention, I realy peifu u to stay home with them day after day... I will go mad!!! Looks like I am more suited to work... you are a "Wei da de ma ma"

Tory like being read to by me, with hubby, she prefers playreading...meaning hubby ask questions on the page or ask her to talk abt something from the page. I find reading the same books day after day very boring that's y always on the lookout for new books. And i dunno if too much repeated stories is not helping her develop... Hmmm... I hope she learns words recognition from those simple sentence structure books. Do you point out each word as you read them? I don't... Maybe tt y she doesn't recognise the words??

Recently read a book to tory on helping and sharing chores. I find tt she hasn't know how to fully grasp the meaning behind the plot. Even after explaining, she still ask if the animals who didn't help get to eat the bread... hmmm....maybe too complex for her age. Any more tips to share on reading?
perhaps the way u put across sounded funny to ur hb
dun get stressed over tis, if not may lower the chances also leh. haha for me n hb we're both praying for miracle loh... both dun want to 'work' hard

actually i've started to send in resumes. was thinking if aft our hometrip still no news abt job, i will probably opt to study full time swedish. need something more challenging to keep my mind occupied, especially Avos showing signs tat he dont want me liao
juz now aft our ikea trip, i casually asked if he wants to sleep in his own room, he quickly replied tat he wants to sleep in the spare room tonite!

thanks for your offer
pai seh, dun want to mah fan u. its ok sg sale is usually one aft 'another :p

yar, Avos likes going to school. believe he likes the companion of his peers n of cos his 'everything also can' trs
i'm glad n fang xin leaving him there now after seeing his progress.

Hi! I am also looking forward to work leh... not that I am more suited to be at home and dun like to work. It is just that at this point in time, I really cannot find another childcare arrangement that is better than the current. When I left my work in 2003, I kept dreaming about my work (scenarios at work) and would wake up feeling sad that I was no longer working. Ha... The dreams only stopped when time passed and Dorcas arrived. So with each year that passes, I am looking at how and when I can return to work again, of course, that's when the kids are more independent and spending more time away from home.


But when your no2 comes, will you work? Actually, I must "warn" you that when no2 comes, the dynamics at home will be different. There will be changes in the elder kid and there will be changes in the way the family copes. Will take time for all family members to adjust.
This is irregardless of the age of the no. 1 kid... whether is 2 years apart, or 3 or 4...
i know wat u mean by the dynamics at home. dun 4get of the wonderful childcare benefits here
we will be entitled to 18mths of parental (maternal / paternal) leave. the childcare will accept bbs aft their 1st bday. so for the 1st year of bb's life, we can take turns to stay home for the kids. say like i take 1st 6 mths, daddy next 6 so something. tis is only as parental leave, there's another set of childcare leave if the kid(s) r sick... good hor?

actually now we dun want to think too much abt #2 liao lah. as u know our current circumstance... too many uncertainities, like suspended in the air. i thank God for showing us paths, still praying for Him to guide us to the right way. we decided to Let God

anyway thanks for your 'warning'
Hi van
Was it funny? hehehe... I dunno know cos we never really discuss this before and even when we do, it is a "maybe, see how" thingy... so I thought should get a confirmed answer mah. hehehe... he must be thinking i am desperate.
We still practising birth control mah, so got to get him to stop and leave it to nature lor... If not nature cannot do its work leh.

So it is not only me...
I beginning to think tory doesn't "need" me that much in terms of physically. She is very independent and I find myself wondering what to do when she is occupying herself. But I am still struggling to well provide her mentally.

No worries, I just do a peek for you later or tomorrow. If got nice ones then tell you.

Oh!! How's the response re your resumes coming along? Working mums also get CC subsidies yes?

Hi Pink
Oh, so you also prefer working?
But me still think you quite capable lor, I mean if i would be in your shoes, I'd prob be complaining all day long here.
U stop working shortly after Dorcas' birth right?

