Twins, Triplets and Multiples Mothers and Fathers CLub

Hi coco, my gynea asked me to go for a check with babies's heartbeat when I told him I spotted some brownish discharge with little blood for like 3 days at week was very very little discharge on 1st n 2nd day, but getting just abit more on 3rd day but i din feel any pain. i din have any of those discharge after my 1st trimester till week 35.. The reader showed I was actually having contraction at that time, but I din even feel it, just the constant discomfort like I always have during the gynea intended to keep them till the schedule date, but the contraction back again like after 1 hr plus after I took the pills, so he decided to take them out on that day.. If u spot anything unusual, don't wait to see ur gynea.

Personal opinion, I feel that I have no problem to take care a baby myself after you have twins. My days are filled with feeding n diaper changing seem like every hr, the painful part is midnight, when one is being settled down, the other one starts making noise. Then I have to start the same process again and again whole night long. Like last night, they both din want to sleep since 11pm till 5am this morning, me n my husband almost go crazy. It is really tiring but they worth everything n I enjoyed it cause not everyone can have this special experience. They are given and pre-arranged by god.
I have my in law and a maid to help up, just hope the maid wouldn't give me more trouble than help.. N can't wait to hear your good news here soon..

Btw coco I am going to my 30th week now and kinda afraid the little ones can't wait to arrive so trying to get the last bit of stuff ready like maternity pjs and all. Do u intend to rest from work a few weeks before the scheduled date?
Yumyum, yep I talk to them every time
Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up with full bladder and feel a little crampy but then after I empty it, it's okay after a short while. Yeah, lesser and lesser space for them now ..

Kris, we don't have a maid but my mum will be helping me.

Beenies, I have already got all the basic stuffs. I started to prepare little by little since the 2nd trimester and good thing that I started early as I can now rest. I stopped work at 33 weeks (hospitalisation leave) as per my gynae's advice (baby was low and above my cervix). I just hit 34 weeks.
Beenies, regarding strollers ...

Maybe the mummies here can share what type of strollers they bought? Twin strollers or 2 singles?
Hi coco, thanks for sharing! I'm at 30 weeks now and shall ask my gynae in our next visit in 2 weeks if she thinks I need to be on hospitalisation leave. Kinda weird cos most twin moms usually will need to get some bedrest but my gynae didn't bring that up during my visit at 28 weeks.
Beenies, bedrest will depend on individual's condition. My gynae only brought it up after my last scan. Even if he didn't advise me, I would have stopped work around 33 weeks because even just sitting is hard and tiring!
Hi all, I'm expecting twins as well and currently at week 26. EDD is Feb next yr, but likely to have my c-sect in mid-Jan (if I can last till then). My first kid was delivered slightly prematurely at week 36 due to waterbag burst and I'm worried that the twins will be delivered prematurely as well. Praying hard they can at least last till 34-36 weeks... Gynae already told me to get everything ready by week 28 and I'll most likely be starting my hospitalization leave from week 28 as well.
Guess having twins is a very different experience and it feels like there are more things to worry about..
Hi Coco! Agree! I am only in my 31st week and I am starting to feel the drag, the weight of the tummy and getting breathless from climbling 2 flights of stairs! I really hope I can endure till at least 37 weeks! Btw you are expected to deliver in Nov right? Excited for u! have you decided on your delivery date? C-section?
HI all, I'm new to the forums... first time mum and I got twins! Actually due in May 2013.
I'm now looking for confinement lady. Would you all kindly give me any advice? Thanks !
Hi everyone! just have a quick question! How many got their multiples through IVF and how many naturally? Just wondering!
Hi all, I have a 35 mths old GB twins via IVF and a 11 mths old boy via naturally.
Life with the twins earlier was hectic and overwhelming. Fortunately had great help from husband, mil and maid. Now with the twins older, life is easier and starting to enjoy them better.
Good luck to all the soon-to-be mummies! Hang in there and stay tough!
Hi all, can anyone tell me where I can buy Similac Neosure and preemies disposable diapers? Can't seem to find them anywhere...anyone can enlighten me?
hi all,

I am currently conceiving a set of triplets and we were so shock and helpless. The reading of medical complications and expenses ( 100k per babies ???) only added my worries. Can I ask any mummy out there what shld I be expecting for medical expenses ?
Hi Neo ci en, Congrats! Is this your first pregnancy? I am a triplets mummy too. 2 girls and 1 boy and I carried them till 33 weeks and 6 days. They are all so Lovely! Basically my joy and laughter now.
We were worried about the cost then too But I took a lot of care to eat well, think positive and rest as much as you can.
Hi katniss, hope you had a good time at hunger games. Kidding. Welcome to the thread.
Hi xy and cc, welcome!
Cc, have you found your stuff?
hi all,

I am currently expecting twins due early Dec. I had my first via natural, did anyone chose to give birth to multiplies via natural delivery?
this is a good thread. my twins are now 5 yrs old, they are girls and i have an 18 month old baby too. take care mom to bes and moms of multiples!!

@babyalychan - i gave birth to my twins via natural delivery. they were naturally conceived. Luckily, both of them were in the position so vaginal birth is possible. Gave birth at 36 weeks and 4 days. Their weights are 1.9kg and 2.5kg. So it's really possible as long as the babies are in the right position and your cervix opened up, and the heartbeats are normal..

Goodluck to all the preggie moms, take care and enjoy your pregnancy!

For the moms of multiples..keep up the good work!

Hi I'm expecting twins.

Can I check with parents who had twins do u all do confinement on ur own or engage a CL?

I'm a first time parent. Tho I have some experience taking care of kids but that was like many many years ago..

I would really need some advise please. Thanks.
Hi everyone !

We r expecting triplets atm and starting to look for a stroller for them. Unfortunately , there seems to be no one selling stroller for triplets as it is so uncommon in Singapore. Does anyone here has any idea where can I get one in Singapore ?
hi all,

I am currently conceiving a set of triplets and we were so shock and helpless. The reading of medical complications and expenses ( 100k per babies ???) only added my worries. Can I ask any mummy out there what shld I be expecting for medical expenses ?
Hi all,

I am also a triplets mummy.
My BGB are now 2 years plus and I also have a older child coming to 6 years.

Like you, I was very concern with the high medical cost and looking at different medical insurance finding with are the ones I can get and help

My own hospital stay was covered mostly by my Great Eastern insurance the usual integrated medishield plan which covers maternity complication that resulted in hospital stay or surgery like C-sec. I think now all insurance companies that offers intergrated medishield plan covers maternity complication but some may spell out specifically what type of complication are covered and at what stage and some may terms it in another way.
However, you have to get your shield plans at least 10mths before you delivered, at least my shield plan indicate this condition and I am lucky that I had it many years before I am pregnant.

I also got a healthcare insurance for lady which includes maternity complication benefits and newborn complications from my GE agent when I plan to try for a baby. This plan covers a bit of the 3 weeks NICU stay for one of my triplets.

I try to get an insurance from Prudential which covers newborn complications which you can get it while you are pregnany. But I am not eligible as they only covers max twins pregnancy.

I delivered my triplets in KKH and I was staying in a class A ward.
When one of my triplets need NICU stay, I was allowed to downgrade my baby's ward from A to B2, after they did a means test to find out your eligibility. They will need your family income, the type of housing you have and the number of dependents ( including the newborns). This greatly reduce the cost of the baby's medical and hospitalization cost. The rest are paid by our medisave and my husband's company.

This downgrading subsidy is only for Singaporeans and government restructured hospital ( I am not sure if there is any downgrading subsidy/option for PRs).

I hope that helps.
