(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Gals - can I check your opinion on sunning newborns to lower jaundice level (mild case la)...???

I agree, but sunning not good enough, my friend end up rented the machine home ....

think muz have good sun, maybe downstairs... if sun inside hse we get mininium sun only thus might not work well

I agree, but sunning not good enough, my friend end up rented the machine home ....

think muz have good sun, maybe downstairs... if sun inside hse we get mininium sun only thus might not work well
only morning sun hor ... we brought our boy to playground with morning sun exposure to suntan :p
u are against or agree ?

my CL suntan my boy during confinement but not good enuff cos still yelllowish after PD check so my hb and i continue to bring him downstair to suntan for a couple of days until clear ...
I agree, but sunning not good enough, my friend end up rented the machine home ....

think muz have good sun, maybe downstairs... if sun inside hse we get mininium sun only thus might not work well

Well my mum has been doing that to my nephews and nieces when they are new borns... so when my CL do it for my elder one... i have no objections. Recently I was told that PD dun agree to this method... caught me by surprise!

Yes only for morning sun and for mild case jaundice
I agree, but sunning not good enough, my friend end up rented the machine home ....

think muz have good sun, maybe downstairs... if sun inside hse we get mininium sun only thus might not work well

My mum sun my bb niece at the corridor. she very very mild jaundice, but she got darker after sun tanning. super funny.

My colleague don't believe in sunning, she just let her bb expel it on her own,
how can dun take into consider parent one ... weird ...
Tats y I dun believe lor, but my husband and I feel very uncomfortable after hearing wat my mil say la... Afterall is our princess we will not even to have 1percent chance lor.
Y my mil so believe is cos my bil is seen by their so called master for csect date, and my bil is really very gd in studies and etc. but my parent in law business went down hill and consider kind of bad. To me I believe cos didn't take parents into consideration lor, tat y they down down hill.

Eh HDB shd b abt 1888, condo 3888 something like that can't rem exact..

But ok la so far still shun shun li li so nothing to hiam.. Gt include brief life analysis .. At least he doesn't really hard sell his pdts although there's recommended items to place but his staff even told us to get the small ornaments from other shops cheaper lol ..
Well my mum has been doing that to my nephews and nieces when they are new borns... so when my CL do it for my elder one... i have no objections. Recently I was told that PD dun agree to this method... caught me by surprise!

Yes only for morning sun and for mild case jaundice
did the PD say why ?

btw when suntan must cover bb eyes leh...dun let bb expose to sunlight ...could that be the reason ?


Eh HDB shd b abt 1888, condo 3888 something like that can't rem exact..
But ok la so far still shun shun li li so nothing to hiam.. Gt include brief life analysis .. At least he doesn't really hard sell his pdts although there's recommended items to place but his staff even told us to get the small ornaments from other shops cheaper lol ..

they used to have a price but they have since removed the price lolz ...
anyway we engaged "him" in house selection cheap cheap but i dun believe it is his doing but his assistant ..and since it is selection premises niah so a rough indication of direction is good enuff ..when house ready then burn hole in pocket find him to see FS lor lolz ..

Wah the one zero very big different leh!!
Hahaaaa.... I miss the zero behind! Lol

yah big diff lolz but it is a package things from selection of date+ times to name selection and meet in person for explanation i find it is ok leh
did the PD say why ?

btw when suntan must cover bb eyes leh...dun let bb expose to sunlight ...could that be the reason ?

Dun know... was told by another mummy that her PD suggest not to sun... nvr ask further... PD professional leh.... hahaha anyways I did sun my girl with her shades on... i took the shades with me when she was under UV light at TMC during my stay there...
Dun know... was told by another mummy that her PD suggest not to sun... nvr ask further... PD professional leh.... hahaha anyways I did sun my girl with her shades on... i took the shades with me when she was under UV light at TMC during my stay there...
huh? got shades .. i din know that.. even though my boy stayed extra 1 day but i never see my boy under uv light

btw did you get any call from TMC ? i got a call from them .. ( got a shock) thanking me for selecting their hospital for the delivery lolz and tell me the procedure how to check in on that day lolz

din know got such services lolz
huh? got shades .. i din know that.. even though my boy stayed extra 1 day but i never see my boy under uv light

btw did you get any call from TMC ? i got a call from them .. ( got a shock) thanking me for selecting their hospital for the delivery lolz and tell me the procedure how to check in on that day lolz

din know got such services lolz

Oh that time i stayed im TMC for 5 days, so by then my girl jaundice levels also shown... so she went phototherapy one whole day on the 4th day i was there...

i haven book my room in TMC for this one yet...
Thanks everyone for your comments! I was essentially peer pressured to book a CN. My colleagues told me CN is a must and I will not be able to cope without one, so I caved in to the fear. Being a first time MTB, I tried but was not able to confidently list down every task that a CN could help out with. I spent several years in ang moh countries and observed closely how locals brought up their infants. There is no such thing as CN there due to the very high labour costs, even parents may not chip in to help as they probably live far away, so the parents are left on their own and the babies turn out fine.

