2WW - for those TTC-ing

Ya, just a regular SA check. Nurse called him just now to inform him and also ask him to go down pick up the med for his infection.
Last mth was our 1st visit to Dr Charles and discover i had PCO, so was put on med and the nurses told hub to go for SA when AF comes this month.
wow, then probably tt is a blessing in disguise, to have discovered it! if never go SA might be left untreated wor...
any idea how infection can happen? or how to prevent?

hopeful mum,
i am still here ....
been super and work till past midnight last night

witch havent report, but i already standby ....
hi hopefulmum

BFN lei. B4 and Aft i came back i did test. But my temp is climbing up already. not like last time so low. now at least got above baseliine. still consider good for me. My TCM said if no temp dip then got chance for preg. but dono lei. din really have e feeling. this mth oso nv try so hard. only tt time i dono got O or not so i BD. sian liao. tdy my temp super high. i got e sick feeling like going to have a fever. usu if AF coming , temp oso super high. body oso hot hot.
The bigger the egg, the better it is.. Easier for the spermy to attack..
do u know if we have eggs but if our fallopian tube is blocked, can sperms still go in? if e semens keep flowing out and wet e whole panty, does it mean i have blocked fallopian tubes tt y sperms cannot go in??? everytime aft i BD, e semens flow out. then morning oso flow out. and as i walk, it oso flow out and wet my whole panty tt i really need to change one new panty :( it is really wet!!!
do u know if we have eggs but if our fallopian tube is blocked, can sperms still go in? if e semens keep flowing out and wet e whole panty, does it mean i have blocked fallopian tubes tt y sperms cannot go in??? everytime aft i BD, e semens flow out. then morning oso flow out. and as i walk, it oso flow out and wet my whole panty tt i really need to change one new panty :( it is really wet!!!

Emily, the semen flowing out isnt due to u having blocked tubes. I know what it is like cos it's happened to me. What I do is to "stun" those handtowels used in the toilets for drying to hands and put it at my XXX after we DTD.
do u know if we have eggs but if our fallopian tube is blocked, can sperms still go in? if e semens keep flowing out and wet e whole panty, does it mean i have blocked fallopian tubes tt y sperms cannot go in??? everytime aft i BD, e semens flow out. then morning oso flow out. and as i walk, it oso flow out and wet my whole panty tt i really need to change one new panty :( it is really wet!!!
dun worry, it's a normal sign... not a sign of blocked tubes :)
dun worry, it's a normal sign... not a sign of blocked tubes :)
ya and blocked tubes can probably only tell via hsg, or like me during my fibroid op, they also insert dye to check if blocked. then realized one tube blocked. but after insert dye liao, the tube auto open liao. how i found out open, coz 2 years later i went for hsg to check/
do u know if we have eggs but if our fallopian tube is blocked, can sperms still go in? if e semens keep flowing out and wet e whole panty, does it mean i have blocked fallopian tubes tt y sperms cannot go in??? everytime aft i BD, e semens flow out. then morning oso flow out. and as i walk, it oso flow out and wet my whole panty tt i really need to change one new panty :( it is really wet!!!
That happened to me too:) so I'll always put a pantyliner to avoid semen flowing out and wet my panty.. It is normal , don't worry.. :)
do u know if we have eggs but if our fallopian tube is blocked, can sperms still go in? if e semens keep flowing out and wet e whole panty, does it mean i have blocked fallopian tubes tt y sperms cannot go in??? everytime aft i BD, e semens flow out. then morning oso flow out. and as i walk, it oso flow out and wet my whole panty tt i really need to change one new panty :( it is really wet!!!
when u seeing tsb? rem to call to let u know of any avaialble slots so u can go see her earlier. so exciting im seeing her on thur liao. lol don't what to expect :)
then also can be like gammahedging go do a check. now she is getting treatment for pcos already :)
when u seeing tsb? rem to call to let u know of any avaialble slots so u can go see her earlier. so exciting im seeing her on thur liao. lol don't what to expect :)
then also can be like gammahedging go do a check. now she is getting treatment for pcos already :)

Ya Emily, i tink it's good to do a check !! Very happy that I made the decision to get myself checked before investing too much effort.

Though I personally wonder if I should take things further and go on a low GI diet like diabetics although I am not overweight (1.61m , 64kg). Will be nice to go back to my secondary sch / JC weight of like 50-55 kg though! Ahhh... the good old days...
Ya Emily, i tink it's good to do a check !! Very happy that I made the decision to get myself checked before investing too much effort.