Have you thought of when is a good time to return to the workforce? The benefits of working in the education industry is improving, teachers are paid better, entitled to more leave and courses assistance.... Singapore needs more good teachers!!
eh, u want to go see see look look at the sale n take me as 'excuse' huh? :p

dunno abt the job vacancies... dun have much confident cos my resume in english
anyway juz write in n see how, rather than i sit here waiting for job to fall from sky.

there's no subsidies in cc. have to pay 3% of total household income with a cap (dun remember how much liao). so no matter if the child stays for 3 hours or full day, same rate. but as a SAHM, Avos stay for max 15 hours per week, with exceptions if i attending classes.

The benefits there is good... hmmm.. DON'T come back! Ha ha... just kidding...

"warning" sounds stern.. maybe I used the wrong word lah... sorry hor... more like a reminder... I am sure when you (all) become 2nd time mum, you will nod when you read what I have been sharing... 1st time parenting vs subsequent times - different experiences. hb and I have fond memories of cuddling our firstborn and fussing over her when she was a newborn. That kind of feeling, urm, when dorcas arrived, not the same... cos more seasoned, more tired and busier liao! Ha...


Not that I PREFER working to being an at-home mum. I liked my job and enjoyed those years but when kids arrived, got to put that aside. I left my work when ying was about 1 yo.

I have not a conclusion when the best time to return to the workforce is. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe when Ying is in P1? Maybe I have to shift to nearer my mum so that easier for her (and in time to come, dorcas) to go to sch and also after/before sch, they can be at my ma's place while I am at work. then again, other mummies say that when they go to pri sch, shd be around to coach them in their work... I think our children will need us in different ways throughout their lives. :p I will work when they spend more time in sch than at home. Then when I return from work, I/hb will coach them.
hehe today my nick keeps appearing
very free, no mood to do anything but to sit in front of the pc

yeah, good benefits... last week i had a rough idea abt their education system, lagi dun feel like leaving liao

aiyo... dun worry, i know your intention lah!
we've planned tat if really have #2, hb will take 4 weeks of parental leave to help out here n there. hope tat can ease my burden n also everyone in the family gets adjusted with the new routine. anyway, yi bu yi bu lai (one step at a time)

btw Avos is serious abt moving to the next room! juz now aft his shower, he automatically took his pillow n chou chou (beanie pillow) to the next room. now he's napping in the next room on di-lam. probably tonite will get daddy to help move his bed liao...
Hi mummies,
Educational sector not as rosy as they paint the picture to be. There is still sexual discrimination etc. EG my school is one of the worst case I have come across they "mark" you becasue you take CCL, MC etc.. very bias.. and because of that you do not get such a good ranking and maybe even no performance bonus for the year. The only good thing is a fixed 12 + 1.5mth income.
hehe i suppose the post is for Linda?
i heard abt the 'dark' side... probably tats y MIL supports our decision to stay in sweden for good.
Hi Van
Aiyah, you dun poke thru my "disguise" mah!!!

Hmm...the system there seems good... It is more welfare base, so the parents who earn more pay more and those who can't, pay less.
Have to stay there longer to fully understand their entire system to appreciate and see how your future should be yes?

Share with us what you discover regarding their education!

Take heart!! Your power in english might be required there, you have that edge over them huh? Furthermore, since u taking classes on their language, it would help in your career.

Hi Pink
OIC... i thought you quit because of dorcas. Yes, I guess if it is me, I would go thru a period of uncertainty after i leave the workforce.
I think each stage of childhood only need our presence and attention. So....ahahahha. also cannot advise u on when is the best time to return.

Hi ruffy
Each industry also have its highs and lows. Even in the coporate world, you see discriminations too. When I went for interview, they will also ask if i have a kid and who is looking after her. Sama sama lah, but at least the govt is taking steps to improve the education industry.

I like the way daddy can take parental leave to help take care of newborn at your side. I think hb's help and support in the house is very encouraging and important. Dun think you need to worry much cos your hb can take leave to be at home with you and kids.