I have no absolute certainty or confidence that I can fully implement what the book says from Day 1. I'm just deducing that a CN is unnecessary during the night time if baby sleeps in the same room as parents for sleep training purpose. My CN has said she WILL sleep in the same room as baby so there is already potential for tension there. Even in the day time, if I express milk, will she follow the feeding schedule I set for baby (necessary for sleep training) or will she insist on doing it her way? I guess I'll be happy with an easy-going CN who gives way to parents, haha. Or like what many of you (and my DH) said, wait till she is gone before sleep training. Of course there are many things that a CN can teach 1st time parents.

Will let DH decide eventually whether to keep the CN. Thanks for your advice again!
Oh that time i stayed im TMC for 5 days, so by then my girl jaundice levels also shown... so she went phototherapy one whole day on the 4th day i was there...

i haven book my room in TMC for this one yet...
wah u stay so many days ... i go back on 4th day and he stayed 1 more day
Any mummies here having csect will let master choose date?
there are a no. of posts by toblerone under the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang thread (prolly a few others) regading that topic. Seems that it really isn't a joking matter. Am going to leave things to nature. Even if bb has to be delivered via c section for whatever reason, I am just oging with what my gynae proposes. Sometimes I think it's best not to know too much ...
1st of all

1) i will still engage the CL cos being #1 mummy you still have no idea what to expect in taking care of infant... reading book is knowledge in reality it may not be as per wat the book said ..every parent and baby are diff

2) for me sleep through is good but i will only train when they are around 3 months .. beginning stage is when they need all the nutrition to grow so i will feed on demand until they are 3 months old then i train .. at least this is what i did for my #1 and i will continue to do that for #2
hmmm.. i aim to train as early as possible. Reduce night feed, and if possible, toilet train also.
Good morning mummies! Air v smelly outside, try to stay indoors!

@fluffy_fluffy wah u super hard core mahjong, I like!! Fri I was v naughty too, month end all my colleagues no mood to work, n night we couldn't play cos they going hello kitty run the next morning, so at 11am, we F1 back to my house, played 2 rounds, n went back to office at 4pm, hehe. Jia lat hor.

Oh dear 27 wks is really early, hope the babies r coping ok.
Actually talking abt feng shui master, last time we have this feng shui master from Hong Kong that all my colleagues use, cos sales people damn pantang, we will fly him in 2x a year n he will come to all our cubicles, dabble dabble a bit, n pocket a $60 red packet from each of us, 很好赚。N he has been doing this since I joined the bank, which was 9 yrs ago. N though I let him see my cubicle I was always abit skeptical. Then finally last year in Sept I decided to let him see my house to see if need to do anything, cos it has been 2-3 yrs since I moved (I used 缘中秀 then - overpriced n they keep on cross selling their products), n the moment he stood at the entrance, before he even stepped into the house, he asked me if I have any children. So when I replied no, he said: "not surprising, this house not easy to conceive". This was before I even said anything abt family n trying to conceive ok. I was converted from a skeptic to a believer in 3 secs flat, haha. So anyway, long story short, after he saw the house, he did a simple personal reading for me, n told me not to bother trying in 2013, cos absolutely no fire in my ba zi, even if conceive i will miscarry. Omg! I did miscarry earlier in the year but he didn't know that! Then he count count count he said 2014 got fire, can try, 2015 even more fire, so best in conceive in 2014 n deliver in 2015. U see la, given where I'm at now, how to not believe him?? So after that session, I kept on asking the coordinator when he's coming to SG again, n the plan was for middle of this year, but to my devastation, I found out in June that he passed away suddenly but peacefully in his sleep in May. So so sad!!

