<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Get 15% off your entire Drugstore order!
US$ x 0.85 x 1.34</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">* EXCLUDED brands: Arcona, BOB, Braun, Britax, California Baby, CHI, Dove, Enfagrow, Enfamil, FertilAid, FertileCM, Fertile-Focus, Fertili Tea, Global Health Trax, Life Extension, Medela, Microsoft XBOX 360, Nature's Therapy Collection, Nintendo, Nordic Naturals, Norelco, Oral-B, Panasonic, Philips Electronics, Philips Heartstart, Philips Light Therapy, Pocket Pros, PregnancyPlus, Prevagen, Razor, Remington, Similac, Sonicare, Sony, Spy Net, Stokke, and WaterPik.
* Non-transferable. Cannot be combined with some offers.
* Limited to once per household (1 batch only). Capped at US$250</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Offer expiry: 1pm, Tomorrow!</font>
(or tonight, if capped amount is reached)</font>
<font color="0000ff">
PS. I just spotted this offer in my email, hence the short notice. Do utilise this offer for your regular Drugstore stock-up.
Discount will be extended to spreeists in order of payment (from both emails & spree thread post). Thanks! </font>