The way Avos wants to move to the next room is very much like the way Ying wanted to. We went CNY visitation and seeing that her friends have a room of their own, she returned and told us that she also wanted to have her own room. So that night, we moved her over, leaving dorcas in our room. But the sight of her sleeping alone in the room was kind of "pitiful" (sigh... over-sensitive parents) , but she was ok about it. The following night, we shifted Dorcas over to join her.
Oh Van
Forgot to say, Avos grow up liao!! Let us know if he managed to sleep alone this night.
Time to buy new kiddo furniture? Tory still cannot sleep without me or hubby in our room. Have asked if she wants to sleep with ah ma but she doesn't... Like what pink mentioned, have to wait till they grow up themselves...
yes i still remember during one festive u told us out of sudden your 2 gals in their own room

daddy still bu fang xin his bao bei, says let him sleep on the di-lam tonite see how it goes b4 moving his bed

will keep u updated tmr. so far so good, tis afternoon he napped for 2 hours as usual. he's happy of 'my room' n 'mummy next room'
i'm already start thinking how to re-position the rooms funishings. no lah, wouldnt get new furnitures for Avos (tho very tempted :p) probably will do so only IF they have nice ones at the 'sale' area. but will definately get some kiddy decos for him

i also agree with "wait till they grow up", kind of letting them outgrow it naturally. but sometimes when there's a little sign, have to give a tiny push to keep things moving. but daddy feels my tis push is too hard, must let him have 'trial' b4 moving his bed over

anyway cross my fingers, hope i can have a good nite sleep
hi mommies

Avos did it! he slept thruout the nite on his own
i set an alarm for him next to his bed. tho he woke up earlier than the alarm, he stayed quiet in his room until he saw me
Congrads Van!

Hope that there will be more nights of him sleeping by himself in his own room. I hope that Ryan can do the same too but so far he has regressed to sleeping in between us for security. Now still trying to let him sleep on his bed throughout the whole night.

I share your joy! Must be so proud of your boy! You are "ultimate" - set an alarm for him even! And he is such a good boy to stay in the room quietly till you appeared. OH btw, when the alarm rang, did he set it off or let it ring?

Tonight, daddy have to burn some calories to shift the bed over to the next room liao! Ha ha ha... DO capitalise on this opportunity... since avos himself wants to sleep in HIS room, don't turn back, don't inject doubts, just go along and praise him for his achievements.

Though I missed those days when we four slept together in the room, I am very happy my gals sleep in their room. Once in the while when we go for short holidays, we get to sleep together again.

Tory is miniature of you leh! Getting more and more girlish too!

BTW, you give her durian?? Not afraid that it is too heaty? I don't give though they would like to try. I "kia see".
Wow, it's good to see our toddlers here getting independent, sleeping by themselves. Good job!

Tory looks like a grown up having her durian. Must be enjoying her delicious snack yar? Children at this age likes to imitate what the adults like to do. Even my children likes to imitate how I teach in class. After their lunch, one particular girl would take a story book and sit in front of the class and say, "Good morning children. Today I read you a book."
Hi Van

I feel happy for you too. Avos' really a good boy, will wait quietly for you. I'm surprised how mature he is. You have teach him well

Do you feel 'bu she de' to let him sleep alone? Jay's daddy has been nagging me to let him sleep in the next room but I refused. I enjoy the closeness of sleeping besides him. I'm still a possessive mummy :p

Hi Linda
Tory really love to eat durian hor...she looks so contended

Hi Pink
Any plan for vacation in Nov sch holiday? We're going to HK on the 2nd week of Nov, staying 4 nite in HK and 1 nite at Disney Hotel. This is our first family holiday since Jay was born 3 years ago. Really looking foward to it
last nite hb was the one 'bugging' me n frequent checking Avos' room. he even suggest to buy a baby monitor! OMG, upon hearing tis made me flar up :p he's one deep sleeper, if he's really gonna get tat i being the light sleeper gonna have panda eyes everyday. moreover Avos is already old enuff to walk over to our room. even if he has nitemare also his scream, shout or cry loud enuff for me to hear. i told him he will be the one tearing at the pier n boiling soup every weekend when Avos goes NS hahahha...

continue to shower Ryan with the security. believe he'll be like Avos, surprise u one fine day

agree with PT, Tory really a duplicate of u

i set the alarm bcos Avos is usually the 1st to wake up upon hearing the alarm. its actually my digital watch. he will then bring the still ringing alarm to me n ask me to wake up
tis morning i was awoken by his sneeze. thankfully its 2 mins b4 the alarm. can imagine how light sleep we are hor?

