(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Ya just called bed ok polyclinic. They are under sing health and they don't have rotavirus. Gotta go under national health group. Next avail appt is 27 aug which means I need to take 5 in 1 tog at hougang too. Have to take either on same day or 1 month apart. Thinking of taking pneumococcal vaccine.1st dose at 3 months. But I'm worried that it might be too much for bb to take 5 in 1, pneumococCal and rotavirus on same day.

Does GP provide rotavirus? I also made appt at pd...but consultation so ex.
I am also with hougang polyclinic... They told me 5 in 1, rotavirus and pneumoccocal take on the same day... But are we allowed to separate like tt? I think too much vaccinations for a day lei...

I also tried placing her in between us cos easier for me to latch while lying down but me and HB suffer cos both of us big size.. very no space.. and my HB snores soooooooooooooo loud like airplane, the way he dragggggg his snore, sigh... everytime my bb starts to doze off, will be immediately awaken by HB snore..so my HB give up.. he sleeps on sofa.
My hb's snore is my LO 's white noise leh, haha... Sometimes when got difficulty making LO sleep at nite, I will tell hb go sleep first, Keke..
But really no good to all parties if bb sleep together on bed. Scare we crush the bb while we sleep. Later on will have difficulties moving LO out oso. It may take years to move kids out.
Think I will go and get 1 just in case. Are you using Nuk soothers? Saw that there are classic and nighttime. Wonder what's the diff other than motifs? Can it be put in sterilizer?

Hi happy08, you can sterilized it. Try using MyTu-Tu UV Pacifier Steriliser. Its safe, fast in just 6-8 minutes, sterilize 99.9% of the germs and portable. Useful especially if you happen to drop it outside at the playground. See http://www.mytu-tu.com/ for more information
I also tried placing her in between us cos easier for me to latch while lying down but me and HB suffer cos both of us big size.. very no space.. and my HB snores soooooooooooooo loud like airplane, the way he dragggggg his snore, sigh... everytime my bb starts to doze off, will be immediately awaken by HB snore..so my HB give up.. he sleeps on sofa.

My baby sleep with me too in my bed, she don't want to sleep at her crib. When put her she will cry and always wake up and husband sleep at floor haha. He snore very loud also and i always wake him up and ask him to stop his snore lol.
I think i 走火入魔。 keep doing power pump till my boobs use to power pump. Lvl 7 is the expression mode. I thot i still need to go up to lvl 3. Guess i dun hv enough let down and i am forcing my body too much.

Thanks so much for the advice. I tink i need to relax abit, do hot compress and let it be..
Wah.. Level 7 quite strong leh. I oni use dat if i got lumps or engorge. Otherwise level 6 works well. I'll hv sore nipples if use level 7 and pump too long period. Now I pump 10+10 mins usually. Oni morning I pump 10+15 mins cos I sleep overnight. :p
I'm using. I sterilize after each use of bottles n pumps parts. I don't keep stuff inside for long as I need to use often. I bought large plastic containers to store sterilized equipments.
@happycsk, I just bought a pupsik size L, waiting for it to arrive. I think a L shld be good enough for u cos I'm 64kg and was advised to take L leh. Still hoping I will know how to use it cos it seems fuss-free and baby looks comfy in there. I gave up on the sg50 babasling. Haha.. I have a manduca as well which I've used to carry LO out a few times, but I feel it forces her legs to open so wide.. like so not comfy + unglam. . Lol

Ah I see. I like the manduca too. But alrdy have an ergo, waiting for her to have stronger neck muscles at 4 mths before I can use that though coz I didn't get the insert, worry too hot for her.
Any good recommendations for binders or corset? Is triumph good? I want one that can get back to shape instead of just hold in the belly. I only did massage 3 times and bind myself the binder which I bought from the massage lady. But seems not effective and not tight enough. Feels like my belly bigger now than confinement period. Sigh.
Wah.. Level 7 quite strong leh. I oni use dat if i got lumps or engorge. Otherwise level 6 works well. I'll hv sore nipples if use level 7 and pump too long period. Now I pump 10+10 mins usually. Oni morning I pump 10+15 mins cos I sleep overnight. :p

