TTC after removing polyp, cyst etc

Yup I'm still breastfeeding but only once in the morning. For night, actually he stopped by himself and I discovered it - one night, he barely latched on and fell asleep, never drank. So next time, I tried patting and he fell back asleep! After that, I introduced pacifier and that was enough for him too.

I stopped nursing him to nap earlier this year - just carry and pat pat. A couple of months ago, I stopped nursing him to sleep at night too - have to make sure he is full with solids and milk at dinner, then same thing carry and pat pat. Now I just hug him, sing him a song and put him down to sleep by himself. He will roll around for a while but he will sleep eventually. My next step is to put him down, and sit further away from him. Eventually, I want to put him down and go out of his room.

Step by step lor, change one thing at a time and see what happens. Progress is slow but the results are very helpful!

My closer family is pretty small so we'll just have lunch or dinner at a restaurant for his first birthday. I found a cake that he can eat too! Quite happy

Well, we thought we had a bad track record and would take a long time to conceive again but we got pregnant in my second period after it returned!! Still under two months, and I'm spotting, probably due to blood around the waterbag as seen on ultrasound.. I'm on hormone pills now so hoping for the best!

Hihi Mei,
Congrats! How are you doing there? Hope everything is fine now.

My AF is late for a week liao... Been worry for the past few days, having a very mix feeling. I think I am not very ready for second one yet. Specially my girl is very attach to me now. Not possible to wean her off from breastfeeding yet.

How's your feeling like when you got BFP?
Hi gals, so glad to hear from both of u. I sometimes will check to see whether u gals will pop by. Admire!!! Hehe. Yes Mei, east n west, I'm seeing dr zhao of raffles hosp tcm, much better than dr zou. Congrats to u gal! Heather test test! I didn't know u were seeing prof wong. Haha
Sigh, the spotting disappeared and we thought all was fine but three days later, no more heartbeat
Our second miscarriage

I was very surprised when I first got pregnant. But I was very happy too. It was earlier than expected but we wanted a second one anyway.

Well, we'll try again!
So sorry about it mei, recuperate first bah. Jiayou! R u still seeing dr chan?
So sorry to hear about your lost, first 3 months is a natural selection of fetus. Try to do a mini confinement to bu3 ok? I believe you will have another good news soon. Somehow I think you have no problem to concieve naturally. Jia you!

Yes, I was with Prof. PC Wong before, did 2 IUIS with him before I got my girl. How's your treatment so far?
I will test next week if my af still not reported. Cos ever since my menses return my cycle length varies from 26-45 day! But was having 2 cycles of 31 days before that. I also suspect my cycle goes haywire due to breastfeeding.
I am having very mixed feeling for the past few days. One hand I hope my cycle is back to regular at 31 days, cos want to plan for second one as I know it take times from my past records. Irregular mean harder to try. But on the other hand, I also wonder if I am pregnant? But I think I didn't really get myself prepare on how to handle 2 yet. Cos I still breastfeeding my girl and I don't want to force her to stop cos I am pregnant. That said, if I am pregnant now, my body is supplying for 3! Not sure if I can take it or not.
Well, I guess I am thinking too much at this point of time. Just let nature take its course. Will keep you all update ya.
Heather, don't think about it so much, motherly instinct will help u, jiayou too! I'm good, now in 2ww, enjoying my hospitalization leave.
Woaw... 2ww! keep us posted on your news too! Must stay happy happy... relax, don't think too much ya... Catch some drama to keep you occupy ya.

Drop by here to chat with us more too... hehe...
Yes, Maomi, I'm still with Dr Chan but gosh, so expensive! Don't know if I can still afford him for next baby.. Are you still going to him?

Heather, my gynae said if you can conceive while breastfeeding, likely can continue while pregnant. Just eat well. You will have a few months to wean!

Now I'm taking TCM from Dr Zou. She said I probably have no problem conceiving - just take time! - but good to bu3 like you said.
Hey mei, I stopped going to him for years since after the sudden bleed. Was doing tcm for awhile then after that to fertility specialist in raffles hosp. Currently with NUH Prof PC Wong for ivf. Yes, dr chan is extremely expensive, don't think I can afford to do fertility treatment under him and his clinic is not registered with medisave so can't make any claims.