Hahaha .. Played 3 days .. 1st day 6hrs, 2nd day 12hrs & 3rd day 8 hrs!! No joke .. Have to wear my compression sock, cos my leg water retention from 1st 2 days . 3rd day nothing happen as I wearing the socks
Swollen like pig leg !!!
Faster went to bed and sleep more and raise my feet higher .. Lol

You also another champion so short interval also can play . But at least you stay so near , short drive will reach home

Come come , we can arrange one game one day too .. But I already 35 weeks Liao ... Want to jio me , must faster Okie ? Lol Gynae say he's expecting me to give birth 36-37 weeks lol Wednesday will see him again . Then see if really 36-37 weeks will deliver lol

1st of all

1) i will still engage the CL cos being #1 mummy you still have no idea what to expect in taking care of infant... reading book is knowledge in reality it may not be as per wat the book said ..every parent and baby are diff

2) for me sleep through is good but i will only train when they are around 3 months .. beginning stage is when they need all the nutrition to grow so i will feed on demand until they are 3 months old then i train .. at least this is what i did for my #1 and i will continue to do that for #2
there are a no. of posts by toblerone under the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang thread (prolly a few others) regading that topic. Seems that it really isn't a joking matter. Am going to leave things to nature. Even if bb has to be delivered via c section for whatever reason, I am just oging

not to know too much ...
there are a no. of posts by toblerone under the Zhu Sheng Niang Niang thread (prolly a few others) regading that topic. Seems that it really isn't a joking matter. Am going to leave things to nature. Even if bb has to be delivered via c section for whatever reason, I am just oging with what my gynae proposes. Sometimes I think it's best not to know too much ...

If natural birth then it's leave to date but if csect, than as a parent I feel I have to do my part giving the best I can. I wan to be safe than sry. In a wat 买个心安。
If natural birth then it's leave to date but if csect, than as a parent I feel I have to do my part giving the best I can. I wan to be safe than sry. In a wat 买个心安。
Not sure if u believe in this, but bazi = 1/3 hardwork / human actions = 1/3, being at the right place at the right time = 1/3
Hahaha .. Played 3 days .. 1st day 6hrs, 2nd day 12hrs & 3rd day 8 hrs!! No joke .. Have to wear my compression sock, cos my leg water retention from 1st 2 days . 3rd day nothing happen as I wearing the socks
Swollen like pig leg !!!
Faster went to bed and sleep more and raise my feet higher .. Lol

You also another champion so short interval also can play . But at least you stay so near , short drive will reach home

Come come , we can arrange one game one day too .. But I already 35 weeks Liao ... Want to jio me , must faster Okie ? Lol Gynae say he's expecting me to give birth 36-37 weeks lol Wednesday will see him again . Then see if really 36-37 weeks will deliver lol

Hahaha 3 days in a row until must wear compression socks, wah u r sounding more n more like my type of mj kaki!! Best la you! Lol. Aiyo u already 35 wks n predicted to pop 36-37 wks, no more time! Ok I jio u after we pop ok.
1st of all

1) i will still engage the CL cos being #1 mummy you still have no idea what to expect in taking care of infant... reading book is knowledge in reality it may not be as per wat the book said ..every parent and baby are diff

2) for me sleep through is good but i will only train when they are around 3 months .. beginning stage is when they need all the nutrition to grow so i will feed on demand until they are 3 months old then i train .. at least this is what i did for my #1 and i will continue to do that for #2

Same thinking . Every parent have different upbringing style . For me, I prefer my kids to be independent. My #1&2 age gap 17mths . I will train #1 to take care of #2 even that time I have maid. Toys are to be kept by the kids themselves and not the maid. My maid will cook for me wash the dish, house hold work . But children milk bottles and porridge are washed and cooked by me or hb only. She will only sterilize/wash the toys every morning.

My #1 hate milk . Have to force feed her to drink. She's not easy to take care either ... Will scream her lung out whenever I send my Hb to work . From sembawang to changi , changi back from Sembawang . Sound cruel not to attend to her . But I need to train her to get used of this routine and not by crying she will get all attention . So by 1st week , she calm down and get used to our routine .

For #2 first 2 months purely by feed by demand . She dun even wake up for midnight feed ... She prefers sleeping more than drinking milk ! But her size is double !! Chubby and Michelin ... Need to open up her fold to shower for her ! Lol she is big drinker for bm ... She can drink 140ml by 2-3 weeks old like a camel , store first then sleep ...
Not sure if u believe in this, but bazi = 1/3 hardwork / human actions = 1/3, being at the right place at the right time = 1/3

Ya I believe plus I believe parenting play a big part.
Afterall fate and those baizi play maybe like 30% then hardworking and personality play abt 70%
Same thinking . Every parent have different upbringing style . For me, I prefer my kids to be independent. My #1&2 age gap 17mths . I will train #1 to take care of #2 even that time I have maid. Toys are to be kept by the kids themselves and not the maid. My maid will cook for me wash the dish, house hold work . But children milk bottles and porridge are washed and cooked by me or hb only. She will only sterilize/wash the toys every morning.

