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February 2025
A parent asked me this question during the last session of a four-week programme on motivational strategies. The discussion was on creating intrinsic drive instead of repeating the arduous weekly…
Parents worry. Trying to motivate your child to study and excel in exams has long become part and parcel of daily life. Understandably so. A country with no natural resources…
As a child growing up, I suffered from low self-esteem and had very little confidence. I would constantly compare myself with my peers in every way, and feel inferior about…
Singapore has some of the best education systems in the world, hence it is no surprise that many Singaporean students are academically gifted. It is no surprise too, that when…
At my enrichment centre The Collaboration Corner, when we start a class with new students, I often encounter this scenario: children who tell me “I dunno / I don’t know”…
You hear stories of children who go home after school and do their homework without being nagged at. They revise for tests and exams without being nagged at. They seek…
As a parent, it is so rewarding when you see your child succeed at something, whether an academic subject at school, a sport, a creative hobby or as a baby…
All their lives, I have told my children, “We are not a highly intelligent family. Mommy isn’t a genius. Daddy isn’t either. You, being our children, cannot be very smart…