i will definately give Avos a light push with tis 'open-window'
will tell him tat no moving back of his bed once we shifted it tonite
will let him choose some room deco to let him feel 'personalised'

yar hor... vacations will be an opportunity to bed-in again. shall look forward to one hehe... but also when we back in sg, Avos will sleep in same room with us. no choice not enuff room...

how r u n Jay? ur hb returning tis weekend?
Your comments on your hubby makes me laugh
He's so kan cheong over Avos hor, am sure he would weep and boil soup when Avos goes NS :p

Hubby was back yesterday
I survived last week with Jay alone and he has been a good boy. Didnt give me much headache and slept earlier than usual. Maybe he's bored being with me..heh
Hi, I have a son 6 yrs and girl 2.5 yrs. Both are still sleeping in my room though on different beds. Intend to shift them to their room which they will be sharing when we moved house this Dec. More concern about my girl esp on training her to be nite dry.

Need advice from mummies who had trained their kids who sleep in separate room to be nite dry. Do you go over to wake them up to pee in the nite? As our rooms are slightly distance apart plus we shut doors and air-con the rooms, I'm worried I can't hear her when she calls me.... do I worry unduly??

Need ur advice, thanks.
Hi mOmmies!!!

Yes, I bought Gymboree kid size 5 for Kyla for both top & bottom. The top turned out to be a little too big for her while the bottom is just nice. She is really rather big size for her age! Bought her a set of Dora top and flowery jeans at size 4 today! Again, the top too big but the jeans fits just nice! Headaches!!!

YOur conversation with your hb sure made me laugh too! Aiyo! I can imagine how 'kan-cheong' he is towards his bao-bei Avos! Hahaha... tearing at the pier and boil soup for him.... hahaha!!! Really funny! What's his reaction to your comments huh? Mmm... isn't it exciting for Avos to get to choose his own personalised deco for his dream roomie? So envious!!!
I always have longed to have this privilege to design my own roomie since young! But unfortuantely, not given the choice to! hahaha... I make sure Kyla will sure be given this chance once she is ready to sleep alone!

<font color="0077aa">Well done, Avos!
YOu are so cool... sleeping alone in your own roomie??</font>

Its ok lah since you are leaving this industry soon! Take it easy on yourself, dun be unhappy, you want to have a happy
&amp; cheerful baby right??

Thanks for sharing the lovely pics! Ya, cannot wait for the both 'garang' girls to meet each other! They may end up being power-puff girls...hahaha!!!

Tory looked mature and tall in those pics! Is she adventurous when it comes to food? Kyla is very lousy at trying out different foods and texture! She will not try durian for sure!

I can see Tory enjoyed playing on her huge ironing board! The set is so nice, isn't it? Know what? Kyla insisted to place her mini iron board together with our iron board against the wall, and her mini iron next to our electric iron on the table! LOL!!! She will open up her ironing board and placed it next to her daddy's ironing board whenever her daddy is seen ironing his working shirt every night. Next time should take a photo to keep it... hee.

Good luck to your "baby-making"! Hee...

I am sure you will have a wonderful hols in HKG! Looking forward to it? Sure Jay will look forward to his 1st hols - by plane!!

Your student is so cute! Kids at this age are capable in imitating the adults! hahaha!!! Its nice to hear 'cute happenings' in your center!!
Pls share more with us, okie? Did you manage to buy the JR Speller from the pasar malam?

You confirmed not getting the Hello Kitty mooncakes hor? No regrets huh?!!!! Sms me even while I am there if you change your mind!

Welcome to our thread. Guess your ger is also born around our kiddos' time? My ger is born in Jan 2004.