I tink most of the time my nipples are sore. Maybe thats y prone to mastitis.
Meaning 10 min expression then 10 min rest then 10 min expression? You do not use the massage mode?
hey mummies, anyone using pupsik pouch? I have a M size from my sis but I feel it's so small for my frame 56kg and 4.5kg baby. She is smaller than me and her baby also smaller haha. So I think it does not fit me. What size do you all take?
I tried using the babasling carrier and it gave me very sore neck and it's quite bulky so I don't like it. I quite like the pupsik pouch. Should I take L or XL?

Is is sling gd? I dun have any sling other den the 'i duno how to use SG50 baba sling!' Haha. How much u bot it?

Mummies how long you plan to breastfeed your LO?

I will try pump at least 2 yrs, but to DL i see when i start work can manage anot...

Anyone went bb fair yet?any good deal?

I tot bb fair tmr? I be going tmr morning to check on diapers, bb wipes. As for carriers i think i wait n look look first...
Any good recommendations for binders or corset? Is triumph good? I want one that can get back to shape instead of just hold in the belly. I only did massage 3 times and bind myself the binder which I bought from the massage lady. But seems not effective and not tight enough. Feels like my belly bigger now than confinement period. Sigh.

Triump is very expensive i feel. For the price can buy say 3 pc of Impression Brand, 8 pc of Q010 (yuyu brand). But if cos quality sure better i suppose! My belly nv went down, and honestly i give up..cos mine is all fats that cannot dissolve liao. Haha. Maybe will do sit ups.....when im freeeeeee...but duno when...haha
I tink most of the time my nipples are sore. Maybe thats y prone to mastitis.
Meaning 10 min expression then 10 min rest then 10 min expression? You do not use the massage mode?
Yes, massage when start the pump. Massage till got milk drop into bottle then I start expression mode le. No need 10 min rest. Juz stop after express for 10 mins, massage the breast, then express 10-15 mins, done. Near the end if no milk but haven't 10 mins yet, I'll switch back to massage mode till time's up.
Mommies...for babywearing buy/sell. You can join 'SG Babywearing Swap & Library' Facebook group... And for babywearing tips - can join 'Babywearing Singapore' Facebook group. Pretty informative...lotsa mommies are also asking for help on wearing SG50 babasling. :)
Is is sling gd? I dun have any sling other den the 'i duno how to use SG50 baba sling!' Haha. How much u bot it?

I will try pump at least 2 yrs, but to DL i see when i start work can manage anot...

I tot bb fair tmr? I be going tmr morning to check on diapers, bb wipes. As for carriers i think i wait n look look first...

Haha i think the pupsik pouch sling looks easy to use...it costs $45.90 on pupsik website. Mothercare also sell the same pouch.
anyone using wrap to babywear? I'm keen to try but it looks like baby will fall out from my arms LOL!

First time tried using woven wrap just today. Front Wrap Cross Carrying (FWCC) somehow failed! :( guess i need more practice...

I'm still sticking to Ring Sling..watched many Youtube videos to master it... Seems it's the best for newborn.

Both wrap and rs are on loan from a bw fanatics friend :) She suggested SG50 babasling should be used on a bigger baby coz there is too much fabric. So I'm sourcing for a pretty RS liao...teehee!

Attached my trial and error today.
***Pls dun mind my flabby tummy :((( ***


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@minidonut yes dats my issue w e babasling - too much fabric! Bb always seems not secure.

Now torn btwn getting a carrier or e pupsik sling. Carrier mayb can use longer for bigger babies? I see some mommies bought so many diff types of slings n carriers… i just need one will do!
@minidonut the wrap (wfcc) i tested few yrs back, quite warm i feel for use in sg.. Agree tat ring sling aso more practical, but wen bb too heavy u think will strain on moms body? I cant decide if get sling or carrier, or if carrier wat brand too. Bb like grow so fast no chance to really consider..
@minidonut yes dats my issue w e babasling - too much fabric! Bb always seems not secure.