Though I personally wonder if I should take things further and go on a low GI diet like diabetics although I am not overweight (1.61m , 64kg). Will be nice to go back to my secondary sch / JC weight of like 50-55 kg though! Ahhh... the good old days...
go for a walk, run or swim. it helps, just 3 times or 2 times weekly.
haha. i did not really chart my temp. but i did try taking it few days n realise my temp is always ard 36.8-36.9 everyday.
tat is part of the reason that i go test. if nt, i tink i will not waste my strips to test.

I agree. exercise 2-3times wkly do help.
i started to go gym n class since jan this yr. guess it helps as i m working out to keep myself fit. n lose abit of weight.....
haha. i did not really chart my temp. but i did try taking it few days n realise my temp is always ard 36.8-36.9 everyday.
tat is part of the reason that i go test. if nt, i tink i will not waste my strips to test.

I agree. exercise 2-3times wkly do help.
i started to go gym n class since jan this yr. guess it helps as i m working out to keep myself fit. n lose abit of weight.....
cool. so tmr is ur gynae visit, excited? im so excited for you!

kpo, ask u when was ur lmp? early feb or late jan?
hi hopefulmum

BFN lei. B4 and Aft i came back i did test. But my temp is climbing up already. not like last time so low. now at least got above baseliine. still consider good for me. My TCM said if no temp dip then got chance for preg. but dono lei. din really have e feeling. this mth oso nv try so hard. only tt time i dono got O or not so i BD. sian liao. tdy my temp super high. i got e sick feeling like going to have a fever. usu if AF coming , temp oso super high. body oso hot hot.

Do u try clomid before?

Which doctor u seeing now at tpy?
Is she good?
I think go there also to check my AF. Still haven't come .
How do they start?
How is the charger like?
I am seeing Dr WOO FONG WAH. I waited pretty long for my turn and while waiting there is an assistant collecting information from me since this is my first visit. She ask about my mense and stuffs relating to this. The doctor looked at the information and take my pulse and ask further questions and tat is all. I think becoz i already O so they nv do any acupuncture.
Consultation is ard $13 and medi for 8 packs for 2 weeks is another $24. It is quite ok to me

Ya, TCM tan KS sounds very pro! :) jus curious, since Tan KS seems quite pro too, why do you decide to change to another sinseh?:)
The reason is that his clinic is far from my place and my work place. I did not expect TCM treatment requires me visit so often (3 visits in a cycle). It was pretty difficult for me to work out the time. So i decided to change to another clinic near my place and my work place.
I am seeing Dr WOO FONG WAH. I waited pretty long for my turn and while waiting there is an assistant collecting information from me since this is my first visit. She ask about my mense and stuffs relating to this. The doctor looked at the information and take my pulse and ask further questions and tat is all. I think becoz i already O so they nv do any acupuncture.
Consultation is ard $13 and medi for 8 packs for 2 weeks is another $24. It is quite ok to me

the price is pretty reasonable! *thumb up*
haha. ya. excited. cant wait...
u mean last menses period? is 24th Jan.
I have long cycles. so difficult to gauge.
haha yaya sorry too used to short form. nvm lah don't need to gauge already. ur baby will slowly grow and then its more accurate than anything else... hahaha tmr rem to share share ur experience.

my bro-in-law so cute he created an album for his little one. so fast hor we ttc here for awhile liao. the wife now already 5.5 mths. july give birth liao.
haha... ok lar. time passes very fast de. u never knw. my colleague wife also preg 3mths plus liao. sept giving birth.
tink when i knw tat she preg is dec or jan. time juz passes without our knowledge....
haha... ok lar. time passes very fast de. u never knw. my colleague wife also preg 3mths plus liao. sept giving birth.
tink when i knw tat she preg is dec or jan. time juz passes without our knowledge....
hahaha true hor.. but don't why tww seems so slow every time. but when tww over, its another mth liao.
haha... ok lar. time passes very fast de. u never knw. my colleague wife also preg 3mths plus liao. sept giving birth.
tink when i knw tat she preg is dec or jan. time juz passes without our knowledge....
yar... coz we count by cycles.... then although only 2-3 cycles passed, it's 3 months liao!! :O
3cm! wah consider very big right? So when burst u can feel it right. coz i can feel ovulation pains/cramps one. not every cycle, some cycles more prominent than others.
hmm... is tt why some say if feel ovulation pain / ovulation bleeding, it's an indication of increased fertility? coz tt is indicator of larger eggs too?
if worry sperms leaky, maybe can try taking primrose oil from CD 1 to the day u Ovulate.. is said to be able to promote better CM to hold the sperms..