Sorry, I am unable to answer your concern. However, do you don on diapers for your girl during nite sleeps? For my case, my ger is 2.5yo, toilet-trained liao but I still continue to don up diapers for her at nights. Too lazy to wake up to bring her to the toilet and also, i prefer not to disrupt her sleep.
Morning mummies,
very lovely pics of Tory.. haven't seen her pictures in ages
.. She has really grown up since the last time I saw her pictures. look like a mini you!!

enjoy your trip to HK- Eating and shopping.
YEah.. have alternative plans to conduct Baby music lessons or become PT babysitter if I don't wish to return to teaching so soon.

YEah..hope that he can sleep by his own on his own bed.. becoming very sticky these few weeks.. Last night found him on our bed many times sleeping in the middle. If he is able to stay on his own bed in our room the whole night already very good for us.
Saw the Speller Jr but didn't get it. Don't know what to do with me at the moment..

You not returning to teaching line after your delivery? I am hoping that NIE would accept me.. but till date, my application has always been declined.

Wow, first holiday as a family.. Must take more pics. I remembered my first holiday is to Genting when I was 6.
Will take 2-3yr NPL...dun intend to return so soon as want to take care of #1 and #2 by myself and make sure they get the best care. Also very sian with the politics etc. U don't lose anything by not going to NIE
hi mommies,
something to share. happen to see tis from another interesting forum. how i wish i'm still a little kid...
oh it has a heading: 33 things kids should do before they are 10


I just read this on msn and it made me smile, it reminded me of the games I used to play as a child. I definetly did most of these things - do kids today still do this stuff?

1. Roll on your side down a grassy bank

2. Make a mud pie

3. Make your own modelling dough mixture

4. Collect frogspawn

5. Make perfume from flower petals

6. Grow cress on a windowsill

7. Make a papier mch mask

8. Build a sandcastle

9. Climb a tree

10. Make a den in the garden

11. Make a painting using your hands and feet

12. Organise your own teddy bears' picnic

13. Have your face painted

14. Play with a friend in the sand

15. Make some bread

16. Make snow angels

17. Create a clay sculpture

18. Take part in a scavenger hunt

19. Camp out in the garden

20. Bake a cake

21. Feed a farm animal

22. Pick some strawberries

23. Play pooh sticks

24. Recognise five different bird species

25. Find some worms

26. Ride a bike through a muddy puddle

27. Make and fly a kite

28. Plant a tree

29. Build a nest out of grass and twigs

30. Find ten different leaves in the park

31. Grow vegetables

32. Make breakfast in bed for your parents

33. Make a mini assault course in your garden/the park
Yes, that certainly bring back memories.. The toys that the children play now and the time when I was younger is different.. Now the children are looking forward to toys like computer games, hand held games and stuffs. In my time, if you have dolls or some toy to play with, we are the 'happiest' people on earth.

There's once I taught a K1 class and I asked them this question (part of the topic), "What makes you happy?" I was surprised by the answers given by this group of 5 years olds! Some answers are like X-box, the latest xxxx (can't remember the particular toy name), latest hand held games and one even told me 'money'. The child added, "I want a lot of money to make me happy". Oh my! Can't imagine what's the parents reaction when they hear this...
unfortunately i didnt get to do most of those things
my parents r sort of 'protective' and doesnt like dirty n mess type... now i see the older kids doing these in the field i feel happy for them
looking at tis list reminds me to let Avos play like a kid whilst he can

wow, u've received such answers! actually if i'm the parent i probably would feel bad than anger cos i could have taught my child the importance of money in a better prospect. what to do, the world n technology is evolving yar?

No plans yet. Glad that you have! Will be a nice time, I am sure!

mrs shim

I see! Ya, Size 4 for Dorcas is ok, top is a bit loose and long, but bottom is ok. So I gather that the ang mohs have bigger upper body :p

Sorry, when are you leaving for short trip to HK?


Ha Ha... I am surprised your hb is "gan jiong" over this issue. MY hb is the more "fang xin" one and I was the one feeling "sad" for Ying at that time but of course, I did not show it. Then the gals transited very smoothly. How's last night? Avos has been sleeping well alone in his room?