Now torn btwn getting a carrier or e pupsik sling. Carrier mayb can use longer for bigger babies? I see some mommies bought so many diff types of slings n carriers… i just need one will do!

Carrier can be used on infant but usually need to buy an infant insert to slot in...and normally there are 2 sizes - baby and toddler.
Ya..babywearing is getting more popular in sg...juz need to buy one that suits you. I suggest you to attend those informal "sling meet" so that you can try and as well learn from fellow mommies (& daddies too!) :D

@minidonut the wrap (wfcc) i tested few yrs back, quite warm i feel for use in sg.. Agree tat ring sling aso more practical, but wen bb too heavy u think will strain on moms body? I cant decide if get sling or carrier, or if carrier wat brand too. Bb like grow so fast no chance to really consider..

Fwcc can be warm if using woven wrap (i think la)...nowadays got bamboo and cotton blend, etc which makes it lighter and more breathable. To me fwcc seems better as it distributes the weight evenly on both shoulders. You'll be amazed that you can even carry an adult on a woven wrap or use it as a hammock.

RS i personally think is better for infant only...coz using 1 shoulder. Overall i think it wouldnt strain much on mommy if it is worn correctly.

Brands wise... It more or less the same, so best is to try first before committ into 1. Some mommies in the fb group have huge fluff stashes and are kind enough to loan to anyone who lives nearby and even teach - all foc. If you try in those specialised (fancy) bw boutique, they will charge you at a nominal fee wor!

Lol...i wrote so much...but actually I'm still a noob to babywearing. Juz started reading in those bw forum nia... ** disclaimer: abv written are based on my personal view ** :cool:

Useful ref: http://tinyurl.com/p7zhqgk
anyone using wrap to babywear? I'm keen to try but it looks like baby will fall out from my arms LOL!

I have a moby wrap. Wore once. Even tho its stated made of bamboo or whatsoever, while it is comfy when u got it right BUt it was sooooooooo hot esp in this weather. Wore it for abt an hour and both baby and I were drenched with sweat.

I stick with my peanut shell carrier for now!
First time tried using woven wrap just today. Front Wrap Cross Carrying (FWCC) somehow failed! :( guess i need more practice...

I'm still sticking to Ring Sling..watched many Youtube videos to master it... Seems it's the best for newborn.

Both wrap and rs are on loan from a bw fanatics friend :) She suggested SG50 babasling should be used on a bigger baby coz there is too much fabric. So I'm sourcing for a pretty RS liao...teehee!

Attached my trial and error today.
***Pls dun mind my flabby tummy :((( ***

Oooh thanks for sharing. I am keen to get the new castle mesh wrap selling at the baby fair coz seems cooling since it's mesh but don't know will it be a waste of money if I don't know how to use it lol!
Haha i think the pupsik pouch sling looks easy to use...it costs $45.90 on pupsik website. Mothercare also sell the same pouch.

Yup. Used that to carry my #2 4 years ago & now carrying #3. My maid also knows how to use it. Works the same way as their sarong sling,it seems.
Sob. My nipples wanna cry too.

I am still trying to increase my supply so i try to pump 2-3.5 hrly. Cannot cut back sessions yet. But my body getting too tired to get up at nite now.. so sometimes drag to 4.5hrs. But i will then pump more in the day to make up for time lost. I hope to hit 1 litre 1 day before i start to cut sessions (working damn hard). I i also need to start planning about going back work. Took full ML so will return in sept.

Hai. Everytime i feel the lumps, means mastitis will be visiting me soon. I will try soy lecithin this time.

