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Hi babe, you still having High prolactin?
so sorry that i just saw ur msg. I have not checked for some time after i changed gynae. are u seeing any gynae now?
Adventure World is a company dedicated to providing top quality outdoor equipment at budget prices to all campers and adventurers alike.
Hi i read your posts about Lucy Netto. I will be meeting her tomorrow but im jot sure how good she is. Im currently facing an international child custody. i was unmarried before. how much are her charges contested and uncontested? can pay by installments? my current lawyer rajan chettiar is a pain in the ass and im not feeling like he is protecting my interest. i feel he only wants my money.
Hi i would like to get some help here.. i heard Dr Toh no longer provide his service and has passed down his skills to his relatives? May i request for the contact now to bring my father..? appreciate greatly for your kind help!!!!
Hi babe
I saw ur comment regarding the maintaince
Need to seek your advise
As im filing a case for my ex hub for not paying the maintenance for 19months
And i also suspect he gave false report to the school until the principal never even care even i have court order
Dear Valetina. I have a baby too and not happy about vaccination pressure.
I willing to know how is you baby now and how is your fight with non-vaccinated lifestyle so far in Singapore? Are you still stick to this two required by law vaccine only?
Could you contact me please by Telegram or Wechat?

My id in Wechat: fruktoed
My id in Telegram: siriusians
Hi I'm a nanny staying at cck ave 4. If any mummies out there need my help. U can msg me at 92247377 this..
Hello. I chanced upon your post and would like to verify this CL jenny that you mentioned as Im thinking of engaging one by the same bane too. Please PM her contact number to confirm. Thanks.
Hi can anyone advice if my husband fight for the child custody what will be my chances are. My girl is 6 yrs old this year
Hi, I was suppose to be due in Aug but had given birth to a prematurely born baby girl a few days back.