My #1 hate milk . Have to force feed her to drink. She's not easy to take care either ... Will scream her lung out whenever I send my Hb to work . From sembawang to changi , changi back from Sembawang . Sound cruel not to attend to her . But I need to train her to get used of this routine and not by crying she will get all attention . So by 1st week , she calm down and get used to our routine .

For #2 first 2 months purely by feed by demand . She dun even wake up for midnight feed ... She prefers sleeping more than drinking milk ! But her size is double !! Chubby and Michelin ... Need to open up her fold to shower for her ! Lol she is big drinker for bm ... She can drink 140ml by 2-3 weeks old like a camel , store first then sleep ...
I thnik it's good you make them clear up after playing and not the maid! That teaches them responsibility. Not uncommon to see the maids carrying the kids school bags these days (Remember the news about the maid carrying the NSF's field pack??).
Hahaha 3 days in a row until must wear compression socks, wah u r sounding more n more like my type of mj kaki!! Best la you! Lol. Aiyo u already 35 wks n predicted to pop 36-37 wks, no more time! Ok I jio u after we pop ok.
He says only .. Thinking maybe cos he's going on leave soon . Want to deliver for me before he goes for holiday . I will prefer to naturally give birth . No induce ... Sorry I meant 38-39 weeks .. 36 not full term yet .. Unless tml he says my baby is now 3 kg :p

Time flies .... Am going to miss my kicks , rolling , dancing inside my tummy ... Very fast firm tummy going to be flabby tummy Liao lol
Ya I believe plus I believe parenting play a big part.
Afterall fate and those baizi play maybe like 30% then hardworking and personality play abt 70%
As parent just do what we can the rest is up to them and their destiny
I thnik it's good you make them clear up after playing and not the maid! That teaches them responsibility. Not uncommon to see the maids carrying the kids school bags these days (Remember the news about the maid carrying the NSF's field pack??).
Hahah ... I can't stand all these .. My 2 girls are trained very early . They will wear their socks and shoes before 2. Sleep in their own room by 1.5 yo and 3 yo. Eat their own before 3 yo .. My 5 yo will now will get the milk and pour cereal to eat every morning, or take the bread and spread herself .

Will not take her school bags. It's very different upbringing style . Compared to children taken care by parents or maids .. Have to really spoon feed them . The difference you can see it very obviously . That's the reason why I insist of taking care my kids myself rather than asking old folk to take care.

I dun wish my kids to be spoil rotten to the max ..
Hahah ... I can't stand all these .. My 2 girls are trained very early . They will wear their socks and shoes before 2. Sleep in their own room by 1.5 yo and 3 yo. Eat their own before 3 yo .. My 5 yo will now will get the milk and pour cereal to eat every morning, or take the bread and spread herself .

Will not take her school bags. It's very different upbringing style . Compared to children taken care by parents or maids .. Have to really spoon feed them . The difference you can see it very obviously . That's the reason why I insist of taking care my kids myself rather than asking old folk to take care.

I dun wish my kids to be spoil rotten to the max ..

yes agree with you... vast difference in children brought up by grandparents/helper vs the mother
Hahah ... I can't stand all these .. My 2 girls are trained very early . They will wear their socks and shoes before 2. Sleep in their own room by 1.5 yo and 3 yo. Eat their own before 3 yo .. My 5 yo will now will get the milk and pour cereal to eat every morning, or take the bread and spread herself .

Will not take her school bags. It's very different upbringing style . Compared to children taken care by parents or maids .. Have to really spoon feed them . The difference you can see it very obviously . That's the reason why I insist of taking care my kids myself rather than asking old folk to take care.

I dun wish my kids to be spoil rotten to the max ..
that is only possible if SAHM ..if FTWM still need some form of help
Hahah ... I can't stand all these .. My 2 girls are trained very early . They will wear their socks and shoes before 2. Sleep in their own room by 1.5 yo and 3 yo. Eat their own before 3 yo .. My 5 yo will now will get the milk and pour cereal to eat every morning, or take the bread and spread herself .

Will not take her school bags. It's very different upbringing style . Compared to children taken care by parents or maids .. Have to really spoon feed them . The difference you can see it very obviously . That's the reason why I insist of taking care my kids myself rather than asking old folk to take care.

I dun wish my kids to be spoil rotten to the max ..
i hope my MIL will still have the " fire" ... i hope she doesn't lose the "fire" when it comes to disciplining so fast when she retires from her teaching post!
i hope my MIL will still have the " fire" ... i hope she doesn't lose the "fire" when it comes to disciplining so fast when she retires from her teaching post!

yes agree with you... vast difference in children brought up by grandparents/helper vs the mother

I see how my parents treat their grandkids (my niece and nephew), I feel grandparents will always treat their grandkids very differently from treating their kids....