I used the warm bottle method for hot compressions. Thanks for the tip.
Hi @Anna0214 .. previously I'm also using at level 7 for my spectra during 1st week.. but I realise that is the reason to my lumps.. then I switch to only level 3 massage mode mainly for 1st 5mins then expression mode and do not pump more than 30mins.. if need be then rest awhile before next pump else soon u will feel nipple very sore and will be very taxing on nipple too.

As for the lumps, u can try massaging whenever u have the time and before every pump bestto massage a set of massage (nipple, areola and breast) once cleared of the small lumpy thingy the milk flows quite freely. Soon will be lesser and lesser lumps :)

After this episode I also encounter uneven supply from both sides and hence I tried hand expression instead of machine and realised the feel is much better than using machine but tiring for the hand. Hand expressing feels much better when I'm having sore nipple too (feels great that I can express milk even when nipple sore- last resort).

So fun exploring solutions:)
Cos nightmare if there is no solution even after trial and error... :D
hey mummies, anyone using pupsik pouch? I have a M size from my sis but I feel it's so small for my frame 56kg and 4.5kg baby. She is smaller than me and her baby also smaller haha. So I think it does not fit me. What size do you all take?
I tried using the babasling carrier and it gave me very sore neck and it's quite bulky so I don't like it. I quite like the pupsik pouch. Should I take L or XL?

Hi @happycsk.. the pupsik sling size is according to your body length diagonally from should to hip and size of baby doesn't matter for it. There is a sizing chart too so u can refer to that. Maybe u can borrow from someone who has L or XL to try too.. hee.. I'm using S currently and finds it great for me when carrying baby around the house cos there is no buckles and straps.. so I can just grab and put it on. But I do use it when going out too cos I like the cloth design .. hoho;) and actually I love my babasling too and have no issue with the "more cloth" rather during rainy days, the extra cloth I can use to cover baby from splatters of rain while walking under shelters.. started to use when bb is only 4days old to jaundice visits n it served well:)

Actually I just anyhow trial and error to use.. anybody here will wanna try wraps? I'm so tempted but dunno should start or not.. hmm...:rolleyes:PicsArt_1436489047231.jpg
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Sorry this will be a long post but i really just need to rant!
I am so angry with hb! Last night after dinner he wanted to go out for his cycling workout. The last time he went he came back only at 11+pm and lo was cranky and fussing the whole time and I was only able to bathe when he's finally back at 11+. So this time I forbid him to go. And he grumbled he has no time to do his own things. I think any mummy who is taking care of lo alone everyday will fume when hb complains "he has no time to do his own things" lor!! I got super pissed so I decided to let him have a real taste of what is "no time to do own things"! So I decided to totally hands off lo from 8+pm to 11+pm. Let him take care of lo alone.. He couldn't even last 2 hours taking care of lo by himself... He couldnt manage to put her to sleep and got impatient and just left her crying in her cot while he go take his shower, and never even tell me. he just expected that i will sure come to settle lo when i hear lo keep crying in the room and take over from him from there. At 11+ finally lo settled down to sleep, so I proceed to do my last pump session before gg to sleep. But halfway thru I tot I heard lo making sound in the room again, so asked hb to go check on her since I'm pumping milk. When he came out from the room I asked him whether lo is still asleep. Hb totally ignored me, din wanna talk to me and gave me black face! I am so angry he has the cheek to give me the cold shoulder when he is the inconsiderate one to start with... End up I was so angry and felt so down i just cried alone by myself in the kitchen while washing pump and bottles... Felt so unappreciated, and question myself why am I doing this... Why make myself so tired... I should just stop pumping every 3hr 24/7 , and i wish i can sleep like a log every night not caring abt lo cry, just like hb. But can I??!
I hope can bm at least 6mths. What about u?
I think i will breastfeed 6 months max.
I hope to survive 6mths first. =) Then see if i can continue..
Hopefully 1 year bah...for my #1 i did manage to do that...
Yes me too. Don't know if can survive the 6 months. Now we r at 9wpp.