hahaha true hor.. but don't why tww seems so slow every time. but when tww over, its another mth liao.
muz keep urself occupied ! :) it works.. maybe slight bz at work or find some thing to do off work...
hmm... is tt why some say if feel ovulation pain / ovulation bleeding, it's an indication of increased fertility? coz tt is indicator of larger eggs too?
not sure if its an indication of fertility. i guess some woman just don't feel it bah but nonetheless they still get pregnant. honestly if i not ttc i also oblivious, i just feel abit crampy but don't know why and cant be bothered to find out lol
if worry sperms leaky, maybe can try taking primrose oil from CD 1 to the day u Ovulate.. is said to be able to promote better CM to hold the sperms..

muz keep urself occupied ! :) it works.. maybe slight bz at work or find some thing to do off work...
lol last week when i was down with fever is the best way. then until i slowly recover and hubby overseas i start to get very impatient liao. i kept going shopping on sat/sun.

yest was bored. lol
so sweet. my hubby only go cycling with me. he hates the pool but i love it! lol coz my back not so good, crooked so swimming is good for me.

The pool is good for me cos I wont end up being all sweaty and stinky. But of course when AF is here I can't go to the pool... So will do brisk walk on AF day !!!

And the doctor did recommend that we do it together cos he said the outcome is better? IDK but I figure it's good for hb too cos he is overweight.... Hehe :D Bonding session also lor.
The pool is good for me cos I wont end up being all sweaty and stinky. But of course when AF is here I can't go to the pool... So will do brisk walk on AF day !!!

And the doctor did recommend that we do it together cos he said the outcome is better? IDK but I figure it's good for hb too cos he is overweight.... Hehe :D Bonding session also lor.
ya its good to do together. good and quality time spent. though u may not be talking when u are swimming, but both of u knows that the companion is there. lol i always swim alone one. i go brisk walk also alone. until i found cycling - one sport we can do together. lol

he enjoys grp sports, like basketball, soccer. so confirm out for me liao. lol
lol last week when i was down with fever is the best way. then until i slowly recover and hubby overseas i start to get very impatient liao. i kept going shopping on sat/sun.

yest was bored. lol

haha no wonder hor....... tis wk and the next wk or rather from nw till mid apr is mad bz for me,,
hb ask me so stress hw to strike =.=

u can jio ur frds out for dnr .. bonding + kill away the tww blues
haha no wonder hor....... tis wk and the next wk or rather from nw till mid apr is mad bz for me,,
hb ask me so stress hw to strike =.=

u can jio ur frds out for dnr .. bonding + kill away the tww blues
lol i did i m quite used to spending time alone. i go swim or what loh. the thing is im still having flu and cough so cant swim. then now raining also, lol the water too cold. i go to my parents place for dinner. go spend time with them. i also go out until very broke liao. once i go our like out of control will just spend.

lol terrible hor. lol
lol i did i m quite used to spending time alone. i go swim or what loh. the thing is im still having flu and cough so cant swim. then now raining also, lol the water too cold. i go to my parents place for dinner. go spend time with them. i also go out until very broke liao. once i go our like out of control will just spend.

lol terrible hor. lol
sometimes it is good to have some time alone. but too long can be bored. but a bit of seperation will make one misses another and treasure one more :) sometimes when i meet friends, i realised tt my hubby do missed me at home,
hmm Emily, wah if ur ovulation pain until so terrible better see doc leh. coz i just feel bloated and crampy.
aft i drank hot water and lao sai then ok liao. my tcm said not much of a concern. but i am ok already. if it persists, i will see gynae :) thanks hopeful mum.
had been having cramps aft food recently and feel feverish aft slp.

aft i drank hot water and lao sai then ok liao. my tcm said not much of a concern. but i am ok already. if it persists, i will see gynae :) thanks hopeful mum.
had been having cramps aft food recently and feel feverish aft slp.
Ya ur symptoms sound very scary. Hmm seem to me u really trust ur tcm a lot. Think I so guai u will sure benefit from seeing tsb they all.