For their grandkids they will dote and dote... unless you are VERY VERY CLEAR with your parent/inlaws from the beginning that you don't allow it...

I think I will tell my kids from young that don't expect to be spoonfed, picked up after etc from me, I will never allow it.

But then again, once you are at work, you cannot control how your helper/inlaws/parents take care of the kids, cuz you are not there to supervise.
that is only possible if SAHM ..if FTWM still need some form of help
Yes... i was about to add this!
Ya .. Only for sahm .. That's why I choose to be one .. Only since 2011 then I start to work again . Bring my kids to work with me. Lol but again depends on your nature of job also . I can handle both of them so still okie

Sometimes we are sort like living in dilemma . I dun want my mum to take care of my kids cos I see the way she's taking care of my niece and nephew I really cannot stand it . There are times when I urgently need to help is taking care of the kids while I meeting client, I have no choice but to leave them there .. Or put at in laws place ... At my mum's place she is particular abt hygiene so no worries abt that . But not il 's side and they not listening to my instructions n feeding them stuff we will forbidden ..

If engage baby sitter , no need to worry that she will spoil the children but dunno if she will ill- treat my children or not .. Put in childcare same thing .. Dunno if will bully by other children or care taker or not ..

Having children is not easy .. Have to worry from the moment we are pregnant till we pass on ...

Sorry for the long out of topic chat lol
I see how my parents treat their grandkids (my niece and nephew), I feel grandparents will always treat their grandkids very differently from treating their kids....

For their grandkids they will dote and dote... unless you are VERY VERY CLEAR with your parent/inlaws from the beginning that you don't allow it...

I think I will tell my kids from young that don't expect to be spoonfed, picked up after etc from me, I will never allow it.

But then again, once you are at work, you cannot control how your helper/inlaws/parents take care of the kids, cuz you are not there to supervise.
Now ah..my hb "shake" my belly to play with bb his father will say.. "Why u do this to her? Dont disturb her, let her sleep".
i hope my MIL will still have the " fire" ... i hope she doesn't lose the "fire" when it comes to disciplining so fast when she retires from her teaching post!
Being parents and being grandparents are very different . Parents will have a lot of expectations from our children . But being grandparents , will just want to dote the grandchildren with whatever they want .

Eg: when I'm young , mummy will chase after us with a cane for dunno how to behave .. Now mummy will tell us off saying the children all too young to understand zzz

For their grandkids they will dote and dote... unless you are VERY VERY CLEAR with your parent/inlaws from the beginning that you don't allow it...

We are very very very clear in our instructions for my ILS about the dos and don'ts ...they only follow one week nia... and after that forgot about it... citing reason "aiyah they are still young ma"...aiyah I am too old to learn these parenting stuff... now my hb is forcing them to read parenting book to get them to in sync with us hahahah....after 4 years, the battle still going on... hahaha

so the verdict is .... if you need help from your parents or ILs, your expectation of them must be lower when it comes to asking them to discipline your own children... you have to be firm and strictly adhere to your own parenting style when you are with them...
Ya .. Only for sahm .. That's why I choose to be one .. Only since 2011 then I start to work again . Bring my kids to work with me. Lol but again depends on your nature of job also . I can handle both of them so still okie

Sometimes we are sort like living in dilemma . I dun want my mum to take care of my kids cos I see the way she's taking care of my niece and nephew I really cannot stand it . There are times when I urgently need to help is taking care of the kids while I meeting client, I have no choice but to leave them there .. Or put at in laws place ... At my mum's place she is particular abt hygiene so no worries abt that . But not il 's side and they not listening to my instructions n feeding them stuff we will forbidden ..

If engage baby sitter , no need to worry that she will spoil the children but dunno if she will ill- treat my children or not .. Put in childcare same thing .. Dunno if will bully by other children or care taker or not ..

Having children is not easy .. Have to worry from the moment we are pregnant till we pass on ...

Sorry for the long out of topic chat lol
not out of topic...it is relevant :p

icic .. wah bring kids to work that is a new one ... your own biz har ...

there is pro and con in whichever method ..the parent will just have to weight the difference and see which one they can accept lor
Being parents and being grandparents are very different . Parents will have a lot of expectations from our children . But being grandparents , will just want to dote the grandchildren with whatever they want .

Eg: when I'm young , mummy will chase after us with a cane for dunno how to behave .. Now mummy will tell us off saying the children all too young to understand zzz
yah yah ... really double standard right lolz