Yeah me too will try at least 6 mnths. Don't know any time to pump when back to office.
@Minn07 , how many wks old is ur bb? Actually i feel if u able to provide bb with jus enough of bm feeds, n not stocking up a stash, u able to make do without pumping at night. Or even cutting down ur session to 4-5hourly instead. Yes, every mummy here sure agree tat its tiring to take care lo alone, with no rescue esp when u wanna go toilet for the big time. But yeah, everyone made it thru some how some day..
Maybe u can sut down n talk to ur hubs nicely. Think of when was the last time u actually talk to hub, calmly n not talk about baby!! Ever since bb is out, i believe all talks are on bb, bb ,bb x inifinity.
Even my hub always alternate days go running, i ask him to chop chop come back, but end up he bathe eat dinner plus jog total 2hr. Beginning i aso piss off, but after talking to him, we manage to get thru it. Like when i finish my bath n dinner den he can go, or when my dad is home den he go etc. sometimes he have to make scarifices to skip tat day run too. From the day we MOTHERS know we r preg, we have given up so much more...but of cos for the betterment of our lo that we r now facing...their smiley face especially..

So, dont angry cos will affect ur bm supply. Dont angry cos it can affect bb mood, n how u treat ur hub. No matter how sad u may be, dont worry, we r here! After crying u may feel happy, but actually what will u expect? N if hubs cant meet ur expectation will u again be unhappy? Even if he can make u happy wo gg to cycle, r u sure u wan it tat way? Thats soooo many tots tat will hinder every decision u b making, always think of FAMILY... Tats what holds on..
Dont harbour the tot of not caring lo jus to zzz, one fine night lo might jus surprise u and sleep thru, tats when u start to think is bb hungry? Wan to wake bb up?

Ur hubs appreciate u alot, tat y even thou he might be giving u the cold shoulder, back in his mind he might be feeling the strain tat u have been gg thru. I believe most men with ego wont share the tots they have, or how they even feel. Cos my hubs will not tell me unless i grill him hard for ans.... But honestly they appreciate what their wife has been thru, going thru, and are going thru with all the great scarifices jus for them n the LOs...

Jiayou, nothing can be worse when u have seen the worst..think that everyday is a better day, jus smile n get it thru.. :) *hugs*
Sorry this will be a long post but i really just need to rant!
I am so angry with hb! Last night after dinner he wanted to go out for his cycling workout. The last time he went he came back only at 11+pm and lo was cranky and fussing the whole time and I was only able to bathe when he's finally back at 11+. So this time I forbid him to go. And he grumbled he has no time to do his own things. I think any mummy who is taking care of lo alone everyday will fume when hb complains "he has no time to do his own things" lor!! I got super pissed so I decided to let him have a real taste of what is "no time to do own things"! So I decided to totally hands off lo from 8+pm to 11+pm. Let him take care of lo alone.. He couldn't even last 2 hours taking care of lo by himself... He couldnt manage to put her to sleep and got impatient and just left her crying in her cot while he go take his shower, and never even tell me. he just expected that i will sure come to settle lo when i hear lo keep crying in the room and take over from him from there. At 11+ finally lo settled down to sleep, so I proceed to do my last pump session before gg to sleep. But halfway thru I tot I heard lo making sound in the room again, so asked hb to go check on her since I'm pumping milk. When he came out from the room I asked him whether lo is still asleep. Hb totally ignored me, din wanna talk to me and gave me black face! I am so angry he has the cheek to give me the cold shoulder when he is the inconsiderate one to start with... End up I was so angry and felt so down i just cried alone by myself in the kitchen while washing pump and bottles... Felt so unappreciated, and question myself why am I doing this... Why make myself so tired... I should just stop pumping every 3hr 24/7 , and i wish i can sleep like a log every night not caring abt lo cry, just like hb. But can I??!
Understand your woes.. me too. Hubby say he work, Very tiring and I'm on maternity leave but whole day machiam do nothing. Ask me why this no do, why that no do, I told him how to do when bb whole day cranky and cry. He will ask me den what u do all day???!!! Seriously NBZ! Say he can carry bb and do stuffs too! Left him handle bb for 2 hours while I went market and bring second son for haircut. The moment I'm back..I see him fixing the shoe cabinet with a black face. My eldest girl was playing with LO. She whisper to me that daddy seems upset taking care of bb cos bb keep crying and cranky. So I was in fact gloating about it.. I 'Suan' my hubby... so now u telling me u can't do stuffs with bb making fuss huh? Tell me about it man! I always let u eat first, shower first, rest first but when its your time to 'HELP ME' (mind you, HELP ME take care of YOUR BABY!) look after bb while I eat, shower, you will always tell me to HURRY UP and make it Fast! Seriously! Wait till I blow my bloody top, u will bloody know!!! Ask me why don't pump? I ask him, nobody helps me to look after, how I pump? Whenever wanna pump, bb will cry and need carry. So ask me to give up latching and give EBM or FM. I said nope.. now is the time I can bond with my LO as I dunno if able to bond as much when I return to work. He would say dun let bb make it a habit to suckle to sleep else other people or IFC will hv problem making him nap. Seriously! So he partly blame me that I let bb co sleep with me and he cannot sleep in the room. But he didn't realized his snore wakes bb up and I'm the one suffer. I even let him sleep in the room and I bring bb to sleep on sofa without making any noise. I'm always saying pls and thanks for helping me. But when he carrying bb, he will tell me fetch him this and that. I will drop what I'm doing to bring him things. He will say his hands are full... but if I need something and can't reach with bb in my hands, I put bb down and reach for stuffs I need. Arrgh.. lots to rant!
I think men are just wired differently from women... Our hubbies do care about the baby, just in a different way from us. I do agree that they need their "own time" if not they become cranky also...