Last night, Hb took Ying to yamaha cos I was not feeling well (sore throat and nose running away). First time. Dorcas was at home with me and I wanted to put her to bed (before jie jie returned). She was reluctant and a little bit teary cos she and sis go to bed together every night. But last night, she had to sleep first, alone in the dark room, with sis. I was worried in my heart that she will bawl and fuss till Ying returned. I explained to her and assured her that sis would be back soon and in the middle of the night, you would find sis sleeping next to you. I was so glad that she controlled her tears and went to bed cooperatively, and fell asleep within minutes!
Phew... relieved too!
hi mommies!
Here are some photos showing kyla insisting to play the swing outside her school everyday before going home :




As you can see, as usual she is always the last one to leave school!
Everyone has gone home!

We are taking the 1pm flight to HKG tomorrow. Returning home next tuesday late night.

I agree, the tops are normally bigger for our Asian children. Now, the dora jeans cannot match with the top since its so loose.
hope u're feeling better today. Dorcas good gal *sayang sayang* for being understanding

Avos is doing well in his own room. we're very surprised tat he stopped sleeping like a drunken &amp; didnt fall off his bed :p still praising him every nite n morning
he's very cheeky tho, purposely walk to our room yest evening and say 'ops wrong room' then walk to his own

looks like Kyla put on some weight? also good tat she burn off her energy b4 she head home for a good nap yar?

have a good trip! update us with pix &amp; your 'harvest' when u're back
Avos is so adorable!

Kyla also loves to say "Oops!" very much lately. hahaha...

Happy to hear that Avos is really very independent now.

Yes, she has gained a bit of weight. Even I noticed she is more chubby on her face now.

Hahaha... hopefully will have time to do some shopping before returning on Tues. May bring Kyla to disneyland or ocean park depending on the weather forcast. And also have to depend of hubby's mood.. keke..
whao.. Kyla really loves her new school

enjoy yourselves in HK.
good to know that Dorcas is very understanding and willing to sleep by herself in her room. .. I am waiting the day for Ryan to sleep in his own room

Wow, kyla looks so happy and indeed, she has put on some weight!

Have a good holiday! Hope you will get to shop and relax!


I am VERY surprised that Avos did that ("Oops, wrong room")! So cheeky and cute.

I am feeling better but not totally well yet. Going to bed earlier.
Have a good trip! I joined Tumble Tots too when I was about 4. Love to climb so my parents brought me there.

pink tulip
Hope you are better today!

I like to plan 'messy' activities for my students. In my previous centre, where I plan the curriculum, I get the toddlers to cookery, crafts and even brought sand to class (cos enrichment centre) when we learnt the topic on 'Seashore'. Hope my parents don't curse at me.
hope you get better soon

HB will be changing job.. will be working at Sentosa.. so Ryan can go to the beach as much as he wants and play sand.. we get staff pass also..so dun need to pay for entry..and have discount to the attractions there.
Thanks, mommies! hee... I hope I will enjoy this short trip too!


Do you take manuka honey at all? If you do keep one bottle at home, try out this remedy ~

Take one teaspoon of the honey neat with 1 freshly-squeezed lemon juice (no water is allowed to mix). (i know its extremely sour lah, ok?)

Sip warm water slowly only after you swallowed the mixure.

This has miraclously cured my sore-throat over these years.

Trust me, it really work wonders especially during the initial stage when you were about to get the sorethroat.

If phelgm develops after your sore is gone, take fluemucil to dissolve phelgm.

Take care!

Going to snooze now...
Hi Mummies!

Good morning!

Thank you for your concern
very sweet of you. I am much better today.


Thanks for your advice. I do not have manuka honey at home. I have Nuzeabee (dunno spelt correctly or not). But now, no more sore throat. Feel that cough is coming up so taking cough syrup to prevent it.

Departing today ya? Aren't you excited?
Take care and smooth journey!


So your hb is going to work in Sentosa? Is it easy for him to travel there to work?

Yeah..he will go to work at sentosa island. He will take the car the next mth or so if they want him to start immediately . Will have to take a cab to fetch Ryan.. Later on will be the driver..send him to work..then I can use the car to send Ryan to his new Cc..most prob put him at Siglap..coz the place is much better.. cannot find a good one around Tampines. Then after dropping Ryan will go grocery shopping with #2 etc.