U take care ok? Heather, will update both of u
Hi mei and Maomi,
Some update from me, I finally tested last Sat. Got BFP after my AF when MIA for a week. HB is happy, but I am still settling my feeling and prepare myself to handle 2. Been feeling very fatigue and having dull crampy feeling, hope can overcome all the discomfort soon. Now only week 6 still long way to go, fingers crosses for a smooth 9 months ahead.

How are you? Any special feeling? When is your BT? Hope our babies sticky sticky and healthy healthy all the way ya!

I seen my gynea yesterday, she not very supportive for me to continue nursing. She said nursing will cause unwanted contraction which is no good. She got 2 mc cases and ask me to be extra careful. I understand her point, but on the other hand I really think my girl not ready to wean yet. I also don't wish to hard force her suddenly, quite unfair to her. Argh...
Btw, your boy coming to one this Friday! Happy happy... Wishing a happy birthday in advance!
Congrats Heather! I haven't been taking particular notice on symptoms. Mmm.. thinking back the past few days Just feeling abit tired n no appetite is back, not sure is it im abit nervous. Boobs still pain but not sore.
bt is on Thursday. Anyway, I'm leaving it to God.

Mei, u feeling better?
Btw gals, there was one night that I had extremely bad cramp just at the lower ab near to vaginal. Didn't last very long, just a few minutes but was so painful that I burst into tears

Beside that night, still having any of such cramp? I remember when I pregnant my girl, I experienced very sharp intense menses cramp feeling on the night when my menses was suppose to report. I was wondering how come my PMS was so much intense and was worrying. I couldn't do anything but just lying on my bed to rest and have a very early night that day. Afterthat I actually found out that I was pregnant. I read it somewhere that such pain may was cause by implantation. But I didn't experience this for my current pregnancy. I am having dull PMS crampy feeling and feel bloated all the time.
Boobs pain is a good sign tho... But ya, don't think too much now, we will leave it to God. 1 more day to know the result. Will keep you in my prayer.
Was only that night, other than that just abit of cramp here n there. Thanks heather, u r always so encouraging!
Congrats, Heather!
Ya, don't force wean your daughter. Last time when I was pregnant, my son was less interested in nursing though - so she may self wean! Otherwise, slowly reduce feed, else when number two comes along, tandem feed is very siong!

Maomi, how how?
Happy Birthday to your little prince today! Not working?
Ya, not forcing her to wean at this stage. But nipples getting more and more sensitive. I also hope she will self wean when my milk change. Heard alots of bf kid wean off during this time cos of the change.

Yeah... Congrats again... haha... Y are you replying at 4.42am?! Aren't you suppose to rest more this time?
Woo.. Happy birthday princey!

Heather, I woke up at about 4am to pee then felt hungry so drank milk. Can't sleep after that. Haiz
LOL Maomi... Okok... understand... Go and catch some rest if you are tired ok?
Yawn...I has not been sleep through the nights for 15 months liao... lol... Coffee is my saver every morning now. Sob...
Hehe....I'm perpetually hungry but eats very little. Is that normal?
Congrats, Maomi! Finally! I'm so happy for you
)) Time to eat better and relax your mind so you can have a healthy and stress free 9 months!

Thank you both! I took half day today to celebrate 365 days of sleeplessness hoho!

Thinking of weaning already. He has a tooth coming out and it hurts when he's naughty!
It's ok - blame it on hormones :p Just try to go for healthier options and moderate unhealthy ones. But if you find yourself eating a lot more than usual, be it healthy or not, try to moderate a bit. I had gestational diabetes and it was no fun cos I love carbs and desserts! Plus had to prick finger four times a day to check sugar level!
Hi Mei and Maomi,

How are you both doing? I am struggling here, constantly feeling drained, headache not able to concentrate at work. Back home my little girl is like a super glue, stick to me even I am going to toilet. o_O
Hb and I decided to hire a helper, will be here sometime in end of Oct. Hope she can help us up a bit with house work and HB can have more time playing with my LO. A lots of things need to settle before my body gets too heavy again...

How are you? So sticking with NUH gynea after your first trim?

Monday blues here... Sob...
Hi, I'm selling off my Eu Yan Sang Gold Label Bak Foong Pill cheaply because I can't eat it now as i'm preggie. I'm selling them 3 for $100. PM me if you r interested. Thank you.