I guess u also need to make ur "own time" in the day and enjoy it as much as u can. For me that is showering nowadays. Haha that's quite sad!!
I think men are just wired differently from women... Our hubbies do care about the baby, just in a different way from us. I do agree that they need their "own time" if not they become cranky also...

I guess u also need to make ur "own time" in the day and enjoy it as much as u can. For me that is showering nowadays. Haha that's quite sad!!
Ya... my hubby say he needs relieve stress, went out pub to play pool, drink and mix with his frens. I'm always happy to let him go. But where is my personal time too? Go out dinner with frens, he ask me chop chop come back. Limit me time. Told him coming Hari Raya we will all go my buddy house for Steamboat. He asked what time we go and what time come home. Told him 3 or 4plus go, 8 or 9 plus come home. He say 7 plus can come back liao cos next day has to work. Wah biangz.. telling me eat liao, shake my buttock and leave?? Not paiseh ar? He went pub 10 plus 11plus come home, next day working not tired. Go my fren house Steamboat next day work will tired!
So tricky hor, managing a newborn plus e husband lol. Yeah somehow men need to do their "own thing" de. I can already feel my hubby getting angsty from missing his wkly football session. But no choice leh, my maid still not here. As for OUR own things, lets jus say i haven mahjong w my frens in years, or sing w them in months. Wat to do, we r e mothers, expected to sacrifice more.

Nowadays i lessen my nagging le… doesnt work w my hubby. He will auto help more during wkends, or if im really tired will ask him to take over in e early am while i grab a couple of hrs of undisturbed rest.
Sorry this will be a long post but i really just need to rant!
I am so angry with hb! Last night after dinner he wanted to go out for his cycling workout. The last time he went he came back only at 11+pm and lo was cranky and fussing the whole time and I was only able to bathe when he's finally back at 11+. So this time I forbid him to go. And he grumbled he has no time to do his own things. I think any mummy who is taking care of lo alone everyday will fume when hb complains "he has no time to do his own things" lor!! I got super pissed so I decided to let him have a real taste of what is "no time to do own things"! So I decided to totally hands off lo from 8+pm to 11+pm. Let him take care of lo alone.. He couldn't even last 2 hours taking care of lo by himself... He couldnt manage to put her to sleep and got impatient and just left her crying in her cot while he go take his shower, and never even tell me. he just expected that i will sure come to settle lo when i hear lo keep crying in the room and take over from him from there. At 11+ finally lo settled down to sleep, so I proceed to do my last pump session before gg to sleep. But halfway thru I tot I heard lo making sound in the room again, so asked hb to go check on her since I'm pumping milk. When he came out from the room I asked him whether lo is still asleep. Hb totally ignored me, din wanna talk to me and gave me black face! I am so angry he has the cheek to give me the cold shoulder when he is the inconsiderate one to start with... End up I was so angry and felt so down i just cried alone by myself in the kitchen while washing pump and bottles... Felt so unappreciated, and question myself why am I doing this... Why make myself so tired... I should just stop pumping every 3hr 24/7 , and i wish i can sleep like a log every night not caring abt lo cry, just like hb. But can I??!


Yes pumping every 3 hrs is really tiring. I gave up on 3 hrs pumping and will pump when i feel breast hard or leaking. I fell more relax now and not too stress to always think of pumping. We need time to rest too because take care of baby alone is not easy. Just try the best you can not not to force your self too much. My husband also didn't help much, back from office take dinner,bath and sit in front of computer. Only carry baby when i ask for help. I try not to put so much hope on him and take it easy.
Minn07, jiayou!

Its really hard to find a hb that really understands. My hb work long hours and need to bring work home. Whenever i want to slp, he will comment "wa. Slp so earli" *throw spanner* its 11plus and i need to wake up 2 hrs later to pump. (I also try to pump every 3 hourly.) Pissed. Every time he comment he only slp 4-5 hours, i also keep quiet. Walau. I also slp 4-5hours and its broken slp.
And yes, he also comment he dun hv personal time cos he working very hard, not like me, enjoying my maternity still get my pay.. *faint* he seriously duno wad i doing the whole day.
Till now, the number of times he change the diapers (my baby 2 mths old) i tink less than 10 times. But he is cleanliness freak, i dun blame him. When i am damn pissed then i will make sure he changes it.
My hb have never look after LO for more than 30min by himself. He keep saying his son too fussy whenever he looks after him. In the end, i have to rush thru my dinner or wadever i am doing to take over.
Last night he still dare to ask me, y i always nv pump on time. *sob sob* i give up explaining liao..

I guess just treat them as another child. Not that they dun love us, they are just not mothers and dun hv motherly love. Its really not easy for them to understand what we are going through. Although as a couple, we decided to hv a kid, in the end, most responsibilities fall on mummies. Its ok. We have our children with us. Thats all that matters!
#Minn07.. I can understand the frustratiotn. Pumping n breastfeeding already a challenge to us.. I broke down a few times too during my confinement. Jia you mummy.. lots of love to you!!
All mummies jiayou!!!

I'm lucky dat my parents stay with me and we hired a maid. And hb is doing all the night feeding despite he's working. In fact, I think he enjoy bonding with his precious little girl during the limited night time. He used to shower late but now first thing reach home is go shower so he can carry his girl. Dat's oso y my #1 super imbalance and keep saying nobody like him (he's 7yo le). I'm super upset by this statement; despite I keep assuring him he is my #1 darling. :(
Mummies, any organic hair salon to recommend? Feel like getting my hair done. So unglam now.

Organic Shd be safe for lactating mummies?

Thanks mummies for your encouragements. :) Truly only mummies understand.

I think most men are the same. Yes I agree they just do not have the motherly love and instincts in them. At the end of the day, most of the responsibilities still fall on the mother and we gladly do it for our children.

@furbee , my bb is 9weeks today. I only DL once or twice a day Max. my flow is slow... Lo always get impatient at the breast and will start pulling at the nipple. Always end up nipple sore after latch too many times. So I prefer to pump. also low supply... Will not be enough for lo if I dun pump every 2-3hrly... Sigh.. But I will try to persevere until at least 6 mths.

Jiayou everyone!
